Restructure Event Rewards?

AliceAdams - Lost City
AliceAdams - Lost City Posts: 308 Arc User
edited October 2012 in General Discussion
In the thread of annoyances, I mentioned my issue with Event Rewards. I felt that this was overlooked a bit and deserving of a separate topic. I want to know your thoughts on this.

90% of all rewards and events are level based.

In other words, if you're not 100+, you get **** rewards.

If you're 99 and below, you mostly get rewards that will only give you experience, which I suppose is to help you get to 100 faster, but kinda doesn't work that way. The experience rewards tend to be so low they barely make a dent at certain levels (fantasy fruit. I hate you fantasy fruit.)

100+ get constant rewards of ecstasy and excitement cards, as well various other GOOD rewards that are financially profitable.

It's almost like the game itself is saying, "Why aren't you lvl 100 yet?"

The problem is that those rewards of coins and high value items would be far better to the 99 and below crowd that otherwise has problems acquiring money. What's the point in leveling up if you can't afford the gear and skill costs for that level?

I guess I don't understand why everyone does the same amount of work (more or less), but only certain people get good rewards.

Tiger Event is a good example:

You start at level 30. It's a pain to rank high in this event for certain classes, so you're only really guaranteed the paper celestial pack. This will give you either 10 celestial shards, 2 hypers, one fantasy fruit, or one training esoterica. You get a quest from the Bounty Hunter, and at the end of the event you get a Verdant Jade. This will either give you a perfect stone, fantasy fruit, hyper stone, or training esoterica. You will get these same rewards for 70 levels.

These rewards should be split up a bit better. Maybe 30-49, 50-69, 70-89, 90+. If skill books become available at 89, and tend to be expensive, there should be more cash rewards at or near that level. I don't think it'd really kill this game to offer 100k on a BH quest. Or 15k on a Divine quest. Or 200k on a Paperclip quest.

Another good example of biased rewards is the recent Sweet Remembrance event.

At level 93, having spent HOURS on this event, there's no hope of getting more than fantasy fruit, mysterious chips, martial arts scrolls and mirages. But those at or above 100 are getting MILLIONS in coins.

TL;DR- I think we need to restructure the event rewards into brackets that are smaller than 1-99 and 100+ so that everyone has a better chance at useful rewards. This might also get more people to participate in events. Suggestions of other useful low level bracket rewards are welcome.
Post edited by AliceAdams - Lost City on


  • Jeremied - Sanctuary
    Jeremied - Sanctuary Posts: 2,259 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Tiger Event is a good example:

    You start at level 30. It's a pain to rank high in this event for certain classes, so you're only really guaranteed the paper celestial pack. This will give you either 10 celestial shards, 2 hypers, one fantasy fruit, or one training esoterica. You get a quest from the Bounty Hunter, and at the end of the event you get a Verdant Jade. This will either give you a perfect stone, fantasy fruit, hyper stone, or training esoterica. You will get these same rewards for 70 levels.

    <.< My partner runs Tigers on his lvl40 veno now. He got bronze celestial packs last week for placing 10th or something in venos, 100 event gold, 2 levels, a 300k exp orb, tradeable celestial shards, mirages, and socket stones. Tiger event isn't that hard to place in, if you know the DIFFERENT ways to participate based on the class/level you are.

    And when Jer here was lvl30, I participated in the 2011 Fireworks event even though it took my entire mp bar and a half to kill one mob, and I got a free rare pet, which I still adore.

    I do agree that some events (particularly Remembrance, as it is simply structured to be only 1-99 and 100+) seem to have skewed rewards. I know Jer probably won't get ecstasy cards from doing that event because he's only lvl91, although getting those now would help me more than if I were 100. However, I'm not one to usually complain about free stuff that I could still possibly profit from. b:chuckle
    ~Demon as of 5/6/12 - On the night where the moon is closer to the earth and brighter than any other night in the past 18 years.~

    Slow and steady stays alive~ I'm in no rush, I'm enjoying the journey to end game just as it was ment to be. b:victory
    "You sir, are why I love clerics <3" < Liba - Heaven's Tear
    b:thanks Well thank you Liba<3
  • Wickedbrew - Raging Tide
    Wickedbrew - Raging Tide Posts: 856 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    The perfect questmaster is a nice touch for low levels, though it is catered to xp, and less on coin/items. Too bad he disappeared again. The level 50 chest weapon was nice until it became timed, so no one wants to open their chest after level 45. It would be nice to have quests for various level ranges that give occasional really good rewards that are level range specific, maybe starting around level 30 or 40 since not even trying to level you can be 30 in a couple of days.
    WeBeKinky Leader - lvl 10x psychic

    If you don't like my attitude, you should realize I don't care.

