Cleric Or Mystic?

wickedlittledoll Posts: 0 Arc User
edited February 2013 in General Discussion
Hello PWI! I have some questions regarding the above 2 classes...

I am somewhat new to PWI, and have narrowed my choices of a main character down to these 2. Here's are my questions:

1. Which of these 2 are the cheapest in terms of skills, sage/demon skill books, gears needed to be accepted into squads at higher level?

2. I'm assuming most squads would choose a cleric over a mystic...or am I wrong? How much of an issue would getting into squads at higher level be for a mystic?

I appreciate any advice in advance, ty!
Post edited by wickedlittledoll on


  • Ridelia - Momaganon
    Ridelia - Momaganon Posts: 137 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    1. Which of these 2 are the cheapest in terms of skills, sage/demon skill books, gears needed to be accepted into squads at higher level?

    2. I'm assuming most squads would choose a cleric over a mystic...or am I wrong? How much of an issue would getting into squads at higher level be for a mystic?

    1. I believe mystic is cheaper about skills. I seen cleric ress bookbeing boght for 20kk and all mystic skills I saw were only up to 4kk except AEU ones. About gear I believe cler is also more expensive - if cler die, party wipe. If mystic die... mystic ress himself and get back to keeping team alive. Besides, mystics healing herbs are the ones who take heal aggro instead of the mystic while cler on team heal/bb is an target for everything that noone else took care of. Thats why clerics hate every kind of spawn killing, mystics dont care - thay are not the ones who get heal aggro.

    2. People consider clerics better than mystic in squad. Clers can bb and easly purify. Also clerics have nice buffs (as a mystic I have a buffing cler alt shop which is always on - if I am forced to play the role of only healer as mystic I buff everyone that want buffs using my alt cler before getting into instance). But on the other hand clerics love to have a mystic on their side - mystics are great sub-heal when cleric fails and thanks to mystics cler don't have to worry about ressing anyone, including himself - ress buff really helps when ress is needed fast.
    Personally I don't have any problem getting into a squad on my lvl (101). Of course, most squads asks for "Barb and cler" but if they cant find a cler they usually agree to add me at the healer spot. And I do fine. Also, they like to add me even if they got a cler - mystics are good dds and if needed can help clers in healing/ressing. The only problem are noob mystics that use gale force making mobs to escape that **** off team members, dont heal att all, don't use ress buff and make mystics bad opinion. But fortunatelly I am one of most known mystics on my server and they know I am not one of the noobs. b:chuckle
  • wickedlittledoll
    wickedlittledoll Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    ^Ty for your reply!

    Here is my question for you, since you seem to know your stuff hehe. What gear do you suggest for endgame to a mystic on a budget for mostly pve and maybe some NW? I highly doubt r9 is in the future for me
  • HexOmega - Dreamweaver
    HexOmega - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,342 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    make a cleric
    nobody really likes mystics in their squads
    i like potato
  • Xx_BeLLa_xX - Harshlands
    Xx_BeLLa_xX - Harshlands Posts: 7,231 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    G16 (3rd recast Nirvana) if you don't plan to go R8.

    The G16 set give you a bonus, 2 pieces +500 hp, 5 pieces +15 defense levels and 6 pieces +20 attack levels.

    The G16 weapon give +40 attack levels and 3 random stats so the damage is high, but the R8 recast weapon with purify or high defense levels can be also good. Since G16 is easy to farm you can almost get the G16 weapon than farm for the R8 one for recast it, then you will be able to have both weapons.

    b:dirty "I **** rainbows and love everyone"-Longknife b:cute
  • Ridelia - Momaganon
    Ridelia - Momaganon Posts: 137 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    What gear do you suggest for endgame to a mystic on a budget for mostly pve and maybe some NW? I highly doubt r9 is in the future for me
    Personally I am using R8r 3 pieces (+1200hp, +4%crit 3 piece set), working on 4rd piece (add +15 att lvls for 4th piece) and Nirvana 2nd recast wand (because I managed to get it for only 8kk :D). It is good enough for pve and I do well on NW. But I dont know how of a "budget" it is. It was not cheap even though I farmed most of the mats myself on NW.

    Probably 2nd recast of Nirvana would be cheaper than this and similliar stats. But I got 150k rep as a gift from a friend so I decided to go R8r.

