General Message to Community Manager

Kniraven - Lost City
Kniraven - Lost City Posts: 2,620 Arc User
edited November 2012 in General Discussion
Please feel free to discuss or bump this if you agree.
You may go into detail about specific instances that have occurred but I personally will not because there are plenty of separate threads for individual grievances.

It is my belief that the community in general already knows whether or not things happened in updates/patches (often it seems before the staff does...), and we assume that these things get discussed and that decisions are made at some level.

What the community does not know, and would like to know so that we can be content that PWE staff is doing the best they can to both provide a quality experience and keep their business running is:

- Who actually is making the decisions about our game version's content?

- When something is decided, we would like to know the reasons that the decision was made in no uncertain terms. If you have to be vague because you don't know the answers, let us know that. We understand, we too are human.

- When a topic is being discussed, we'd like to know what power you actually have over the issue. It doesn't help anyone on either end (staff or player base) for us to be shouting at you for things you can't control.

No use crying over spilled milk.


please at least bump the thread or +1 if you agree

Example List
(feel free to mention more and I'll add as deemed appropriate)
- No Guild Base Battles
- No Server vs Server battles

