CrimsonJr vs. Omerta 12/1/2012

Alastar - Harshlands
Alastar - Harshlands Posts: 121 Arc User
edited December 2012 in Dawnglory (EU)
The video you've all been waiting for...missed the last 48 minutes since HD ran out of space which included highlights such as the Omerta Cata squad chasing KeeperSoul down A, BY HIMSELF, and proceeding to chase the two of us (running in separate circles) for 2 minutes as well as LordWilliam chasing KeeperSoul down C then proceeding to chase me on his flying sword for about 3 minutes and letting Keeper pummel their towers. Good times.
ArmaniEx "our best wizz uses a r8+ 7 weap lol"
Exceptional Resource
Best Decoy
Post edited by Alastar - Harshlands on


  • Cytte - Harshlands
    Cytte - Harshlands Posts: 1,044 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    I cant even describe my disgust properly D: tripple sparking barbs? really? And did stormy ditch her suga daddy?
    I <3 A lot of people
  • Okopogo - Harshlands
    Okopogo - Harshlands Posts: 751 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Omerta is still a faction? *G_G*
  • Xx_BeLLa_xX - Harshlands
    Xx_BeLLa_xX - Harshlands Posts: 7,231 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Omerta is still a faction? *G_G*

    Hai Alex. ♥

    They are a trials faction.

    b:dirty "I **** rainbows and love everyone"-Longknife b:cute
  • PsychicTuna - Harshlands
    PsychicTuna - Harshlands Posts: 128 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    33 minutes of epic fail... MY EYES!!
    *Explodes into Tuna* ._.


    Doom_Panda- 102 R9 partial 3rd cast Sage Barb 29k HP.
    Dawnx - 100 Demon Cleric.
    Dawnx_- 101 Sage Cleric.
    DawnMyst- 94 Demon Mystic.
  • slamstone
    slamstone Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    wow so many mobs....lucky for them they had invigorate...

    who dropped adamantine? b:laughb:victory

    mostly archers with no cleric buffs but with invigorate :)
  • Xx_BeLLa_xX - Harshlands
    Xx_BeLLa_xX - Harshlands Posts: 7,231 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    slamstone wrote: »
    wow so many mobs....lucky for them they had invigorate...

    who dropped adamantine? b:laughb:victory

    mostly archers with no cleric buffs but with invigorate :)

    The funny thing it's they all have invigorate, but not ress buff...

    b:dirty "I **** rainbows and love everyone"-Longknife b:cute
  • Burnout - Harshlands
    Burnout - Harshlands Posts: 2,585 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    slamstone wrote: »
    wow so many mobs....lucky for them they had invigorate...

    who dropped adamantine? b:laughb:victory

    mostly archers with no cleric buffs but with invigorate :)

    It's because invigorate can't be purged.

    I replied to the 7th topic on the 1st page of mystic forums, and got reported for necro. Plz save mystic forums.
  • Longknife - Harshlands
    Longknife - Harshlands Posts: 4,843 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    with diference thet Omerta took out CrJr cristal on 2nd war so it's like in Hockey "Draw in main time,score in Owertime Omerta 1-0 CrJr " ijs


    Proud of being able to beat an alt guild when the alt guild DOESN'T ATTEND THE TW.
    I <3 AGOREY
  • slamstone
    slamstone Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2012

    Proud of being able to beat an alt guild when the alt guild DOESN'T ATTEND THE TW.
    and may i add doesnt have invigorate b:pleased

    P.S. sorry if im fixed on that word but its too good to not use it
  • Dralighte - Harshlands
    Dralighte - Harshlands Posts: 1,540 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    I had my 2 secondes of glory at 33:02, *** ya! b:cool

    it was kinda funny to watch :P I should try to come next time. lolz
    Kylin: thrashtalk everyone, win TWs, serious faction -Dralighte
  • Xx_BeLLa_xX - Harshlands
    Xx_BeLLa_xX - Harshlands Posts: 7,231 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    I had my 2 secondes of glory at 33:02, *** ya! b:cool

    it was kinda funny to watch :P I should try to come next time. lolz

    I have mines all the video. =D

    b:dirty "I **** rainbows and love everyone"-Longknife b:cute
  • Dralighte - Harshlands
    Dralighte - Harshlands Posts: 1,540 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    I have mines all the video. =D

