Who will get the drops ?

Posts: 0 Arc User
Hey guys,
i'm lvl 60 now, so i can start with the TTruns.
I heard that selling the TT drops is one of the best way to make money
Because i'm playing PWI just for fun ( so im not on everyday ^^), i did't really know how exatly the "drop systems" works for the mob and boss drops in Squads....
Can someone explain me how it works and who will get the drops? (especially in the TT runs etc. )
There we come to the second question
What is the best way to check the prices for these drops ( i think nobody will sell it to low xD )
-check Auction House or have a look at the maaaaaaaaany catshops ?
I think you have to be really lucky to find exact this thing you want to trade in the cat shops (quite apart from the fact that i will take a very very long time ... )
or is there a better way ?
Thx !! b:bye
i'm lvl 60 now, so i can start with the TTruns.
I heard that selling the TT drops is one of the best way to make money

Because i'm playing PWI just for fun ( so im not on everyday ^^), i did't really know how exatly the "drop systems" works for the mob and boss drops in Squads....
Can someone explain me how it works and who will get the drops? (especially in the TT runs etc. )
There we come to the second question

What is the best way to check the prices for these drops ( i think nobody will sell it to low xD )
-check Auction House or have a look at the maaaaaaaaany catshops ?
I think you have to be really lucky to find exact this thing you want to trade in the cat shops (quite apart from the fact that i will take a very very long time ... )
or is there a better way ?
Thx !! b:bye
Post edited by xxazraelexx on
xxazraelexx wrote: »...
I heard that selling the TT drops is one of the best way to make money
...xxazraelexx wrote: »...
What is the best way to check the prices for these drops ( i think nobody will sell it too low xD )
-check Auction House or have a look at the maaaaaaaaany catshops ?
I see answer in your question.
You are level 60 Psychic. May be (just may be) you have very good equipment, but can you tank bosses at TT runs ?0 -
No, i can't tank the bosses, and i think it also will be hard to tank the normal mobs
That's , why i asked the question who will get these drops. If it is random or the one who did the most damage or something else.
For now i cant go farming these drops. ill only do the quests in it.
But later if i will not die after the first three steps , i will do this.
So please see it as a generell drop question. Not depending on my lvl.0 -
Toliman - Raging Tide wrote: »Really ? And you start it now, after 2x ended.
He said he just got lvl 60. So how else could he begin earlier?I see answer in your question.
You are level 60 Psychic. May be (just may be) you have very good equipment, but can you tank bosses at TT runs ?
Why would a psy tank? He'd be going with a squad obviusly.
The lower lvl TT stuf isn't worth alot. Your best bet would be to go with a squad (best to find one in your faction) to farm yourself some better gear. Your money for now will have to go from quests and farming stuf.
Unfortuantly, there are not alot of squads farming lower lvl TTs anymore, so you will have trouble finding random squads.
In those squads though, there is usually a banker that holds onto all the valluable loot till the end of the run.
At the end, most squads will try to distribute the mats evenly according to theyr worth, or what every person needs.
Some squads will also try to have the banker sell all mats, and than mail the coins to each person. Only do this when you really trust he banker though, and once again lower level mats are not worth that much. So it might not be possible, or practical, to sell than like that9 out of 10 voices in my head say I'm not crazy... the 10th is singing the music of tetris0 -
Sound advice from Sirrobert.
In my tt runs, we farm tt for mats. People who want specific mats, they tend to get their fair share, they do not get all their mats. Can't have one person getting 500k worth drops, and the rest 2k.
Only tt mats are split, so dq items are off the list.
Banker is someone you can trust.
Yes, it is a very good idea to check ALL the shops to see what the prices are like. Sometimes, shops close by, one will sell the item for 50k, another be buying for 80k. You make 30k just like that. Happens, because shops are lazy to check others.
On sanctuary, people have the tt lvl mats range on their shop name. If i am looking for tt70 mats, i won't go to shops with tt80,90,99 mats usually. At the end of the day, there is only 1~3 shops buying items, and 1~5 selling that specific one for most tt.
