seekers are too easy to play

Raphxelion - Raging Tide
Posts: 207 Arc User
like the title says, seekers are too easy to play!
Yes i know seekers are a beat op, but i wish they were more of an intricate class...any1 can play a seeker now not every1 can play a wizard or archer well...I might have to say seekers are the easiest class to play any1 else agree?
Out of all the classes seekers have the least skills to learn
makes it even more simple lol
Yes i know seekers are a beat op, but i wish they were more of an intricate class...any1 can play a seeker now not every1 can play a wizard or archer well...I might have to say seekers are the easiest class to play any1 else agree?
Out of all the classes seekers have the least skills to learn

Post edited by Raphxelion - Raging Tide on
there are few people on sanctuary server that play seeker well.... idk about rt0
Yes with the huge boost they got from recent expansion, they're indeed easier to play.
I remember the days when i used to fight against other rank 9s(when i was rank 8) and we both enjoyed a good long battle. Its just our defense level is too high and we're HAs.
We're basically a combination of psychics, wizards, and barbs all in one. What could possibly go wrong with that?
Now that they're easier to play, all i see seekers doing is spam edged blur or just stay in one place trying to tank everything(which they can cuz of their defense levels)
But having played other private servers, i can say this though.
If they removed JOSDs altogether, with r9r2 +12, every class would be equally balanced in terms of skills. Its that extra JOSDs thts breaking every class, not only seekers.
With that said, seekers are easier to play but hard to master. So if you can master your seeker, no one in pwi can beat you. NO ONE!! It cant be said the same for all the other classes though.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
IHaxJoo - Raging Tide wrote: »Yes with the huge boost they got from recent expansion, they're indeed easier to play.
I remember the days when i used to fight against other rank 9s(when i was rank 8) and we both enjoyed a good long battle. Its just our defense level is too high and we're HAs.
We're basically a combination of psychics, wizards, and barbs all in one. What could possibly go wrong with that?
Now that they're easier to play, all i see seekers doing is spam edged blur or just stay in one place trying to tank everything(which they can cuz of their defense levels)
But having played other private servers, i can say this though.
If they removed JOSDs altogether, with r9r2 +12, every class would be equally balanced in terms of skills. Its that extra JOSDs thts breaking every class, not only seekers.
With that said, seekers are easier to play but hard to master. So if you can master your seeker, no one in pwi can beat you. NO ONE!! It cant be said the same for all the other classes though.
It has n0thing t0 d0 with the class it's just the pers0n behind the pixel. Given the same gear scenari0 any0ne can be 'unbeatable' with en0ugh skill. Are s0me classes a little m0re 0p in certain areas? Yes. But that is all.0 -
It would be easier to think your serious if you didn't say archers are hard to play.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0
lol, this thread this plain silly, every class is easy to "play" it's actually learning the ins and out of your class, that make the difference between a good player and a bad one, I mean, I can hop on an R9 archer and shoot some ppl with Quick Shot and they go poof, but that doesn't make me a good player, it makes me a noob on an over powered toon, and this also applies to seekers, as well as any class.
I know on my server there a quite a few OP seekers with full +12 JoSD third cast R9, but VERY FEW of those "OP" toons actually know how to play well.
what I don't think your realizing is that there is a difference between "play" and "Mastering your class"
anyone can play a seeker, or a wizzy, an archer or a veno, it's mastering your class which is the hard part, and that is up to the individual and has nothing to do with the class.
Seekers are no easier to learn than other classes. case closed.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Queen of Silly, circa 2014, as conferred by the late great Proski Wallace.0 -
Zheii - Archosaur wrote: »lol, this thread this plain silly, every class is easy to "play" it's actually learning the ins and out of your class, that make the difference between a good player and a bad one, I mean, I can hop on an R9 archer and shoot some ppl with Quick Shot and they go poof, but that doesn't make me a good player, it makes me a noob on an over powered toon, and this also applies to seekers, as well as any class.
I know on my server there a quite a few OP seekers with full +12 JoSD third cast R9, but VERY FEW of those "OP" toons actually know how to play well.
what I don't think your realizing is that there is a difference between "play" and "Mastering your class"
anyone can play a seeker, or a wizzy, an archer or a veno, it's mastering your class which is the hard part, and that is up to the individual and has nothing to do with the class.
Seekers are no easier to learn than other classes. case closed.