    I'm jelly :C
    Kylin: thrashtalk everyone, win TWs, serious faction -Dralighte
  • ArmaniEx - Harshlands
    ArmaniEx - Harshlands Posts: 191 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Ala just reroll BM k, btw lol at r9 ea not being able to drop you xD
  • harshlandsrage
    harshlandsrage Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    okay a few facts before I begin my questions:
    yes crimjr is a fun fac full of people that know the game and play well together.
    yes omerta is actually a fun fac but needs alot of work on the concept of teamwork.
    yes the world chat izzy rage is aggravating...and i don't think he knows the real meaning of the word impotence as he uses it in context that does not make much sense.

    with all of that being are my questions for crimjr. I have a char in your fac as well as a char in omerta (do not show for either side when the facs are twing because I just feel it is wrong.) I understand that you call yourselves an alt fac when you began but why do you call yourselves that now when your alts are better geared than over half the server. I can promise you that you are much better geared than my r8 +5 char in omerta....I even know an omerta char with no better than tt99 gear. Yes omerta does have alot of what they consider "power players" (that have the gear but not the skills). I know they are a tw joke but still. How can you talk so much cap about being an alt fac when you are clearly not an alt fac anymore. That is the only thing that is really bugging me. When your alt is so closely geared to your main it becomes another main. I mean half of your fac is better geared than both of my mains. You won...omerta sucked....not arguing that...just stop calling yourself an alt fac...your are officially a main tw fac! gratz. (at least more than crime will ever be lolz )

    (posting from my phone sorry about punctuation)
  • Longknife - Harshlands
    Longknife - Harshlands Posts: 4,843 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    okay a few facts before I begin my questions:
    yes crimjr is a fun fac full of people that know the game and play well together.
    yes omerta is actually a fun fac but needs alot of work on the concept of teamwork.
    yes the world chat izzy rage is aggravating...and i don't think he knows the real meaning of the word impotence as he uses it in context that does not make much sense.

    with all of that being are my questions for crimjr. I have a char in your fac as well as a char in omerta (do not show for either side when the facs are twing because I just feel it is wrong.) I understand that you call yourselves an alt fac when you began but why do you call yourselves that now when your alts are better geared than over half the server. I can promise you that you are much better geared than my r8 +5 char in omerta....I even know an omerta char with no better than tt99 gear. Yes omerta does have alot of what they consider "power players" (that have the gear but not the skills). I know they are a tw joke but still. How can you talk so much cap about being an alt fac when you are clearly not an alt fac anymore. That is the only thing that is really bugging me. When your alt is so closely geared to your main it becomes another main. I mean half of your fac is better geared than both of my mains. You won...omerta sucked....not arguing that...just stop calling yourself an alt fac...your are officially a main tw fac! gratz. (at least more than crime will ever be lolz )

    (posting from my phone sorry about punctuation)

    My alt is literally r8 +5. That exact refine.

    Bella's alt isn't even level 100.

    We know people like you exist (alt from Omerta) and yet you're allowed to stay in guild as a joke, our vent gets crashed and overloaded during TW in some desperate attempt by someone to sabotage the TW and yet we carry on.

    CrimsonJr had 4 r9s total in that TW, one of them only very briefly. Omerta literally has two r9 3rd recasts.

    I'm sorry, but take your excuses and shove them up your ***, would you kindly? I don't mean that in a hateful way nor in a way like "how dare you question us!!" No, what bothers me about your question is that these are the types of excuses that lead this server to never improve. When CJr beats factions, it's rarely "yeah we lost, gf," it's always excuses. Yes, I get it, we troll hard. But you know why we do it? Because half of us aren't level 100, another quarter are r8 +5 and the last quarter (or less) has gear that would be expected of a legit TW faction.

    We troll because to be incredibly blunt and harsh about it, if you lose to CJr, you should immediately quit as a TW leader and swear to never lead another war again.

