Do Untamed Wrath and Stomp of the King reset aggro?

Posts: 4,001 Arc User
edited November 2013 in Barbarian
Questions in the title.

I've always assumed they add to aggro without resetting it but I'd rather ask and learn something knew then continue using them and have aggro issues. I don't want to roar, sunder, arma, and then Untamed Wrath and reset everything I just gained. Same for Stomp of the King.

After all, alot of people still don't know Roar and Alpha Male reset aggro and just don't ask =/ I want to make sure these two aoe aggro skills don't either.
Seven 100+ characters leveled the hard way. Free to play. Mystic, Psychic, and Wizard left to level. b:victory
Post edited by Sakubatou - Sanctuary on


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  • Posts: 973 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Questions in the title.

    I've always assumed they add to aggro without resetting it but I'd rather ask and learn something knew then continue using them and have aggro issues. I don't want to roar, sunder, arma, and then Untamed Wrath and reset everything I just gained. Same for Stomp of the King.

    After all, alot of people still don't know Roar and Alpha Male reset aggro and just don't ask =/ I want to make sure these two aoe aggro skills don't either.

    ur problem is not ur skill but ur VIT build.
  • Posts: 383 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Untamed Wraith just adds aggro, does not reset it . i would say it does the equviliant of 20k damage- in terms of aggro.

    Stomp of the King- seems to be an AOE verison of Flesh Ream - Moves the Barb to the top of the aggro chain and adds around 150k damage worth of aggro.
  • Posts: 56 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    wish is why i am saying stomp of the king is not the problem but his r8 vit build that cant generate agro at all.

    i lovet he stomp of the kings its superb:laugh
  • Posts: 581 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    looks like LC is full of hators b:shocked
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    depends how u define my opinion it is not reset. lets take an example:

    if 2 sins on zerk one average....and lets say half the boss is down....

    zerk sin has alot of agro but stops spark continue normal hits...average sin is on spark (so higher dps than zerk) but in the next 5-15 secs cant steal agro from zerk.....

    at this point if u hit stomp or alpha male the agro will be forced on barb...but fastly changes back to zerk. If it were a reset the agro would normally go on the sparked sin.

    what im saying is that neither alpha male nor stomp actually resets...but they infuse a large agro combo enough to steal for a few seconds.

    and as for roar no offense here bud.....once boss has huge amounts of dps on him no roar will attract it...not even for 1 sec or an inch...if the dps doesnt stop....

    only thing that could nudge the boss is 2-3 consecutive flash or alpha/stomp. although even with a high dps....since stomp has small cd....if u spam flash and stomp the right way (not during dg or strong colective debuffs) u may actually get let's say 40%-60% of the hits

    again this is just my opinion...but true...stomp rules b:victory
    Untamed Wraith just adds aggro, does not reset it
    Stomp of the King- seems to be an AOE version of Flesh Ream - Moves the Barb to the top of the aggro chain

    and still no change in devour qq...
  • Posts: 124 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    I believe it only helps keep arrgo with its attack...nothing special
  • Posts: 4,001 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    slamstone wrote: »
    depends how u define my opinion it is not reset. lets take an example:
    Reset. As in reduced to zero, lol.
    slamstone wrote: »
    if 2 sins on zerk one average....and lets say half the boss is down....

    zerk sin has alot of agro but stops spark continue normal hits...average sin is on spark (so higher dps than zerk) but in the next 5-15 secs cant steal agro from zerk.....