Gold mat is always icky. Since i go with friends now, if no one wants it, we sell it, and split. If someone needs it, it's free. Random squad, it is mostly sold, often times to shop buying. Which is truly sad because a 1m drop is bought for 100k, and sold against for 1m b:chuckle, but hey people like to see their 20k now.0 -
Well, when TT runs were commonplace and needed a squad and such, the usual system on my server was that someone would bank the mats, then at the end each person would choose a mat in turn, starting with the tank, then cleric(s), then the DDs from highest level through to lowest. This would repeat until all mats are distributed. Obviously this doesn't really happen these days, but if you did a run with a squad you could feasibly use that system (though it has obvious flaws)b:pleasedb:pleasedb:pleased0
Sirrobert - Dreamweaver wrote: »The lower lvl TT stuff isn't worth alot.
The 1-x mats isn't that bad compared to most drops in higher TTs. Sure, you wont get any 500k+ mats (unless you get gold from snake in 1-3), but its not as bad as people makes it sound."In the beginning, it was claimed that all in Perfect World were equal. But now it seems that some are more equal than others..." ~ Lost City Recluse0 -
The main answer depends on if you're Free for alling and just letting PWIs random distribution work... which sucks btw since I've had runs where items have all gone to a single person regardless of who picked up. Just an extreme case of the usual 1-3 people getting utterly shafted with drop distribution.
No, what people usually do is "Bank" Where one person will hold all the items then they split at the end by going in a round robin. I think the order is horse **** layered in with bull ****. But usually goes Sub>Tank>Healer>Support healer>DD's (Ordered by level).
As you can see, this is stupid. Healers do next to nothing they are barely worth being there, and if its an APS tank and they have BP the BP is doing most of the work. But the Sin doesn't get any credit for being the healer?
Not exactly sure where to begin why a person who subs who pays like 50k can end up with first grabs on a 10m mat. No... just... no. Split the sub cost like wines if its such a huge wallet gouger.
Next lets look at tanks, bm's and sins make great tanks with good gear and a supporting team. Barbs on the other hand are generally useless, their agro skills are garbage and all around agro does not upscale with their level and gear like it should thus holding back most good DD's and becomes even worse at high levels. My sin was able to take agro from your average lvl100 barb at 60. Brings into question if the tank always deserves first order picks. Which also brings up why do venos get nothing for helping a barb tank by brambling them which adds to a tanks agro (sometimes, depends on the tank). But the main reason the tank is high in order is because HA takes a lot to repair, and because Barbs are slow and weak it takes longer to kill a boss meaning they take even more damage. So thats why things are like that.
Which brings me over to support healer for a quick wtf. Biggest pile of worthless ever. If the tank needs more than one healer, get a new tank. Support healer is just dumb and shouldn't even be recognized.
Now onto DD's (based on level). I just want to throw my hands up at this and say wtf. Being a higher level doesn't garentee anything. I used to go in TT with squads under the traditional system. Often my gear was far superior to someone 20 levels above me. Compare a level 60 with +5 refine and int/chan to a level 80 with no refine or int/channeling. Good example of this happened when a lvl80ish wizard popped in on my lvl60 cleric waiting for a boss to spawn. Even though he managed to get first hit his inferior gear won me the kill. But gear is only part of this matter. How you use it is another part. A person with lesser gear can also out preform a person with better gear in usefulness. Take two BMs (We'll say 90 and 94) and a Sin for example. Sin is tanking and BMs are alternating turns using HF on sparks. For simplicity sake well say the bms are equal in every way having the same gear and level of skills but one is a little lower and there's no one else in the squad. So, and this happens to me a lot btw on my sin, So 94 goes first but doesn't spark and immediately uses HF while sin and 90 bm are sparking. 3 seconds of his hf are auto wasted and he didn't even spark. Next spark comes, everyone sparks this time but the 90 uses genie/apoth for chi after sparking and HF's as soon as everyone is done sparking (Assuming everyone is fairly close on timing, or a bit longer if the sin is using powerdash). And all is marry with no wasted HF, and this continues over and over again. Is the 94 better and deserves to pick before the 90 just because he's a high level? Hell no. There's no reason to instantly use HF, even demon only lasts 9 seconds, lots of time to wait if need be after a demon/sage spark if they do something that takes a second or two like powerdash... which makes a Sin almost always crit for 8 seconds. Something a bm really wants to get their HF on as much as possible if a sin is tanking. But I digress.
