Warsong Videos & Short Guide

Posts: 8,680 Arc User
edited October 2013 in Venomancer
General Information:
I was asked by a couple of people to put together a short guide for Warsong so here it is!.
Taking into account the recent events and changes in game, Warsong is becoming a popular instance for farming gear.

This short guide is based on my personal experience and observation with a few additional tips and advice I was given. If there is anything you'd like to add or if you feel like I missed something; feel free to comment and I'll make sure to add them to this guide.

Warsong Videos:

Defending Metal by Desdi
Defending Fire by Desdi
Defending Fire (Lv94 non-RB) by Satyrion
Defending Earth by Desdi
Defending Wood by Desdi
Defending Wood by Womansley
Defending Water by Womansley
Full Warsong with an average squad by Desdi
Full Warsong with Venomancer pulling by Desdi
Full Warsong with Venomancer pulling by Foxsgurl
New Horizons update Warsong changes by Walpurga

Video Notes:

- In the first videos I used R8+10 weapon, a mix of R8/TT99 armor +6, Warsoul of Heaven +6, Wings of Cloudcharger +7 and a mix of TT90/Chono/Lunar ornaments +5.
At the time I recorded I had 6.8k HP unbuffed and around 11k-15k magic attack with 30 Attack Levels by wearing Jone's Blessing. (I was farming my G16 Nirvana gear in the meantime so you'll see a change of gear/stats throughout the videos. Later on I got R9rr, mostly at the pulling Warsong video.)

You don't necessarily need to meet those requirements as I've seen Venomancers with fewer refines, lower HP and lower magic attack (or weapon refines) be able to defend the Pavilion (Edit: 26.08.14 and now there's video proof). I don't know what's the ideal gear/weapon requirement to succeed so it's up to you; Next time there's BH Metal, start the timer and try defending a Pavilion to test your power (don't worry, it won't interfere with the BH timer).

- The genie I'm using in the video is a PvE one equipped with Absolute Domain to resist damage, Earthquake to push back mobs and head, Tree of Protection for heals, Extreme Poison for debuffing and Cloud Eruption for chi (though I preferred not to use this one much but save energy for emergencies, take advantage of Crush Vigor to build chi). I don't have Holy Path as I'm a Demon Venomancer (needless in PvE). I have Tangling Mire but I only use it on bosses. You can also use Soul of Fire when defending Fire Pavilion. It works on the "green pools" from the head monster too.

- As you might have noticed I didn't use triple spark. That's more of a personal preference and playstyle. When defending a Pavilion I prefer to save my chi for Parasitic Nova, Blazing Barrier, Feral Concentration etc. I've tried doing a run during which I kept Triple Sparking while defending and it went fine but in the end it's up to you on how you decide to defend the Pavilion. What's important is succeeding, not how you do it.
As your gear improves you'll get to a point were you'll be killing so fast that triple spark is unnecessary.

- The defending videos were recorded prior the expansion and skill update. The full Warsong run video was recorded after the expansion to include the changes. I have my new weapon in that video (which I got prior NW). I was charmed in the full run video because I had TW the weekend before I recorded. I'm mentioning this not to mislead anyone that a charm is necessary. It does help, but it's not a requirement.

- Defending Earth is something Venomancers are usually not expected to do but well geared ones should be able to do it. That allows you more flexibility in squads and more chances to get into one (eg. they already have Archer for Fire and Wizard for Metal). In that video I have my new G16 Nirvana gear (minus Hat and Cape) so my defences are significantly boosted since my first videos. Chances are that if you can do Earth then you can do Wood too. Earth monsters have no wood defence.

- Defending Wood is also something Venomancers are usually not expected to do. Wood, like Earth, has melee mobs with minimal magic resistance. Wood has less room to kite as well but that shouldn't be much of a problem.

- Defending Water is the hardest Pavilion to defend as a Venomancer and for this one, you really need good gear. Mobs appear to have no physical defence but they do have magic resistance which makes things a little harder. See additional notes here as well as in Womansley's video description. If your gear is decent, it's entirely possible to successfully defend it.

- Venomancers with good gear can serve as main pullers and even tank bosses if they can maintain aggro. Good gear includes well refined G16 Nirvana with good shards or decently/well refined R9r3 with decent shards. Purify proc weapon helps but it's not an absolute necessity.

Defending Tips:
- Bring with you Sutra Powders/Pan Gu Essence or some Ironguard Powders. The better gear you have the less need you'll have for them but it's not a bad idea to have some in the inventory. That's not only for defending but also throughout the run because **** happens; you need to be prepared.

