Things ive noticed playing a psychic to lvl 100
so yes i want to talk about my psychic life i have dueled expored done quests made many friends trough my psychic life but some things are bugging me so please don't be offended be what i may say because im just saying what is bugging me to begin whit around my lvl 70s - 80s i have done many bhs troughout those bhs i have noticied on how slow and how squishy i was no problem i tought it would just go away since all magic classes are squishy and i tried to stay in white voodo but if i was in white voodo my damage would be verry **** from 8k to 3-2k so i said to myself ok np i will just wait till i am lvl 100 then all problems will go away but now i am a psy lvl 100 r8 and guess what i am even squisher than the wizards themself in white voodo a mob even in white voodo hit me for 1k and i have 3k hp i am not joking also don't tell me about getting my gears refined and stuff because i cannot afford that and farming as a psy is verry hard the only true way is merchanting wich at the begnning requiers cash wich i don't have at the moment also i have noticed we greatly lack in psychial skills we have none yes maybe sov reflect psychial damage but common that psychial damage reflect is laughable my sov have never hit any higher than 800 on a player its only effective on opponents that are way lower lvl than u and have way crappier gear than this isn't fair because all magic classes have a psychial damage skill clerics have their plume shot mystics have their absorb soul venomancers have their fox form in wich they could use their psychial damage skill and wizzys have their blade tempest wich deals psychial damage but psychis got NONE expect sov wich reflects but isn't an actaul skill that you could use at will as a skill also i have noticed that we seriously need more ultimates we only have 1 ultimate while wizards have 3! Also we have verry low hp and verry low physcial defence all magical class have a skill that increases their psychial defence cleric have their vangaurd spirit or something forgive me if i am wrong wiz have their earthbarier i dont remember the name of the mystic one but it does increase their psychial defence and venomancer have their fox form wich brings their psychial defence up so i don't want to say our 66 defence levels in white voodo dont do **** but they have some decent defense whit no downside and their attack won't get nerfed like a bich like what white voodo does also we can't choose another weapon than a soulldrill while other magic classes have more freedom to choose from magic swords to patakas etc we also we got some really bad skills for morai im not saying all are bad but like COMON we got no decent dd skill or a good curse for morai spirit phalanx immume for 10 damage to damage and at the end all hp will come back sure great skill but the thing that sucks is mystics absorb soul and seekers edge blur could still hit you and also you are STUNED so you can take no action this skill is worthless for pvp for duels they could be ok whit the right combo seriously that skill i wouldn't rely to much on whit the fact that you could actauly not do anything venos also have spirit phalanx but they can still attack! the only good thing this skill would be for is for saving one of you're squad mates or if the barb is about to die and the cleric is having a hard time the barb will love you veil of shadow **** skill i don't even want to talk about it takes 299 chi away and the duration isn't long anyway unless you have a super high soulforce whit r9 12+ otherwise this skill will be a waste of usage psionic link damage verry good for squads while doing bh n stuf this skill is a good blessing skill summon at first i tought wow this skill should be a verry handy skill cause like wow i could just teleport my friends to my location like if i had died my friends could just come back and help me but it turned out it only works if players are in range in the world map and i was like wtffff what is even the purpose of this skill waste of slot also telekenises is laughable that damage over time skill doesn't hit that hard my aqua impact hits harder than the telekenises so whats the reason we got this **** skil to begin whit waste of 30 chi id rather use disturbed soul than that ****ty skill all classes got WAY and WAY better skills for morai clerics got a 1 min soulburn OP Sins got a skill wich forces you to drop money and now can even look into ur intevory wiz got purify dash so they are now aps free bm got an epic new vortex skill seeker angel of justice deals great damage and now even got a skill wich gives them more stealth levels mystics got empowerd vigor crazy right i tought we were the only one who were gifted whit this skill but now mystic got it to and also got squad rez and stealth detection skill wich i think is pretty sick compared to our skills. archers i was even suprised when i saw it the first time but yes archers got stealth now yeah its true they might walk verry slow in this new stealth mode of theirs but comon they could use their leap skill to come infront