    3rd cast Nirvana is similliar to R9 but it requires more work than R8r or Nirv 2nd recast and I am too lazy to go for it. :D
  • Nerggal - Raging Tide
    Nerggal - Raging Tide Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    mystics are funnier, but less challenging as bella said, the cheapest way to gear up a char is going for vanna gear, the 3rd cast wand can have some amazing stats like even triple +130 magic dmg, actually i feel easier tomake 3rd cast vanna than r8r b:surrender
  • TieIer - Dreamweaver
    TieIer - Dreamweaver Posts: 180 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    ive personally never seen a mystic keep a full party alive so im somewhat biased towards clerics as to which id rather have in a squad
  • Kremia - Lost City
    Kremia - Lost City Posts: 507 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    People needs to understand mystic =/= cleric
    Mystic is a disabling class, i can hold a full r9 3rd cast with perma stun/seal
    Wizard and psy have heals too...
    When mystics get some type of bb i'll agree they're as good as an ep
  • thevilad
    thevilad Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    In lower levels mystics will be wanted in squads because they are capable of solo healing BH/FB and FF, and so they are regarded as a cleric replacement or healer. At level 100 a mystic's role in squad is more DD or backup healer because a cleric's BB is needed in all BH 100 instances unless the squad is OP. Thus, at endgame you are seen more as caster DD than a healer. Because of the idiocy of the majority of the playerbase, caster DDs still get rejected constantly for BH100 squads in favor or APS DDers.
  • thevilad
    thevilad Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    ive personally never seen a mystic keep a full party alive so im somewhat biased towards clerics as to which id rather have in a squad

    The mystic you squaded with must have been incompetent and did not understand the class well. I can solo heal a squad as a mystic just fine.
  • I_sage_i - Harshlands
    I_sage_i - Harshlands Posts: 332 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    i have both and i must say that my mystic is more of a DD and my cleric is more of a healer.

    1. Which of these 2 are the cheapest in terms of skills, sage/demon skill books, gears needed to be accepted into squads at higher level?

    in terms of skills id say mystic is more expensive because they have more skills to level up than a cleric. sage and demon skill book wise depends on your server. i dont see many mystic books in AH or for sale in catshops on my server but when i do they usally are 5m-10m(with the exception that time i saw demon thicket for 70m), so skill book wise for my server mystic is much cheaper cause cleric books are freaking expensive. in terms of gears needed to be accepted in squads cleric defnetily wins because if your gear isnt all that "great" people will let you slide because you are a cleric.

    2. I'm assuming most squads would choose a cleric over a mystic...or am I wrong? How much of an issue would getting into squads at higher level be for a mystic?

    im going to be honest people will choose a cleric over a mystic every single time on my server, but also people will take a mystic if they cant find a cleric or in addition to a cleric. so it wount be hard finding squads but it also wount be as easy as a cleric.
  • alimony123
    alimony123 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    This will sound like a huge nub nub question but I'm gonna ask it anyway!b:shocked

    I have played a mystic to lvl 70. One of the things I like most about it is my ability to solo some bosses, quest on my own, etc. Are clerics able to also do this?
  • Xx_BeLLa_xX - Harshlands
    Xx_BeLLa_xX - Harshlands Posts: 7,231 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    mystics are funnier, but less challenging as bella said

    Please don't say things I never said. Thank you. Mystic is probably the hardest and most challenging class in my opinion and it's why it's fun to play it's not one-trick pony like APS toons.
    ive personally never seen a mystic keep a full party alive so im somewhat biased towards clerics as to which id rather have in a squad

    95% of mystic don't know how to play their class, but mystic can solo heal some instances.
    1. Which of these 2 are the cheapest in terms of skills, sage/demon skill books, gears needed to be accepted into squads at higher level?

    in terms of skills id say mystic is more expensive because they have more skills to level up than a cleric.... so skill book wise for my server mystic is much cheaper cause cleric books are freaking expensive.

    Good job in one paragraph you say at one point mystic's skills are more expensive and at the end say cleric's skills is more expensive.

    Mystics have 27 skills and 18 can be sage/demon.
    Clerics have 29 skills and 24 can be sage/demon.

    Cleric skills are expensive in general, while only 2-3 skills are expensive on mystic.

    (I saw demon thicket way cheaper than 70m on HL)
    2. I'm assuming most squads would choose a cleric over a mystic...or am I wrong? How much of an issue would getting into squads at higher level be for a mystic?

    im going to be honest people will choose a cleric over a mystic every single time on my server, but also people will take a mystic if they cant find a cleric or in addition to a cleric. so it wount be hard finding squads but it also wount be as easy as a cleric.


    I'm always take in squad on my mystic, but for people that don't, seriously stop be lazy start your own squad.

    That's the problem of people, waiting others to make squad than complain not be take, it's every caster issue it's nothing exclusive to mystic, so stop cry in a corner go buy a tele and world chat and make the squad. Or better than that go with your faction.