I am sorry but I had to laugh at your text fade attemptb:chuckle.0 -
Toomaga - Heavens Tear wrote: »I am sorry but I had to laugh at your text fade attemptb:chuckle.
Lmao, I was just trying to be a bit creative Q.Q
And I wasn't attempting to get it to "fade" I was just using some similar colors all together b:laugh[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Queen of Silly, circa 2014, as conferred by the late great Proski Wallace.0 -
i tihnk all classes are pretty easy but if there had to be a easiest id be sins lol or some kinda caster really or archer or you know what like i said all are easy[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0
Zheii - Archosaur wrote: »Lmao, I was just trying to be a bit creative Q.Q
And I wasn't attempting to get it to "fade" I was just using some similar colors all together b:laugh
*Pats head* shhh shh it's okb:cute.0 -
Toomaga - Heavens Tear wrote: »*Pats head* shhh shh it's okb:cute.
Oh gosh, dun treat me like a puppy dog b:faint[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Queen of Silly, circa 2014, as conferred by the late great Proski Wallace.0 -
BanMePls - Heavens Tear wrote: »It has n0thing t0 d0 with the class it's just the pers0n behind the pixel. Given the same gear scenari0 any0ne can be 'unbeatable' with en0ugh skill. Are s0me classes a little m0re 0p in certain areas? Yes. But that is all.
You, sir, clearly didn't understand what I wrote on my reply. I said seekers r easier to play. That's a given fact. Why, you ask? because of the free 40 defense level ofc. I also said they're very hard to master. I have been playing seeker since the day they were released and i do know one thing. And that is most seekers do indeed suck but that doesn't necessarily mean they cant kill u. cuz all u really gotta do is pray for zerk crit and its all good.
However, a seeker who knows wtf he's doing is downright unbeatable.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
IHaxJoo - Raging Tide wrote: »You, sir, clearly didn't understand what I wrote on my reply. I said seekers r easier to play. That's a given fact. Why, you ask? because of the free 40 defense level ofc. I also said they're very hard to master. I have been playing seeker since the day they were released and i do know one thing. And that is most seekers do indeed suck but that doesn't necessarily mean they cant kill u. cuz all u really gotta do is pray for zerk crit and its all good.
However, a seeker who knows wtf he's doing is downright unbeatable.
1)Where did I even disagree and say they are n0t easy t0 play?0r have an advantage due t0 buffs?
2)If y0u analyze my resp0nse y0u will see what I am actually talking ab0ut and what part 0f y0ur p0st I was resp0nding t0.
3)I never disagreed either that they are hard t0 master. Th0ugh again that is debatable because every pers0n is different. Might take s0me0ne a week t0 master it, might take s0me0ne years.This is hyp0thetically speaking.
4)T0 again restate what I was saying....I was stating that any class given best gears and a skilled player is hard t0 beat 0r as y0u put it...'unbeatable'. Basically what y0u stated can be said 0f any class....
5)I am n0t disagreeing with y0u that seekers have a huge damage range due t0 their debuffs,skills etc etc...0 -
rename thread to: Seeker requires no skill to play
and don't get me wrong - I play seeker too.
Reasons why:
Already high damage
Zerk phys and magic
high crit rate
Skills that go through IG/AD
Chi independent CC
best self buff in the game
Highest refining armor in the game
Range attack
Defense level debuffs
You try and build a better class. The only thing one could do is increase the range and give them a purge skill.0 -
rename thread to: Seeker requires no skill to play
and don't get me wrong - I play seeker too.
Reasons why:
Already high damage
Zerk phys and magic
high crit rate
Skills that go through IG/AD
Chi independent CC
best self buff in the game
Highest refining armor in the game
Range attack
Defense level debuffs
You try and build a better class. The only thing one could do is increase the range and give them a purge skill.
No, Lets NOT rename the thread, If you took the time to read the earlier posts then you'd see that you can "PLAY" a seeker and then you can "MASTER" a seeker two different things. anyone can get on and just skill spam and people go down, but actually playing your seeker to the maximum capabilities is harder than you think it is, and I know very few seekers that can actually play properly, and if you think those characteristics you've listed above are all a seeker is than your very wrong.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Queen of Silly, circa 2014, as conferred by the late great Proski Wallace.0 -
The topic of the discussion is "Seekers are too easy to PLAY"
And a seeker doesnt NEED to master how to play to be able to kill everything including the masters of other classes.