    What is so hard to understand about when a guild that's 25% geared beats one that's 90%+ geared, there's a problem? And hell don't take my word for it, watch the video. If you can't spot the problem areas, that's your problem, but for those of us that can? Holy ****, they're so unbelievably blatant.

    About two months ago, Isabella was having another drunken rant on world chat about how he's going to demolish Infamous. About how he was so ready to destroy them because he was a brilliant guild leader. He attempted to message everyone and their mother and get them to stack Infamous. How am I so sure? Because he asked me too, but I guess he was so drunk that he forgot this completely and bid me right before I was supposed to bid Infamous. Now I have a couple Infamous alts and we're beating Omerta, so pro leadership there Izzy. Way to bid on someone who'd agreed to help you!

    At any rate, two months ago he entertained ideas of beating Infamous; of embarassing the guild composed of the Zulu and Catalyst core. That dream was shattered in a matter of minutes when Infamous wiped the floor clean with them. Then what happened? Well, he decided he'd stack the alt guild. Because obviously if you're trying to prove your guild is strong, first you should go after Infamous, then go after Crimson-****ing-Jr. And don't just go after Crimson-****ing-Jr, stack them! Because obviously a stack is absolutely neccesary to win (and ironically that does seem to be the case...).

    And now here we are today, and CrimsonJr can beat Omerta. And what ideas does Omerta feed itself?

    "It's nothing to be embarassed about because we've beaten them more than they've beaten us."
    "Well the attack war (that CJr didn't attend) was basically like overtime so we beat them in overtime!"
    "They didn't kill our crystal so it technically wasn't a loss. Nevermind that we'd lost more towers and they'd touched our crystal whereas we hadn't touched theirs!!"

    This is so pathetic and delusional. This is what I'm sick of seeing. Egotistical leaders who just want to BE pro and don't understand it's something you have to work for. Egotistical leaders who refuse to wake up and smell the coffee, step down and give someone ELSE a chance at leading. Egotistical leaders who, without realizing it, compromise themselves down from challenging Catalyst itself to alt guild....while the alt guild is stacked. And Omerta doesn't see a problem with this. I dunno about you, but that stinks of failure and denial to me, and I don't exactly expect Omerta to turn around and get better. No, I expect them to keep losing.

    The problem here is that Isabella dreams of being a great TW leader. He dreams now and he will always dream; he's severely delusional if he truly thinks his guild is better at TW than any other guild on the map, because while those guilds ALL have experience with legit TWs, Omerta does not. And yet he entertains ideas of Omerta being like this destiny-bound prophet child that will win TW the moment it's created, and when those dreams are shattered, Omerta entertains ideas of CJr being a legit TW guild that's truly tough to beat.

    The reality is that Mayhem is stronger than Omerta. Leagues stronger.
    Hell, I'm willing to bet Deicide and Sacrament could beat Omerta too.

    So no, let's stop making excuses. CJr had 4 r9s. Four. One of them showed extremely late (last 30 minutes) and another was Alastar's, which was an uncharmed Blademaster for the entire second half. Aside from that I'd say we had between 5-10 2nd or 3rd cast nirvana players, with only ~3 being 3rd cast. Omerta? The vast majority are r9, 3rd recast nirvana or r8 recast. We had multiple people that weren't level 100. We had someone crashing our vent repeatedly, we had multiple Omerta alts who were free to spy on said vent and on our guild chat, and Iunno about the rest of my guild, but I wasn't charmed, nor do I expect any CJrs to attend fully charmed.

    Omerta is not a TW faction. They never were, they never will be. Any excuses made on their behalf is nothing but a delusional attempt to say it's not as bad as it actually is to lose to CJr. It is that bad, because it means Omerta will never ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever beat Crimson, Infamous, Dark, Mayhem, or any other guild with half a brain. Ever.
    I <3 AGOREY
  • Agorey - Harshlands
    Agorey - Harshlands Posts: 124 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    that now when your alts are better geared than over half the server.
    b:laugh b:chuckle

    veno with HA b:dirty
    Cleric and psys with LA b:dirty
    so OP b:kiss
  • Xx_BeLLa_xX - Harshlands
    Xx_BeLLa_xX - Harshlands Posts: 7,231 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    okay a few facts before I begin my questions:
    yes crimjr is a fun fac full of people that know the game and play well together.
    yes omerta is actually a fun fac but needs alot of work on the concept of teamwork.
    yes the world chat izzy rage is aggravating...and i don't think he knows the real meaning of the word impotence as he uses it in context that does not make much sense.

