The New and Improved Bug Report Thread



  • Nidomi - Lost City
    Nidomi - Lost City Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    nijkerk14 wrote: »
    Hi, I got a bugg here. When I'm not in a party I can't be buffed by orther players but when I'm in a party orthers can buff me. Like clerics cannot buff me at all when I play solo for example. Pls help me

    make sure you dont have buff protections on. click your shield and look at the bottom at blessing filter
  • Mr_SilverWan - Raging Tide
    Mr_SilverWan - Raging Tide Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    DQ items have been reduced on their NPC's sell price...

    Real Issue is if I have a char 100 all DQ will cost 1 coin, no matter the lvl, the char, or the server, so you are limiting the game to just one char and one server.

    i.e. my char lvl 60 in raging tides is affecting my other lvl 1-15 chars in other servers since the dq price is for dq items from 21-51 at 1 coins, while only 61 have their original price...

    this makes me...

    - playing only one char in one server, cause the rest get that lousy NPC price over dq items
    - retreat from spending using my CC to other servers, since only one char can get money from DQ items
    -wanting to quit game, and just doing the school attendance for that mount

    In order to solve such thing then make the the DQ items bound to that account in that server, and stackable for 1000 not just a 100. Or just create an interserver DQ items transfer stone and money, since only one high lvl char will collect money or do the DQ quests.

    Well this release is full of disgusting issues, I DON'T LIKE IT... most probably I will play something else till your next release. You really made me withhold my money from being spent in this company.
  • memozezo1982
    memozezo1982 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    make sure you dont have buff protections on. click your shield and look at the bottom at blessing filter

    still not show ?????
  • hercules212121
    hercules212121 Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    hi, i have a small problem herea and i cant fix it,wene i try open the pw it was freez for 1 min and the it closed i dont know i can fix this? cause i download it and to my laptop and it isn't work plz help me someone b:infuriated b:infuriated b:infuriated
  • fachrun
    fachrun Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    why i,m cannot login/? and always disconnected from server please helpb:surrender
  • Sin_pker - Harshlands
    Sin_pker - Harshlands Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I was heading into nation Wars on my alt last night, and the game crashed as i was entering. For the next 4-5 hours, i couldnt log into my alt without pwi crashing with no error showing up. I tested every other character i have on the account, and they seemed to work fine. The loading screen to enter pwi wouldnt even show up at all. It crashed right as i clicked my barb to enter.

    I did eventually get it to work, by logging into it on a different computer. It was stuck inside the NW Instance with no timer. Went back to my original computer i was using, and it worked fine since.

    just wondering if anyone else might have had this issue with the NW Instance, or even a different one.
  • lindaaaaaaa
    lindaaaaaaa Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    A little bit ago I went to eqiup my T4 legacy guardian charm and spirit charm, and as I did that my guardian charm vanished. I got a message in my chat window saying it vanished. I didn't have any other charms equipped. Not sure what happened....I still have the spirit one thankfully but I don't know what caused it to vanish when I had only just gotten it and hadn't yet used it at all. I even went back to the guy to try to get another one and no such luck. :(
  • Emmy_Lala - Dreamweaver
    Emmy_Lala - Dreamweaver Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I recently redownloaded Perfect World and everytime I go on it to play, it will stay normal for a while (a long while) and then the music will bug out and replay like (lets say one note of the music) and then the land turns white and then perfect world freezes and i have to ctrl alt delete (start task manager) to shut it off. I dont know why this is happening.


    Please help. Perhaps I downloaded it incorrectly?
  • _Tidus - Raging Tide
    _Tidus - Raging Tide Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Not sure if this has been mentioned, had a brief look over the posts but couldnt find it, but on some bosses in FC your character can get stuck on the NPC when they spawn after defeating the boss. I dont have a SS as i havnt been to FC for a while but it happens to me on the first boss the second boss and the boss in big room. When playing as my sin it isnt so bad as i can teleport away but as my barb it can get really annoying as i need to use town teleport and if ive already used it im stuck untill the cool down is over which some squads dont want to wait for.
  • Colum - Raging Tide
    Colum - Raging Tide Posts: 1,696 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I died to hands in TT 2-3, got teleported to cube and couldn't release so I had to relog. Have to say squad got good laughs out of it.
    Leader of Cyanure on Valonsurma and a proud member of Vertu
    Demon Strength Barbarian 103/103/101

    Demon Pure Mag Cleric 102/102/101 | Demon 4 APS Assassin 102/102/101 | Demon Pure Mag Mystic 102/101/101 | Demon Pure Mag Psychic 100/100/93 | Demon 4 APS-Barbarian 100/100 | HA-venomancer 100 | DPH Assassin 100 | Pure Mag Wizard 100 | Demon Pure Mag Stormbringer 96 | Demon DPS Archer 94 | Sage Vit Barbarian 93 | Demon All-Path Blademaster 93 | Str Seeker 86 | Pure Mag Venomancer 81 | Pure Mag Wizard 81 | Pure Dex Duskblade 47
  • Anatew - Archosaur
    Anatew - Archosaur Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Me and couple another's were making 59 culti.
    We wined it and there was couple bosses missing!! Where are they.
    Why there not there where they need to be? Missing bosses were Qianji and Drake

