Nation Wars - 8/2/13 - Team YOLO Raging Tides

Bhavyy - Raging Tide
Bhavyy - Raging Tide Posts: 1,083 Arc User
edited February 2013 in Archer
Post edited by Bhavyy - Raging Tide on


  • Flamespirit - Dreamweaver
    Flamespirit - Dreamweaver Posts: 337 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Nice video- I see you wasted no time getting right down to spawn killing unbuffed and unprepared players. Great strategyb:thanks
  • Bhavyy - Raging Tide
    Bhavyy - Raging Tide Posts: 1,083 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Hey if people wanna stand around for 20 seconds fapping and not buffing or moving, I dont mind having the free damage. Helps towards my own contribution.
    Besides if i hit them, they're likely to take more damage than from most people in my squad so it helps their own contribution too!b:victory

    Spawn killing doesnt exist. Only being stupid does.
  • Decus - Dreamweaver
    Decus - Dreamweaver Posts: 5,033 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Spawn killing doesnt exist. Only being stupid does.

    Proving that not only archers do math since 2009. b:victory
    Current math challenge:
    "Any skills that can be used to kill you will interrupt BB when successful." -truekossy | "...Sage archers are kind of like Mac owners. They are proud of the weirdest and most unnecessary things." -Aesthor | "We ALL know Jesus doesn't play PWI. He may have suffered a lot for humanity, but he'd NEVER punish himself this way." -Abstractive | "I approve of bananas." -SashaGray
  • Walpurga - Dreamweaver
    Walpurga - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,028 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    What's with that barrage on that single dude at the beginning

    EDIT: why barrage at all? People in NW are never clustered enough to make barrage worthwhile

    youtube .com/user/WallyPWS Active

    youtube .com/user/tehnewblife Semi Inactive
  • Enemy - Raging Tide
    Enemy - Raging Tide Posts: 135 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Love the choice of music haha

    11:15, 12:45, 13:19
    ^ I contributed to 3 deaths in the vid b:laugh
  • Bhavyy - Raging Tide
    Bhavyy - Raging Tide Posts: 1,083 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    What's with that barrage on that single dude at the beginning

    EDIT: why barrage at all? People in NW are never clustered enough to make barrage worthwhile

    Read the description
  • dogm
    dogm Posts: 46 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Spawn killing doesnt exist. Only being stupid does.
    Type 'spawn killing' in google search window.
  • Sint - Harshlands
    Sint - Harshlands Posts: 579 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    An honest reply to this would likely contain too much vitriol to be admitted on this forum, so i'll have to limit myself to expressing my amusement at how you succeed in getting killed by anything that doesn't die to you in 2 hits.

    Also, sage sparking on a cleric only to get slept (and the cleric amply demonstrating her own lack of skill by proceeding to SoG on top of it) is beyond laughable. Did you get that skill recently, as well?
  • Sylvae - Sanctuary
    Sylvae - Sanctuary Posts: 1,018 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    An honest reply to this would likely contain too much vitriol to be admitted on this forum, so i'll have to limit myself to expressing my amusement at how you succeed in getting killed by anything that doesn't die to you in 2 hits.

    Also, sage sparking on a cleric only to get slept (and the cleric amply demonstrating her own lack of skill by proceeding to SoG on top of it) is beyond laughable. Did you get that skill recently, as well?

    It's team YOLO; and like the t-shirt says, "YOLO is carpe diem for idiots"
  • Sint - Harshlands
    Sint - Harshlands Posts: 579 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    It's team YOLO; and like the t-shirt says, "YOLO is carpe diem for idiots"

    If he'd stuck to his team's name instead of respawning, he could have stopped making himself look ridiculous about 43 minutes earlier.
  • Bhavyy - Raging Tide
    Bhavyy - Raging Tide Posts: 1,083 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Sparking is the only way i can kill that cleric. please watch arawins video.I died because I'm squishy because I only have one piece of armour refined to +10. And no I didn't die to anything that takes more than 2 hits to kill. Please actually watch the video and then make comments.
    Better still - if you don't like it, don't watch it.
  • _blood_rain - Sanctuary
    _blood_rain - Sanctuary Posts: 2,532 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Nice video- I see you wasted no time getting right down to spawn killing unbuffed and unprepared players. Great strategyb:thanks

    Players respawn buffed after they die. They only time someone is gonna spawn "unbuffed and unprepared" is if they've just entered the instance unbuffed.

    It isn't spawn killing if there's 12 seconds after-spawn time w/ which one can attack/react/retaliate/run and hide at the very least before they have the chance to actually get killed.

    Spawn killing only really exists in TW, where it was also declared a valid strategy. The obvious things that qualify this type of killing as "spawn killing" are that you actually get penalized upon every death and respawn almost completely helpless w/ no chi/buffs and a seal that hinder's your ability to react. You don't get spawn penalized in NW every time you die(only after you die too much and get yourself kicked out). You don't spawn helpless and you cannot be killed until a certain time after your spawn, so it is not spawn killing, it's just after-immune idiot killing. I don't know how many times this **** has to be explained to people.