    @OP: The skills are cheapest for mystics cause they have less total of skills, but also have a lot of skills that don't have demon/sage version like the plants.

    For the gears it's both the same for cleric and mystic, they use same stuff, I use the same gears on my cleric, mystic and venomancer.

    For the squad, yes cleric get squad more easy, but the big issue of caster people (magic) class they wait other people to make squad and complain they can't find one, I personally don't have trouble find squad or make my own. Everybody can make a squad.

    b:dirty "I **** rainbows and love everyone"-Longknife b:cute
  • Fonyan - Heavens Tear
    Fonyan - Heavens Tear Posts: 450 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Level up both. Problem solved. :/


    Screenshot thread:

    Currently playing: real life ver. 2.0
  • Annonrae - Sanctuary
    Annonrae - Sanctuary Posts: 108 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    alimony123 wrote: »
    This will sound like a huge nub nub question but I'm gonna ask it anyway!b:shocked

    I have played a mystic to lvl 70. One of the things I like most about it is my ability to solo some bosses, quest on my own, etc. Are clerics able to also do this?


    Frankly, Clerics and Mystics are the two caster classes I'd consider to have the least problems doing quests and even some mini-bosses or BH bosses ( BH59 being a shining example, followed by Pyro in BH69 and later Linus/Brigand in 79 ) themselves because they can continuously and quickly heal themselves. As well as all caster classes who go the Arcane Armor path, they also have naturally higher elemental resistances, making them prone to take a LOT less damage from magic mobs/bosses.

    Will they lose aggro to an APSer if they go with a squad? Are Psychics and Wizards going to grab aggro from them? Yes, most likely. But it can be done, and it can be done easily.

    I don't know where the notion sprang up that Clerics can't solo anything themselves. A correctly geared and statted Cleric can damn well hold their own in a squad and solo, where damage-capabilities are concerned.
  • Xx_BeLLa_xX - Harshlands
    Xx_BeLLa_xX - Harshlands Posts: 7,231 Arc User
    edited February 2013

    I don't know where the notion sprang up that Clerics can't solo anything themselves. A correctly geared and statted Cleric can damn well hold their own in a squad and solo, where damage-capabilities are concerned.

    A lot of clerics don't even try. Here a convo I had last week in my guild chat (I'm in a big TW faction with level 100+):

    HappyAngel: Need help for a boss
    Me: Which boss.
    HappyAngel: Suzerix Adawolf
    Me: Ehh it's not the boss level 50 with like 200k hp?
    HappyAngel: Yes, so any APS can come help me?

    Since that was a member I didn't know I press ''G'' to know what class it was and it was a cleric 102.

    Me: Well solo it lol.
    HappyAngel: DUH! I'm cleric I can't solo it
    Me: /facepalm....
    Me: You kidding me?
    HappyAngel: No I guess I'm not as good as you.

    I mean seriously? It's not about be good that boss is like a 2-3 shots....

    Ok a cleric maybe can't solo everything a mystic/veno can do, but they have the potential do do solo a lot of stuff if they try.

    b:dirty "I **** rainbows and love everyone"-Longknife b:cute
  • Tindie - Harshlands
    Tindie - Harshlands Posts: 163 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    b:avoid just make a barb and tell everyone youll heal them with super pots they will all love you..

    Mystics are fun.. Clerics are fun but expensive.. id suggest making one of both and seeing which fits your gaming style..

    any good cleric is going to keep a few ress scrolls on hand just in case the big bad things happen .. Mystics can ress themselves but still its pretty much a toss up.. "i like cleric " but then i play for fun not for what everyone expects.
  • Xx_BeLLa_xX - Harshlands
    Xx_BeLLa_xX - Harshlands Posts: 7,231 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    b:avoid just make a barb and tell everyone youll heal them with super pots they will all love you..

    Mystics are fun.. Clerics are fun but expensive.. id suggest making one of both and seeing which fits your gaming style..

    any good cleric is going to keep a few ress scrolls on hand just in case the big bad things happen .. Mystics can ress themselves but still its pretty much a toss up.. "i like cleric " but then i play for fun not for what everyone expects.

    Yup that too, many cleric have a mystic as alt, I personally play both, mystic as main cleric/veno as alts. =)

    b:dirty "I **** rainbows and love everyone"-Longknife b:cute
  • DeffyNature - Archosaur
    DeffyNature - Archosaur Posts: 1,400 Arc User
    edited February 2013

    Frankly, Clerics and Mystics are the two caster classes I'd consider to have the least problems doing quests and even some mini-bosses or BH bosses ( BH59 being a shining example, followed by Pyro in BH69 and later Linus/Brigand in 79 ) themselves because they can continuously and quickly heal themselves. As well as all caster classes who go the Arcane Armor path, they also have naturally higher elemental resistances, making them prone to take a LOT less damage from magic mobs/bosses.

