166 people in flame base...
Channman - Lost City wrote: »Don't like it then don't read nuff said. Also you have become a very big *** hole lately Fuzzy
Not so much an ***hole.. Fuzzy just doesnt agree with those who want to cry about NW...
The name of the game is to lock down another nation. Dont cry to this panda if you end up staring at your base for hours on end...0 -
Maelael - Heavens Tear wrote: »Honestly Fuzzy is on that cusp too. He is either being a (bleep) or a (bleep), or both. Looking at it objectively as I possibly can - Fuzzy is either trolling or doesn't actually participate in NW and is talking outta his butt.
Yep, agreed.Proving that not only archers do math since 2009. b:victory
Current math challenge: pwi-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=1029711&page=45
"Any skills that can be used to kill you will interrupt BB when successful." -truekossy | "...Sage archers are kind of like Mac owners. They are proud of the weirdest and most unnecessary things." -Aesthor | "We ALL know Jesus doesn't play PWI. He may have suffered a lot for humanity, but he'd NEVER punish himself this way." -Abstractive | "I approve of bananas." -SashaGray0 -
oVenusArmanio wrote: »Just pay attention to what is going on in the map. And like I said most of my side couldn't show up because they were trying to prevent being locked. So I started a battle left, start another battle, and they will go to it immediately. Whether I win or lose is irrelevant, it's about tying up people for a little bit.
Well, the basic assumption to me is that any territory that is available for battle will be used regardless of its strategic value. The key is having these remain accesible to those in your faction base and not to extend your borders so much people will be drawn to fight on available battles closer by, eg not to overextend. I think it more efficient to look for certain shapes in the map (there's 3 I would consider beneficial) rather than making it a paly by play. If there's a choice in between territories your server may have a much lower population than mine.
Yes, sorry.
Nevermind, this doesn't take away from whatever you were trying to say.
If a battle is full people have to find a way to go around it. In addition the players inside the battle have to bother with a 20 vs 0 which can take forever if someone slow grabs the flag.
Which is why I made the point about population on my post. As for someone slow grabbing the flag i dont think this os reliable and hence a factor.
I knew that someone was going to call pics or it didn't happen, and I knew that I was gonna talk about some of the tactics I learned that war anyway . So here you go. http://i68.photobucket.com/albums/i40/ariesdragon123/picsordidnthappen.jpg
I suspect there's more going in there that the screenie shows, but regardless of what factors may have allowed you such a score I don't think you would have managed without some exceptional personal competence, so congratulations on that and I do mean it.
I didn't say it was solely my good calls. I'm saying that the light side was full of more coordinated squads and people employing those kinds of tactics. There is usually one side with more people taking smart advantage of the map. Whether or not you're lucky enough to end up on the same team with those guys is a whole nother story. But it's a mix of factors. The people on my side were smart enough to defend the base from being locked. I was smart enough to aid in that over extending by looking at the strategic map and starting battles. Trying to help out where I could. They over extend to much towards our side and dark is beginning to eat them up? Great! That means they probably got a strip of land and starting battles can help by filling up territories. You start a battle people will come. They made mistakes. My side took advantage of them. My nation won. Next war I winds up on a nation that gets hammered and end up with considerably less tokens. The wars will be more interesting once everyone is being careful about what battles they jump into.
Yes, in terms of general strategy, which doesn't mean base blocking is effective. It's not just what the people on your side are doing and this isn't 1v1 but 1v3 and I don't think you're fully taking this into account.
That's why you should double back when your rival is starting to catch up and encroaching towards your base. Base lock a team, prevent your own base lock before it actually happens in order to respread out a bit and not be overly extended, and then base lock another team. Collect your tokens. That is the what I have observed to be the winning strategy. Low levels should add in this in battle by making a nuisance of themselves, perhaps even getting people to chase them for the easy kill because once they catch up to you're toast. And if you notice the enemy making a straight line towards your base, start pick off the lands they left behind and leave defending the base to the heavies. You cut off reinforcements and give the strong people in your land a chance to push back the strong people in theirs. Hope that luck is on your side and your guys are strong than theirs because there is a lot of luck involved in NW as well.
Here's the thing, you're weakening yourself, however much doubling back your people may be doing, and that the other two nations wouldn't take advantage of this just blows my mind. Are they sitting pretty just fighting each other while your nation base blocks another one? Because I couldn't think of a better cue to start engaging a side more aggressively. You're fighting 3 sides, not just 1, and its one thing that you get somewhat more savy people on one side, quite another that all other nations suddenly become stupid.