    It's strange what desire will make foolish people do.
  • AliceAdams - Lost City
    AliceAdams - Lost City Posts: 308 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Tiger event is hard to rank high in depending on server and class.

    On our server, we get over 100 participants, and it's about 60% sins and the rest is divided up evenly.

    There are so MANY ways to level up in this game. Exp orbs are fantastic, but essentially useless in the big picture.

    If my skills (just the books) are going to cost me 60-100 mil in coins, and my gear is going to cost me about the same, what good does it do me to gain more exp? The higher in level you get, the more expensive this game becomes. It's extremely difficult to make enough money to keep up.

    But it's not JUST about money. Why can't we get rewards like crab meat, or do-all cards, or mysterious pages, or rep badges, or badges of (dex, wisdom...the green things).

    ETA: It's nearly pointless to do anything other than farm the herbs and do the elder quests until you're 100+. Trying to go out to kill mobs/bosses during Tiger Event on a PK server is just suicide.
  • Xx_BeLLa_xX - Harshlands
    Xx_BeLLa_xX - Harshlands Posts: 7,231 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    The bh reward from event is **** for lvl 99 less, on my lvl 9x always just got 1 perfect stone from that quest for every events, i mean seriously sometime i was in the top 10 of the tiger event at lvl 9x and was getting 1 perfect stone, i mean common lvl 90+ should all get the same thing. (from the bh quest for event)

    b:dirty "I **** rainbows and love everyone"-Longknife b:cute
  • Namari - Dreamweaver
    Namari - Dreamweaver Posts: 598 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    I did COA on this char a while back simply because of the verdant jade from the Head Hunter. What did I get on a level 90-ish char? 1 perfect stone. Considering that you need about 500 to fully feed a genie from the initial 20k, I can't even wipe my *** with it.

    I used to do solo TT on this character for coin when fairy boxes were still in solo mode TT. It was awesome because my charm didn't tick once, and my summon was able to take even Wurlord hits (he kinda hits hard even in solo mode). What happens if I do that now? I get nothing. The mirages were my income on this char as she and my sin do not share money with my psychic, who still needs ungodly amounts of gear. So now that the mirages are all gone, there's no point in doing TT solo mode, which means my mystic's main source of income is gone, which means that I can't buy or even learn sage skills. What's the point of having so much spirit when you can't learn skills anyways?

    I wouldn't mind a small monetary reward for doing BH 90-99. Or hell even below. Maybe not an excitement card, or even two ecstasy cards. 1 card would make me happy and I'll be able to learn skills again on my alts. And it would even give me an incentive to do BH89 because I freaking hate Brim and would never go in there otherwise.
    Censorship is the bane of creativity. Censorship is the bane of personality. Most of all...censorship is the bane of identity.

    My main is Ivy_. I'm better known as Destini. Also known as _Yvi. Yes, I have an identity crisis. b:chuckle

    Looking for a signature for this character. Wanna make me one?
  • AliceAdams - Lost City
    AliceAdams - Lost City Posts: 308 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    That's exactly my point.

    I have over 2k perfect stones. They aren't hard to come by and I never really use them. I have 300 mirages. I have about 20 each in training esotericas and martial arts scrolls that I rarely use. I have no need for mysterious chips, and socket stones are easy to get.

    I'm not asking to flood the economy with eleventy-bajillion coins or to start a new generation of wealthy noobs.