    Oh my, well I have to disagree strongly; while they have good chances, I don't consider the two as the ones with the least problems with soloing.
    Sure, clerics can heal themselves, purify and shield themselves, but I wouldn't say they can solo stuff easier than other classes.
    You gave examples from 59/69 ... not likely.
    While any caster can easily tank those magic bosses, doing them solo on anything than a mystic or veno is unrealistic, at the level those bhs are meant to have been ran, mind you.
    Mystics can do this much, much better and easier, I completely agree, especially since they can either pet tank or tank themselves with salvation's buffs so much easier. Plus the nifty verdant shell, that makes them strong against certain elements.
    I'm still debating which one is the better soloer between mystic and veno, although I have both, I can't really make up my mind.
  • Hannsel - Dreamweaver
    Hannsel - Dreamweaver Posts: 90 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    A lot of clerics don't even try. Here a convo I had last week in my guild chat (I'm in a big TW faction with level 100+):

    HappyAngel: Need help for a boss
    Me: Which boss.
    HappyAngel: Suzerix Adawolf
    Me: Ehh it's not the boss level 50 with like 200k hp?
    HappyAngel: Yes, so any APS can come help me?

    Since that was a member I didn't know I press ''G'' to know what class it was and it was a cleric 102.

    Me: Well solo it lol.
    HappyAngel: DUH! I'm cleric I can't solo it
    Me: /facepalm....
    Me: You kidding me?
    HappyAngel: No I guess I'm not as good as you.

    I mean seriously? It's not about be good that boss is like a 2-3 shots....

    Ok a cleric maybe can't solo everything a mystic/veno can do, but they have the potential do do solo a lot of stuff if they try.
    i'm curious how this is even possible?? a 50 cleric can solo that boss with minimal effort. unless the 102 cleric was naked b:dirty, your scenario isn't indicative of cleric solo capabilities
  • Annonrae - Sanctuary
    Annonrae - Sanctuary Posts: 108 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Oh my, well I have to disagree strongly; while they have good chances, I don't consider the two as the ones with the least problems with soloing.
    Sure, clerics can heal themselves, purify and shield themselves, but I wouldn't say they can solo stuff easier than other classes.
    You gave examples from 59/69 ... not likely.

    I said "some", not all. I also left Venos out because they weren't really part of the discussion, and I did say that I consider both Clerics AND Mystics capable of doing a lot of stuff solo. Everything? No. But a whole hella lot.

    On the topic of BH59/69/79:

    By the time a Cleric has access to Purify, they can tank and solo Drake and Gluttonix in BH59, if they're smart and keep an eye on the damage ticks caused by the debuffs. Admittedly, I never tried my hand at Ofotis, but I have solo-killed Zimo and Qianji when a squad left me in the lurch and I didn't want to go back out and do it all over again. I did this at-level, in at-level gear. It wasn't easy or fast, but it was doable.

    Pyro, same thing. Stack yourself with IH and if you have somewhat decent gear and a good weapon, it can be done. By the time you hit 90 and start doing BH79, and didn't fast-track via powerlevelling and know a little bit about IH stacks, Linus and Brigand can also be tanked and solo-killed by Clerics. Again, not fast - but doable.

    Simple quest mobs, I'm not even going to go there.
    While any caster can easily tank those magic bosses, doing them solo on anything than a mystic or veno is unrealistic, at the level those bhs are meant to have been ran, mind you.

    Here I have do disagree. I've done it, I know Clerics who've done it and continue to do it. I will agree that it is something of a minor accomplishment, but it can be done. This isn't so much about going in and razing a BH or mini-boss to the ground in 10 seconds, it's about testing your limits and figuring out that even the whiniest class of all can get stuff done solo. Most are just too damn chicken to try it.
  • Fryvorg - Sanctuary
    Fryvorg - Sanctuary Posts: 299 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Indeed, some Clerics don't know their posibilities. The other day a Cleric asked me to kill some mini bosses on the fb 79 isle, instead I showed her the power of IH and just supported her occasionally. I think she gained some more self esteem by that ^^

    On the other hand, Mystics probably see their capabilities more easily, as they can hide behind their pet and only have one real single heal to choose from.
    World is full of illusions.

    What if I played a Cleric?

