Who you think are the Best Three Faction Leader in Archosaur?

_FyskeR_ - Archosaur
_FyskeR_ - Archosaur Posts: 45 Arc User
edited October 2012 in Etherblade (West)
First of I am uberly bored so i am posting this thread b:surrender , Still it will be fun to hear about different views of different players in our server.b:pleased

Give name of 3 Leaders whom you think is best and why you think he/she is best on leading any particular faction.

My 3 names are -

Esplynn/Taxidermi (Leader of Rogue) for developing a small faction into a big powerhouse simply by taking care of each and every members .

Kattaniya (Leader of Nemesis) for creating the biggest and most competitive faction in the history of this server, without nemesis archosaur is nothing to be honest . I've never experienced the leadership of Geo, so can't comment anything about his role on creating nemesis. I find Kattaniya a true Leader.

Proski (Leader of Ascend) for making each and every member happy even if they don't have gears or money , You can always look upto him even if you loose 100 TW's , he ll still keep the member excited and make you put some effort to try to love PW.

i experienced leadership of three of them and they are all equal in their own respective. So come on people post Your views :)b:victory
Post edited by _FyskeR_ - Archosaur on


  • avencheif
    avencheif Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Im gunna have to go more oldschool on this one haha

    1. xLiuZhibox (Ascend) he brought people who normally hated eachother into a faction and caused them to work with eachother to the point that they were able to beat back nem and become server champs, i understand he left but his work is where i would put the true credit to this

    2. Geogaddi (Nemesis) he knew what he was doing had a goal and stuck to it, regardless of peoples opinions of him he was one of the few solid people who you always knew where he stood, and was always straight up about what he wanted

    3. _Shrimp_ (DeezNutz) you would have had to have been in that faction to understand this, but winning tws with only 15 ppl vs a 40 person wallace was just beyond pro, plus, him as leader and Mizandry as director was prolly the most fun i have ever had on the game, even more fun then the orig elusive
  • Mac_Ceht - Archosaur
    Mac_Ceht - Archosaur Posts: 59 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    avencheif wrote: »
    Im gunna have to go more oldschool on this one haha

    1. xLiuZhibox (Ascend) he brought people who normally hated eachother into a faction and caused them to work with eachother to the point that they were able to beat back nem and become server champs, i understand he left but his work is where i would put the true credit to this

    2. Geogaddi (Nemesis) he knew what he was doing had a goal and stuck to it, regardless of peoples opinions of him he was one of the few solid people who you always knew where he stood, and was always straight up about what he wanted

    3. _Shrimp_ (DeezNutz) you would have had to have been in that faction to understand this, but winning tws with only 15 ppl vs a 40 person wallace was just beyond pro, plus, him as leader and Mizandry as director was prolly the most fun i have ever had on the game, even more fun then the orig elusive

    ^thats me btw
    "Everyone Is entitled to their own opinion, its just that yours is bad"
  • _FyskeR_ - Archosaur
    _FyskeR_ - Archosaur Posts: 45 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    avencheif wrote: »
    Im gunna have to go more oldschool on this one haha

    1. xLiuZhibox (Ascend) he brought people who normally hated eachother into a faction and caused them to work with eachother to the point that they were able to beat back nem and become server champs, i understand he left but his work is where i would put the true credit to this

    2. Geogaddi (Nemesis) he knew what he was doing had a goal and stuck to it, regardless of peoples opinions of him he was one of the few solid people who you always knew where he stood, and was always straight up about what he wanted

    3. _Shrimp_ (DeezNutz) you would have had to have been in that faction to understand this, but winning tws with only 15 ppl vs a 40 person wallace was just beyond pro, plus, him as leader and Mizandry as director was prolly the most fun i have ever had on the game, even more fun then the orig elusive

    Yes I have been to Polo , And yes Shrimp's name comes together with those 3 i mentioned above, he is one of the best tw leader and i had few of my best days in this game while i was in Polo.
  • Super_Heals - Archosaur
    Super_Heals - Archosaur Posts: 106 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    LOL @ katanyia at being the best leader....

    and wasn't it geo that created nemesis?
    geo was good when he was leading...but katanyia? are we serious LOL?

    Katanyia is the reason i left and i dislike Nemesis, so yeah not voting that lady.