And on the Fuzzy thing, I really don't mean to give you a hard time but you are coming pretty close to flaming, which a mod shouldn't do. This doesn't mean you can't express your opinions, I've got something of a heated debate going on with Venus here for instance. But if you want to give people attitude and tell them what's what, then perhaps you should do it as a common player. Because you do have a tendency of locking up threads for less and while I won't say that overall you do a bad job, double standards reflect poorly on you.
This is an important issue because apparently SOME players are too quick to justify actions that annoy and inconvenience others as legitimate or convenient when in fact they're not. Base blocking is not an effective strategy, but for many people, and especially for established players for whom the profit to be made is not (at this point) a deciding factor, it is likely "fun" and they will defend it regardless of logic. And in good logic there's no justifying freeing the other two sides from the pressure of fighting a rival while leaving yourself exposed and vulnerable to attack. Although likely many will continue to find a way of convinicing themselves that it is so, and to continue enjoying leetist attitudes that allow them to indulge in talking down to others or label people with legitimate complaints as QQers. Why, we even have people unashamedly admitting that they multiclient and afk alts...0 -
The question is that if they can do this to you, why can't you do this to them? This is the difference between people who can adjust and take advantage of such things and people who just sit there and QQ about it. If they use alts, use your alts...0
I've said it before but in PWCN they've already addressed this by expanding the NW map to this: http://i4.minus.com/imGY1RPm2NfXX.png
I think that one would be a lot better compared to our current map: http://i2.minus.com/iCTiEBLUULyV2.png
Hopefully we get a content update soon[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Refining Simulator - aster.ohmydays.net/pw/refiningsimulator.html (don't use IE)
Genie Calculator - aster.ohmydays.net/pw/geniecalculator.html - (don't use IE)
Socket Calculator - aster.ohmydays.net/pw/socketcalculator.html0 -
Not so much an ***hole.. Fuzzy just doesnt agree with those who want to cry about NW...
The name of the game is to lock down another nation. Dont cry to this panda if you end up staring at your base for hours on end...
A few things fuzy
1)If i was QQing about NW i am sorry cause i love that event i was just giving my opinion that base locking should be fixed. Add more lands around the base, or something. I was just very annoyed last night at the fact i had 11 tokens cause i was stuck over an hour at base. I just see people using alts to afk in a war as a bad thing that ruins the event and takes the fun away, and in the long run will hurt PWI and this event
2)sorry if i acted like a jerk to you, i was a little mad last night then took what you said as an insult so my bad on that fuzz0 -
oVenusArmanio wrote: »Locking the base is an effective tactic. If you don't want the land to get locked, do the smart thing and keep an eye on the strategic map. You can pretty much figure out what is going to happen 30 minutes before it does and start concenrtraing your force against pushing it back. If you guys get stuck in base because you were twiddling your thumbs and going after personal contribution instead of beating back the opposition, you deserve to be stuck there. If you were not and tried but enough of your nation didn't, sorry them is the breaks. i know it sucks. b:surrender
But this is nearly impossible with so many alt's. Why should we(non alt users) have to suffer for other people's use of afk alt's to the point of base trap?
Simple solution is implement PWCN's new map from Ast's post and we might not have this issue as much.0 -
I skipped the long posts b:surrender. My simple answer to getting locked in your nation base.
You have friends, i hope. Tell your friends, take 1 character only. Tell them to tell their friends to take 1 character only. In one nation there are only 1 character players, that nation has 200 players. Another nation has 280 players, but each one has 1 alt. That effectively means 140 players. Let's assume 140 players are spread out, that is 7 battle fields that you can have 20 active players. The other side can have 3 battles where they will have no opposition. Now those 60 players, taking 3 lands each time will get you land locked.
The nature of NW is that someone will get land locked because people are bound to be selfish. People have already stated, there are ways to avoid to being land locked.
As Venus said i believe, her bm kept the opposide side busy. We also had a battle like that. It was 10 vs 20. We were 10. We won the battle. Everyone helped out each other in that fight. If i saw archers, wizzy, psy, i would run in stun, hf. Our nation would lay out the dd, and the other side would drop like flies. Even though everyone was in different squads, the few clerics we had, healed us. The other side got no healing. We let the bm, barb or archer take the flag. I got the flag across once and i met no opposition.
