finally hit 100 and was wondering

TieIer - Dreamweaver
TieIer - Dreamweaver Posts: 180 Arc User
edited February 2013 in Seeker
could anyone tell me (or point me in the direction) what a seeker should be doing in the level 100 bhs lunar,ws,delta,and waht ever else there is i jsut dont wanna join a sqaud and not know waht to do in the instance we are running i dont like to be that guy.b:surrender
Post edited by TieIer - Dreamweaver on


  • VVarSmite - Sanctuary
    VVarSmite - Sanctuary Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited February 2013

    \/enice ~ 101 seeker
    VVarSmtie ~ 101RB assassin
    ArchSlayerZ ~ 100 blademaster
  • soundslegit
    soundslegit Posts: 472 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    could anyone tell me (or point me in the direction) what a seeker should be doing in the level 100 bhs lunar,ws,delta,and waht ever else there is i jsut dont wanna join a sqaud and not know waht to do in the instance we are running i dont like to be that guy.b:surrender

    Delta - vortex vortex vortex vortex vortex vortex
    Lunar - vortex cept maybe if you range attack the bosses cuz your squad is too weak to melee attack.
    SOT - if you vortex boss you might take agro and die since normal attack damage gets reduced and vort damage doesn't so don't vort boss.
    Abba - only use mag attacks on boss cuz it heals itself from physical attacks. but not everyone knows this so expect complaints
    warsong - bring 2 mirages with you to give to squad leader. Vortex a lot. badge boss at end interrupts vortex so don't bother. when ppl die in warson they just disapear and have to run 200M back from start so its hard to tell when ppl die. Sins and BMs drop like flies on the boss and you have to watch to see if they are dead and wait for them to run back before killing boss. I mess this up a lot, don't tell anyone. I never die on boss tho he doesn't hate seekers.

    Molds should go to someone from a class which can use the mold. So everyone else usually drops squad real fast so the mold doesn't go to them cuz it binds on whoever gets drop.
  • Sakubatou - Sanctuary
    Sakubatou - Sanctuary Posts: 4,001 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Delta - vortex vortex vortex vortex vortex vortex
    Lunar - vortex cept maybe if you range attack the bosses cuz your squad is too weak to melee attack.
    SOT - if you vortex boss you might take agro and die since normal attack damage gets reduced and vort damage doesn't so don't vort boss.
    Abba - only use mag attacks on boss cuz it heals itself from physical attacks. but not everyone knows this so expect complaints
    warsong - bring 2 mirages with you to give to squad leader. Vortex a lot. badge boss at end interrupts vortex so don't bother. when ppl die in warson they just disapear and have to run 200M back from start so its hard to tell when ppl die. Sins and BMs drop like flies on the boss and you have to watch to see if they are dead and wait for them to run back before killing boss. I mess this up a lot, don't tell anyone. I never die on boss tho he doesn't hate seekers.

    Molds should go to someone from a class which can use the mold. So everyone else usually drops squad real fast so the mold doesn't go to them cuz it binds on whoever gets drop.

    Super pro advice from the peanut gallery. Vortex is pretty poor damage and way over used. Especially if you are in a squad. It's so much better to debuff than it is to derp-vortex things as vortex does almost no damage compared to decent skill spam or aps dd. And the Abba boss heals itself based on number of attacks received (magical or physical), which is why apsing causes it to regenerate so much. It also has a self heal (IH icon) that it does on a timed rate.

    Delta: For Delta 2 or Delta 3 vortex is fine. Mobs are low hp and die quickly and for most of us paint+vortex is all thats needed to solo. Personally, I use Soulsever stance, aggro the mobs as they come in with a few aoes, then Blade Affinity->Gemini Slash->repeat aoes and based on how many are still alive I decided whether vortex is even needed. Usually its not and I save a ton of mp and mobs die quicker. If you do vortex try to position the vortex behind the melee mobs and close enough to hit the ranged mobs otherwise you won't do damage to the back row of mobs.

    Lunar: There is a 3 mil startup fee for the squad. How this is split is usually decided prior to starting, sometimes even in the WC.

    Vortex on the pulls. In the first and third areas there are mobs that will freeze you, so ideally a barb or bm pulls. I personally prefer to run with Soulsevere, aoe 2-3 times to get Soulsever status effect, then Blade affinity->Gemini Slash-> Vortex. The 3-5 aoes I do prior to vortex and with Blade affinity will way out dd any vortex but then you'll hit cooldown on your aoes. With the mobs already debuffed you may as well vortex now. None of the mobs here will interupt your vortex usually. On the first boss I focus on debuffing and dding. There are mobs that respawn as you kill the boss and if you vortex they'll die, respawn, die, respawn, attacking the cleric in between each time. Much easier to just aggro them then focus on the boss with high dd attacks and spark.

    There are three parts to Lunar, and 3 different routes. The route of Lunar you enter is based on killing the left phys immune tower, the right tower, or both towers in the first area. For BH you need to kill both towers and the boss is in the second area. To recuperate the 3m cost for starting Lunar most squads will continue through the 3rd stage after the BH boss is dead. The final vile boss drops an EoD which can be randomed or squad split. Many squads will have someone offer to buy it from them or WC it. Sometimes you'll find someone who wants to pay the entire 3m starting fee but they get the EoD, but this is dangerous to do since then people might ditch the squad once they have the BH boss. Easiest way is usually to pay 500k each, then squad split the EoD.