Like IHax said - all they gotta do is pray for a zerk crit and its alllllll good.0 -
The topic of the discussion is "Seekers are too easy to PLAY"
And a seeker doesnt NEED to master how to play to be able to kill everything including the masters of other classes.
Like IHax said - all they gotta do is pray for a zerk crit and its alllllll good.
Sigh... I'll learn to read when you learn to spell
ALSO, zerk isn't everything think about all those g16 seekers that don't have GoF on their swords huh?
It's people like you who obviously don't take the time to master their class who get their ***** kicked at every turn and have no respect for their class, ijs
Queen of Silly, circa 2014, as conferred by the late great Proski Wallace.0 -
what about them?
They're not as OP. Simple as that. It's still a lot easier to kill a BM with the same gear.
Zerk is pretty much a massive amount of damage and my *** gets kicked my seekers when they zerk crit - same as everyone else in the game.
Its not that i havent taken the time to master my class - its that it doesnt matter how good you are at your class, someone just as skilled and just as well geared as you playing seeker will 90% of the time whipe the floor. Someone no way near as skilled and possibly undergeared compared to you (not by a huge amount obviously but with a gear gap of something in the same range as R9 vs T3) could still probably beat you playing a seeker if you're any other class.
There is no class that has that kind of ability to deal that amount of magic AND physical damage PLUS being able to take that kind of damage like a seeker can.
Please keep your wild assumptions to yourself. Nobody else cares about them.
Not really sure what spelling mistakes you're talking about either but please remember this is an INTERNATIONAL game. English is not my first language but its the primary language here
Keep defending your own class though if it makes you happy but the truth is that seekers are out of balance, too OP and easy to play.
Goodbye b:bye0 -
For endgame seekers zerk crits happen around 1/10th of the time, why is that such a big deal?[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0
soundslegit wrote: »For endgame seekers zerk crits happen around 1/10th of the time, why is that such a big deal?
cuz people QQ that seeker are broken and one of their QQ point is zerk critEbrithalia -Sage Seeker0 -
Zheii - Archosaur wrote: »Sigh... I'll learn to read when you learn to spell
ALSO, zerk isn't everything think about all those g16 seekers that don't have GoF on their swords huh?
It's people like you who obviously don't take the time to master their class who get their ***** kicked at every turn and have no respect for their class, ijs
Seekers without GoF pose no threat to me in 1v1, 2v1, or even 3v1s. A +6 G16 sword on my +5 R9 doesn't do nearly enough to force me out of the fight, let alone kill me. I don't imagine that changes if we're talking end game full +12 with Jades. The only problem with that would be killing it, it may be a different case if you're massively debuffed, but a G16 Seeker doesn't cut it from what I can tell. It's the ability to zerk both magic and physical hits along with the ability to tank so well (even with +10 TT100s it took a triple spark to kill a full G16 Seeker) that makes them OP, oh, and the ability to reduce your defense and increase their attack while sealing you. Granted, G16 claws with a proper APS setup would allow me to deal a lot more damage and kill him without sparking provided I pulled off a good enough stunlock, but that's beside the point. The point is once they get Zerk and R9R3 Seekers become nothing short of completely broken. Not saying G16 Seekers aren't good, just saying it's Zerk that makes them truly threatening.0 -
BanMePls - Heavens Tear wrote: »1)Where did I even disagree and say they are n0t easy t0 play?0r have an advantage due t0 buffs?
2)If y0u analyze my resp0nse y0u will see what I am actually talking ab0ut and what part 0f y0ur p0st I was resp0nding t0.
3)I never disagreed either that they are hard t0 master. Th0ugh again that is debatable because every pers0n is different. Might take s0me0ne a week t0 master it, might take s0me0ne years.This is hyp0thetically speaking.
4)T0 again restate what I was saying....I was stating that any class given best gears and a skilled player is hard t0 beat 0r as y0u put it...'unbeatable'. Basically what y0u stated can be said 0f any class....
5)I am n0t disagreeing with y0u that seekers have a huge damage range due t0 their debuffs,skills etc etc...
wtf happened to your "o" key[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Let me reiterate something.
Seekers were hugely underpowered before the morai expansion because of their lack of CC, lack of high base damage, and lack of debuffs. I am not saying seekers weren't able to pawn other classes. I am just saying it was hard at the time.
