Roleplay Party

Oishii - Dreamweaver
Oishii - Dreamweaver Posts: 243 Arc User
edited January 2013 in The Fanatics Forum
Whoot Roleplay!

Alright, so I noticed in the forums that we got a few frequent posters that get a bit bored, so I have devised a plan to cure the boredom if people want to participate. Not many people are in to roleplaying, but it might be fun. A lot of people are enthusiastic about the maintenance questions involving their characters, so why not?

So here's the deal. I'll pick a setting from the game, and people just play around and react how their pwi character would. Feel free to chit-chat with others and stuff. More people means more fun!

Just a couple of rules:
1. Don't be a troll. Don't come in here and post rude things and really off-topic stuff.
2. You can't come in and just kill everyone. It isn't funny. Fight scenes are ok if you want one, you just can't come in and claim you killed everyone.
3.Try to keep with the theme. If the setting is a beach, don't come in saying it's snowing outside and an avalanche happened.
4. Often to keep this fresh, I'll come in and change the setting. Try to keep up with what setting we are in and don't post according to the old one.
5. Keep your posts clean. I don't mind the mention of alcohol, such as your character had a beer, but don't start having a sex scene afterwards. No one wants to read your post. If you just have to have it, take it to PM or elsewhere.
6. People prefer 3rd person because it's easier, but feel free to post in 1st person as long as you specify your character.
7. Try to keep away from posting one line posts. If you are lost on what to post, describe your character, what they look like, what are they doing, etc.

Setting Updates:
So like I said, I will change the setting sometimes for a clean start after one storyline has kind of died off. This is where I will post the update and I will make a post in the thread corresponding to it and to set the mood. The date next to the number is when the new setting was posted.
1. (Jan. 8, 2013) Setting is a tiki beach party at Naught, and it's around 4pm in the afternoon. Once night hits, it will be a beach bonfire. Enjoy the sun, surf, ladies, and drinks.

Alright everyone, have fun and play nice.
Post edited by Oishii - Dreamweaver on


  • Oishii - Dreamweaver
    Oishii - Dreamweaver Posts: 243 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Oishii sat on her flower patterned beach towel soaking in the sun. She had on her zebra bikini, big floppy hat, and bug-eyed white rimmed sunglasses. Next to her on her beach towel was a book titled "Folklore of the World" that she had picked up from tough man Tiehi for some light reading. She was expecting a couple of friends to show up, but it didn't matter to her either way.

    She stood, and the sand was hot on her bare feet. She half skipped to the small tiki bar set up and made herself a drink. She then quickly tried to rush back to her towel without spilling it. She should of brought her flip-flops.

    It was nice to be able to breathe and relax after so much war. She had killed one too many people in the war, but now was not the time for that. She sat back down, and sipped her drink as she watched the waves.
  • BaronSamedi - Dreamweaver
    BaronSamedi - Dreamweaver Posts: 33 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Baron stood behind the bar mixing a drink as he watched his wife enjoy the sun. This place really has been good for the both of them since the fighting ended.

    He finishes his drink then checks under the bar to make sure everything is stocked for the night. Once he sees everything is in order it's off to go make sure the HuggyHares are behaving. Some of their friends will be dropping by shortly to enjoy a bit of music an dancing on the beach. The last thing he wants is for their guests to turn around an see a big fluffy bunny getting into their drinks.
  • Oishii - Dreamweaver
    Oishii - Dreamweaver Posts: 243 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Oshii glanced back, only to see her husband tussling with a giant bunny. She giggled and continued to watch as the bunny was obviously getting the upper-hand. Baron used to be so fierce, a person not to be reckoned with. In peace time, he had become such a softy.

    "Don't let the hare win dear! They might take over the party if it wins!" She called to him and laughed. She might as well get the music started. She placed her drink on top of her book and skipped across the sand again to start up the music. Hrm...what music to choose...the elves were so picky if they came. Something popular out of Archosaur? What was the big thing in Archosaur now? She was so out of the loop.

    She settled for just something with an alternative feel, and then turned to make a mad dash for the ocean. She tossed her hat and sunglasses aside before throwing herself into the water. The waves rushed over her head, and she came up coughing sea-water. Her nose burned but she smiled.
  • RukinaChan - Archosaur
    RukinaChan - Archosaur Posts: 714 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    As the sun went slowly down, the sky turned into a soft huge orange and crimson bed with hundreds of cloud pillows. The breeze was pleasant, making the trees and flowers like they were just a bit alive. The water was an endless glowing rink where a few seagulls were "dancing" on. Everything was calm.

    Suddenly the peace breaks when the breeze turns into wind. Is there a storm coming? No way... it's someone in the air, messing up the bed!
    "Weheeeee" Rina yelled it in the air with a happy face.
    She loves sunsets just as much as her new kite! It looked like a gorgeous crystal butterfly with giant wings. As Rina got faster and faster with it, it left thin glowing, colorful lines after herself. She felt so free, laughing all her way.
    Suddenly Rina lost her control in the speed. She knew she won't be able to hold it for so long, so she quicky turned towards the water and jumped off her kite, which slowly disappeared afterwards. In her fall Rina did some nice somersaults and landed in the water safe. It all ended with a giant splash and a rainbow!
    위너 ★ 빅뱅 ★ 투애니원 ★ 이하이 ★ 샤이니 ★ 비에이피 ★ 엑소 ★ 비스트 ★ 빅스 ★ 에프엑스 ★ 소녀시대 ★ 갓세븐