    Best leader ever: RioNHale...happy with what he had in Immunity and well organised.If you had been in Immunity you would have understood

    i agree that taxi is a really good leader cause she took a weak guild and managed to make it soo powerhoused...best in server atm?

    Gralkon is the best TW leader i have ever seen...never forgeting those 40 v 80 TWs that ended up being victories or draws or at least lasting for more than 1-2 hours

    i liked Nemesis when geo was leading it...really good leader,organised and with good strategies in TW,knew what he did etc etc

    Proski : really really really good leader.Cares about faction and makes events so everyone can have fun.never got to see him leading TWs though...i just know he runs his faction really well and organised and he also knows what he is doing etc etc
  • WnbTank - Archosaur
    WnbTank - Archosaur Posts: 1,472 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Kitty only has 2 names he can put to the list with enough certainty. Rob (Nahktuul) has always been one of those guys who just have that authority and are cable of using it. He created the Narla, which was core for nemesis when narla disbanded. And while narla is nothing like it once was, it`s shocking how organized the faction is in TWs. Comparing to the times Amplified quite a big bigger than Narla, I`m doubtful they would of stood a chance. A faction which fields mostly 8x or 9x to TW like any of the bigger factions, I gotta take my hat off.

    Proski is one of the leaders I respect highly. He did, what he did, and that`s that. It`s rare to see leader who has his feet so tightly on ground And, unlike most, Proski leads organized TWS. I dont know what makes leader cable of that but they are few and rare on our server.

    And Kat? It`s hard to say much on her yet, I havent been that long in contact with her to determine her abilities. But simply holding out 1.5h against Roque in TW where you were outnumbered by 20? She is doing something right.
    Trolling Sid since So Hot :o
  • ReMakaBo - Archosaur
    ReMakaBo - Archosaur Posts: 845 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    which ever slung the biggest credit card, and attracted like minded people really....or like geo,pixle banged the richest MILF..

    But the question is a bit vague, because some of those leaders sucked at being a "faction leader" and was only good at being a TW leader, and then vise versus. Someone Like RioN did his homework outside of TW all week long, while someone like shrimp, didnt do shat but AFK in south showing off himself and every other over priced alt he could keep logged in here 24/7. (just an example, not sayin one or other is bad)

    So I guess the question should be narrowed down.
  • _FyskeR_ - Archosaur
    _FyskeR_ - Archosaur Posts: 45 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    which ever slung the biggest credit card, and attracted like minded people really....or like geo,pixle banged the richest MILF..

    But the question is a bit vague, because some of those leaders sucked at being a "faction leader" and was only good at being a TW leader, and then vise versus. Someone Like RioN did his homework outside of TW all week long, while someone like shrimp, didnt do shat but AFK in south showing off himself and every other over priced alt he could keep logged in here 24/7. (just an example, not sayin one or other is bad)

    So I guess the question should be narrowed down.

    You didnt get my point, Its only just about whose leadership you liked and why?
  • ReMakaBo - Archosaur
    ReMakaBo - Archosaur Posts: 845 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    I got your point, and counter pointed out a fact, ya will get mixed reviews based on mine...

    namely because of people personal perspective of being in a faction in first place.
  • XCableX - Archosaur
    XCableX - Archosaur Posts: 1,338 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    kitty stop trolling me with cable. It's capable.
    youtube.com/xArsonist18 : XCableX's TW videos

    pwcalc.com/56b00d33a8c63c7d : Current BM Build for TW
  • Wizex - Archosaur
    Wizex - Archosaur Posts: 41 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Since all these leaders had their ups and downs I will based my ranking on who is the best when they're serious as leaders. This is my list:

    1. Geogaddi/Proski - I think they're the pioneers on the server. People listen when they talk. They're both hated and liked but more of the latter.

    2. Rionhail - I was never in Immunity but based on what I saw from outside he's a great leader.

    3. Siobhan or BuffyAnne - I thought she was a great leader during PHOENIX days. Has great communications skills plus he knows how to communicate specially in tw.

    4. Kattanya - I thought she was a hard working leader when I was in Nemesis. She's also make sure everyone is accounted for and she's also very sweet.

    5. Mexycan - even though he's not a leader anymore due to inactivity. He knows humility and will go out of his way to help u

    6. Nilnil - he's very humble and the only one who doesn't cash shop. The money he used to build a guild and help members was 100% farmed.
  • AeonChild - Archosaur
    AeonChild - Archosaur Posts: 35 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    1. Geogaddi - Always had a plan and goals to head toward, he was always so nice, and friendly, always included me in random stuff. We had alotta fun times on vent doing those guild instances and stuff.


