char. lvl versus gathering lvl

dwmjm Posts: 3 Arc User
edited September 2012 in The Crafting Nook
I have a hard time trying to digest the fact that based on info found that at lvl 80 with my Apoth ready for skill lvl 5 the herbs I need should be obtainable at 80 yet are placed only in zones that are instanced for lvl 90 and subsequently I can not go out and gather them and even when I can I have to do it via an instance run requiring the assist of a grp. It really is aggravating enough that I am at the point of just dropping my apoth on all characters, rather absurd if you ask me but then that is my own opinion.
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  • Nenor - Dreamweaver
    Nenor - Dreamweaver Posts: 534 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    You can do like most of the other players do, and buy the unreachable herb/mats from other players. Or just wait it out until you choose a culti path.
    When I got able to use that level of herbs/mats, I had to wait until went demon to have access, as there were few higher levels and those that were hoarded them for TW and refused to sell them.

    Seems the older the game gets the more instant gratification everyone wants.b:surrender
  • dwmjm
    dwmjm Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Oh, I do not want instant gratification, I simply wish I access to herbs that per info found I should be able to acquire at lvl 80, I know I could buy the herbs but to be honest, the coins asked for them simply to me is not worth it, the fees are to high for this player so in the event I simply sit my apoth on a back burner till I choose and can enter said zones, my apoth is stuck. I just think this is poor game design. I will be honest in saying that despite having played off and on for a year combined I have never set up a shop and if I did, would likely make numerous others unhappy since for me at least I gain my coins via questing and not selling and selling at astronomical fees, were I to ever dare set up a shop, my shop indeed would be a deep discount run shop as my fees would sharply undercut the fees of all others, lol, I know I would rapidly become disliked.
  • Asterelle - Sanctuary_1381265973
    Asterelle - Sanctuary_1381265973 Posts: 7,881 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    The funny part was back in the day when the first of us were hitting level 89. The Tukang wine you need for that can only be farmed in Loth and Moma which require you to have already finished your 89 culti to enter.
    Imagine having to gather people in level 70-80 gear to help with an unwined FB89 they can't get any XP/rep from. No blessings back then either.
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  • Nenor - Dreamweaver
    Nenor - Dreamweaver Posts: 534 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    The funny part was back in the day when the first of us were hitting level 89. The Tukang wine you need for that can only be farmed in Loth and Moma which require you to have already finished your 89 culti to enter.
    Imagine having to gather people in level 70-80 gear to help with an unwined FB89 they can't get any XP/rep from. No blessings back then either.

    I was lucky enough to have a higher level friend that made my fb 89 wines. He wouldnt sell me the mats, but was kind enough to wine the instance for me. I believe he was level 92 at the time.
    dwmjm wrote: »
    Oh, I do not want instant gratification, I simply wish I access to herbs that per info found I should be able to acquire at lvl 80, I know I could buy the herbs but to be honest, the coins asked for them simply to me is not worth it, the fees are to high for this player so in the event I simply sit my apoth on a back burner till I choose and can enter said zones, my apoth is stuck. I just think this is poor game design. I will be honest in saying that despite having played off and on for a year combined I have never set up a shop and if I did, would likely make numerous others unhappy since for me at least I gain my coins via questing and not selling and selling at astronomical fees, were I to ever dare set up a shop, my shop indeed would be a deep discount run shop as my fees would sharply undercut the fees of all others, lol, I know I would rapidly become disliked.

    What about the morai books you can train.. but cant get to until you are level 95 to enter? Those are no different. You either wait until you unlock it, or buy them from another player that has.
    And if you set up a shop deeply undercutting other merchs.. they would love you.. buy your cheap goods and resell for a nice profit with no work.

    A level 1 toon can use the cashshop and get 300k rep. But that doesnt mean they should have access to r9 gear at level 1.
  • Jaabg - Sanctuary
    Jaabg - Sanctuary Posts: 2,256 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    There is also the culti quest, you can not fly up to heaven's tear to continue culti, because you don't have flyer at lvl 29, get it at 30. Be happy that you can still farm the herbs after you can enter. Imagine if you are lvling you black smith, tailor, craftsman. Those items are way out of your lvl range to farm now, if you followed the quest on a lvl basis. It's pwi,it's not perfect b:pleased
  • Nenor - Dreamweaver
    Nenor - Dreamweaver Posts: 534 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    There is also the culti quest, you can not fly up to heaven's tear to continue culti, because you don't have flyer at lvl 29, get it at 30. Be happy that you can still farm the herbs after you can enter. Imagine if you are lvling you black smith, tailor, craftsman. Those items are way out of your lvl range to farm now, if you followed the quest on a lvl basis. It's pwi,it's not perfect b:pleased

    Ah yes, the good ole days when the venos, lady bms and wizards would ask a nice higher level with a flyer to pack them up to the platform.
    And then the screams of horror as they were dumped on the world boss.b:chuckle
  • Mayfly - Dreamweaver
    Mayfly - Dreamweaver Posts: 6,094 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    There is also the culti quest, you can not fly up to heaven's tear to continue culti, because you don't have flyer at lvl 29, get it at 30.

    The Heavens Tear quest that's part of the Ladywraith quest chain (which is the only thing you could be talking about) isn't culti.
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  • Brandina - Sanctuary
    Brandina - Sanctuary Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Many of the the crafting mats are the same way, you have to go to an area where the mobs are 15 or more levels higher then you, just to harvest the mats. Usually, you can get to some of the mats, but you have to cautious.