    with all of that being are my questions for crimjr. I have a char in your fac as well as a char in omerta (do not show for either side when the facs are twing because I just feel it is wrong.) I understand that you call yourselves an alt fac when you began but why do you call yourselves that now when your alts are better geared than over half the server. I can promise you that you are much better geared than my r8 +5 char in omerta....I even know an omerta char with no better than tt99 gear. Yes omerta does have alot of what they consider "power players" (that have the gear but not the skills). I know they are a tw joke but still. How can you talk so much cap about being an alt fac when you are clearly not an alt fac anymore. That is the only thing that is really bugging me. When your alt is so closely geared to your main it becomes another main. I mean half of your fac is better geared than both of my mains. You won...omerta sucked....not arguing that...just stop calling yourself an alt fac...your are officially a main tw fac! gratz. (at least more than crime will ever be lolz )

    (posting from my phone sorry about punctuation)

    about Omerta is a fun guild I really doubt it, ALL the people I know there, tell me they hate Omerta and are there only for Trials and will leave the second they get what they want (some of them already did left).

    As Longknife say my veno is level 95 with TT90 gears and a aquadash, I bet in Omerta there's no one under level 100 and I'm REALLY surprise that you are not recast since Omerta do 74 Trials a week.

    About the ''4'' R9 Long mentioned there's 2 that are half R9 no weapon and not the full armor, so even a full 3rd recast on your side should be better than a half R9 on our side.

    The only mains we have in CrimsonJr are a few people level 60-90 cause we are the only TW faction to recruit everyone, nvm the level, gears, attitude or name cause all we want is to have fun.

    Your a a main faction and you had 2 TW at the same time and you came at us the alts faction beside go to Crimson that is also a main TW faction, which prove you guys don't TW for the fun and are not a serious TW faction for showing a no show.

    Some Omerta that have alts in CrimsonJr asked Long to bid on Omerta and showed on Omerta side spying on us, I mean c'mmon seriously guys you need to spy on a alt faction? We have maybe max 10 people really well gears and your guild have way much more R9, 3rd recast, R8r than us.

    You guys are proud to beat a alt faction that is stacked. Gz on the win, but there's nothing to be proud of you even lost a land to Crimson, while CrimsonJr didn't lost a land. Your leader send your entire faction on us while it was a wined TW, beside send 4-5 persons on us and go defend Crimson.

    Your leader is not a good TW leader and it's not something you can learn to be, you are good or you are not, he seems to be a great leader for a PvE faction and he should stay with that, beside make a joke of himself doing something he is not good at it.

    b:dirty "I **** rainbows and love everyone"-Longknife b:cute
  • TiIia - Harshlands
    TiIia - Harshlands Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    I don't consider my mage a main just because my mage shares gear with my cleric via account stash. It is an alt I made for the hell for it. Yes, it is one of the best geared characters sitting in CrimsonJr at the moment, but I literally only use this mage for CrimsonJr TW vs. using my cleric for Infamous TW and every other aspect of the game.

    You guys are making the same excuses for losing to CrimsonJr that you made for losing to DEMACIA. To put this in perspective, it's been like eight or nine months since DEMACIA was on the map and Omerta has just...not improved. Seriously. How the **** do you go eight months with generally the same guild composition with no improvement? And hell, you guys even reacted the same ****ing way with the whole stacking ****.