    I feel so mad about this, i loosed 300 000 coins for wine and all bosses aren't
    even there... b:angry
  • Dragonninjaz - Archosaur
    Dragonninjaz - Archosaur Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Yes i cant hear my clerics emotes but i can hear all my other toons emotes y is that
  • GilgamCly - Raging Tide
    GilgamCly - Raging Tide Posts: 42 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Ok maybe its simple math of height needing to be at such and such number. But My sawfly is a flying pet,,,yet it gets stuck on a clump of grass and hills and rocks..

    Most noticable when it is sent to attack, basically it takes a nose dive into the dirt. Therefore anything on the ground stops it in its tracks. Cant the attack point be mapped for like its legs instead of the top of its head? Only its head and topf of its butt is sticking out of the dirt when its hitting a mob.

    Yes I know there is ground pets..But I hate to see this in pvp,,enemy stand other side of flower, throws rocks= win. Everyone says this is been a long time issue. Why ? Have you guys not backspaced the part of the coed that has its height marked and entered new number?

    I bet the Phoenix doesn't do it..For that kind of money if my pet got stuck on a rock or SMALL clump of grass,,pot hole, hill, bump, I would demand a refund! This is very vexxing and makes me not to want to use this pet. What have you guys looked at in this problem or have you recorded it yet? Thanx

    Yup I wrote about this over a year ago and was told they are working on fixing it. I would think that it would be a simple fix to make flying pets map ahead and houver 1m or 2m above the ground but they won't fix it, they just keep telling us what we want to hear and nothing is ever done. Don't even mension SP or I'll have a kibby fit.
    When they give me the **** line on how they are working on it I tell them they are Full of **** and they know they have no intension of fixing any of this stuff but just research on more excuses to tell players when they complain.
    And they wonder why so many players are getting sick of it and leaving the game.
    Rise to Become Mighty so on the Wings of the Leviathan We will Soar....
    "Beware the Jabberwock, my son! The jaws that bite, the claws that catch! Beware the Jubjub bird, and shun The frumious Bandersnatch!" He took his vorpal sword in hand: Long time the manxome foe he sought -- So rested he by the Tumtum tree, And stood awhile in thought. And, as in uffish thought he stood, The Jabberwock, with eyes of flame, Came whiffling through the tulgey wood, And burbled as it came!--Poem part by: Lewis Carroll
  • gbtrois
    gbtrois Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    For the quest Astral Shard, the NPC Lu Zah can't be found. The link quest tell us that he should be in 637 564 (on the bridge in the Sanctuary)

    Also, I cant discard that quest...

    And it seems that i'm not the only one who observe that bug.
  • BlastFlare - Dreamweaver
    BlastFlare - Dreamweaver Posts: 55 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    This is a vary small bug.

    Black Mountain at 437,297, there are mobs waking under the mountain. This bug is small, but it's hard for Melee classes to attack the mobs there. I think putting collision nodes or something around it would keep the mobs from walking though it. Good luck.
  • Colum - Raging Tide
    Colum - Raging Tide Posts: 1,696 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Is it just me or are all kinds of opening things lagging again? Stoning in has no problem but making wines and such stuff seems to be slow.
    Leader of Cyanure on Valonsurma and a proud member of Vertu
    Demon Strength Barbarian 103/103/101

    Demon Pure Mag Cleric 102/102/101 | Demon 4 APS Assassin 102/102/101 | Demon Pure Mag Mystic 102/101/101 | Demon Pure Mag Psychic 100/100/93 | Demon 4 APS-Barbarian 100/100 | HA-venomancer 100 | DPH Assassin 100 | Pure Mag Wizard 100 | Demon Pure Mag Stormbringer 96 | Demon DPS Archer 94 | Sage Vit Barbarian 93 | Demon All-Path Blademaster 93 | Str Seeker 86 | Pure Mag Venomancer 81 | Pure Mag Wizard 81 | Pure Dex Duskblade 47
  • Odinna - Dreamweaver
    Odinna - Dreamweaver Posts: 106 Arc User
    edited December 2012

    The invigorate Mystic Skill has a little bug, when you use teleport or go inside a cave it disapear and need to be invoked again. That is so annoying because is a little hard to get all the people together for buffs and generally ppl buff outside before delta, then go to the instance.

    Mystics summons have an issue too, when uses teleport the pets mana is reset to the base value when they are invoked ... Thats annoying too because if u have all the pet mana full and use teleport that mana is decresed to half the bar and u need to waste mana again filling it.