    Seat: This is actually a good place to vortex during the run. Seat has narrow paths so pull in a line, run back, zhen the mobs. Be careful because the frogs at the start will easily interupt vortex and the flying dragonfly looking mobs later stack poison while you kill them. Pull, aggro, zhen. Most the mobs here are magic damage, but the boss is pure physical. He is [?] so reduces damage down to about 1/4, then self buffs against auto attack damage for about another 1/6 damage, so 1/24th the damage overall. If you are tanking use physical ornaments. I think its best to skill spam because he causes a hard hitting bleed about every 30 seconds but gives you 1.5 sparks to triple spark purify it when it happens and you can't do that in vortex. You also can't use your Soul Shatter and stances like Northern Sky Waltz while vortexing either and so even though vortex is decent damage you'll do a ton more skill spamming and so will the other 5 people in your squad, making the boss die quickly.

    Aba: (only 1 b in the name). Pull and zhen all the way to the boss. Dealers choice how you do it. There are a few poison, freeze, and stun mobs along the way so you'll have to learn which they are and how you want to pull. The boss itself does a huge initial physical attack and bleed damage, similar to Seat boss. After 30 seconds he will buff himself with two red star buffs that are similar to a Barb's Blood Rush but also regen his hp based on the number of times he's attacked. The best way to kill him is to all rush in, have you tank aggro/attack first to take the initial hit, and then kill before 30 seconds is up. Many cleric's are **** and want you to pull the boss back to them, which wastes about 20 of the 30 seconds the boss is not buffed. Once you're comfortable with killing the boss quickly you can just ignore the cleric and kick them for not helping. If the boss does start the buff/heal cycle then only attack when he's unbuffed, stop when he buffs. Vortex is alright since it only attacks once ever 1.5 seconds, but its best to just debuff/spark during his buffed time then dd like crazy when the buffs come off.

    Warsong: It costs 12 mirages to open (2 each, give to the opener) and there is a 15 minute wait before mobs appear. There is a storyline where you can go defend each element but for BHs people just sit that out, wait the 15 minutes, then show up when the boss and mobs appear. The mobs hear do ranged magic attacks, magic aoes, and physical melee. They can't be stunned and they seal whoever has aggro like crazy. Vortex is pretty much pointless here because if you get aggro then you'll be sealed immediately. Debuff, aoe, kill. The boss hits harder the longer the fight takes. He also will frenzy occasionally. Just try to debuff and kill fast. The vile boss turns you into a frog and stuns you. When you're a frog you can't use skills. Make sure to keep him max range from the cleric or his aoe stun will knock down bb.

    The vile bosses in lunar and warsong will drop molds for t3 gear. By now just about everyone has every mold, but wait a second to see if anyone needs it. If not pick it up and let it random for an extra 100k. People mostly do the vile boss (some people only do the lunar and metal BHs for the vile boss) for the badge, so they need to be alive when he dies so try not to kill without them.
    Seven 100+ characters leveled the hard way. Free to play. Mystic, Psychic, and Wizard left to level. b:victory
  • TieIer - Dreamweaver
    TieIer - Dreamweaver Posts: 180 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    thanks for the information
  • soundslegit
    soundslegit Posts: 472 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Super pro advice from the peanut gallery. Vortex is pretty poor damage and way over used.

    I never once said to vortex a boss. Your wound up pretty tight and your rep as pro is way too important to you. When you have to lie about what other people said to prove a point you know your taking a computer game too seriously. Stop basing your self esteem on pixels.
  • Sakubatou - Sanctuary
    Sakubatou - Sanctuary Posts: 4,001 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I never once said to vortex a boss. Your wound up pretty tight and your rep as pro is way too important to you. When you have to lie about what other people said to prove a point you know your taking a computer game too seriously. Stop basing your self esteem on pixels.
    Just don't like bad advice because that makes a bad player base and then I have to deal with them. And I don't know where I could have gotten the idea that you said to vortex from.
    Delta - vortex vortex vortex vortex vortex vortex
    Lunar - vortex cept maybe if you range attack the bosses cuz your squad is too weak to melee attack.
    SOT - if you vortex boss you might take agro
    Abba - only use mag attacks on boss cuz it heals itself from physical attacks. but not everyone knows this so expect complaints
    That's just plain wrong.
    warsong - Vortex a lot.

    and from the person before you...
    Seven 100+ characters leveled the hard way. Free to play. Mystic, Psychic, and Wizard left to level. b:victory
  • HerbalLife - Archosaur
    HerbalLife - Archosaur Posts: 87 Arc User
    edited February 2013
  • soundslegit
    soundslegit Posts: 472 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Just don't like bad advice because that makes a bad player base and then I have to deal with them. And I don't know where I could have gotten the idea that you said to vortex from.


    I gave you the benefit of the doubt and assumed that when you criticized me for recommending vortexing in BH100s it was because you mistakenly thought I was recommending vortexing on bosses. So instead you are criticizing me for advocating vortexing in anyway. I tried to find some grain of intelligence in your comments and it turns out I was wrong.
  • Daruvial - Sanctuary
    Daruvial - Sanctuary Posts: 277 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    you do vortex on bosses in bh100's other then aba...
  • PotatoHeadQR - Dreamweaver
    PotatoHeadQR - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,507 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Molds should go to someone from a class which can use the mold. So everyone else usually drops squad real fast so the mold doesn't go to them cuz it binds on whoever gets drop.

    wait what? just put the drop distribution to free (unless you are talking about just bh snake)
    you only purge once #yopo