    Also, because inquiring minds need to know, whose bright-*** idea was it to go into our base on the side with no catas and try to...actually, I don't know what the **** you guys were trying to accomplish. Sniping us, I guess? Really ****ing hard to do that when we can all just go around you and avoid you all entirely.
  • harshlandsrage
    harshlandsrage Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    woahwoahwoah lol. you guys act like I was talking **** about you and not omerta. perhaps I a little off in my wording. The only problem I had was you guys calling yourselves an alt faction. And to be completely honest I have no idea what went wrong in that war because I was not there. I don't use vent so it was not me that crashed yours though I do believe you that it happened (don't put it past them to cheat). In fact have not been to an omerta war in over 6 months because of the sheer frustration of being in such an unorganized environment. like those people you mentioned I to will be taking my toon out of there shortly. (due more to the fact that it is embarrassing to have "omerta" above my head while omerta leader drunk rages and to be completely honest some of the things he has said to long in wc makes my skin crawl its so cruel) Actually I think it's awesome that you were able to do what you have done. that's why I wanted to put a toon in there. But have exceeded the title of alt faction. I would say this no matter who you had tw with. It's a're welcome. I have a general respect for your fac. It is more of a real faction than most on the server imho.
  • Xx_BeLLa_xX - Harshlands
    Xx_BeLLa_xX - Harshlands Posts: 7,231 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    woahwoahwoah lol. you guys act like I was talking **** about you and not omerta. perhaps I a little off in my wording. The only problem I had was you guys calling yourselves an alt faction. And to be completely honest I have no idea what went wrong in that war because I was not there. I don't use vent so it was not me that crashed yours though I do believe you that it happened (don't put it past them to cheat). In fact have not been to an omerta war in over 6 months because of the sheer frustration of being in such an unorganized environment. like those people you mentioned I to will be taking my toon out of there shortly. (due more to the fact that it is embarrassing to have "omerta" above my head while omerta leader drunk rages and to be completely honest some of the things he has said to long in wc makes my skin crawl its so cruel) Actually I think it's awesome that you were able to do what you have done. that's why I wanted to put a toon in there. But have exceeded the title of alt faction. I would say this no matter who you had tw with. It's a're welcome. I have a general respect for your fac. It is more of a real faction than most on the server imho.

    You didn't done a TW over 6 months, but wanna put a toon in CrimsonJr? Dude we only TW, the rest of the time it's dead cause we are a faction of alts just there for TW. So if you don't want to TW don't waste your time to put a char there.

    b:dirty "I **** rainbows and love everyone"-Longknife b:cute
  • harshlandsrage
    harshlandsrage Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    I tw on another toon in another fac. Kept my char in omerta because I felt guilty for leaving after being there so long. That toon I consider in retirement. put an alt in crimjr when you guys were fighting I think it was watchers but stopped coming when you started fighting omerta...cause even though some people spy...I don't. Your fac has grown a whole lot since then good job. Again....compliment....your welcome.
    You havn't done a TW over 6 months, but wanna put a toon in CrimsonJr? Dude we only TW, the rest of the time it's dead cause we are a faction of alts just there for TW. So if you don't want to TW don't waste your time to put a char there.

    fixed that for you
  • Longknife - Harshlands
    Longknife - Harshlands Posts: 4,843 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    woahwoahwoah lol. you guys act like I was talking **** about you and not omerta. perhaps I a little off in my wording. The only problem I had was you guys calling yourselves an alt faction. And to be completely honest I have no idea what went wrong in that war because I was not there. I don't use vent so it was not me that crashed yours though I do believe you that it happened (don't put it past them to cheat). In fact have not been to an omerta war in over 6 months because of the sheer frustration of being in such an unorganized environment. like those people you mentioned I to will be taking my toon out of there shortly. (due more to the fact that it is embarrassing to have "omerta" above my head while omerta leader drunk rages and to be completely honest some of the things he has said to long in wc makes my skin crawl its so cruel) Actually I think it's awesome that you were able to do what you have done. that's why I wanted to put a toon in there. But have exceeded the title of alt faction. I would say this no matter who you had tw with. It's a're welcome. I have a general respect for your fac. It is more of a real faction than most on the server imho.

    Nor did I mean to sound like I'm taking this srs business.

    I couldn't care less if CJr wins or if Omerta wins or what people say about CJr or whatever. I made CJr because I felt like a lot of guilds have forgotten TW is all about fun, so based on the funnest TW's I've been in, I made a guild based on philosophies and ideals (don't read too much into this, I only mean it's general attitude and playstyle, not saying I studied a friggin' book of warfare here) that I thought would produce fun TWs, and I think I've succeeded. I dunno another guild on the map that's able to recruit people solely based on the fact that people know we deliver fun TWs, and not on promises of wealth or farming.