of you or holy path and then get you caught of gaurd and dd the **** out of barbarian sick new deaden nerve skill and when it activates they get 2 sparks and could use another invoke whit it so this skill sick skill you psychic telekenises not worth it skill veil of shadow for r9 +12 could be an ok skill but whitout a big NO because of the chi costs and long cooldown spirit phalanx ok for squading saving a squadmate or heal fun to use in duels when the opponent is stupid enough to attack you not knowing you are immume to damage or to randomly use on someone to see their expressions and they wil be like wtf hahahaaha or fun to use at zhen pits when the people power lvl people you use this skil on the seekers they will be stuned for 10 seconds but they need to eat their herb every 10 seconds or their vortex wil stp so they will atuomaticly stop their vortex if the effect is over and this is not banable because it is not going against any rule and they could just set up their protection but either way if they set it the cleric can't heal them so you actauly have the advantage LOL so yeah lets look into our other morai skills psionic link great for if a person is about to die and stuf this is a great support skill so yeah most of our skills were only support while other classes got skill that improved their defences or dding power while we got only support skills wich i found a bit weird but yeah you gotta live whit it you are a psychic everyone thinks you are strong but in reality they just don't know how to play their class and know our weaknesses this is all i wanted to say this just needed to come out of me peace
Post edited by maxwel12 on
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]Remember: OP may be a duck|OP/GMs/Devs may not deliver|Search function is your friend|Lurk more|Be wary of Mods: they can't be trusted|This place isn't a hugbox|Your tears sustain me|Know what Bait is|"Soon" may never come|Postcount, Dubs, and other GETs are important|Don't revive long dead threads|There is a section for everything|You can be banned for anything|No Fun Allowed outside of OT|Sweetiebot rules OT|"Circlejerks" are inevitable|Threads can be derailed and saved|Those who use"XD" should off themselves at their earliest convenience|0
And that's saying a lot from me. Try adding grammar, spacing, etc and maybe someone will read it then.0 -
Too bad no one will ever know all the things you've noticed.0
So yes i want to talk about my psychic life. I have dueled, explored, done quests, and made many friends through my psychic's life, but some things are bugging me. Please don't be offended be what I may say, because Im just saying what is bugging me.
To begin, around my lvl 70s - 80s I have done many bhs - throughout those bhs I have noticied on how slow and how squishy I was. No problem. I thought it would just go away since all magic classes are squishy, so I tried to staying in White Voodoo, but if i was in white voodo my damage would be **** (from 8k to 3-2k), so I said to myself "Ok np I, will just wait till i am lvl 100 then all problems will go away"
Now I am lvl 100 with R8 and guess what, I am even squisher than the wizards themselves. Even in white voodo a mob hit me for 1k and i have 3k hp, I am not joking. Also, don't tell me about getting my gears refined and stuff because I cannot afford that, and farming as a psy is verry hard. The only true way is merchanting, which at the begnning requires cash which I don't have at the moment.
Also I have noticed we greatly lack in physical skills. We have none. Yes, maybe sov reflect physical damage, but come on, that physical damage reflect is laughable. My sov has never hit any higher than 800 on a player. Its only effective on opponents that are way lower lvl than you and have way crappier gear. This isn't fair because all magic classes have a physical damage skill. Clerics have their plume shot, Mystics have their absorb soul, Venomancers have their fox form in which they could use their physical damage skills, and Wizards have their blade tempest. Psychics have NONE expcept sov which reflects but isn't an actual skill that you could use at will.
Also I have noticed that we seriously need more ultimates. We only have 1 ultimate while Wizards have 3! Also we have very low hp and very low physical defence. All magical classes have a skill that increases their physical defence. I don't want to say our 66 defense levels in white voodo dont do **** but they have some decent defense with no downside, and their attack won't get nerfed like a ***** like what white voodo does.
Also we can't choose another weapon than a soulldrill while other magic classes have more freedom to choose from magic swords to patakas etc. We also we got some really bad skills from morai. Im not saying all are bad but COME ON! We got no decent dd skill or a good curse for morai. Spirit Phalanx's immunity for 10 seconds against damage and HP recovery makes for a great skill but the thing that sucks is Mystic's absorb soul and Seeker's Edged Blur could still hit you, and you are STUNNED so you can take no action.