    I'm just asking for a little financial boost when things are increasingly expensive. I'm asking for a little consideration for the 99%b:chuckleb:surrenderb:shutup
  • Olbaze - Sanctuary
    Olbaze - Sanctuary Posts: 4,242 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    In the thread of annoyances, I mentioned my issue with Event Rewards. I felt that this was overlooked a bit and deserving of a separate topic. I want to know your thoughts on this.

    90% of all rewards and events are level based.

    In other words, if you're not 100+, you get **** rewards.

    If you're 99 and below, you mostly get rewards that will only give you experience, which I suppose is to help you get to 100 faster, but kinda doesn't work that way. The experience rewards tend to be so low they barely make a dent at certain levels (fantasy fruit. I hate you fantasy fruit.)

    100+ get constant rewards of ecstasy and excitement cards, as well various other GOOD rewards that are financially profitable.

    It's almost like the game itself is saying, "Why aren't you lvl 100 yet?"

    The problem is that those rewards of coins and high value items would be far better to the 99 and below crowd that otherwise has problems acquiring money. What's the point in leveling up if you can't afford the gear and skill costs for that level?

    I guess I don't understand why everyone does the same amount of work (more or less), but only certain people get good rewards.

    Tiger Event is a good example:

    You start at level 30. It's a pain to rank high in this event for certain classes, so you're only really guaranteed the paper celestial pack. This will give you either 10 celestial shards, 2 hypers, one fantasy fruit, or one training esoterica. You get a quest from the Bounty Hunter, and at the end of the event you get a Verdant Jade. This will either give you a perfect stone, fantasy fruit, hyper stone, or training esoterica. You will get these same rewards for 70 levels.

    These rewards should be split up a bit better. Maybe 30-49, 50-69, 70-89, 90+. If skill books become available at 89, and tend to be expensive, there should be more cash rewards at or near that level. I don't think it'd really kill this game to offer 100k on a BH quest. Or 15k on a Divine quest. Or 200k on a Paperclip quest.

    Another good example of biased rewards is the recent Sweet Remembrance event.

    At level 93, having spent HOURS on this event, there's no hope of getting more than fantasy fruit, mysterious chips, martial arts scrolls and mirages. But those at or above 100 are getting MILLIONS in coins.

    TL;DR- I think we need to restructure the event rewards into brackets that are smaller than 1-99 and 100+ so that everyone has a better chance at useful rewards. This might also get more people to participate in events. Suggestions of other useful low level bracket rewards are welcome.

    I think it actually makes sense.

    At levels below 100, majority of your expenses are due to leveling and learning skills. Thus, spirit and experience makes sense.

    Whereas on 100+, you're going to be doing stuff like buying gear, learning skills from skill books, buying those skill books, merchanting.

    Yeah, maybe the below 100 rewards are a bit too low in terms of making an actual difference, but I sure as hell do not think that those below 100 folk deserve equal or even similar rewards.

    As for your Tiger Event thing: Tiger Event isn't dominated by level 100s. It's dominated by R9s and highly refined 5 aps folk. Hell, I'm a +10 4.0 Sage sin and I can't even make top 10 on Assassins because of how many better geared people there are. What do I get for my troubles? Last time I got an exp item, a handful of socket stones, a handful of mysterious chips and like 50 Celestial Shards. Those shards? Yeah, they get me cheapo MP charms or a temporary buff item, very useful. Considering that any upgrade on my gear is going to cost me a minimum of 10m+, that's really not even a droplet. And I would barely place in top 20 if it wasn't 2x drops. And hell, even on 100, before I got my -interval gears, I regularly walked out of the Tiger Event with just Paper Celestials. Did I write complaints about it? No, I decided the event wasn't worth my time and stopped doing it.

    And you think it won't kill the game, but it will. BH100 rewards are actually mostly ****, and the average is about 900k daily. Down to like 600k if you actually do Lunar. And now you're suggesting that everyone below 100 should get 300k a day from BH? Nah, I think that's messed up.

