Game/Client crashes

doggehvonblue Posts: 4 Arc User
edited September 2012 in Support Desk
Ok, so I recently got a new computer to play on. My old one was a piece of **** not even intended for any kind of game, so the only way I could play pw on it was with all the settings turned all the way down on lowest possible setting (Best Performance, I believe). If I turned up the settings I was always hit with major lag. b:surrender

With my new computer I can easily play on highest settings without any lag b:victory I really enjoy this a lot more then best performance mode, however, when I have the settings maxed out on highest, the client crashes... a LOT. Some of these instances are quite common I noticed from some guildees, such as teleporting into raging tides. If it was jsut that area I wouldn't mind, but its ANYWHERE. I was walking around old heavens tear and it crashed b:cry I noticed if i set my settings way back down to best performance, I dont have this problem anymore.

The thing is I dont want to have to be forced to play in best performance mode all the time b:sad does anyone know what exactly causes this? is there a fix to prevent this and still be able to play on high performance? My new computer has like the best of everything, it cant be that the computer cant handle the graphics... but I dont know what else to do except play in Best performance b:surrender how do i fix this!?!?
Post edited by doggehvonblue on


  • SylenThunder - Twilight Temple
    edited September 2012
    Most commonly you can fix this by turning down the distance sliders.

    I would need more information to provide further assistance.
  • doggehvonblue
    doggehvonblue Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Most commonly you can fix this by turning down the distance sliders.

    I would need more information to provide further assistance.

    Im assuming your looking for the OS or system specifications? I have those here,
    If there is any other Information required to solve this problem please be more specific, as to what is required.
    Also, you mentioned distance being turned down...
    these are the settings I would LIKE to be able to use without the game crashing...
    I notice that theres a distance bar under UI and one under the system tab as well. which distance bar were you talking about? Honestly I dont know which one does what so I try to keep them both turned all the way up. If you knwo the difference between the two, please explain.
  • SylenThunder - Twilight Temple
    edited September 2012
    In your image, the on on the left under System is the slider I am speaking of. The other one has to do with the distance it will show other players and NPC's ect.

    Even on high-end systems I see that moving that distance slider down one or two notches really makes a big difference. (Mostly it has to do with the ancient game engine the client uses.)

    As for system information, what I'm really looking for is a copy of your dxdiag.txt file, and a link to a published Speccy report taken while you are having the issues.
    (Remember to use the [code] tags for the dxdiag info and to remove any trademark characters so it doesn't get cut off.)

    Those reports will give me in-depth details on what processes are running on your system, and extreme detail on your hardware that is necessary to determine any software or driver conflicts. (Sometimes it's something as simple as an incompatible video codec that's installed.)
  • doggehvonblue
    doggehvonblue Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    thanks xD the distance bar thing works... so far, havent had problems yet. b:pleased
  • noyno2
    noyno2 Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    my problem is i disconnected after i hitting mobs it only occur on my accounts with lvl101 char and if i just log in without hitting any mobs i'm not disconnected.i have also an account with lvl52 and when i played it no disconnection and problem such i experience in my 2 accounts with where's the problem i think not from my computer it is possible from your system,i need answers pls.
  • SylenThunder - Twilight Temple
    edited September 2012
    noyno2 wrote: »
    my problem is i disconnected after i hitting mobs it only occur on my accounts with lvl101 char and if i just log in without hitting any mobs i'm not disconnected.i have also an account with lvl52 and when i played it no disconnection and problem such i experience in my 2 accounts with where's the problem i think not from my computer it is possible from your system,i need answers pls.
    Getting DC'ed only when you hit a mob points directly to a local issue on your PC.

    Sounds like you need to verify your files a few times. Remember to exclude the client directory from your security software, and also to disable the active scan mode when verifying.

    If that doesn't fix it, I'll need more information. (See above request for the information I am asking for and provide it if you want further assistance.)