This skill is worthless for pvp. For duels, they could be ok with the right combo, but seriously that skill I wouldn't rely to much on with the fact that you could do nothing. Venos also have "spirit phalanx" but they can still attack! The only good thing this skill would be for is for saving one of you're squad mates or if the barb is about to die and the cleric is having a hard time (the barb will love you).
Veil of Shadow is acrap skill. I don't even want to talk about it. It takes 299 chi away and the duration isn't long anyway unless you have a super high soulforce. Otherwise this skill will be a waste of Chi. Psionic Link is very good for squads while doing bh and such. Summon, at first i thought "Wow, this skill should be a very handy skill - I could just teleport my friends to my location. If i had died, my friends could just come back and help me," but it turned out it only works if players are in range in the world map. I was like "Wtffff, what is even the purpose of this skill?" Waste of a slot.
Telekenises is laughable. That damage over time skill doesn't hit that hard. My Aqua Impact hits harder than the telekenisis, so whats the reason we got this **** skill to begin with? Waste of 30 chi. I'd rather use Disturbed Soul than that ****ty skill. All the other classes got WAY better skills from Morai.
Clerics got a 1 min soulburn, OP Sins got a skill wich forces you to drop DQ, and now can even look into your intevory. Wizards got a "purify dash" so they are now aps retardant. BMs got an epic new vortex-like skill. Seeker's and their Angel of Justice deals great damage and a skill which gives them more stealth detection levels. Mystics got empowerd vigor (crazy right? I thought we were the only ones who were gifted with this skill but now mystic got it too), a squad resurrect and stealth detection skill (whch I think is pretty sick compared to our skills). Archers (I was even suprised when i saw it the first time) got stealth now (yeah its true they might walk verry slow in this new stealth mode of theirs but they could use their leap skills to come infront of you or holy path and catch you off guard).
Barbarians got a deaden nerves skill that gives themt 2 sparks and could use another invoke with it. Compared to a Psychic's telekenises (useless skill) veil of shadow (for r9 +12 could be an ok skill but bad otherwise) spirit phalanx (ok for squading saving a squadmate, or yourself in duels, or on passerbys) yeah lets look into our other morai skill - Psionic Link. Great for if a person is about to die and stuff. This is a great support skill but most of our skills were only support while other classes got skill that improved their defences or dding power. I found that to be a bit weird, but yeah, you gotta live with it . You are a psychic. Everyone thinks you are strong but in reality they just don't know how to play their class and know our weaknesses. This is all i wanted to say; this just needed to come out of me. Peace.
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]Remember: OP may be a duck|OP/GMs/Devs may not deliver|Search function is your friend|Lurk more|Be wary of Mods: they can't be trusted|This place isn't a hugbox|Your tears sustain me|Know what Bait is|"Soon" may never come|Postcount, Dubs, and other GETs are important|Don't revive long dead threads|There is a section for everything|You can be banned for anything|No Fun Allowed outside of OT|Sweetiebot rules OT|"Circlejerks" are inevitable|Threads can be derailed and saved|Those who use"XD" should off themselves at their earliest convenience|0 -
so yes i want to talk about my psychic life i have dueled expored done quests made many friends trough my psychic life but some things are bugging me so please don't be offended be what i may say because im just saying what is bugging me to begin whit around my lvl 70s - 80s i have done many bhs troughout those bhs i have noticied on how slow and how squishy i was no problem i tought it would just go away since all magic classes are squishy and i tried to stay in white voodo but if i was in white voodo my damage would be verry **** from 8k to 3-2k so i said to myself ok np i will just wait till i am lvl 100 then all problems will go away but now i am a psy lvl 100 r8 and guess what i am even squisher than the wizards themself in white voodo a mob even in white voodo hit me for 1k and i have 3k hp i am not joking also don't tell me about getting my gears refined and stuff because i cannot afford that and farming as a psy is verry hard the only true way is merchanting wich at the begnning requiers cash wich i don't have at the moment also i have noticed we greatly lack in psychial skills we have none yes maybe sov reflect psychial damage but common that psychial damage reflect is laughable my sov have never hit any higher than 800 on a player its only effective on opponents that are way lower lvl than u and have way crappier gear than this isn't fair because all magic classes have a psychial damage skill clerics have their plume shot mystics have their absorb soul venomancers have their fox form in wich they could use their psychial damage skill and wizzys have their blade tempest wich deals psychial damage but psychis got NONE expect sov wich reflects but isn't an actaul skill that you could use at will as a skill also i have noticed that we seriously need more ultimates we only have 1 ultimate