    at this point if u hit stomp or alpha male the agro will be forced on barb...but fastly changes back to zerk. If it were a reset the agro would normally go on the sparked sin.
    Alpha Male resets aggro and gives the barb like 1 damage worth. Enough to prevent heal aggro but nothing more. So now both sins have zero aggro and barb has about 1 damage worth. Aggro will go to whoever does the most damage.
    slamstone wrote: »
    what im saying is that neither alpha male nor stomp actually resets...but they infuse a large agro combo enough to steal for a few seconds.
    Alpha Male resets aggro. Stomp does seem to work like FR and places you at the top of aggro pyramid. For instance say one sin has done 400k damage, the other has done 350k, the barb has done 100k, and everyone else has done 100-300k damage. If you use stomp it will act as if you have done 400k+ damage. Stomp seems to add about 300k aggro amount while FR seems to only add about 50k. So when the lead sin has 400k and you stomp you seem to have done 700k damage worth of aggro (even though you've only dealt 100k). On the other hand, Alpha Male takes those 400k, 350k, 100k 200k aggro values and resets them all to zero. Say the archer in the squad has not attacked yet while the sin has done 400k damage. If the sin stops attacking and someone uses AM while the archer is attacking they'll take aggro despite not having built any aggro prior to AM.
    slamstone wrote: »
    and as for roar no offense here bud.....once boss has huge amounts of dps on him no roar will attract it...not even for 1 sec or an inch...if the dps doesnt stop....

    Roar adds a small amount of aggro, as well as resets it. Lets say 35k worth of aggro. You may lose aggro during an HF+Subsea combo, but roaring after will put everyones aggro down to zero and give you about 35k damage worth. The problem is 35k isn't much and if your squad is still sparked, as most 95+ squad will be, they'll immediately pull aggro and start building it up again.
    slamstone wrote: »
    only thing that could nudge the boss is 2-3 consecutive flash or alpha/stomp. although even with a high dps....since stomp has small cd....if u spam flash and stomp the right way (not during dg or strong colective debuffs) u may actually get let's say 40%-60% of the hits
    I think you mean Flesh, not Flash. Again, Alpha Male really doesn't add any aggro. Just resets it to zero so you can start fresh. Stomps and FR build on top of that. And what would be the point of 40-60% of the hits? So the cleric can half heal you and half heal the sin? If thats the case I'd rather they focus on the sin and I'll support.
    slamstone wrote: »
    and still no change in devour qq...
    Some people are telling me how much they notice a change in devour, others say no change. I never used Devour as an aggro skill since I believe boosting the dd's damage helps them more than the aggro proc helps me. So I used devour as support and since I have a high dd build would sometimes get aggro while doing it.
    Seven 100+ characters leveled the hard way. Free to play. Mystic, Psychic, and Wizard left to level. b:victory
  • Posts: 581 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    sakuba, the annoying red color is mine! hands of or imma teach u a lesson b:angry
  • Posts: 4,001 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    sakuba, the annoying red color is mine! hands of or imma teach u a lesson b:angry

    But it makes me feel like a teacher correcting people's tests!

    Or a business man going "This was not a good month, get the red pen."

    I was going to insert the responses into his quote but decided I'd "quote properly" and do little quote by quotes.
    Seven 100+ characters leveled the hard way. Free to play. Mystic, Psychic, and Wizard left to level. b:victory
  • Posts: 1,247 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Some people are telling me how much they notice a change in devour, others say no change. I never used Devour as an aggro skill since I believe boosting the dd's damage helps them more than the aggro proc helps me. So I used devour as support and since I have a high dd build would sometimes get aggro while doing it.

    This might be due to devour's agro mechanic change being listed as being based "20% of barb's hp." So your vit barbs are going to notice a difference much more than your str barbs.

    I can tell you my faction's ...I think 40k hp(?) barb can hold agro a large amount of the time even against high DD aps when he spams devour and flesh ream together.
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    I think you mean Flesh, not Flash. Again, Alpha Male really doesn't add any aggro. Just resets it to zero so you can start fresh. Stomps and FR build on top of that. And what would be the point of 40-60% of the hits? So the cleric can half heal you and half heal the sin? If thats the case I'd rather they focus on the sin and I'll support.

    damn i've ended up in math club....sorry about that....didn't meant to offend the red rage :D.