- When mobs say "Let's die together!" they will explode and it usually occurs when you have taken a certain % amount of their HP. That explosion takes about 80% of your HP, more or less, with the potential to 1-shot you (Water ones take 20% HP instead). It's better that you keep your distance from the mobs all the time to avoid their explosion. If you happen to be close to one, simply use Absolute Domain and run away from it.

Side note, if you seal the mob after it has said "Let's die together" (Parasitic Nova or Bewitched), it will prevent it from exploding. You can use that to your advantage if you're too close to it. The mob will also not explode if you kill it off first.

- Kite the head, make sure it doesn't get close to you especially if it's Sacrificial Assault/Increased Attack because it hurts and has the potential to 1-shot you. Make sure you keep hitting it once in a while in order to keep aggro (hence I try to make it fall into my AOEs) otherwise it might reset and running back for it will make mobs pile up.
The head itself can kill the NPC fast so make sure it stays away from it. Having the genie skill Earthquake will help you push back the head when it's close to you (as Venomancers lack push-back skills). You may also use Bewitched to seal it and cause it to run away.

The head monsters "spits" green pools that deal damage. Just run around to avoid them.

Summer sprint (also Demon Fox Form) should help you move fast enough to avoid head. I wouldn't suggest using Holy Path, unless you are Sage, as I prefer to save the energy for Absolute Domain, Tree of Protection, Earthquake, Cloud Eruption etc.

- If you can't kill the Increased Life/Increased Magic Resistance mobs; kite them. Don't let the mobs pile up, start attacking the next mob(s) instead. Try to stack DoTs on them until their HP will eventually go down and explode. If that doesn't work just keep killing it in-between the other mobs or finish it off if it's close to dying. Your Myriad skills will come in handy here, if you land a Mind Break.

- Pets can be used, preferably ranged ones (for Metal/Fire) or ones with good defences (for Earth/Wood). Don't rely on them too much however, depend on your own damage power and skill.
To be frank, I've noticed that having a pet out actually slowed me down in defending so I stopped using one but it's up to you whether you want to use it or not. Pet can be used to kill Increased Life/Mag. Res mobs while you focus on others. If the pet dies don't try to Revive it although with the recent update and fast channeling you might have enough time to do it.

EDIT: Ever since the Venomancer pet upgrade/evolution pets have become much better and they actually help a lot with defending. Suitable pets would be evolved Phoenix, Derjan Hatchling, Dark Wanderer and Harpy due to their naturally high DD power. Other pets may work as well such as the evolved Cactus due to its ranged abilities.

- Don't be afraid or ashamed to ask for help if you feel things are getting tight. It's more frustrating having to start over than make the Cleric run to your Pavilion and help (if not the Cleric then whoever is on stand by). Similarly, if you feel that you need to spam HP pots and whatnot it's better that you do it than failing simply because it can be really really frustrating if people fail to defend repeatedly.

- This is optional but I'd suggest having the Warsong quest on the screen so you can check the scores. When the score reaches 180 you're done. It's a nice way to check on how many mobs/time you have left. You get 6 points per mob kill (except for Water Pavilion that's 2). This may also help you check on what Pavilion needs help (low score = probably needs help) so you can run to them once you're done with yours.

- I throw in an Amplify and a Myriad Rainbow occasionally since I already use Fox From to move around quickly. For Sages it's good since they can build chi by switching forms (after the Imbued Fox Form upgrade).

- I'd recommend grabbing base buffs, the extra crit and chan reduction are nice. However, do not rely on buffs completely. The mobs might purge you and if they do, you have to be prepared to defend with no buffs.

- At the end, before jumping down, make sure the head is quite far from the NPC. If the NPC is not at full HP I'd suggest not jumping down but keep head busy until the pop-up, just in case.

- Bugs/Glitches. I've observed that sometimes the Pavilions are a little glitchy. This is something not to worry about but I considered it worth mentioning for those who are new to Warsong and defending.

Sometimes the mobs may be a little glitchy and reset when they walk around the corners. This is most noticeable in the Fire Pavilion. It usually doesn't pose a problem but if you see the mobs reset way too much if they walk around or nearby the corners there something is terribly wrong. Ask for help or warn your squad.

The head may also glitch occasionally and attack you despite being out of its attacking range with a high chance to 1-shot you for an absurd amount of damage. I've witnessed that in one of my runs though it didn't happen to me personally.

After defending:
Once the Pavillions have been successfully defended a pop-up quest will appear. You should be familiar with that from BHs. The rest of the run is rather easy, save for the bosses, provided you have a competent squad.