    Thank you so much!

    PS: Hope you understand xD My english is a little basic.
    Thank You so much Silvy for the sig! b:pleased
  • BigBowmans - Archosaur
    BigBowmans - Archosaur Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    One also in the game knocks u out when trading and what ever u were trading poofsb:angry
  • JennyDragon - Archosaur
    JennyDragon - Archosaur Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    I have everything for installing and I have screenshots (which apparently not allowed to report it), it will ask me where I want to install PWI but right after I tell it where to install it acts like it's going to start installing it decides to ask me again and again and again. What could be the problem?

    P.S. My laptop has Windows 8 on it, not sure if that makes a difference.
  • JennyDragon - Archosaur
    JennyDragon - Archosaur Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Also, it's saying Pando isn't installing correctly due to it being incomplete or something is missing.
  • Hadarah - Dreamweaver
    Hadarah - Dreamweaver Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    I just created a Mystic, but she never received the "Gifts from Above" (supply stash) quest. I've tried even going back to the original NPC, but nothing was there, and now she's already leveled up to 12, but still no supply stash. Is there a fix for this besides deleting the character and starting over? I couldn't post under that character due to limitations on the new accounts being able to post. :/ But character name: Treasured - Dreamweaver.
  • Xx_BeLLa_xX - Harshlands
    Xx_BeLLa_xX - Harshlands Posts: 7,231 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    I just created a Mystic, but she never received the "Gifts from Above" (supply stash) quest. I've tried even going back to the original NPC, but nothing was there, and now she's already leveled up to 12, but still no supply stash. Is there a fix for this besides deleting the character and starting over? I couldn't post under that character due to limitations on the new accounts being able to post. :/ But character name: Treasured - Dreamweaver.

    No don't delete your char, it's a issue they got since last patch, GM know about it.

    There's a pst about it if you want to read it, the GM said they might try something else.

    b:dirty "I **** rainbows and love everyone"-Longknife b:cute
  • Ridious - Sanctuary
    Ridious - Sanctuary Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Soemtimes, when i spam Wellspring surge on an ally, it suddenly stops taking effect. This has lost me many bosses xD.
  • rosepetite
    rosepetite Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited December 2012

    how to fix this error ? it happens at random but today it doesnt let me in game when it happens the game just closes
  • mindaugas0312
    mindaugas0312 Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Hi Why i got this error today "An error occurred while processing your request" ,then i try click on purchase ZEN ?
  • BloodPop - Sanctuary
    BloodPop - Sanctuary Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Since I started playing PWI again with my friend, who had recently joined, I noticed something odd about his in-game characters; it had a different face from what he made it to be.
    This is what his character's face looks like in-game, as opposed to how it's supposed to look. (how it's supposed to look is in the icon near the top of the screencap)

    My friend who recently joined is having the same problem, where my character looks different from how I made her. (I don't have a screencap of how mine looks to him.)
    The last time I played PWI before my friend joining (which was well over a year ago), I played with my sister who had a customized face, and hers displayed exactly how she made it.

    Not sure if this is a bug or just something you guys changed...
  • opkossy
    opkossy Posts: 11,177 Community Moderator
    edited December 2012
    You have customizations off. Turn them on in the system settings (U) while ingame. From there, click the UI button. The check box for customizations will be the second one above the sliders you'll see near the bottom.
    (Insert fancy image here)
  • BloodPop - Sanctuary
    BloodPop - Sanctuary Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Ohhh, I see... Well, I feel like a derp now.

    Thank you very much! <3
  • LaYsDiL - Harshlands
    LaYsDiL - Harshlands Posts: 124 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    hi, i have a small problem herea and i cant fix it,wene i try open the pw it was freez for 1 min and the it closed i dont know i can fix this? cause i download it and to my laptop and it isn't work plz help me someone b:infuriated b:infuriated b:infuriated
    fachrun wrote: »
    why i,m cannot login/? and always disconnected from server please helpb:surrender
    Is it just me or are all kinds of opening things lagging again? Stoning in has no problem but making wines and such stuff seems to be slow.
    Just scrolled threw 1-2 pages and seen bunch of ppl complaining about getting dced and freezeing...i guess u can see for yourself how many people this is effecting and find it serious...this kind of problem is quitable..people could quit due to this i wont. Unless i get. Perma frozze...and it is getting to that point but ive seen people quit over problems with game/ problem is prutty much the same thing where game closes no reasion...i freeze mostly when i first log on ill have to restart comp 2-3 times due to freeze...and somtimes it freezes in middle of game..
    Its getting to the point where it may freeze and cant play anymore.
  • nectoneni
    nectoneni Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    When I tried to pick up a quest from Snowman Tamer (any city), I got pop-up that said "Incorrect mission time span". Oher quests work fine. Why is this happening?
This discussion has been closed.