Moral of the story: Co-operate, don't be selfish as a group and you will enjoy NW more, but life teaches me that people disregard morals so we will keep on having land locked bases. Even with 6 lands around, that is 120 players, when a base is locked you get 150~250 players there. Land lock might be shorter, but it will still happen.0 -
Asterelle - Sanctuary wrote: »I've said it before but in PWCN they've already addressed this by expanding the NW map to this: http://i4.minus.com/imGY1RPm2NfXX.png
I think that one would be a lot better compared to our current map: http://i2.minus.com/iCTiEBLUULyV2.png
Hopefully we get a content update soon
i think that new map is way to big without server vs server wars b:shutup0 -
You are getting bit too big for your britches, seriously. Since when did you get so important that you can ignore all the people telling you...
that you are being a jerk? An ****?
News flash! You didn't!
So. Please stop
being a
In any case, my philosophy is to make sure my faction has a large surface area. When picking a fight, if I notice another nation encroaching on ours, instead of starting a new attack that, win or lose, is at risk of getting cut off with the other lands my nation holds, I go back to the defense if I can. I want to keep my nation with a ball-like shape if possible to maximize surface area and accessibility for my whole nation to be engaging in battles.
Luck, of course, still plays a part. You have to rely somewhat on your allies to be strong. To offset this I always enter with a strong, coordinated squad (vent, all buffs, etc). Our squad very rarely looses a battle, certainly not one that we start. This offsets luck. I've been in far more winning nations than losing, so I think I'm doing well to offset my odds.
Setting of the twilight moon; a late evening rendezvous from atop the
city's lonely heights. With the dawn the city below springs into bustling
activity, and I don my morning apparel. From on high, I watch the world.0 -
One problem people are ignoring when they say "Just need to use strategy" is...
You can't.
You don't get to choose your nation.
you don't get to choose who is on your nation in a particular space on the map.
and fuzzy - yeah' you're being kinda a jerk. No more than usual forum flaming' but with a green mod title, that's probably not really acceptable.0 -
As much as I agree that making a stratergy might get tricky at points, you can. Simply by having a good squad that attacks what needs to be attacked. In certain situations, one or two squads can lead to a nation's victory. Cause the movement on the map is predictable.
Also, seems the topic of the thread shifted to a mod's rudeness. Ya, bit rude, but tbh, he's not the only one that's fed up with the constant QQing on the forums on this subject. Without trying to sound rude, why not try to find solutions? Because, believe me, there are.
And a (i hope) on topic question. Does anybody know how often the overall nation score updates? Cause it doesnt update at every refresh. Thank you0 -
Guys this is not the pick on Fuzzy thread. If you have a problem with the way a moderator is doing something, pm me that moderator. Do not derail a topic about this kind of thing. I don't want to have to close this so please stay on topic.0
whole point of NW is to use flex and use our brains which PW kinda softened.
(fac mate made this and i wholy agree)
Ive been in the winning nation like a whopping total of 1 time. But Ive never gotten stupidly stuck in base for 30 min like pple say. At the most its 5min. Im starting to wonder if some know that you can cross light purple land or use the process of 'pit stopping' so you dont get sent back to base, or not going into the land immediately close to you closing your own self off after that. and etc etc.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]lagunal8.deviantart.com
★"New weekly quests! "Discover the bug in the patch""-Nihillae★"My father would beat me if he found out I was QQing over a virtual pony."-Neurosis★"You're amongst the biggest blobs of fail I've ever seen in my life."-Ninnuam★"A statistic said 3% people of the world get enjoyment primarily from making people upset, and you are trying to discriminate them"-ilystah★["How To Tank Rebirth Order Delta (86+)"-Stickygreen Barb (1)restat. you want full magic, Arcane armour build (2)when mobs come /faceroll on your keyboard and you will one shot all the mobs (3)rinse and repeat]★"I've been spammed with 3 poops for 2 hours."-ColdSteele★"If someone fights learning, I don't bother with them outside of amusement factor."-Telarith★"This thread is a joke right? Please say yes."-eatwithspoons★ "This is why you don't post your opinions on the internet, most of the replies you get will be from people who missed a hug or two sometime in their youth."-Alacol★"Sexy! A post with a Binomial Distribution."-Asterelle★"It's about time PW starts to separate out the noob Sins from the rest."-salvati0n★"Shoo troll >:O"-TheDan0 -
Well, just prevent it? I never got stuck in any base for a half an hour before, you must be doing something wrong.0
Fuzzy has spoken to Genotypist and the powers that be are looking into the issue...0
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