The puller will be pulling mobs and all you do is DD, AOE as much as possible and pass chi if needed (usually to the Cleric or the Blademaster). If your gear can't support it, try not to steal aggro but don't be ashamed if you die. I tend to say "People always die in Warsong!" because it's quite true.

You might be asked to pull so prepare Blazing Barrier/Bramble Hood just in case. Otherwise just follow the squad. The mobs can't be stunned but they can be frozen & sealed (hint: use your Parasitic Nova!)

You should be familiar with the bosses already from the BHs. There's nothing in particular about them besides the usual debuffing and DD as much as possible. The Adv. version turns people into frogs; that will knock you out of Fox Form and that will knock Barbarians out of True Form. Staying at max range might help you avoid being turned into fox. This boss also has a minor stun if you stand too close.

I'd advice you to avoid using Parasitic Nova because Earth mobs are immune to freeze and therefore it will make them run away from the AOEs (but they can be stunned). It's especially annoying if you have a Seeker in squad who just set up Vortex.

The boss is simple except that it spawns adds every so often. The squad should make sure they aggro the mobs so they won't kill the Cleric. The adds spawn every time you kill the boss. Just AOE and keep debuffing the boss. The Adv. version does nothing in particular besides an IH short-of-buff on itself so make sure you keep an eye to Purge. After some observation I've come to the conclusion that Soul Degeneration doesn't work so the self-buff has to be purged.

Again, Fire should be a little familiar to you from BHs. The mobs interrupt a lot so be careful if you steal aggro. They also have a channeling debuff. Fire mobs are immune to both freeze and seal but they can be stunned.

The boss spawns adds but it's always lured away so there's nothing to worry about it. Adv. version self-buffs himself as soon as he gets aggro'd, Purge ASAP! Don't worry, he won't buff himself again after this (unless he resets).

Wood & Water
Wood crosses path with Water so you'll be fighting both types of mobs.
Wood mobs will EP (Extreme Poison) you and they also have an elemental debuff, albeit not as bad as EP. The Cleric is supposed to Purify you but don't rely on it completely if you steal aggro as the Cleric's priorities are to Purify and keep alive the main tank(s).
Water mobs will bubble you (similar to FCC 2nd boss). The same applies as above. Steal aggro at your own risk!
I'd advice you to throw Parasitic Nova on the groups of water mobs before everyone else rushes in, unless the squad is able to handle pulls. The mobs will be sealed so the rest of the squad can drop their AoEs without being interrupted for the first few seconds.

Wood boss does nothing in particular, DD & debuff, usual stuff. The Adv. version is a little more tricky though. The boss will always stun the Cleric. If there is a Mystic in squad the boss will occasionally stun them instead of the Cleric.
The boss also purges. There's not much you can do, besides making sure you stay alive, but I'd advice to pass chi to the Cleric if you have some spare chi so they can use whatever they need to. If you end up tanking; use your panic buttons or throw in a Sutra or an IG. The boss hits quite hard, especially after you get purged.

Water boss is quite frustrating. He bubbles people (similar to FCC 2nd boss) as well as AOE bubbles the squad. All you can do is have your genie ready to heal yourself and spam your panic buttons if things go terribly wrong. Chances are that if the Cleric dies, the rest will die too and you'll have to reset.
The Adv. version stuns at the beginning so you may choose to use Demon Summer Sprint/Natural Synergy/Vacuity/Whatever. It's not mandatory since a lot of people don't bother but I'd recommend to do so. The boss may stun throughout the fight but he's pretty easy.

The Incacerate
Once last boss dies, you'll have to teleport to the last boss. Choose the option "Confront Incacerate" at the NPC that will spawn.

The last boss is tricky but a good squad should have no problem. The boss spawns adds at every 20% HP that's taken down. Those adds have to die as soon as possible otherwise the squad will most likely die.

As of Sirens of War expansion the boss also spawns three adds that are called 105. In 60 seconds, the squad has to kill the single mob that's different than the other two. If the squad fails they get a second chance. If they fail again, the boss will disappear. Make sure your squad doesn't AOE until after these three mobs have spawned and the correct one has been killed.

Make sure you use Amplify Damage on the adds. For the boss, I throw in Soul Degeneration but that's optional. However, for really fast squads you're better off using Amplify Damage on the boss since the squad will be able to take down the add fast enough, probably faster than your Amplify's cooldown.

The first add will cause an AOE seal (or multiple if it doesn't get killed fast). The second add will AOE debuff slow channeling and reduced attack rate (and randomly bubble squad members if it doesn't get killed fast). The third add will buff the boss (Purge ASAP!). The fourth add will AOE purge and knock Cleric out of BB (try to use AD or Sutra to avoid). The last add will make boss Frenzy (Purge ASAP!). If you kill the adds fast enough those things won't occur though but be prepared.