while wizards have 3! Also we have verry low hp and verry low physcial defence all magical class have a skill that increases their psychial defence cleric have their vangaurd spirit or something forgive me if i am wrong wiz have their earthbarier i dont remember the name of the mystic one but it does increase their psychial defence and venomancer have their fox form wich brings their psychial defence up so i don't want to say our 66 defence levels in white voodo dont do **** but they have some decent defense whit no downside and their attack won't get nerfed like a bich like what white voodo does also we can't choose another weapon than a soulldrill while other magic classes have more freedom to choose from magic swords to patakas etc we also we got some really bad skills for morai im not saying all are bad but like COMON we got no decent dd skill or a good curse for morai spirit phalanx immume for 10 damage to damage and at the end all hp will come back sure great skill but the thing that sucks is mystics absorb soul and seekers edge blur could still hit you and also you are STUNED so you can take no action this skill is worthless for pvp for duels they could be ok whit the right combo seriously that skill i wouldn't rely to much on whit the fact that you could actauly not do anything venos also have spirit phalanx but they can still attack! the only good thing this skill would be for is for saving one of you're squad mates or if the barb is about to die and the cleric is having a hard time the barb will love you veil of shadow **** skill i don't even want to talk about it takes 299 chi away and the duration isn't long anyway unless you have a super high soulforce whit r9 12+ otherwise this skill will be a waste of usage psionic link damage verry good for squads while doing bh n stuf this skill is a good blessing skill summon at first i tought wow this skill should be a verry handy skill cause like wow i could just teleport my friends to my location like if i had died my friends could just come back and help me but it turned out it only works if players are in range in the world map and i was like wtffff what is even the purpose of this skill waste of slot also telekenises is laughable that damage over time skill doesn't hit that hard my aqua impact hits harder than the telekenises so whats the reason we got this **** skil to begin whit waste of 30 chi id rather use disturbed soul than that ****ty skill all classes got WAY and WAY better skills for morai clerics got a 1 min soulburn OP Sins got a skill wich forces you to drop money and now can even look into ur intevory wiz got purify dash so they are now aps free bm got an epic new vortex skill seeker angel of justice deals great damage and now even got a skill wich gives them more stealth levels mystics got empowerd vigor crazy right i tought we were the only one who were gifted whit this skill but now mystic got it to and also got squad rez and stealth detection skill wich i think is pretty sick compared to our skills. archers i was even suprised when i saw it the first time but yes archers got stealth now yeah its true they might walk verry slow in this new stealth mode of theirs but comon they could use their leap skill to come infront of you or holy path and then get you caught of gaurd and dd the **** out of barbarian sick new deaden nerve skill and when it activates they get 2 sparks and could use another invoke whit it so this skill sick skill you psychic telekenises not worth it skill veil of shadow for r9 +12 could be an ok skill but whitout a big NO because of the chi costs and long cooldown spirit phalanx ok for squading saving a squadmate or heal fun to use in duels when the opponent is stupid enough to attack you not knowing you are immume to damage or to randomly use on someone to see their expressions and they wil be like wtf hahahaaha or fun to use at zhen pits when the people power lvl people you use this skil on the seekers they will be stuned for 10 seconds but they need to eat their herb every 10 seconds or their vortex wil stp so they will atuomaticly stop their vortex if the effect is over and this is not banable because it is not going against any rule and they could just set up their protection but either way if they set it the cleric can't heal them so you actauly have the advantage LOL so yeah lets look into our other morai skills psionic link great for if a person is about to die and stuf this is a great support skill so yeah most of our skills were only support while other classes got skill that improved their defences or dding power while we got only support skills wich i found a bit weird but yeah you gotta live whit it you are a psychic everyone thinks you are strong but in reality they just don't know how to play their class and know our weaknesses this is all i wanted to say this just needed to come out of me peace
What is this masive amount of QQ? Psys are away too strong to get new/stronger skills. If you think they need something else to beat anything, try lvling without hypersb:surrenderEuthymius - Heavens Tear wrote: »
5 years lurking forums0 -
Originally Posted by maxwel12 View Post
So yes i want to talk about my psychic life. I have dueled, explored, done quests, and made many friends through my psychic's life, but some things are bugging me. Please don't be offended be what I may say, because Im just saying what is bugging me.
