Mystics and NW.

MontRei - Dreamweaver
Posts: 93 Arc User
I just got back from a period of 3 months without playing this game, and I was introduced to this Nation Wars thingy.
I was wondering only what other mystics do in Nation Wars (Yes, I searched and couldn't find any threads talking about it) and what's the best way to get some points. I decided to ask this here directly because the Personal Credits system is still a mystery, and I even heard that the amount of tokens you get is based on how much credits all the fellow mystics in that Nation have.
One of the problems I faced more often in these 2 weeks I did the Nation Wars is the problem most casters do: stealth and stunlock. But my problem is a little bit worse, because I do NOT have what is considered to be 'good gear' nowadays (R8, Nirvy, R9), most of my gear is still TT90 and some of it is TT99, because I refuse to give this game any money.
So...How does everyone here do to go well in NW and bypass this problem?
Sorry for the poor engrish, it is not my primal language.
I was wondering only what other mystics do in Nation Wars (Yes, I searched and couldn't find any threads talking about it) and what's the best way to get some points. I decided to ask this here directly because the Personal Credits system is still a mystery, and I even heard that the amount of tokens you get is based on how much credits all the fellow mystics in that Nation have.
One of the problems I faced more often in these 2 weeks I did the Nation Wars is the problem most casters do: stealth and stunlock. But my problem is a little bit worse, because I do NOT have what is considered to be 'good gear' nowadays (R8, Nirvy, R9), most of my gear is still TT90 and some of it is TT99, because I refuse to give this game any money.
So...How does everyone here do to go well in NW and bypass this problem?
Sorry for the poor engrish, it is not my primal language.
We are not now that strength which in old days
Moved earth and heaven, that which we are, we are;
One equal temper of heroic hearts,
Made weak by time and fate, but strong in will
To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield.
Moved earth and heaven, that which we are, we are;
One equal temper of heroic hearts,
Made weak by time and fate, but strong in will
To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield.
Post edited by MontRei - Dreamweaver on
Bramble works wonders for killing sins/BMs. Ask venos to bramble you if you see them. Keep Falling Petals on yourself and buff it on others if you see them. Other than that, your main job should pretty much be CCing the enemy flag carrier or protecting your flag carrier with heals or CCing the people coming after him.
Also don't forget that you have an anti-stun via leech. Leeching Devil will give you pdef and leeching Salvation will give you shield+petals. Try and keep one of those out.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
"subtraction has the butt of an angel" - Paulrogers
/blatant sig copy is blatant
105/105/105 obtained! b:cute0 -
Mmmm I love NW, Even if i get stuck in the Nation's Base
As i think of your gear... You probably don't have an awesome genie tooo.. One Genie skill that I love in NW is ExpelMakes me immune to phy damage but im sealed (Meaning i can still run away)... Soo thats going to help..
Gear wise you will probably have to farm NW (Even if you get 10+ Tokens every NW) to get better gear(Like Nirvy recast gear+Its going to be easier to get it because you have some TT99) Skip r8 >_> unless you plan on going r9r later on...0 -
1.Use Nature's Vengeance+Absorb skill combo on arcane armors (yes, arcane! Absorb seem to ignore arcane armor while it do less dmg to heavy armor.): clers, venos, mystics, mages, psychics etc.
2.Always have ress buff and petals on yourself. When you get killed and ress you have a few seconds immunity to all attacks - while you can still attack, it can be deadly to oponents and is not that usefull when you ress at your spawn point (usually there is not too much oponents at spawn point and even if they are too strong to kill them). I often do I suicide run just to have fun seeing them wasting their casting time on me while I attack them after my ress.
3.Use Devil to stun oponents - you can either set it on attack and stun the oponent you attack (prevent them to att back or heal themselfes + deal some phy dmg to them) or keep it on defence to protect yourself from those sneaky sins that stealth and stun you (right after they stun your Devil stuns them so they don't kill you before your stun runs off - but Devil wont hurt the sin as much as he hurt arcane targets).
4.Silence and immobilise oponents by using Gale Force and Thicket to save you or your nation members and **** oponents off. xD
5.Set a Listless Blossom in a strategic point (for example near flag spot) and try to stay alive while staying close enough to keep it on.
6.Immobilise and slow oponents nation flag holder.
7.Heal your nation flag holder and immobilise/silence/sleep oponents running after him.
Most of my wars I use ress and kill (Natura+Absorb combo) strategy while my Devil is on attack mode (some more phy dmg to my arcane oponents). It give me about 200 tokens each NW (but I am R8 and usually lucky enough to be in winning nation, before my R8 I was getting about 70 tokens each NW but I didnt figure my strategy out at the time).On a battle where I killed 18 people and died 10 times I got 2200 personal points.