The boss may glitch sometimes and the self-buff that appears when the three "105" mobs spawn will not go away even after the mobs have died. Luckily this doesn't stay on for the entire fight though. The buff can't be purged.

There's a very small chance but it may happen; the boss might reset out of nowhere and bad things will happen. It might also purge through AD/IG/Sutra but, again, this bug has a very low chance.

The Adv. version of this boss is easy. DD to your heart's content. There's nothing special about it besides that it has a physical defence self-buff. I wouldn't suggest bothering to purge it since it will rebuff itself and Purge will be on cooldown. The self buff seems to go on and off, similar to Metal's boss Frenzy self-buff.

Updates and change log can be viewed here.
★ Venomancer videos - tinyurl.com/k6ppkw4 ★ Desdi - Demon ♪ Wyvelin - Sage ★
Post edited by Desdi - Sanctuary on


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  • Posts: 154 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Thanks desdi for the detailed guide, will check out the video when I get home from workb:thanks
  • Posts: 8,680 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Thanks desdi for the detailed guide, will check out the video when I get home from workb:thanks


    I'll try to upload the last video today, so check again later, but uploading takes forever b:cry
    ★ Venomancer videos - tinyurl.com/k6ppkw4 ★ Desdi - Demon ♪ Wyvelin - Sage ★
  • Posts: 2,311 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Thank you very much, pretty awesome guide.
  • Posts: 8,680 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Uploaded last video, sorry it took so long. I had some issues uploading it D:
    ★ Venomancer videos - tinyurl.com/k6ppkw4 ★ Desdi - Demon ♪ Wyvelin - Sage ★
  • Posts: 6,695 Community Moderator
    edited November 2012
    nicely done.

    Thanks to MikoTenshi for the Avi and Kritty for the Signature.
    Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
  • Posts: 5,369 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Awesome work and grats on the sticky, cream veno with the infinite pockets. b:victory

    Licensed tail brusher of ƙɑƙʊɱɑʊ ~ only the fluffiest
    Outrunning centaurs since 2012~
  • Posts: 1,600 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Can I just get something cleared up.

    Lets say you want to practise this while on a bh run. So the bh timer is counting down. Can I go in to a pavillion and practise to defend one without upsetting that timer/bh run?
  • Posts: 8,680 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    nicely done.

    Thank you so much Venus b:thanks and everyone who supported me!

    Can I just get something cleared up.

    Lets say you want to practise this while on a bh run. So the bh timer is counting down. Can I go in to a pavillion and practise to defend one without upsetting that timer/bh run?

    The well-known timer for BH Metal/Fire is basically the ~15 minute defending time. Instead of defending, people just let the Pavilions fail (and NPCs die) and then wait for the remaining time to do the BH.

    So in other others, yeah you can practice-defend a Pavilion and once you're done you can continue your BH normally.
    ★ Venomancer videos - tinyurl.com/k6ppkw4 ★ Desdi - Demon ♪ Wyvelin - Sage ★
  • Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Gratz on the sticky Desdi b:cute This will definitly help out a lot of people
  • Posts: 8,680 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Hey Tig and thanks b:chuckle
    ★ Venomancer videos - tinyurl.com/k6ppkw4 ★ Desdi - Demon ♪ Wyvelin - Sage ★
  • Posts: 136 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    I really wonder how are the equips for the veno who was defending the fire pavilion?
    Is it Rank IX?
    Can someone tell me :) tQ
  • Posts: 8,680 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    helovesu wrote: »
    I really wonder how are the equips for the veno who was defending the fire pavilion?
    Is it Rank IX?
    Can someone tell me :) tQ

    I wrote about the equipment I used at the beginning:
    -In the videos I used R8+10 weapon, a mix of R8/TT99 armor, Warsoul of Heaven, Wings of Cloudcharger and a mix of TT90/Chono/Lunar ornaments. At the time I recorded I had 6.8k HP unbuffed and around 11k-15k magic attack.

    That was what I was using at the time I recorded Metal an Fire Pavilions. I was using a R8 (Rank VIII) weapon and gear.

    You don't need top gear to defend the pavilions but just decent ones as well as have some Apothecary pots with you to help you. Once you get the hang of it it's really easy to defend!
    ★ Venomancer videos - tinyurl.com/k6ppkw4 ★ Desdi - Demon ♪ Wyvelin - Sage ★
  • Posts: 31 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Nice guide so far Desdi.