    And I tried to watch the video but youtube keeps having some wierd video length error :<
  • Sint - Harshlands
    Sint - Harshlands Posts: 579 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Sparking is the only way i can kill that cleric. please watch arawins video.I died because I'm squishy because I only have one piece of armour refined to +10. And no I didn't die to anything that takes more than 2 hits to kill. Please actually watch the video and then make comments.
    Better still - if you don't like it, don't watch it.

    "Don't tell me i'm bad because that's mean!" Very nicely argued.

    You have the same hp as my archer does, or at least you would, if you weren't so smart to shard 9 DoTs. On top of that, you have full buffs and every pot you might want, which you shouldn't even need to kill a non recast cleric. Besides that, the cleric (SoG on top of sleep (yes, i did watch your entire vid), open with cyclone on a demon cleric, letting you run away as opposed to stopping you (possibly even in mid fall(yes, thart one too)) and pressing her advantage, violet on someone she should have no trouble killing, in group pvp.) isn't very skilled.

    All you should need is a tiny bit of timing, and perhaps some brains. Here's a hint: when she shells, you're not going to get your kill anyway. You can gamble for a purge from somewhere outside her DD range.
  • RankNine - Momaganon
    RankNine - Momaganon Posts: 1,241 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    dont mind Sinti, he is still angry about our HL-NW (which his and my nation btw won)
    SINTI LEAVE THAT ARCHER ALONE, we all make a few mistakes in 2 hours of pvp.

    (and i doubt there is any cleric that requires sage spark to kill.)
    noob, can only run, spawnkiller, only white vodoo, only plays for kd,
    never kills anyone, only gear, no skill, no life, cash only, eats dogfood to cash more, lives at moms,
    only survives cause of cleric heals, if we had your gear you would lose. b:cryb:cryb:cry
  • Sint - Harshlands
    Sint - Harshlands Posts: 579 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    You may have noticed this guy has a fist (i think that's GV, 135 str req), as well as stormrage eagleon on his hotkey bar. In one of his vids he uses whisper shot on a barb that isn't even in range, and then stuns him on top of the seal. He uses BV on turtled barbs when he has a bm helping him kill it. He uses BV on third cast wizzies who will purify it in 5 hits anyway.

    When r9 barbs demon spark on him, WHILE HE HAS STEALTH ON COOLDOWN the best response he can come up with is to sage spark and try to 4 v 1. He also has EA off cooldown, if that sin can see him in stealth. But no, SPARK. There's 2 clerics there who can sleep him untill his spark wears off, the barb can stun him for a good 12 seconds, and the sin can keep him useless forever, but sage spark it is. To finish putting cherries on his failcake, he then tries to kill the barb, as opposed to 1shotting the clerics and the sin first.

    Also, hurrah for STA > BV. Using BV to 1shot people is also classy, really.

    So is WoG AFTER a fight. Or 9:20 in the other vid - Must... WoG... Being attacked with calamity axes of blood! Vintage moment there. 9:40, veno hits 1.2k, instantly stealth to 1shot at leisure?

    BoA target 1shots, 'cause STA doesn't cost 2 sparks.

    Also, go for the hard to kill cleric and the barbs first! So noobs have time to come purge you.

    I don't claim to be the best archer evar, but this amount of fail almost has to be trolling.
  • Buff_me - Harshlands
    Buff_me - Harshlands Posts: 492 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    You may have noticed this guy has a fist (i think that's GV, 135 str req), as well as stormrage eagleon on his hotkey bar. In one of his vids he uses whisper shot on a barb that isn't even in range, and then stuns him on top of the seal. He uses BV on turtled barbs when he has a bm helping him kill them. He uses BV on third cast wizzies who will purify it in 5 hits anyway.

    When r9 barbs demon spark on him, WHILE HE HAS STEALTH ON COOLDOWN the best response he can come up with is to sage spark and try to 4 v 1. He also has EA off cooldown, if that sin can see him in stealth. But no, SPARK. There's 2 clerics there who can sleep him untill his spark wears off, the barb can stun him for a good 12 seconds, and the sin can keep him useless forever, but sage spark it is. To finish putting cherries on his failcake, he then tries to kill the barb, as opposed to 1shotting the clerics and the sin first.

    Also, hurrah for STA > BV

    I don't claim to be the best archer evar, but this amount of fail almost has to be trolling.

    You will make Bhavy RQ forums if you go on. b:laugh
    Achieved R9 before it was mainstream.
    103 Demon R9 assassin - retired.
  • Sint - Harshlands
    Sint - Harshlands Posts: 579 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    You will make Bhavy RQ forums if you go on. b:laugh

    Whatever will stop him from polluting them with his worthless footage.