    But what does annoy me is how, in my opinion, part of the reason TW sucks is because this server has spent YEARS following failed leaders who claim to be pro simply because they've been leading for years. Yes, you've been leading losing battles for years; step down.

    These are the egotistical players who can't admit something's severely wrong and see leadership as nothing more than an exclusive title they get to flash around and look fancy with; not actually as a job and a responsibility that only certain individuals are cut out for. There's no shame in being a follower instead of a leader, but these such people apparently think being a follower instantly makes you an inferior human being, and thus they refuse to step down out of fear of what it'll do to their image.

    They're leading for all the wrong reasons and it's because of these self-obsessed, egotistical leaders that Zulu-Catalyst-Infamous has dominated the map for so long; because the idiots won't step down and any potential good leaders probably join guilds like Omerta believing them to be good teachers on how to TW simply because Omerta has been on the map (albeit barely) for years now.

    If people truly want the server to change? Stop following guilds that've spent years failing. Wake up, realize something's wrong with the leadership and try following a different flag under a different leader. Keep trying until one works.

    As for CJr being an alt faction? I get what you're saying, yes and no. If CJr could get full attendance? We'd have ~8 r9s I think (again perfect attendance though, that's never happened as of yet), which is more than most guilds can pull in. It's still not enough to face off with a serious TW faction though, and we DON'T have sign-ups or required charms or anything that serious TW factions have, so every war is literally a gamble because our attendance could be anywhere from 70+ to 30.

    But I'm happy to see things going as they are. To me, CrimsonJr doing well = the server truly does want fun TWs and not just to win.

    Don't worry about Izzy's little insults to me either. I don't give a damn if some stranger on the internet randomly makes fun of my dead grandfather; if anything I'm right there cringing with you, because the dude obviously missed the memo that I only troll people's gameplay styles, not their personal life. Also makes me laugh because then I can just imagine him trying to pick up a girl at a club, being asked what he does in his free time. "I spend a lot of money on a two-bit MMORPG and make fun of my opponent's dead relatives. So we gonna bang or no...?" GG dude.

    As I said though, reason I took what you said and shot it down? Don't give Omerta opportunities for excuses. That loss was inexcuseable, plain and simple, and the sooner they accept that, the sooner people can move on to forming new guilds with hopefully superior leadership. Last thing we need is another guild that can't figure out how to kill 3 archers AOEing a quest NPC when they have 30+ people....
    I <3 AGOREY
  • harshlandsrage
    harshlandsrage Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Nor did I mean to sound like I'm taking this srs business.

    I couldn't care less if CJr wins or if Omerta wins or what people say about CJr or whatever. I made CJr because I felt like a lot of guilds have forgotten TW is all about fun, so based on the funnest TW's I've been in, I made a guild based on philosophies and ideals (don't read too much into this, I only mean it's general attitude and playstyle, not saying I studied a friggin' book of warfare here) that I thought would produce fun TWs, and I think I've succeeded. I dunno another guild on the map that's able to recruit people solely based on the fact that people know we deliver fun TWs, and not on promises of wealth or farming.

    But what does annoy me is how, in my opinion, part of the reason TW sucks is because this server has spent YEARS following failed leaders who claim to be pro simply because they've been leading for years. Yes, you've been leading losing battles for years; step down.

    These are the egotistical players who can't admit something's severely wrong and see leadership as nothing more than an exclusive title they get to flash around and look fancy with; not actually as a job and a responsibility that only certain individuals are cut out for. There's no shame in being a follower instead of a leader, but these such people apparently think being a follower instantly makes you an inferior human being, and thus they refuse to step down out of fear of what it'll do to their image.

    They're leading for all the wrong reasons and it's because of these self-obsessed, egotistical leaders that Zulu-Catalyst-Infamous has dominated the map for so long; because the idiots won't step down and any potential good leaders probably join guilds like Omerta believing them to be good teachers on how to TW simply because Omerta has been on the map (albeit barely) for years now.