BTW: Remember you still get points for being killed and when it kick you out from a battle you can return to the battle or check another - you won't waste your points, you will get them when the battle where you accumulated them finish even if you are not there anymore. Don't be afraid of dieing.0 -
Eoria - Harshlands wrote: »
Also don't forget that you have an anti-stun via leech. Leeching Devil will give you pdef and leeching Salvation will give you shield+petals. Try and keep one of those out.
^ That, the moment cd is done I use it.
You can also use anti-stun pots. Stay close to the people of your nation even if they are not in your squad, generally if someone of your nation see a sin pop on you they will help you (ofc there's some idiots that will watch you die and do nothing, but generally people will help).
Bramble is kinda epic, last NW a lot of sins killed themself on me, but unfortunately if no veno no bramble.
I personally try to DD on people, I use Devil to stun, than when energy leech out cd I cast Sally and leech than take back devil, the cd of stun is reset if you cast devil again.
When I see the flag got grabbed, I check on the map where it is and go to it, if my nation have it I heal and protect the flag carrier (AOE sleep FTW!), if the enemy got the flag I try to stop him.
I personally play more offensive when I have many respawn, maybe others prefer support, but I have fun killing people (or at least try xD). When I have 1-2 respawn left, sometime I'll switch to play more support, heals etc...
Even if you get kill you get points, with your reward you will be able to get cannies and rapt fast and be able to get nirvana and recast it.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
b:dirty "I **** rainbows and love everyone"-Longknife b:cute0 -
As i think of your gear... You probably don't have an awesome genie tooo.. One Genie skill that I love in NW is Expel
Makes me immune to phy damage but im sealed (Meaning i can still run away)... Soo thats going to help..
Actually the one good thing that I have is my Zeal, lol, it haves 73/100 lucky points, and I use it a lot. I looked up Expel on the skill list and I really liked it, and as long as i had one open skill spot in it, I learned it.
I also lvld up Energy Leech for the anti-stun and Listless Blossom was already maxed.
Thank god I have lvl 6 Apo, so Chi pots is something I'm not gonna run out of :P I'll be able to use all of the skills and strategies I learned so far whenever it's needed.
Falling Petals isn't gonna be a problem because I maxed it out a long time ago and I got the sage one a while ago as well (It's awesome lol).
I'd just like to know if Vital herb would draw too much attention to me, because if I'm gonna put Listless Blossom by the flag, why not set a Vital Herb down if the carrier is in my squad.1.Use Nature's Vengeance+Absorb skill combo on arcane armors (yes, arcane! Absorb seem to ignore arcane armor while it do less dmg to heavy armor.): clers, venos, mystics, mages, psychics etc.
I use that a lot as well, it's very useful against AA people, but AS deals non-elemental damage (so...physical dmg) meaning that people that got higher pdef won't suffer near as much as arcane armored casters.
Thank you for the replies, everyone. Been a lot of help so far. Hopefully it will help more people that come here with the same problem.We are not now that strength which in old days
Moved earth and heaven, that which we are, we are;
One equal temper of heroic hearts,
Made weak by time and fate, but strong in will
To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield.0 -
MontRei - Dreamweaver wrote: »I'd just like to know if Vital herb would draw too much attention to me, because if I'm gonna put Listless Blossom by the flag, why not set a Vital Herb down if the carrier is in my squad.
Vital's not really useful because the flag carrier should hopefully be moving fast enough that they'll be out of range of it in no time.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
"subtraction has the butt of an angel" - Paulrogers
/blatant sig copy is blatant
105/105/105 obtained! b:cute0 -
If the flag carrier is in your squad Gaia's blessing would be better than vital herb since when people move the plant stay there.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
b:dirty "I **** rainbows and love everyone"-Longknife b:cute0 -
This thread is very helpful, just got lvl100 yesterday and i'm going for r8, still need a lot of time to spend though b:surrender
any when i'm doing NW, i usually fly above my squad and set devil to defend mode with stun on auto, if sin pops up beside me, devil will stun him and i gale force+bramble then swirling mist, definitely now he has <60%hp so the mist is activated already then spam NV on him, if he still alive i drop on my squad (stop flying) for them to see me and assist me.
b:laugh[SIGPIC]Ma_Mystic[/SIGPIC]0 -
getting stuck in base during is so not cool b:angry
the rest is though b:victory0 -
TheCure - Lothranis wrote: »This thread is very helpful, just got lvl100 yesterday and i'm going for r8
R8 for mystic? -why?Be kind: Help the GMs to depopulate the servers.0 -
R8 for mystic? -why?
Not sure about you, but I'm going r8 because r8 recast is about as good as Nirvy, plus I had some reputation already because of those Luminance Badges (somewhere around 45k rep), and even with the Nation Wars turning the market upside down, R8 was cheaper.
