NW Class question

freakiie1 Posts: 2 Arc User
edited March 2013 in Nation Wars
Hello. I am currently looking for some help deciding which class to make my main. My choices are between mystic, cleric and psy. Although it will be a mainly pve character, i do want to NW with it. My question is, which of these 3 classes will do better in regards to contrib and tokens in NW? And what are the minimum refine on gears I would need to do well?
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  • Narcillatrix - Dreamweaver
    Narcillatrix - Dreamweaver Posts: 461 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    How about which ever class you actually enjoy playing rather than what people tell you to be?
  • Euthymius - Heavens Tear
    Euthymius - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,162 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I'd personally say cleric since you'll be wanted for many things in PvE and you can support your nation by healing/buffing allies inside/outside of battles during NW.

    Mystics would be a close second, though they're not as often asked for in PvE...despite being very capable of handling the role of a healer...
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  • Sylvae - Sanctuary
    Sylvae - Sanctuary Posts: 1,018 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    UV cleric is surprisingly effective early on, even with lower lvl gear/refines, thanks to their Mark of Weakness and Array skills. The arrays give minimum amounts of "damage" they will deal by preventing healing; so even if you are assisting in a fight with a R9rr you will deal better damage than a similar undergear set-up on another class. That and their ability to lock people in place with their 2 main seals, 3 with SoG, makes it a pretty good class to get into NW and earn contri quickly.

    Higher up it'll likely change, so if you plan on buying your way to straight R9 right away it likely won't matter. The one thing to remember is you can't get UV form until lvl 80, so you'd be playing straight form until then. Plenty of time to learn how to DD and/or heal on your way there though.
  • soundslegit
    soundslegit Posts: 472 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Psy poops on cleric and mystic in NW. But its the other way around for PVE.
  • HrunsPanda - Archosaur
    HrunsPanda - Archosaur Posts: 1,136 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    without any NW experience, i would say it depends on gear level. If you have the ultimate end game gear, the psy is generally considered one of the most overpowered characters in game.
    If you are gonna do NW in mediocre gear, the one who can absorb most damage before dying and heal itself up to absorb some more is probably gonne most succesfull. That seems like the cleric to me, just hope you dont get 1-shot too often :p And as said of course, cleric is very wanted in PvE, and imo also a fun to play character (my second favorite after barb)

    About refinements and being succesfull in NW. Well, theres people who have r9.3 if you are a beginning player, dont dream of competing with them. They will kill you in 1 shot. Your gonna need some significant (for a starting player) equipment to not be killed in 1 shot, and to have a chance at killing them, well.... maybe some day in the far far future... :)
  • Walpurga - Dreamweaver
    Walpurga - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,028 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    psy is meh until you become a 70K soulforce monster
    too many r9 archers in NW for any of those classes I'd say, lol

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  • Sylvae - Sanctuary
    Sylvae - Sanctuary Posts: 1,018 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    About refinements and being succesfull in NW. Well, theres people who have r9.3 if you are a beginning player, dont dream of competing with them. They will kill you in 1 shot. Your gonna need some significant (for a starting player) equipment to not be killed in 1 shot, and to have a chance at killing them, well.... maybe some day in the far far future... :)

    Yep, on the R9rr I just stay in the air and spam Absorbing Array and MoW, with some debuffs to assist others on the target. Plume Shell and move to 10M if I think I can get away with Aurora Array (target is slept or otherwise incapable of hitting me), then move back out. The Arrays aren't halved by being in the air, so no problem there. And they heal you for a good amount, to take care of stray damage. Possible to get stacks of 9700 charm steal on a turtling barb, that translates into damage for contri with low refine gear against R9rr. Though you will find yourself targeted later for doing that, so be ready to drop/pop wings, AD, HP, charger, etc. when needed while earning alot of points. :)

    It's that advantage that is why cleric seems like it will be the most powerful on the most budget scale. Psy's will be a pain once they get high tier gear, but until then are kind of lunchmeat. My BM uses their SoV for free damage count, while beating them to death. Click AD and finish them, and SoV ends up being more beneficial to me than them. They need that end game gear to not be such good punching bags.
  • Saeidon - Heavens Tear
    Saeidon - Heavens Tear Posts: 322 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    stopping the heals on someone else will have no positive effect on your contribution.

    That is one of the problems with the cleric in NW. A lot of the things that they do which are very effective (removing heals, healing) don't get them points.

    Psy is OP in OP gear.
    I love drinking tea
  • soundslegit
    soundslegit Posts: 472 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Cleric is the only class I know of where unless they have OP gear they just moan and groan about how few tokens they get. Based on all the complaints I hear I would never want to NW on cleric.
  • Sylvae - Sanctuary
    Sylvae - Sanctuary Posts: 1,018 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    stopping the heals on someone else will have no positive effect on your contribution.

    You sure about that, because my cleric gets 1k contri in pretty brief fights just spamming the heck out of those two on locked down targets. They are the main ones when my normal skills simply don't deal much damage against end game targets, or turtled barbs. So not sure how else I score that much, if it doesn't count that as damage.
    Cleric is the only class I know of where unless they have OP gear they just moan and groan about how few tokens they get. Based on all the complaints I hear I would never want to NW on cleric.

    It's because they are bad at playing, honestly. With a +5 R8 no recast weapon, and mold/OHT gear, I earned 90+ tokens the last two NWs I was in for 2nd or 3rd place nations. I also wasn't even in for the full 2 hours, as 30 mins was on my BM for the first one, seeing if it was possible to score on 2 diff chars in the same NW.

    Chances are, they are all playing as healers/buffers, and helping their team place higher in contri, while earning little themself. Only thing I can come up with, since my cleric will be outscoring my BM once I get equivalent refines and gear. So not exactly sure what they are messing up; but they are messing up. Alot.
  • Clokey - Harshlands
    Clokey - Harshlands Posts: 202 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    make the class whatever u want, anyways u dont need to make just a class, u need to know how to play this class and good gear not only class, ill use cleric but i dont know how to use it with NPC gear....