    Also, one of the big reasons we have 100s who cannot afford their gear is because they spend it all on leveling, thinking "Yeah, when I get to 100, I'll get coins". That's got less to do with there not being enough rewards and more with people just majorly failing at managing their funds.
    I am Olba. Not Ol, not Baze nor Blaze. And even less would I go by Olblaze. Please, take a second to read a person's username.
    If you see b:cute be sure to take a second, calm look at anything I said.
  • AliceAdams - Lost City
    AliceAdams - Lost City Posts: 308 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    I was just throwing out suggestions, because I've never seen this topic brought up before.

    I don't expect the rewards to be EQUAL to 100+, only to be better than what they are now.

    Even a 1% chance to get a million coins every week is still better than the guarantee of never getting it at all.

    And if you look at some of my other suggestions, it's not all based on coins alone.

    "Why can't we get rewards like crab meat, or do-all cards, or mysterious pages, or rep badges, or badges of (dex, wisdom...the green things)."

    These are items that are incredibly useful to almost everyone. Even if you make a no-trade version of them just as an event reward, it's better than fruit and chips.

    If skill books become available at 89, we shouldn't have to wait until 100+ to get them. The skill books already have level caps on them (89, 92, 99). We should be able to at least get a few at the levels they become available.
  • VenusArmani - Dreamweaver
    VenusArmani - Dreamweaver Posts: 6,009 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    I agree completely, honestly. It used to be at that level you made money by farming DQ (they nerfed it) doing squad TTs (100s took over that and solo it now) picking low level mats. Low level mats is still a good market, and DQ is still okay too. But low levels have lost most of their avenues for making coin, and nothing has been brought into replace it. Instead, everything is level based. Basically even if you don't want to level fast, the game is dragging you quickly to 100+ kicking and screaming by throwing exp at everything you do.

    Many people now get so much exp just doing dailies that they don't have all their skills leveled even at level 90. Hell, I know people who hit 100 and don't have all of the skills leveled. Because they couldn't make the coin before then, and they are too focused on gear later.

    I think what people are forgetting is that their used to be other ways to make money so that you had enough for repairs, pots, skills, and actually decent gear instead of NPC ****. And back then that gear cost more proportionally to the amount of gold cost.

    And they had more options than just killing hundreds of the same mob all alone for hours on end.

    Considering that, would it really be so bad if at least some of the content gave them something useful for at level content? A few hundred k, medium ink, etc? Nothing game breaking, just little things to help out with their expenses. Just like there used to be, and just like 100+ gets now.
    Thanks Silvy for the superb sig <3

    VenusArmani's word of the moment: Expand your Vocabulary, Expand your horizons!
    1) lacking courage or resolution; cowardly; faint-hearted
    2) Proceeding from or indicating a cowardly spirit
  • Nenor - Dreamweaver
    Nenor - Dreamweaver Posts: 534 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Some reasons most (new/newer)players don't have the coin for skills/gears.

    They log on do bh/cs. There's not really alot of coin here, only expenses.
    Do lucid quests. No expenses, but no coin either.
    Fly about doing wq (when lv 70+) No expense if flown, but no coin reward either.
    Skip all quests except golds/fbs.
    Maybe run in and do PV, no coin rewards, only expense.
    Pay for fc.
    Pay for fc.
    Pay for fc.

    So its not that coin cant be made to keep current on skills and gear, its the fact that no one is doing the things that DO earn coin.
    Do your quests, some have decent enough coin rewards. (and some give gear way better for the level than ive seen some players wearing)
    Stop buying fc and go kill some stuff in the outside map. they drop items and coins! (amazing i know)
    Stop trying to level so fast. No coin to upgrade gear/skills? Dump that xp into a genie until your purse/spirit catches up with your level and you are able to get the skills for your level, and decent gear. I remember sitting at level 40 for 3 weeks until I managed to get all the mats i would need to upgrade all my crafting skills by making the 2 star items.

    I see alot of people that do nothing but fc, fc , fc and then whine, ive no coin for skills, ive no coin for gear QQ QQ.

    TT gear and mold gear are ALOT cheaper now than they were 'back in the day'. And honestly, theres no excuse for it.
    Get out of fc and breath the fresh air. You may find your purse a bit fatter and your skills a bit better.
    IMO the things that throw the game out of balance more than anything else is hypers/fc.
  • VenusArmani - Dreamweaver
    VenusArmani - Dreamweaver Posts: 6,009 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Some reasons most (new/newer)players don't have the coin for skills/gears.

