Question for PWI Staff regarding S v S.



  • Ruvil - Sanctuary
    Ruvil - Sanctuary Posts: 382 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    So you think the fact that Harshland and Lost city finish Harpy Wraith in like what, 1 minute 30, Sanctuary finishes in ~2:17, then three others finish in ~4:46, three others finish in 7-9minutes, and one actually dies to Harpy wraith....
    This says nothing about a potential gear/skill gap between the servers?

    Obviously Sanctuary is the most geared server as our six member team (indicative of the server) got that time with no sin.
    clearly... >_>

    Though I do agree that if SvS had been implemented most people who play this game would be disappointed. Most PWI players/pkers play this game because it's easy, because you can win just off gears/numbers (yea you can also win by being amazing ofc). SvS would essentially be an increase in TW player pool (ok so its capture the flag...) look at the state of TW... it can be good when factions are of equal power, its also pretty bad when not.

    If the teams representing each server are close in power then SvS might be good, if not then SvS will suck, guesses which one it would have been? (not that it matters as we didn't get SvS anyways b:chuckle)

    If SvS were implemented it would have to be done in a way that was very well thought out, an Earthworm would suffocate from holding its breathe before that happens >_>

    Thinking back to Faction Base wars I was actually really surprised when we (eventually) received an 'official response' that we were in fact definitely NOT going to have faction base wars. Wonder how long this one will take b:question
  • Adalgiso - Harshlands
    Adalgiso - Harshlands Posts: 112 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I am very glad you decided to give Mayhem advices on how to TW I really am. Your contribution to trolling everyone can't be put in words. I just wish you could use all your sarcasm and irony into getting yourself a decent gear so you can stop using that lame excuse for being a nab. I bet if you spent 10% of the time farming instead of trolling you would be r9 by now. b:shutup

    Rest of your post is complete bullsht. Of course you know that, you just want to see someone rage at you.
  • Longknife - Harshlands
    Longknife - Harshlands Posts: 4,843 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I am very glad you decided to give Mayhem advices on how to TW I really am. Your contribution to trolling everyone can't be put in words. I just wish you could use all your sarcasm and irony into getting yourself a decent gear so you can stop using that lame excuse for being a nab. I bet if you spent 10% of the time farming instead of trolling you would be r9 by now. b:shutup

    Rest of your post is complete bullsht. Of course you know that, you just want to see someone rage at you.

    Or I'm completely serious and Ruvil seems to be the only one able to realize how server vs. server could get really friggin' old really friggin' quick.

    The nation wars are the important update and we got them, luckily.
    I <3 AGOREY
  • Burnout - Harshlands
    Burnout - Harshlands Posts: 2,585 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    after the guild base wars fiasco?

    Anything even remotely challenging is not implementable by PWI, sorry.

    I replied to the 7th topic on the 1st page of mystic forums, and got reported for necro. Plz save mystic forums.
  • ponyduck
    ponyduck Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I must say, I agree w/Longknife about SvS getting boring. Once the
    novelty wore off, players would gradually drift away from it.

    Which makes me wonder . . .

    The BH'S.

    There is NO way that ppl aren't bored to death of Aba, SoT & GV.
    EVERY day, day after day, ad infinitum.

    Yet they still do them.

    I often think as I stand on the Arch platform on my lvl 70+ ep,
    trying in vain to get a 59 bh squad together, watching the
    relentless scroll of wc advertising for aba, sot or gv--
    how can they STAND to do that same run day after day after day?

    Yet they still do them.

    So, my conclusion is, that players WILL do things that are
    boring, if the pay-off is worth it. Hence, players could be
    enticed into doing SvS FOREVER (just like bh's), if the pay-off
    is good enough.

    Another thing that might make SvS more enticing/successful is if
    there were wars for each level range. This is something I've
    always thought would be good for TW, having, say, 3 different
    maps: lightweight, middleweight & heavyweight.

    Anyway, I do think ppl are envisioning SvS to be much more fun
    than it would, in fact, actually turn out to be.
  • Paulrogers - Harshlands
    Paulrogers - Harshlands Posts: 653 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    ponyduck wrote: »
    So, my conclusion is, that players WILL do things that are
    boring, if the pay-off is worth it.
    You sir just discovered the concept of farming/grinding in games and basically having a job, going to school, um basically anything that isn't leisure...........
    "Ewa Sonnet has the best pair of jugs ever. Nothing else compares." - Eoria.
  • samasalao
    samasalao Posts: 159 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I kinda figured that PWI was not going to implement this feature... but still I kinda hoped they would implement it between servers in the same locations like all west coast servers etc, but they went the easy way and decided to butcher it... like most stuff we get from PWC.

    We are obviously treated like a milking cow by PWE nothing new though, we probably all know this already, anything that requires time or money to implement, it wont be implemented here, even if it comes already tested and configured from PWC.