Do I think revamping seekers after morai was the best move? Yes
Do I think we needed all those revamping? NO
They couldve done a better job by only increasing their survability and damage by a bit but they didn't cuz being one of the new classes, they wanted new ppl to play this class and not feel underpowered from the other classes.
If they would do the following, all the QQ i see about seekers would totally stop for sure.
1) Have edged blur not go through IG, sutra, etc
2) Require chi for gemini slash so they think twice before using it
3) I truly believe we need zerk on our magic attacks because without that its next to impossible kill a bm or a barb equally geared as you at endgame
4) we really need zerk at endgame cuz there's no way I am going to kill a 25k hp wizard with 40k phy def and 25k mag resis or a bm with 30k hp with similar defenses or archers who deal extremely better damage cuz of all their crits and purge....and so on,, Again, i m not talking about debuffing them. By debuffing them with our sacrificial slash and our "other" combo, its possible to kill them but ur basically screwed if they use dews or IGs through that
5) Maybe nerf sacrificial slash a bit
I DO NOT SUPPORT THESE NERFS but I am sure I would still kill other ppl quite easily even if these changes were to be implemented. I was already killing rank 9s before morai skills came along so this is what made ppl go nuts over our amazing skills.
Ppl also overestimate seekers cuz nowadays, there are way too many seekers with JOSDs and +12 walking around and there aren't that many of other classes. So when those seekers kill those ppl undergeared, ofc they're gonna QQ. -_-[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
soundslegit wrote: »For endgame seekers zerk crits happen around 1/10th of the time, why is that such a big deal?
End game R999 Seekers can get as much as 45% crit if you include the Emperor tome (5% crit). Gof is about 20% chance to proc.
Although I haven't done the math, I'm fairly certain that the chance to zerk/crit for the above is not as low as 1/10th of the time. And anyway even if it is, to put it in perspective... R9 Archer bow's chance to Purge is around 1/20th (5%) and can't proc when using skills... unlike GoF.0 -
Hexalot - Dreamweaver wrote: »End game R999 Seekers can get as much as 45% crit if you include the Emperor tome (5% crit). Gof is about 20% chance to proc.
Although I haven't done the math, I'm fairly certain that the chance to zerk/crit for the above is not as low as 1/10th of the time. And anyway even if it is, to put it in perspective... R9 Archer bow's chance to Purge is around 1/20th (5%) and can't proc when using skills... unlike GoF.
Yes. the proc on r9r2 is 20%.
Combined with around 40% crit endgame, you always either get a crit or a zerk or if ur lucky, a zerk crit. thts y i strongly feel like crit build is the way to go for us seekers. That's just me though.
When i say crit build, i dont mean dex build tho. we can get to 40% crit with just having 200 as our base dex points so its entirely possible. But sadly most seekers here support strength build which just means they have to pray to get a crit or a zerk lol[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
this thread is all kinds of stupid.. too lazy to quote you all but.. first thing i saw was seekers get 40 base def lvls.. wrong its 35 read your skills first before you start posting on here like you know what you are talking about. second seekers are not too easy to play i know lots of seekers who have no idea what their doing with the best gear possible and they suck. for instance im full g16 with +5-8 refines with a +10 helm and i fought a 3rd cast r9 seeker for about 20 minutes before he was able to kill me. oh and for the person saying r9 bow doesn't proc when using skills.. go watch a tw video with an r9 archer barraging. oh and zanryu you must have fought some pretty fail seekers cause a +5 r9 bm would be nothing for me b:laugh0
Daruvial - Sanctuary wrote: »this thread is all kinds of stupid.. too lazy to quote you all but.. first thing i saw was seekers get 40 base def lvls.. wrong its 35 read your skills first before you start posting on here like you know what you are talking about. second seekers are not too easy to play i know lots of seekers who have no idea what their doing with the best gear possible and they suck. for instance im full g16 with +5-8 refines with a +10 helm and i fought a 3rd cast r9 seeker for about 20 minutes before he was able to kill me. oh and for the person saying r9 bow doesn't proc when using skills.. go watch a tw video with an r9 archer barraging. oh and zanryu you must have fought some pretty fail seekers cause a +5 r9 bm would be nothing for me b:laugh
The person who said 40 defense levels was probably including Krav Maga in that, as that's an extra +5.