    All Joy In Keeping Us Medically Energetic.
  • Reliea - Sanctuary
    Reliea - Sanctuary Posts: 685 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Clerics get squads easier.
    Mystic skills are pretty expensive, but so are the really good Cleric ones.
    You don't really -need- to get any skills technically <.< Though if you do go Cleric, getting Sage/Demon rez is fairly important. That's really the only skill people notice if you don't have it. Anything else is just icing :3

    I play both, and I like both for different reasons.
    Personally, I would say main Cleric and make a Mystic alt when your Cleric gets to 90ish so you can take a break and relax. Clericing can be kinda stressful.
  • Mingkeey - Lost City
    Mingkeey - Lost City Posts: 306 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    get 3rd -r9 mystic and good refines and josd and lol at people who say mystics are turds.
  • thumbs
    thumbs Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    make a cleric
    nobody really likes mystics in their squads

    Only the ignorant: not nobody.

    For RB I prefer Mystic. I believe a poorly equipped mystic can keep a sage db wizard and squad alive better than a poorly equipped cleric. Their herbs continue to heal when you're sealed/ slept/ stunned. The mystic can also be main aoe dd, tank, and healer all at same time.

    For most if not all instances: I request healer in WC when making squads. Many mystics just aren't comfortable or knowledgeable about their capabilities or skills atm.
    People needs to understand mystic =/= cleric
    Mystic is a disabling class, i can hold a full r9 3rd cast with perma stun/seal
    Wizard and psy have heals too...
    When mystics get some type of bb i'll agree they're as good as an ep[/COLOR]

    As mentioned: bb can be stunned/ slept/ sealed. Mystic has comparable skills including Warp Shieled, Aegis Sphere, Spidervine, and seriously.. Regeneration Aura is way over used. The first time I tanked the new BH SoT on a mage; it wasn't in BB because I felt safer w/o.
    thevilad wrote: »
    In lower levels mystics will be wanted in squads because they are capable of solo healing BH/FB and FF, and so they are regarded as a cleric replacement or healer. At level 100 a mystic's role in squad is more DD or backup healer because a cleric's BB is needed in all BH 100 instances unless the squad is OP. Thus, at endgame you are seen more as caster DD than a healer. Because of the idiocy of the majority of the playerbase, caster DDs still get rejected constantly for BH100 squads in favor or APS DDers.

    For weaker tanks: It's better to heal with IH/ purify on BH SoT, and Aba. The bleed which is by far the highest dmg attack on weak tanks disregards Regeneration Aura's defense buff. BB is only needed on Snakefist for weak tanks like OP sins. My mystic can solo the lunar bosses which are pretty easy.

    Aps dders aren't favored. I hate those derpa derpas on the new BH SoT, and Aba. Those idiot sins that die all the time on BH metal and genie pull runners are a waste of squad space. Aps isn't necessary for fast kill and Aps squads can fail hard.
    i have both and i must say that my mystic is more of a DD and my cleric is more of a healer.

    I have both, and in both situations: it's circumstantial. Both are great dd, and great healers. Mystic is far more MP and chi efficient.
    in terms of skills id say mystic is more expensive because they have more skills to level up than a cleric. sage and demon skill book wise depends on your server. i dont see many mystic books in AH or for sale in catshops on my server but when i do they usally are 5m-10m(with the exception that time i saw demon thicket for 70m), so skill book wise for my server mystic is much cheaper cause cleric books are freaking expensive. in terms of gears needed to be accepted in squads cleric defnetily wins because if your gear isnt all that "great" people will let you slide because you are a cleric.

    The mystic skills that are expensive don't even have much draw to them. Thicket for instance I rarely if ever use. Most of the skills I really cared about were ~5m ea, and can be obtained in sets cheaper than most other classes.
    im going to be honest people will choose a cleric over a mystic every single time on my server, but also people will take a mystic if they cant find a cleric or in addition to a cleric. so it wount be hard finding squads but it also wount be as easy as a cleric.

    There are clerics I won't take because I know they're vit/pve/ chromaspammers. My mystic has been added to squad when applying as a DD only to see the squad leader telling people I can heal just fine after filling squad w/o cleric: (rep is key). When I request a healer on WC for any instance: I know if a mystic applies: they're likely to be better than the average random cleric.
    alimony123 wrote: »
    This will sound like a huge nub nub question but I'm gonna ask it anyway!b:shocked

    I have played a mystic to lvl 70. One of the things I like most about it is my ability to solo some bosses, quest on my own, etc. Are clerics able to also do this?

    In general not nearly as cheap or as fast and that's by a very large margin.

    I love my cleric for it's buffs (best in game), resurrection, and a few other tricks, but feel my Mystic is far more capable of tanking, soloing, general dd'ing, and the healing part is just arguable.