I find the R8 gear to be pretty decent.We are not now that strength which in old days
Moved earth and heaven, that which we are, we are;
One equal temper of heroic hearts,
Made weak by time and fate, but strong in will
To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield.0 -
MontRei - Dreamweaver wrote: »Not sure about you, but I'm going r8 because r8 recast is about as good as Nirvy, plus I had some reputation already because of those Luminance Badges (somewhere around 45k rep), and even with the Nation Wars turning the market upside down, R8 was cheaper.
I find the R8 gear to be pretty decent.
The only good thing about caster R8r is purify.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
b:dirty "I **** rainbows and love everyone"-Longknife b:cute0 -
^ this
if you want some def levels - whack on an o'malley's - its not as much defense levels as what you could get from a R8R weapon but its
1) cheaper and you can always swap back to a jones when you're not tanking
2)purify+15 defense level+ ability to heal for at least as long as the proc lasts > 25 defense levels least in my opinion especially for a caster class that has stackable Pdef buffs with cleric and BM buffs (only other class with this is wizard and i guess if you wanna be pedantic veno fox form and plume shell) and one of 2 classes that can actually heal well enough to tank and DD at the same time.
A great skill for if sins pop on you is expel or badge of courage (both genie skills) or both to get you out of stun locks and fortify keeps you out of them.
Fortify is great for magic classes who dont seem to have a lot of anti stuns at all but have enough magic defense for it to not have such a detrimental effect. By the time you've used badge of courage + gale + fortify you should have bought yourself some time to either move away from the sin, bramble tornado or heal yourself and cast petals and maybe a sally shield or leeched/summoned chihyu ready to kill that fishy that thought you were squishy!!
Mystics are epic in NW but definitely need to be used properly and like most other classes are dependent on genie skills for survival against classes like sins.
The key is to buy yourself some time long enough for you to slap that hoe in the face.0 -
R8 for mystic? -why?MontRei - Dreamweaver wrote: »Not sure about you, but I'm going r8 because r8 recast is about as good as Nirvy, plus I had some reputation already because of those Luminance Badges (somewhere around 45k rep), and even with the Nation Wars turning the market upside down, R8 was cheaper.
I find the R8 gear to be pretty decent.
i'll go r8 then recast, i like the purify thingy b:pleased
i agree with MontRei, R8 is cheaper.
Just got my wand yesterday, well maybe i not going for full r8, i have check somewhere here in the forum and got this as my preference b:victory[SIGPIC]Ma_Mystic[/SIGPIC]0 -
So the argument is cheaper? How much cheaper? Is the price still not plummeting on raps with mold prices being negligible? Not being account stashable is more costly to me.0
TheCure - Lothranis wrote: »i'll go r8 then recast, i like the purify thingy b:pleased
i agree with MontRei, R8 is cheaper.
Just got my wand yesterday, well maybe i not going for full r8, i have check somewhere here in the forum and got this as my preference b:victory
Sorry, but now R8 is more expensive than 3rd nirvana recast, plus 3rd nirvana recast give fix stats (except the % and amount of some), while R8r can be a pain to get good stats.
Some people even say 3rd recast nirvana is better than the plain R9, but R8r weapon is good for the purify and def level, but gears are ****.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
b:dirty "I **** rainbows and love everyone"-Longknife b:cute0 -
Xx_BeLLa_xX - Harshlands wrote: »Sorry, but now R8 is more expensive than 3rd nirvana recast, plus 3rd nirvana recast give fix stats (except the % and amount of some), while R8r can be a pain to get good stats.
Some people even say 3rd recast nirvana is better than the plain R9, but R8r weapon is good for the purify and def level, but gears are ****.
I personally go for full 3rd cast nv armor and def lvled r8r wep. So all in all I will get 50+ def lvl without a single def lvl shard b:pleased0 -
in NW its useful to have 2 weapons like Romeoe was saying.
keep the purify on when you're not attacking and attack with the nirvy t3 weapon.
otherwise arcanes are far too squishy[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] -
This will be a long discussion lol.
I'm not saying it's cheaper for everyone - I said it will be cheaper for me, once I already have 45k rep.
Cashshopping is not an option for me, so choosing the cheap path is essential. But now with the market going crazy with the Nation Wars, I could use some advices, maybe I'll be able to have both R8 and Nirvy in a distant future...b:pleasedWe are not now that strength which in old days
Moved earth and heaven, that which we are, we are;
One equal temper of heroic hearts,
Made weak by time and fate, but strong in will
To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield.0 -
well, this disccussion is helping me through which direction am i going, but i already have the r8 wep, maybe after i recast, i can build nirvy wep too, i like the idea of 2 wep during TW/NW coz for me i ussually play both DD and support.. b:pleased[SIGPIC]Ma_Mystic[/SIGPIC]0
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