To begin, around my lvl 70s - 80s I have done many bhs - throughout those bhs I have noticied on how slow and how squishy I was. No problem. I thought it would just go away since all magic classes are squishy, so I tried to staying in White Voodoo, but if i was in white voodo my damage would be **** (from 8k to 3-2k), so I said to myself "Ok np I, will just wait till i am lvl 100 then all problems will go away"
Now I am lvl 100 with R8 and guess what, I am even squisher than the wizards themselves. Even in white voodo a mob hit me for 1k and i have 3k hp, I am not joking. Also, don't tell me about getting my gears refined and stuff because I cannot afford that, and farming as a psy is verry hard. The only true way is merchanting, which at the begnning requires cash which I don't have at the moment.
Also I have noticed we greatly lack in physical skills. We have none. Yes, maybe sov reflect physical damage, but come on, that physical damage reflect is laughable. My sov has never hit any higher than 800 on a player. Its only effective on opponents that are way lower lvl than you and have way crappier gear. This isn't fair because all magic classes have a physical damage skill. Clerics have their plume shot, Mystics have their absorb soul, Venomancers have their fox form in which they could use their physical damage skills, and Wizards have their blade tempest. Psychics have NONE expcept sov which reflects but isn't an actual skill that you could use at will.
Also I have noticed that we seriously need more ultimates. We only have 1 ultimate while Wizards have 3! Also we have very low hp and very low physical defence. All magical classes have a skill that increases their physical defence. I don't want to say our 66 defense levels in white voodo dont do **** but they have some decent defense with no downside, and their attack won't get nerfed like a ***** like what white voodo does.
Also we can't choose another weapon than a soulldrill while other magic classes have more freedom to choose from magic swords to patakas etc. We also we got some really bad skills from morai. Im not saying all are bad but COME ON! We got no decent dd skill or a good curse for morai. Spirit Phalanx's immunity for 10 seconds against damage and HP recovery makes for a great skill but the thing that sucks is Mystic's absorb soul and Seeker's Edged Blur could still hit you, and you are STUNNED so you can take no action.
This skill is worthless for pvp. For duels, they could be ok with the right combo, but seriously that skill I wouldn't rely to much on with the fact that you could do nothing. Venos also have "spirit phalanx" but they can still attack! The only good thing this skill would be for is for saving one of you're squad mates or if the barb is about to die and the cleric is having a hard time (the barb will love you).
Veil of Shadow is acrap skill. I don't even want to talk about it. It takes 299 chi away and the duration isn't long anyway unless you have a super high soulforce. Otherwise this skill will be a waste of Chi. Psionic Link is very good for squads while doing bh and such. Summon, at first i thought "Wow, this skill should be a very handy skill - I could just teleport my friends to my location. If i had died, my friends could just come back and help me," but it turned out it only works if players are in range in the world map. I was like "Wtffff, what is even the purpose of this skill?" Waste of a slot.
Telekenises is laughable. That damage over time skill doesn't hit that hard. My Aqua Impact hits harder than the telekenisis, so whats the reason we got this **** skill to begin with? Waste of 30 chi. I'd rather use Disturbed Soul than that ****ty skill. All the other classes got WAY better skills from Morai.
Clerics got a 1 min soulburn, OP Sins got a skill wich forces you to drop DQ, and now can even look into your intevory. Wizards got a "purify dash" so they are now aps retardant. BMs got an epic new vortex-like skill. Seeker's and their Angel of Justice deals great damage and a skill which gives them more stealth detection levels. Mystics got empowerd vigor (crazy right? I thought we were the only ones who were gifted with this skill but now mystic got it too), a squad resurrect and stealth detection skill (whch I think is pretty sick compared to our skills). Archers (I was even suprised when i saw it the first time) got stealth now (yeah its true they might walk verry slow in this new stealth mode of theirs but they could use their leap skills to come infront of you or holy path and catch you off guard).