    Here's a defending wood pavilion video for you.
    Wood pavilion is much like earth pavilion in that the mobs are melee ranged. The mobs have minimal magic resistance, compared with earth mobs who have 0 wood resistance. This can be a problem if the mob spawns with increased magic resistance, otherwise it isn't too noticeable. Also wood pavilion has a little less room to kite than earth pavilion. None of these minor differences make wood pavilion much more difficult than earth pavilion, and as Desdi pointed out being able to do more pavilions than just Metal and Fire gives your squad more options.
  • Posts: 8,680 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Nice guide so far Desdi.

    Here's a defending wood pavilion video for you.
    Wood pavilion is much like earth pavilion in that the mobs are melee ranged. The mobs have minimal magic resistance, compared with earth mobs who have 0 wood resistance. This can be a problem if the mob spawns with increased magic resistance, otherwise it isn't too noticeable. Also wood pavilion has a little less room to kite than earth pavilion. None of these minor differences make wood pavilion much more difficult than earth pavilion, and as Desdi pointed out being able to do more pavilions than just Metal and Fire gives your squad more options.

    Thank you b:thanks I'll add your link and tips to the guide.
    ★ Venomancer videos - tinyurl.com/k6ppkw4 ★ Desdi - Demon ♪ Wyvelin - Sage ★
  • Posts: 31 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    For the more geared and/or more daring, here's water pavilion defended. It is by far the hardest pavilion (unless you are LA/HA, I don't have any experience with other builds) of all warsong.
    Most of my notes for this pavilion are in the video comments. (To illustrate the point about the high magic defense in this pavilion, compare to the wood pavilion video I uploaded last week and notice my damage output with wood spells is roughly half b:shocked)
    I didn't have the balls to do this with a live squad b:chuckle. And I made a few unusual preparations beyond what normal PvE calls for: getting base buffs, borrowing a physical ring, and carrying the nix valley anti-aps buff pots.
    Anyway, enjoy!
  • Posts: 8,680 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Guide updated with link! Thanks a lot for the two videos & tips by the way, they are a great addition to the guide b:laugh

    Also, I can't believe I actually didn't think of Bewitched, it's handy to make the head run away temporarily especially if you're in Fox Form that moment for whatever reason.

    Now, you made me quite curious, I want to try out Wood and Water myself but, especially Water, will have to wait until I get higher refines b:chuckle but I gotta say you're a badass venob:victory
    ★ Venomancer videos - tinyurl.com/k6ppkw4 ★ Desdi - Demon ♪ Wyvelin - Sage ★
  • Posts: 8,680 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Moving log over here and will provide link on the first page. Perhaps I should have reserved a post but I didn't think the guide will expand so much b:chuckle

    19.11.12 - updated links; added fire video
    21.11.12 - updated some info with tips from a fac mate, updated final boss info after running it last night
    22.11.12 - updated link with full warsong run
    29.11.12 - ninja minor updates
    10.12.12 - added earth video & minor updates
    14.12.12 - added wood video link & tips from Womansley
    20.12.12 - added water video link by Womansley & various ninja updates
    25.12.12 - added glitches & bugs tips, think those will be handy
    25.03.13 - added wood video link, and a few details
    26.06.13 - corrected some minor details
    22.10.13 - added a video by Foxsgurl
    08.11.13 - added another video by me
    25.12.13 - added a video by Walpurga with the Warsong changes
    14.02.14 - changed colours to make it more read-able after the forum layout's update
    26.08.14 - added video by Satyrion with Fire defending on a lvl94 non-RB Venomancer
    ★ Venomancer videos - tinyurl.com/k6ppkw4 ★ Desdi - Demon ♪ Wyvelin - Sage ★
  • Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    My warsong video from a while ago. tho i didn't record the part were i soloed wood i am pulling half the pavs. If you watch you can probably see i use my herc alot, due to his two aoe skills, they pull argo almost instantly. With my channeling gear on, my herc can tank most of the bosses as well, tho was not needed with tank in squad. Hope video helps in some way f:grinf:cute
  • Posts: 8,680 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    My warsong video from a while ago. tho i didn't record the part were i soloed wood i am pulling half the pavs. If you watch you can probably see i use my herc alot, due to his two aoe skills, they pull argo almost instantly. With my channeling gear on, my herc can tank most of the bosses as well, tho was not needed with tank in squad. Hope video helps in some way f:grinf:cute

    I was planning to make one as well b:chuckle but I'll certainly add it up on the list. Thanks!
    ★ Venomancer videos - tinyurl.com/k6ppkw4 ★ Desdi - Demon ♪ Wyvelin - Sage ★


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