    I don't think complaining here will help at all, this will eventually be added to the suggestion thread where they can happily ignore it, and is not that this feature would suck or not, is rather that we never had the chance to test it in the first place what bothers me the most.
  • Longknife - Harshlands
    Longknife - Harshlands Posts: 4,843 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    ponyduck wrote: »
    I must say, I agree w/Longknife about SvS getting boring. Once the
    novelty wore off, players would gradually drift away from it.

    Which makes me wonder . . .

    The BH'S.

    There is NO way that ppl aren't bored to death of Aba, SoT & GV.
    EVERY day, day after day, ad infinitum.

    Yet they still do them.

    I often think as I stand on the Arch platform on my lvl 70+ ep,
    trying in vain to get a 59 bh squad together, watching the
    relentless scroll of wc advertising for aba, sot or gv--
    how can they STAND to do that same run day after day after day?

    Yet they still do them.

    So, my conclusion is, that players WILL do things that are
    boring, if the pay-off is worth it. Hence, players could be
    enticed into doing SvS FOREVER (just like bh's), if the pay-off
    is good enough.

    Another thing that might make SvS more enticing/successful is if
    there were wars for each level range. This is something I've
    always thought would be good for TW, having, say, 3 different
    maps: lightweight, middleweight & heavyweight.

    Anyway, I do think ppl are envisioning SvS to be much more fun
    than it would, in fact, actually turn out to be.

    Which is another part of the problem.
    People only do those things because there's rewards to be had, so SvS TW would need rewards too. The problem is that would make one server even stronger while the other remains the same strength.

    If anything, I think server vs. server would only be interesting as an annual event, not something weekly or monthly.
    I <3 AGOREY
  • upsides
    upsides Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Which is another part of the problem.
    People only do those things because there's rewards to be had, so SvS TW would need rewards too. The problem is that would make one server even stronger while the other remains the same strength.

    If anything, I think server vs. server would only be interesting as an annual event, not something weekly or monthly.

    Fighting for your server's honor would be rewarding enough for many, and SvS is a scale above anything experienced here at PWI. Without it this update loses it's true significance.

    The SvS is extremely important.
  • U_Sasuke - Sanctuary
    U_Sasuke - Sanctuary Posts: 643 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Obviously, there's a reason why this expansion is sirens of war
  • Jesya - Lost City
    Jesya - Lost City Posts: 291 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Hey, You,

    Maybe you could explain to us how you get information on expansions. Does the PWE team get an outline of "what's new" before you get the files? If not, why? If so, why don't you better prepare the community for version differences?

    If someone plays PWCH or PWBR for example, and they get a full expansion experience... then come to PWI and see major differences, don't they deserve an explanation? If there is a reason PWE devs and engineers (I didn't know there were any of those PWE side TBH) maybe an explanation of why would help the community to understand.

    Many of us have seen PWI go from a growing community to what it is now. Many people copme back after an expansion, hoping to see a major improvement to old complaints. Almost 100% of the time, the hype doesn't match the experience.

    We got... "just wait for the genies!!! this will balance gameplay" nope... WF with nixs were too OP then

    Then we heard, "Tideborns will balance the game"... stabby fish with ever lasting chi, nuff' said

    Then it was, "come back for the guild bases and GB vs GB wars"... yup, another didn't happen

    Then we were told that the new "Earthguard will stop the Sin OPness" (sic) >.<

    Welcome to the Descent. Where you can finally farm the Third eye skills (well sort of). and a whole new world to explore. We will even give you Order vs Order... how popular is that? Didn't think so...

    Now we come to the new expansion, S vs S... nope. Real skill changes? too little for some classes. All new experiences to gain coins, XP, veno pets, fun? Naw, not for us.
    DQ nerf, coin nerf, Dragon orb instability, P2W r9 in CS... what's next?

    People have taken our concerns to PW Bejing in the past. I hope you get some answers but we don't expect anything more than we we have gotten in the past... "Sorry but ain't gonna happen. But, please spend more money on zen".

    We've lost our holiday events, our annual monthly, weekly and daily races, very few people are still interested in their main toons (original 3 races) because of of a lack of MAJOR skill changes to balance. ( not to mention a graphical update would be nice). It took over 4 years to even get our EP magic shell buff fixed. So do we expect you to be able to get anything changed? Let's just say we won't hold our breath. Hope for the best but expect the worst. That seems to be the PWE mantra.

    To be honest, (and be honest... that's why many of us turned on a former CM... lack of honesty), why should we continue to promote or play a game that cannot even live up to it's own expectations? Why is our version being treated like the ugly stepchild while PWCH, PWBR, PWRU... gets what was promised?

    I know you aren't allowed to be open in replies due to having to carry the PWE brand and your higher-ups message. I do hope that you can give us a better answer than we we have gotten in the past. So, let me set you up for success. Please refrain from using comments like "I'll take your concerns back to the team" , anything with the word "soon", or "I'm working on it". To us that have been here for some time, those are code phrases that mean "If you don't like it, you can kiss my corporate <****>". (word exchange for public forum).


    Skog for president!

    I see we just got a 2ndary version of TW with this expansion.....