    They log on do bh/cs. There's not really alot of coin here, only expenses.
    Do lucid quests. No expenses, but no coin either.
    Fly about doing wq (when lv 70+) No expense if flown, but no coin reward either.
    Skip all quests except golds/fbs.
    Maybe run in and do PV, no coin rewards, only expense.
    Pay for fc.
    Pay for fc.
    Pay for fc.

    So its not that coin cant be made to keep current on skills and gear, its the fact that no one is doing the things that DO earn coin.
    Do your quests, some have decent enough coin rewards. (and some give gear way better for the level than ive seen some players wearing)
    Stop buying fc and go kill some stuff in the outside map. they drop items and coins! (amazing i know)
    Stop trying to level so fast. No coin to upgrade gear/skills? Dump that xp into a genie until your purse/spirit catches up with your level and you are able to get the skills for your level, and decent gear. I remember sitting at level 40 for 3 weeks until I managed to get all the mats i would need to upgrade all my crafting skills by making the 2 star items.

    I see alot of people that do nothing but fc, fc , fc and then whine, ive no coin for skills, ive no coin for gear QQ QQ.

    TT gear and mold gear are ALOT cheaper now than they were 'back in the day'. And honestly, theres no excuse for it.
    Get out of fc and breath the fresh air. You may find your purse a bit fatter and your skills a bit better.
    IMO the things that throw the game out of balance more than anything else is hypers/fc.

    People used to do quests together though. Back when I first did quests, I used to group up with people on the world map. It was fun. Now though, it's just about the dullest thing you can do. Because there is no one around you. It's pressing the 1 key, then the 2 key, then F1 key hundreds of times and absolutely nothing else.

    You used to break it up by doing other things. Like TT and for some people they used to run gamma and things like that, open map pvp, etc. There were other things to do when pressing the same three buttons hundreds of times for hours on end all by yourself got boring. Can you really blame new players for wanting FC? Can you really blame them for wanting to play with other people on an MMO?

    Factions and friends can go a long way, but without content for you to do with people it just becomes a really fancy chatroom.

    IF there were other things to do for that level range they could for coin to spend on things like gear, cheap fashion, cheap mounts, cheap flyers (all things that none of us veterans did without, btw) that was also something that they could do with others. I bet you would find a lot more people willing to spend time at those levels. Because the game would be fun and fine for what they want to do.
    Thanks Silvy for the superb sig <3

    VenusArmani's word of the moment: Expand your Vocabulary, Expand your horizons!
    1) lacking courage or resolution; cowardly; faint-hearted
    2) Proceeding from or indicating a cowardly spirit
  • Nenor - Dreamweaver
    Nenor - Dreamweaver Posts: 534 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    I always soloed my quests (unless it was a mini/culti ect i couldnt do alone.)
    My suggestion is get a few people together, go out, find a nice area and zhen.
    You dont even have to have a full squad for it. Grab a cleric, a seeker a puller and whoever else wants to come.
    They might make some coins, and some good friends along the way.b:victory
  • VenusArmani - Dreamweaver
    VenusArmani - Dreamweaver Posts: 6,009 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    I always soloed my quests (unless it was a mini/culti ect i couldnt do alone.)
    My suggestion is get a few people together, go out, find a nice area and zhen.
    You dont even have to have a full squad for it. Grab a cleric, a seeker a puller and whoever else wants to come.
    They might make some coins, and some good friends along the way.b:victory

    New players don't even know what that means. b:surrender I mean, I have no problems with personally. I've done it before and it is indeed fun. Even though all I was good for was BB and buffs. b:surrender It's just that, those days really are gone. I recently rerolled on Heaven's Tear and faction and friends definitely help you get the essentials done. Sometimes you don't want to just level. Sometimes you want to shop, sometimes you want to do an event, sometimes you wanna do an instance for money or gear instead of experience. And while I'm always willing to do a TT, the problem is getting anyone other low levels to want to do it with me.