Barbarians got a deaden nerves skill that gives themt 2 sparks and could use another invoke with it. Compared to a Psychic's telekenises (useless skill) veil of shadow (for r9 +12 could be an ok skill but bad otherwise) spirit phalanx (ok for squading saving a squadmate, or yourself in duels, or on passerbys) yeah lets look into our other morai skill - Psionic Link. Great for if a person is about to die and stuff. This is a great support skill but most of our skills were only support while other classes got skill that improved their defences or dding power. I found that to be a bit weird, but yeah, you gotta live with it . You are a psychic. Everyone thinks you are strong but in reality they just don't know how to play their class and know our weaknesses. This is all i wanted to say; this just needed to come out of me. Peace.Euthymius - Heavens Tear wrote: »
Need a new hobby?0 -
Fail_BM - Raging Tide wrote: »Thanks
No problem.Lil_Sinner - Raging Tide wrote: »Need a new hobby?
Considering that there's barely any activity here, I dont mind using a few minutes (while waiting in Room 32) to adjust that post.
Whether it was worth the effort to do so is questionable, but whatever.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]Remember: OP may be a duck|OP/GMs/Devs may not deliver|Search function is your friend|Lurk more|Be wary of Mods: they can't be trusted|This place isn't a hugbox|Your tears sustain me|Know what Bait is|"Soon" may never come|Postcount, Dubs, and other GETs are important|Don't revive long dead threads|There is a section for everything|You can be banned for anything|No Fun Allowed outside of OT|Sweetiebot rules OT|"Circlejerks" are inevitable|Threads can be derailed and saved|Those who use"XD" should off themselves at their earliest convenience|0 -
Too much words.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
If playing a psychic is that frustration to you, I would make another toon. Personally I love playing a psy. It's probably my favorite class. Granted I'm not in the triple digits yet, as I play the old fashioned way of being a slow leveller, and take the time to learn each class I play, but still, that's a lot of complaining.WeBeKinky Leader - lvl 10x psychic
If you don't like my attitude, you should realize I don't care.
It's strange what desire will make foolish people do.0 -
Well, i saw something about lack of physical skills... in all honesty, try a cleric or archer... sounds more like what you might want... both have physical and elemental AND... are both distance attackers, so you still wont need to chase stuff...[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0
If he played a cleric or an archer, I doubt he would stop whining. Every class has thier own drawbacks and it's no use complaining about it. You're going to just have learn to work around it.
Also love how he doesn't want to talk about Veil, then talks about it anyway.0 -
If he played a cleric, bet he'd be one of those "what's IH/purify" folks.
If he played an archer...we'd never hear from him again since his brain would explode with all the math they do.Censorship is the bane of creativity. Censorship is the bane of personality. Most of all...censorship is the bane of identity.
My main is Ivy_. I'm better known as Destini. Also known as _Yvi. Yes, I have an identity crisis. b:chuckle
Looking for a signature for this character. Wanna make me one?0 -
Jesus, just quit psy and go play something else you're disgusting. L2P, I'd understand your QQ if it had any foundation but you are playing one of the most broken classes in the game - you are supposed to enjoy it, not ***** about it not being godlike in every possible sense you could think of.0
psi are really the weak class in pwp and the skills are god for nothing low hp low atack useless skills , mistics have spirits to fight for them heal and resurect its not right i havo e to quit playng my psi becose she is so weak0
Khyta - Lost City wrote: »psi are really the weak class in pwp and the skills are god for nothing low hp low atack useless skills , mistics have spirits to fight for them heal and resurect its not right i havo e to quit playng my psi becose she is so weak
You didn't cash shop enoughb:chuckle
Psy may be the most OP class in pw, you just need to combine cash and skills (sometimes you only need cash...) to face roll everything.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
5 years lurking forums0 -
Khyta - Lost City wrote: »psi are really the weak class in pwp and the skills are god for nothing low hp low atack useless skills , mistics have spirits to fight for them heal and resurect its not right i havo e to quit playng my psi becose she is so weak
Ironically, I said this as a level 2x psychic. I leveled her to 90+ and realized that it was time to retire my wizzie once I noticed that she did more damage with same refines...
Mystics may have summons, but they're about as useful as paper if you don't gear up properly. That means not being a cheap *** on mystic gear either. So get spending. b:chuckleCensorship is the bane of creativity. Censorship is the bane of personality. Most of all...censorship is the bane of identity.
