R8 Recast Question

lenuyx Posts: 1 Arc User
edited December 2012 in The Crafting Nook
hi all,

what is the difference between Reshape R8r at Fortifications : Reshape and Spirit of the Forge??

the only difference that I see is that i need pay 1mil or craft with Chienkun Stone.

is that all?

when i reshape reset that my sockets and refining? or cost it anything?

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  • skaitavia
    skaitavia Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    When you use either one, you will always keep your refines and shards, as long as you put in "y" into the confirmation page when it pops up when you press Start.

    The difference between the Reshape forge cauldron and the Spirit of the Forge NPC is that the Reshape forge cauldron will reroll your gear's stats such that you will be forced to keep the roll, and you have to pay 1m for that.

    The Spirit of the Forge works like a "peek into the future". You use the materials, and when you pay 1 chienkun instead of 1 mil coin, you will craft and be presented with two sets of gear stats. One of them is your previous stats, and the other is your new roll. You have 30 seconds to choose which one you want to keep, and in the end it will still use your materials.

    You can see the Spirit of the Forge in action here.
  • lenuyx
    lenuyx Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    oh tyvm its a nice feature!