    New players think that once they hit 100, they game will finally be fun. That they will finally be able to have fun with others and get coin for the all things they want. So they rush and skip to the fun part. The ones that don't quit I mean.

    And what do they get when they get there? A hostile playerbase that is irritated that they don't know what they are doing. Because high levels did everything for them. And I get irritated with them too. It's easy to sit here on the forums and say, oh maybe we should be nicer. But when that person in the squad gets you constantly killed and ruins your game experience, you're obviously going to be frustrated with them. It's natural.

    Many of the older players who make alts skip it because they don't want to see the same content all over again, and because there isn't anything else worth it to do. Because it doesn't get them anything but more and more exp that they could much more easily by frosting.

    So I think if we got the low-mid levels more events that are worth doing for something besides just exp, things that are fun, maybe more people would want to check it out. Maybe they'd stick around a little longer. IDK, but it's small wonder that new players don't stick around long and the ones that do don't bother staying low level.
    Thanks Silvy for the superb sig <3

    VenusArmani's word of the moment: Expand your Vocabulary, Expand your horizons!
    1) lacking courage or resolution; cowardly; faint-hearted
    2) Proceeding from or indicating a cowardly spirit
  • Nenor - Dreamweaver
    Nenor - Dreamweaver Posts: 534 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    I totally agree.
    I had a level 100 BM ask me the other day what mirages were for, should he hang onto them
    I explained he could either npc them for coin, sell them via catshop to other players or he could use them to refine his gear, basically whichever he needed most. He replied.. what npc do i have to take them to npc them? huh? Then he was amazed they were worth 10k each npc-ed. By the time i was done trying to explain, all i wanted to do was b/l him.b:surrender I usually try to be patient, but yes its gets very old explaining things things to lv 100+ the things they should have learned at lv 20-50. And he lives in fc, has earned no coin for gears, idk about his skills.
    (I believe he may have csed in the last few days to get his gear up to date bc the morai quests for pve gear "took to long".)
    As far as the at level events and such, if more players were questing grinding/zhenning, there would be ALOT more wraith attacks to attend. omg i used to love hitting all those i could. Nice profit and rep to boot. Id always be watching wc for that pretty red system message. It was an quick and easy 200-400k for a 30 minute event. And there were always multipules a day just in the time i was on.
    Sadly the events like that wont happen until they get out of fc into the outside map and actually start "playing' the game. b:sad
  • VenusArmani - Dreamweaver
    VenusArmani - Dreamweaver Posts: 6,009 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    I totally agree.
    I had a level 100 BM ask me the other day what mirages were for, should he hang onto them
    I explained he could either npc them for coin, sell them via catshop to other players or he could use them to refine his gear, basically whichever he needed most. He replied.. what npc do i have to take them to npc them? huh? Then he was amazed they were worth 10k each npc-ed. By the time i was done trying to explain, all i wanted to do was b/l him.b:surrender I usually try to be patient, but yes its gets very old explaining things things to lv 100+ the things they should have learned at lv 20-50. And he lives in fc, has earned no coin for gears, idk about his skills.
    (I believe he may have csed in the last few days to get his gear up to date bc the morai quests for pve gear "took to long".)
    As far as the at level events and such, if more players were questing grinding/zhenning, there would be ALOT more wraith attacks to attend. omg i used to love hitting all those i could. Nice profit and rep to boot. Id always be watching wc for that pretty red system message. It was an quick and easy 200-400k for a 30 minute event. And there were always multipules a day just in the time i was on.
    Sadly the events like that wont happen until they get out of fc into the outside map and actually start "playing' the game. b:sad

    They won't do that unless it's worth it though. It's not really all that rational to do quests anymore. None of it can compete with FC and people have always went for the things that gave them the most exp when levelling. Zhen squads were fun, but that isn't why they were typically done. They were done because it was better than questing. Same with oracles, BH, gamma, and WQ. It's just none of those things were broken. None of them were unreasonable. So you could always find people in your level range.