My main is Ivy_. I'm better known as Destini. Also known as _Yvi. Yes, I have an identity crisis. b:chuckle
Looking for a signature for this character. Wanna make me one?0 -
Also, don't tell me about getting my gears refined and stuff because I cannot afford that, and farming as a psy is verry hard. The only true way is merchanting, which at the begnning requires cash which I don't have at the moment.Khyta - Lost City wrote: »psi are really the weak class in pwp and the skills are god for nothing low hp low atack useless skills , mistics have spirits to fight for them heal and resurect its not right i havo e to quit playng my psi becose she is so weak
In the 40's when SP was bugged, I was taking out level 70 BM's and wizards in the 80's with no troubles at all.
It's all about knowing how to play your character, and bothering to use gear that is up-to-date for your level and marginally refined. (I won't bother going past +4 until I get into the 80's or 90's just because it isn't cost effective.)0 -
Smarie - Sanctuary wrote: »The one thing that really made me LOL in the OP's post. (Not that I really bothered to read the entire wall anyhow.) Merchanting is easy if you just set aside a little coin. Refusing to refine gear on a squishy class and then complaining about being squishy is just plain stupid. Farming DQ as a Psy is extremely easy and cheap to do since the majority of mobs are dead long before they get to you. (Even with my VIT build they die before they can touch me.)
Maybe it's because you're on a low-level Psy on a PvP server.
In the 40's when SP was bugged, I was taking out level 70 BM's and wizards in the 80's with no troubles at all.
It's all about knowing how to play your character, and bothering to use gear that is up-to-date for your level and marginally refined. (I won't bother going past +4 until I get into the 80's or 90's just because it isn't cost effective.)
I stopped reading when you said you have a Vit build b:lipcurl[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Complete your first quest. b:bye
Feb 24, 20090 -
__ian__ - Heavens Tear wrote: »I stopped reading when you said you have a Vit build b:lipcurl
+1, it took me...lemme see..32levels on my psy to meet the first person who explained to me that even though it's against common sense, pure build is the one and only choice for psys, even for pvp.
It's beyond words the amount of stupidity it takes to have a vit build psy, it's the equivalent of a sin having 100points in magic. It takes one or two paragraphs too much to explain the whole thing, so to those wondering about it - to put it simply, go pure and get your hp via hp refines/shards.0 -
Nice necro
but um anyway i cba to read that QQ and omg how can you complain about psychics being under powered -_-[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
_Mg_Zr - level 100 sage Barb / level 101 demon r9 aps barb on Harshlands
Mg_Zr - level 100 demon Psychic
_mg_zr_ - level 100 demon Blademaster
|\/|erlin_ 7x Wizard
Makaveli_ - 8x Harshlands sin0 -
Your story needs more LongknifeI
0 -
Oh my, some people need to learn to make paragraph when they write a long text if they want people to read it.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
b:dirty "I **** rainbows and love everyone"-Longknife b:cute0 -
This place is turning into the harshlands sub forum[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
_Mg_Zr - level 100 sage Barb / level 101 demon r9 aps barb on Harshlands
Mg_Zr - level 100 demon Psychic
_mg_zr_ - level 100 demon Blademaster
|\/|erlin_ 7x Wizard
Makaveli_ - 8x Harshlands sin0 -
My head started hurting about a quarter way down your QQ post, honestly get over it, if you can afford R8 then you can afford the damn refines and shards to go with it, honestly >_>
This is my current build and I am a 100% farmed/merched psy and I have NEVER cash shopped on this game in my life.
Honestly psy's are way to OP as they are to deserve good Morai skills since we do have the FASTEST channeling/casting (for casters atleast) in the game, and soulburn...just woah thats an epic skill, and to be able to get the proper effects from your SoV and Soulburn you need to have better refines because the damage dealt by them are dependant on your soulforce, which, in fact, is not only dependant on your lvl but 99% dependant on your gear and refines. thank you and goodbye.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Tide_Surfer: "I feel SPESHALL *says like a lil kid*"
Veneir: "Seashell?"
Tide_Surfer: "Yes Veny, yes. A speshall seashell."0
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