    but while im at it ...let me bleed those red eyes more....first of all i like it that you still believe there is only one major dd in most of the squads...and agro doesn't bounce from one to another and the clerics still individual heal... that's cute i might say...disregarding the fact that some bosses also have random agro....and in your beloved RB cleric only BB's

    i preffer to take those 40-60% cuz it most likely saves those squishy sins that have the dd power but not the survivability for long uninterrupted hits

    Alpha Male resets aggro and gives the barb like 1 damage worth. Enough to prevent heal aggro but nothing more.

    the teacher forgot that alpha male isnt only for barbs to use...and some bm's these days have close to some barb's hp

    guess what...if it was only for 1 dmg agro heal would bounce to cleric it must be more agro to it...and by your theory if it resets then all players would have 0 agro and ur 1 agro--->instant cleric agro

    and as for your 50-100-400k worth of dmg it totally depends on what u even with stomp or FLASH (getting those red eyes popping) some bosses switch agro at first 100k taken probably your theory is based on mobs with level smaller than u...and not the ?/150 ones.
    Roar adds a small amount of aggro, as well as resets it. Lets say 35k worth of aggro. You may lose aggro during an HF+Subsea combo, but roaring after will put everyones aggro down to zero and give you about 35k damage worth.

    let me guess's say DG in 5 u say roar in 10? b:pleased

    mock or no mock...your theory might be right all in all b:surrender...but it doesn't apply to ?/150 mobs and your ingame play of it seems to be : "everyone stops.....ill agro in 5 seconds..b:laugh" but u continue to teach b:victory

    btw teacher should research and notice that more and more instances are/will be based on ?/150 mobs/bosses.

    on a side note...have over 40k hp and devour has no effect...its just flash (flesh ream) and other agro's that do the trick...i just didnt notice any difference qq
  • Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    From my own experience i can say that,devour wont generate aggro if u dont have the boss on u,i mean,if u start doing devour at first time,followed by a flesh ream it will be more difficult to the dders to take aggro(checked by myself a lot of times),if u do devour at middle of the development of the battle and u dont have the aggro it wont be useful and the main dder will take more aggro,even,for the dmg boost,in that case the thing u can do is flesh ream,followed by alpha male,devour and then flesh ream again,then stomp of the King(if u have it) and then flesh ream again,devour and flesh ream,so at least u can keep aggro for 15-20 seconds,enough in the most of times to kill a boss with strong dders

    problem of this is the super high chi consumption if u are not sage with that lvl 11 skills,for that u can use cloud eruption and chi pots,
    being demon helps spamming flesh reams,cause their cd is lower(0.5 secs),it seems a ****,but helps a lot,after all

    this is my opinion

    Att:ClavicusVile,**** geared barb from morai serv
  • Posts: 18,978 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    From my own experience i can say that,devour wont generate aggro if u dont have the boss on u,i mean,if u start doing devour at first time,followed by a flesh ream it will be more difficult to the dders to take aggro(checked by myself a lot of times),if u do devour at middle of the development of the battle and u dont have the aggro it wont be useful and the main dder will take more aggro,even,for the dmg boost,in that case the thing u can do is flesh ream,followed by alpha male,devour and then flesh ream again,then stomp of the King(if u have it) and then flesh ream again,devour and flesh ream,so at least u can keep aggro for 15-20 seconds,enough in the most of times to kill a boss with strong dders

    problem of this is the super high chi consumption if u are not sage with that lvl 11 skills,for that u can use cloud eruption and chi pots,

    being demon helps spamming flesh reams,cause their cd is lower(0.5 secs),it seems a ****,but helps a lot,after all

    this is my opinion

    Att:ClavicusVile,**** geared barb from morai serv

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  • Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    is that a crime?if the thread is open i can still post...or that,or i havent read the f
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    edited November 2013
    Second option, you haven't read.
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    edited November 2013
    is that a crime?if the thread is open i can still post...or that,or i havent read the f
    The latter.
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    And in this case, it's been well over a month by... a rather long time. So since I have to continue combating the undead horde, this zombie shall be dealt with.
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