    You had your things you did for money, the things you did for exp, and the things you did for fun. Now lowbies have the things they do for exp and ????
    Thanks Silvy for the superb sig <3

    VenusArmani's word of the moment: Expand your Vocabulary, Expand your horizons!
    1) lacking courage or resolution; cowardly; faint-hearted
    2) Proceeding from or indicating a cowardly spirit
  • Namari - Dreamweaver
    Namari - Dreamweaver Posts: 598 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    I did a TT on my sin who's in my rl best friend's faction. It's a small faction and they need lower TT's, and I said that I'd help because when it's Lunar day, I can't really do caster on Ivy unless I get an opener for multiple runs.

    It was a group with a 75 veno, an 85 barb, a 92 cleric and my sin, which is 92. That was fun.

    On the flip side, I poke around in TT on my mystic by myself so I can make *some* coin, because let's face it--sure quests will give you some coinage, but when you need skills and the quests are few and far between past level 50, it won't be enough. It never is at this level.

    I was bored. Sure I was able to sell some stuff, but I was just bored. If I went to poke things on the world map alone, it'd be worse because the best thing I can sell at that point are dq's and we all know how awesome they drop otherwise...
    Censorship is the bane of creativity. Censorship is the bane of personality. Most of all...censorship is the bane of identity.

    My main is Ivy_. I'm better known as Destini. Also known as _Yvi. Yes, I have an identity crisis. b:chuckle

    Looking for a signature for this character. Wanna make me one?
  • Altairego - Heavens Tear
    Altairego - Heavens Tear Posts: 58 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    yeah they should take out those useless fantasy fruitsb:angry and include some useful things insteadb:victory
  • keystonelager
    keystonelager Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    When I first started playing this game and did my first bounty hunts I always thought it was kinda weird there was no money reward. I assume money= bounty I dunno
  • KingCrash - Dreamweaver
    KingCrash - Dreamweaver Posts: 702 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    I can see what both sides are saying.

    I agree people below level 100 do need better ways of getting coin. I don't think the solution is to give them the same rewards level 100 people get, which is to start throwing Ecstasy and Excitement Cards at them.

    What I think needs to be done is to scale all of the coin rewards from all the quests in the higher levels. They had no problem doing it when they nerfed the low level DQ for around the first 1-30 quests. I mean at level 90 you're getting at most three quests now and they only reward you with at least 30k coin. And the drops you get from killing the mobs barely compensate for pots and repairs.
  • Dragoneast - Sanctuary
    Dragoneast - Sanctuary Posts: 311 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    i made a cleric without help from my 101 barb main and he got his blue bubble on 63 >.> cause it was so expensive and dq mats were reverted to like 1 coin.... so while i made about 50k from 1 to 19 in the low lvl's, now i make only about.....60k? if im lucky
    I do not need much,
    I do not have much,
    I do not miss much,
    I have love and friendship,
    To compensate for that!
    Dragoneast-rb1-soon to be 100 again- sanctuary
    Back in pwi, always returning to my first real mmo
    Started in genie patch :)
  • AliceAdams - Lost City
    AliceAdams - Lost City Posts: 308 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    When you think about it, almost every event in this game is geared towards high level toons.

    Wraith Attacks and Assault on Arch, I wouldn't recommend trying until you're at least 75, maybe 80. Cube of Fate only gives exp til you're 90, then you get a page of fate worth about 500k but you're probably gonna end up using it instead of selling. Even then, you have to be lucky enough to get through it every day. Plus some of the rooms cost money, as do dice tickets and do-all cards. Tiger event is almost pointless unless you have a mount, and you're not a sin. City of Abominations is pointless until you're 90 and I believe costs 100k. Dragon temple is better after 90. Jungle ruin is almost pointless if you don't have any speed buffs, and you're lucky to get 50 event silver. Theater of Blood...well it sucked for me at 93, but I'm sure it sucks for a lot of people lol. World quest MIGHT give you 20k in coins periodically.
  • TempleSlave - Lost City
    TempleSlave - Lost City Posts: 324 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    I'm just asking for a little financial boost when things are increasingly expensive. I'm asking for a little consideration for the 99%b:chuckleb:surrenderb:shutup

    If you're playing this game at all, you're a 1%er.
    I love puppies.... and sharp objects. b:pleased