Seekers have ridiculous damage potential with zerk on magic attacks. I take so much damage from r9r3 seekers nearly regardless of what they do. Sure, I can stun them and tickle them with my R9 axes, but that only lasts until they zerk crit me with one of their metal attacks and I die. A seeker doesn't have to have any skill to spam metal attacks and zerk crit heavies to death.
Purge bows don't proc when you use skills that have effects. Stunning Arrow, STA, etc. "Skills" might have been an oversight on their part.
I'll have to agree with Zan here. I've got full R9+7 and G16 seekers aren't a threat at all, they're just hard for me to kill. It's when I get hit for 4x magic damage by a R9 seeker that I die fast.0 -
Daruvial - Sanctuary wrote: »this thread is all kinds of stupid.. too lazy to quote you all but.. first thing i saw was seekers get 40 base def lvls.. wrong its 35 read your skills first before you start posting on here like you know what you are talking about.
Sage Adrenal numbness: 35 defense lvls
Krav Maga : 5 defense lvls
total : 40
b:bye0 -
Daruvial - Sanctuary wrote: »this thread is all kinds of stupid.. too lazy to quote you all but.. first thing i saw was seekers get 40 base def lvls.. wrong its 35 read your skills first before you start posting on here like you know what you are talking about. second seekers are not too easy to play i know lots of seekers who have no idea what their doing with the best gear possible and they suck. for instance im full g16 with +5-8 refines with a +10 helm and i fought a 3rd cast r9 seeker for about 20 minutes before he was able to kill me. oh and for the person saying r9 bow doesn't proc when using skills.. go watch a tw video with an r9 archer barraging. oh and zanryu you must have fought some pretty fail seekers cause a +5 r9 bm would be nothing for me b:laugh
Maybe you are so pro you don't even know about Krav maga?
Or maybe you're demon? But even then, thats 32 def level + krav maga = 37 defense level.
Say what?[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Hexalot - Dreamweaver wrote: »End game R999 Seekers can get as much as 45% crit if you include the Emperor tome (5% crit). Gof is about 20% chance to proc.
Although I haven't done the math, I'm fairly certain that the chance to zerk/crit for the above is not as low as 1/10th of the time. And anyway even if it is, to put it in perspective... R9 Archer bow's chance to Purge is around 1/20th (5%) and can't proc when using skills... unlike GoF.
GOF rate x Crit rate is the math. So in your example its a 9% zerk crit rate.
I wonder if people are assuming every time they die to a seeker its a zerk crit and overestimating its frequency. If metal defense is debuffed first and you just crit with a metal attack a lot of HA types will go down.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
what about them?
They're not as OP. Simple as that. It's still a lot easier to kill a BM with the same gear.
Zerk is pretty much a massive amount of damage and my *** gets kicked my seekers when they zerk crit - same as everyone else in the game.
Its not that i havent taken the time to master my class - its that it doesnt matter how good you are at your class, someone just as skilled and just as well geared as you playing seeker will 90% of the time whipe the floor. Someone no way near as skilled and possibly undergeared compared to you (not by a huge amount obviously but with a gear gap of something in the same range as R9 vs T3) could still probably beat you playing a seeker if you're any other class.
There is no class that has that kind of ability to deal that amount of magic AND physical damage PLUS being able to take that kind of damage like a seeker can.
Please keep your wild assumptions to yourself. Nobody else cares about them.
Not really sure what spelling mistakes you're talking about either but please remember this is an INTERNATIONAL game. English is not my first language but its the primary language here
Keep defending your own class though if it makes you happy but the truth is that seekers are out of balance, too OP and easy to play.
Goodbye b:bye
Lololol, well okay, but we could apply that notion to Psys, idk HOW many times I've been one or two shot by Psys in a TW, tell me there huge amounts of dmg they can deal + the combination of being able to switch between white and black voodoo doesn't make them just as OP? anyone can jump on one that has R9 +12/JoSD and be the king of the corpse pile in no time.
Or what about venos? that puri is super OP, seekers without their 32def lvl self buff tend to get a little squishy, and to be honest that mag dmg hurts like hell oh and then we can combine it with amp, and poof the corpse pile grows again.
What about Wizzies and their massive aoe mag dmg? tends to hurt a hell of a lot.
and lets not forget here that alllll these classes are JUST AS EASY to "play" as a seeker is with the right gear anyone can do anything.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Queen of Silly, circa 2014, as conferred by the late great Proski Wallace.0
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