Bramble Question

Star_Prism - Archosaur
Star_Prism - Archosaur Posts: 216 Arc User
edited February 2013 in Nation Wars
During the last NW I was fortunate enough to be in a nation with some very friendly venos who were casting Bramble on people. At one point I had a sin aps himself to death on it (funniest thing to watch). He ended up stunning me twice, so I never even had a chance to attack him, he died totally from bramble. The whole time I was wondering why did he not stop attacking me when he could see he was dying.

So my question is when you are in NW and attacking someone who has bramble cast on them, how does that show up on your damage system. I know when the sin was attacking me it says for instance 'sin deals 500 damage' and then when I attack it would say (if I hadn't been stunned) 'sin takes 500 damage'. But with bramble would it say I was doing the damage (wizard) or would it say he was (sin) on his damage system. Anyone out there that has done melee damage to a person with bramble on them during NW, let me know I'm just curious.
Post edited by Star_Prism - Archosaur on


  • seitori
    seitori Posts: 1,328 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I've both sin'd & now even veno'd for NW, and yes sin's will kill themselves alot on a brambled foe...b:laugh

    And the higher the bramble cast upon the foe, the quicker the sin kills themselves (unless they know how to use genies AD skill or Apoth powders ~ while they're attacking) bramble hurts any close range physical attacker even barbs go down from it periodically, its just that sins go down faster then the rest ~ since most sins are still [LA] chari's instead of [HA] equipped)b:chuckle

    ((But yes, a sin will register that their health meter is dying fast ~ Most sins prob's are that they're own APS is so quick that by the time they try to stop they're already dead because of their own attack speeds (if they don't know how to properly use Invuln~Powders or AD)).....LOLZzzzz

    one of the funniest thing to do as a veno in (teaming PvPs) is to wander the field, watching for someone being chased by an enemy sin and wait for them to be overtaken & stunned by them, and then at that moment give your teams(Nation)mate a bramble right there ~ When the sin is just starting to attack, since the sin was chasing a (non-protected) character, who they thought was gonna be easy pickings!! !(b:laugh) most sins under those circumstances kill themselves quite easily then, because they can't react fast enough to stop it once the enemy is brambled right b4 they're own eyes........{b:shocked} LMAOooooooo!!!!!

    Though detecting a stealthed sin to do that too (WO detection Pots) can be almost impossible, the (un-stealthed) 1s, are fun to do that too....b:victory
  • Zanryu - Dreamweaver
    Zanryu - Dreamweaver Posts: 7,261 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    The funniest thing is Bramble can crit.
  • Flamespirit - Dreamweaver
    Flamespirit - Dreamweaver Posts: 337 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    The sin probably didn't stop attacking due to reacton time as most have mentioned.

    The other option is that they hoped to run you out of hp before they did. There isn't anyway to really know if you are attacking a well geared target or not. If you are not decently geared my sin will ignore bramble(even if I loose half my life) an kill you anyways.

    One other thing, sin does not need apoth or dmg immune in order to kill a brambled target. Only a really small amount of sin on my server have all thier skills, however bloodfrenzy will suck enough life to keep you alive while killing all but the really well geared. I couldn't imagine playing my sin without spellcutter and bloodfrenzy.
  • Star_Prism - Archosaur
    Star_Prism - Archosaur Posts: 216 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    The sin probably didn't stop attacking due to reacton time as most have mentioned.

    The other option is that they hoped to run you out of hp before they did. There isn't anyway to really know if you are attacking a well geared target or not. If you are not decently geared my sin will ignore bramble(even if I loose half my life) an kill you anyways.

    One other thing, sin does not need apoth or dmg immune in order to kill a brambled target. Only a really small amount of sin on my server have all thier skills, however bloodfrenzy will suck enough life to keep you alive while killing all but the really well geared. I couldn't imagine playing my sin without spellcutter and bloodfrenzy.

    But what I'm wondered is when the sin was attacking me and taking bramble damage, does it show on his system damage that I'm the one dealing the damage or would it say he is taking damage from a sin. In NW it doesn't give the name of the person attacking you, just your class. Or maybe I'm one of the few people that uses the system damage in their general chat box and most people don't?
  • krissy00
    krissy00 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    As far as I know, bramble damage doesnt show up in the damage log at all, like some of the DoTs and mystics Absorb Soul and whatever.
  • Zsw - Dreamweaver
    Zsw - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,087 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Bramble damage is credited as the person who is brambled dealing damage. Similarly, bramble kills are credited to the person who is brambled, and not the person who brambled them.
    Zsw -104 Sage Assassin
    TehZsw - 100 Demon Archer

    All Luck No Skillz PvPer:
  • Heleghir - Raging Tide
    Heleghir - Raging Tide Posts: 241 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    yes bramble damage shows in log, same as SoV. it has a crit rate equal to the person with the buff, and the damage dealt is credited to them as well. for NW, perma demon bramble will gain a significant amount of personal contribution from idiot lowbie sins/bms if you are at least semi-well geared to where you dont die in 3-4 melee hits as well
    The people and friends we have lost, or the dreams that have faded...never forget them! ~~ Summoner Yuna, FFX

  • Star_Prism - Archosaur
    Star_Prism - Archosaur Posts: 216 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    yes bramble damage shows in log, same as SoV. it has a crit rate equal to the person with the buff, and the damage dealt is credited to them as well. for NW, perma demon bramble will gain a significant amount of personal contribution from idiot lowbie sins/bms if you are at least semi-well geared to where you dont die in 3-4 melee hits as well

    Thanks, that's what I wanted to know. The only reason I was curious is when the sin was killing himself on my bramble he stopped twice, it was almost like he was confused. But he kept attacking and then died. I'm not sure if it was the bramble that confused him or why I wasn't dying in two hits. Most people think of wizzies as easy targets, but thanks to my belt and necklace once I have stone barrier and NW buffs my physical def is higher than my magical. b:laugh