I sugggest either going with friends and working out your split. I recommend going with what people want or having the bank sell everything in AH/or to who wants it (With everyone's approval on sell prices) then split the coin. Then people feel less shafted rather then getting stuck with bad picks because all the highers in the chain got all the good stuff.0 -
Sirrobert - Dreamweaver wrote: »He said he just got lvl 60. So how else could he begin earlier?
...Sirrobert - Dreamweaver wrote: »...
Why would a psy tank? He'd be going with a squad obviusly.
I not said that "he will go without squad", but drop distributionhiddenmonkey wrote: »... But usually goes Sub>Tank>Healer>Support healer>DD's (Ordered by level).
...Sirrobert - Dreamweaver wrote: »...
The lower lvl TT stuf isn't worth alot. Your best bet would be to go with a squad (best to find one in your faction) to farm yourself some better gear. Your money for now will have to go from quests and farming stuf.
Unfortuantly, there are not alot of squads farming lower lvl TTs anymore, so you will have trouble finding random squads...
you can't do enough damage or be useful in TT runs.
If you are in faction, then you can ask someone to give you mats (this will cost less efforts from high level players than to take you into TT run).
If you will be in random TT squad, then your profit will be so small, that you can take more drop from mobs instead.0 -
Toliman - Raging Tide wrote: »I not said that "he will go without squad", but drop distribution
That drop distribution is outdated and worthles.
Besides the sub part is even more ****, over at dreamweaver the subber simply got his money back in mirages. Really funny how some people want it like that, but w/e.
So like I said, run with your friends/faction, and you'll have a fair splitBriefly:
you can't do enough damage or be useful in TT runs.
If you are in faction, then you can ask someone to give you mats (this will cost less efforts from high level players than to take you into TT run).
If you will be in random TT squad, then your profit will be so small, that you can take more drop from mobs instead.
Can't do enough to be usefull... He's lvl 60, there is no interval at lvl 60.
It's funny how people think some things are impossible without a sin. Well gues what? We did just fine without sins before Raging Tide. The main DDs were wizzy and archer.
But it's funny how you asume that he's in a high lvl faction.
Most lower lvl factions do have 1 or 2 high lvls, and they very much like to take the lowbys on a ride to teach them some stuf, but they don't 'give away mats'. They might take you on a lower run, where they would do most of the work. But atleast they'll let you do some work for it9 out of 10 voices in my head say I'm not crazy... the 10th is singing the music of tetris0 -
PWI needs a "Roll" for drops option :<[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
I Miss the old days of PWIb:surrender0 -
Hey, first of all thx for the replies !,
So you can say the " normal" way is a banker who will get all the mats , and then at the end he will split it to the squad members in a dicussed order or the banker should sell all the mats and then split the money. right ?
Is there an option for Squads who will get the drops, or is it always random and you have to trade them to the banker after you got one?
Yes, im in a faction, but only i and a friend of me are online ...so they are all completly inactive .....what means i always have to search for a squad .
As i said at the beginning , i only plays for fun, so im not always on.Sometimes everyday a week, or sometimes 1 day in month.
So its hard for me to find a good and "active" (with active i mean not everday , but sometimes ) faction . These i had, they kicked me after a few days.
So i think it could be little bit dangerous to trust every banker in squad..0 -
xxazraelexx wrote: »Is there an option for Squads who will get the drops, or is it always random and you have to trade them to the banker after you got one?
When you press "T", it shows your squad option. You can select the distribution to "Random" (default) or "Free". Random is, well, random. Free gives drops to whoever picks them up.
You must choose that BEFORE you form the squad, otherwise you won't be able to change it (for fairness sake, I suppose).
On the trust issue, most people are not scammers, specially because you can see in your log what they are getting, so you can keep track of what they have "JohnSmith has acquired a klunky sword" or something will show in your screen. So, if they want to "steal" you, you can always name and shame in World Chat. And they know that, so they just won't do that, don't worry so much.0 -
ah okay , i never tried the squad settings xD
Mmh..okay , then i hope i will always have nice squads
So thank you guys for the replies !!0
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