    If people truly want the server to change? Stop following guilds that've spent years failing. Wake up, realize something's wrong with the leadership and try following a different flag under a different leader. Keep trying until one works.

    As for CJr being an alt faction? I get what you're saying, yes and no. If CJr could get full attendance? We'd have ~8 r9s I think (again perfect attendance though, that's never happened as of yet), which is more than most guilds can pull in. It's still not enough to face off with a serious TW faction though, and we DON'T have sign-ups or required charms or anything that serious TW factions have, so every war is literally a gamble because our attendance could be anywhere from 70+ to 30.

    But I'm happy to see things going as they are. To me, CrimsonJr doing well = the server truly does want fun TWs and not just to win.

    Don't worry about Izzy's little insults to me either. I don't give a damn if some stranger on the internet randomly makes fun of my dead grandfather; if anything I'm right there cringing with you, because the dude obviously missed the memo that I only troll people's gameplay styles, not their personal life. Also makes me laugh because then I can just imagine him trying to pick up a girl at a club, being asked what he does in his free time. "I spend a lot of money on a two-bit MMORPG and make fun of my opponent's dead relatives. So we gonna bang or no...?" GG dude.

    As I said though, reason I took what you said and shot it down? Don't give Omerta opportunities for excuses. That loss was inexcuseable, plain and simple, and the sooner they accept that, the sooner people can move on to forming new guilds with hopefully superior leadership. Last thing we need is another guild that can't figure out how to kill 3 archers AOEing a quest NPC when they have 30+ people....

    could not have said it better myself (and didn't obviously lol) That is why you and crimjr are loved and respected regardless of the alt fac status and izzy still continues to fail along with quite a few other leaders. You play a game....and make it fun. I do apologize if my post seemed like I was hating on you guy. quite the contrary!!
  • Longknife - Harshlands
    Longknife - Harshlands Posts: 4,843 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    could not have said it better myself (and didn't obviously lol) That is why you and crimjr are loved and respected regardless of the alt fac status and izzy still continues to fail along with quite a few other leaders. You play a game....and make it fun. I do apologize if my post seemed like I was hating on you guy. quite the contrary!!

    No I get you weren't doing that, like I said I was just saying do NOT give them excuses to cling onto cause that's the last thing they need. :P
    I <3 AGOREY
  • Xx_BeLLa_xX - Harshlands
    Xx_BeLLa_xX - Harshlands Posts: 7,231 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    No I get you weren't doing that, like I said I was just saying do NOT give them excuses to cling onto cause that's the last thing they need. :P

    Yo stop the love romance and pay us a base. ♥

    b:dirty "I **** rainbows and love everyone"-Longknife b:cute
  • Longknife - Harshlands
    Longknife - Harshlands Posts: 4,843 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Yo stop the love romance and pay us a base. ♥

    Yeah so we can do trials all day and get really OP r8 recast gears while the other guilds farm real end-game gear.
    I <3 AGOREY
  • Xx_BeLLa_xX - Harshlands
    Xx_BeLLa_xX - Harshlands Posts: 7,231 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Yeah so we can do trials all day and get really OP r8 recast gears while the other guilds farm real end-game gear.

    Yea I cannot wait to see you lead trials Longknife. b:cute

    b:dirty "I **** rainbows and love everyone"-Longknife b:cute
  • harshlandsrage
    harshlandsrage Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Peace Omerta after a year and a half. Was nice knowing you...even better leaving. Thanks for the good times...I will always miss when the crowd that is there now...was not.
  • Dralighte - Harshlands
    Dralighte - Harshlands Posts: 1,540 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Good news, I should be able to attend at the TW at 14;00 for like 40-50 mins. It gonna be fun :P
    Kylin: thrashtalk everyone, win TWs, serious faction -Dralighte
  • SoifonQC - Harshlands
    SoifonQC - Harshlands Posts: 80 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    I'm glad I quit before it start to sink...

    List of TW Leaders

    Bludd/Xef > PRY > Rocket > Elmo/RED > Izzy

    That was MY IDA to merge Valhalla into omerta and NOW I regret it deeply

    in this video they look like chiken without head....