Blessing Issue

Toomaga - Heavens Tear
Toomaga - Heavens Tear Posts: 221 Arc User
edited February 2013 in Support Desk
Posting here since this section of the forum gets read a lot. Anyway I did some searching around and could not really find a solution to my problem. When I log into PWI and then log into facebook as instructed, it wont go beyond this point. It is like it is stuck in an infinite loop b:chuckle.

Map:Main Log in-->Facebook Log in-->Like--->Reloads facebook log in page.

Basically repeating that cycle. I have had this issue for about two days now so I am wondering if anyone else has run into this problem and could perhaps enlighten me. Help is greatly appreciatedb:thanks.

Also yes I did try a few different browsers and computers, still the same issue.
Post edited by Toomaga - Heavens Tear on


  • SylenThunder - Twilight Temple
    edited February 2013
    Try clearing your cache.

    If that fails, maybe it an issue localized to your account. Send in a ticket.
  • Toomaga - Heavens Tear
    Toomaga - Heavens Tear Posts: 221 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Try clearing your cache.

    If that fails, maybe it an issue localized to your account. Send in a ticket.

    Already gave that one a try. Still the exact same issue. It simply wont go pass the FB log in page after I have already liked and allowed etc etc. I have never had any issues like this before so it is strange to me.
  • SylenThunder - Twilight Temple
    edited February 2013
    I've had it happen before. Sometimes just clearing the cache or a different browser fixes it, other times it's an issue with the actual account data and I have to send in a ticket.

    No clue what the cause is, and I'm almost certain that PWE doesn't know either. It just seems to happen randomly. It is more common with accounts that have special characters in the account or the character names.
  • Toomaga - Heavens Tear
    Toomaga - Heavens Tear Posts: 221 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I've had it happen before. Sometimes just clearing the cache or a different browser fixes it, other times it's an issue with the actual account data and I have to send in a ticket.

    No clue what the cause is, and I'm almost certain that PWE doesn't know either. It just seems to happen randomly. It is more common with accounts that have special characters in the account or the character names.

    Yes, it appears I might just have to send in a ticket, since none of my characters have symbols or special characters etc. The problem just started out of the blue as far as I can tell b:chuckle. Anyway thank you for trying to help me out b:victory.

    EDIT:Also I just tried receiving one on a different account and a alternate FB account with the same issue.
  • Shardik - Lost City
    Shardik - Lost City Posts: 625 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Try loging off and then clear your cache with Ccleaner.

    Then try the FB thinghy. It'll ask you to log to facebook i hope :3
  • Toomaga - Heavens Tear
    Toomaga - Heavens Tear Posts: 221 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Try loging off and then clear your cache with Ccleaner.

    Then try the FB thinghy. It'll ask you to log to facebook i hope :3

    Well actually it's not that I can't log into facebook, the problem raises its head AFTER I log in :(. It just stays on that page and does not redirect me to the page that asks for your server and character. But I did try running CCleaner as well, still no luck T_T.
  • Shardik - Lost City
    Shardik - Lost City Posts: 625 Arc User
    edited February 2013

    I hope you erased cookies and **** with Ccleaner :3

    Ok lets try this.

    Log onto FB, main page.

    leave it like that. Now go to facebook connect And try to login there :3

    If that wont work, Check if you have something like A pop up blocker like adblock and disable it
  • Gravediggr - Dreamweaver
    Gravediggr - Dreamweaver Posts: 92 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    It's not on his's on pwi's end....been over a week and I still cannot send a blessing to my new character even though they said it was fixed!b:angry
  • Toomaga - Heavens Tear
    Toomaga - Heavens Tear Posts: 221 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Well I don't know, I just tried it on another Laptop and it went 100% smoothly. Came back to this one and my storage laptop and same problem.
  • Shardik - Lost City
    Shardik - Lost City Posts: 625 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    It's not on his's on pwi's end....been over a week and I still cannot send a blessing to my new character even though they said it was fixed!b:angry

    Just sent one right now...
  • SylenThunder - Twilight Temple
    edited February 2013
    It's happening to some, but not others.

    It's been an issue PWE keeps sweeping under the rug for over two years now. If you can't get one, submit a ticket and wait.

    Or, god forbid, learn how to play without one. We did it for a long time before the noobs took over.
  • Shardik - Lost City
    Shardik - Lost City Posts: 625 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    It's happening to some, but not others.

    It's been an issue PWE keeps sweeping under the rug for over two years now. If you can't get one, submit a ticket and wait.

    Or, god forbid, learn how to play without one. We did it for a long time before the noobs took over.

    Yeah, it could be worst.

    Now, the CoA blessing? That **** rocks XD. Like the NW one :3

  • Toomaga - Heavens Tear
    Toomaga - Heavens Tear Posts: 221 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Well it's fine now, I am just going to assume it has something to do my own computer blocking it or something else, I will try and look into it a bit more and perhaps post if I find a solution so others can see it. As I said, I did it a while ago on a different laptop and I received my blessing.

    Also playing without a blessing is easy for me since I played when they never existed either :P, but seeing as they are here now, not having one really can be an inconvenience especially with how challenging PvP has become. That blessing makes a big difference sometimes ^^.
  • Gravediggr - Dreamweaver
    Gravediggr - Dreamweaver Posts: 92 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    It's happening to some, but not others.

    It's been an issue PWE keeps sweeping under the rug for over two years now. If you can't get one, submit a ticket and wait.

    Or, god forbid, learn how to play without one. We did it for a long time before the noobs took over.

    I can play with out one but it's so much nicer to be able to use it...decided to run a barb on my 2nd account instead only to find out I can't get the stash box can't get dreamseeker pack and cannot get a blessing either b:laughb:laughb:laugh