    3. xLiuZhibox - Was never in ascend but from what I've heard he was an awesome leader. :x And from what I heard he was really nice and stoofs. YEAH.
  • XCableX - Archosaur
    XCableX - Archosaur Posts: 1,338 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    XCableX - Leader of Comcast when it existed

    Geo - Leader of Nemesis when it FIRST was created...

    Proski - 2200 elo
    youtube.com/xArsonist18 : XCableX's TW videos

    pwcalc.com/56b00d33a8c63c7d : Current BM Build for TW
  • _Ghostz_ - Archosaur
    _Ghostz_ - Archosaur Posts: 230 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Best leaders of all time on this server.

    1. Nahktuul. hands down. Not only did he put a good system in place for the guild to flourish, keep the guild name virtually untainted before he left (even with my & Kiaxn rabid RPKing) but he did lead the undisputed best guild that ever hit this server. In our prime we conquered the server with absolutely no contenders that would even match our top 20. He housed more of the "big name players" than any guild before & maybe any guild after. He was very respectable and hm, I guess its good for the server that fate made most of the leadership leave when they did... Moving on.

    2. Proski- I dont even know how this kid is even still around.... I think I knew him from Raging Tide too?? But no matter, this man is your classic rebel with a cause. Believe it or not he has always had reasons for his actions, even though his novelty post on the forums sometimes seem too state otherwise *shout out to my bro Proski*. He pked, he joked & no matter how much you could have hated this man at one point he will always have your respect. Great leadership material.

    3.xLiuZhi- now I never played with this kid but from what I heard he was a classic underdog story. Anyone who can form a team from virtually nothing and beat the Server leaders deserves some serious congratz. It takes humility, bravery & serious communication skills for that to be accomplished. So again, congratulations b:victory
    Just don't. This is your final warning.
  • Proski - Archosaur
    Proski - Archosaur Posts: 936 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    cable get it right dawgggg, it was 2320. and the olympics have inspired me to get back into top "internet fitness" for season 3, 5 million dollar prize pool? helllll yes.

    and ghost, what's up man? somehow i managed to get kaz to sign back on for at least 5 minutes, but I think he caught on to the bluff already. i'd ask more but i'd have to lie to get them to believe there is anything or anyone still worth playing for haha. nice to see you though.
  • CritCat - Archosaur
    CritCat - Archosaur Posts: 608 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Proski for president! b:avoid
    Current Sin Build:
    Current Wizard Build:
  • _Ghostz_ - Archosaur
    _Ghostz_ - Archosaur Posts: 230 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    hey bro whats going on? ive been chilling bro, I bought *** but found out i cannot run it full power on my laptop :( lol. Now im actually downloading pwi again, like we said before, you dont ever quit this game just go on long breaks haha.

    How have you been? Been holding down archosaur while must of us old chars were way? b:chuckle
    Just don't. This is your final warning.
  • Metalogue - Archosaur
    Metalogue - Archosaur Posts: 320 Arc User
    edited August 2012
  • Geogaddi - Sanctuary
    Geogaddi - Sanctuary Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    So I heard people are still using my name around here.


    To Kattanyia:

    With love to you all from Icezicle and I.

  • Kattanyia - Archosaur
    Kattanyia - Archosaur Posts: 226 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    So I heard people are still using my name around here.


    To Kattanyia:

    With love to you all from Icezicle and I.


  • ReMakaBo - Archosaur
    ReMakaBo - Archosaur Posts: 845 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    I see geo got on a drunk posting kick...

    shame his post didn't state.. at the bottom.

    ---Sent from my boost mobile at the plasma center---
  • _FyskeR_ - Archosaur
    _FyskeR_ - Archosaur Posts: 45 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Now you all have to do is get it ...........In?b:pleased
  • WnbTank - Archosaur
    WnbTank - Archosaur Posts: 1,472 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Now you all have to do is get it ...........In?b:pleased

    All kitty needs to get is his coins =(.
    Trolling Sid since So Hot :o
  • _FyskeR_ - Archosaur
    _FyskeR_ - Archosaur Posts: 45 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    i got 1mil, Wait for 2x. b:cryb:cryb:cryb:cry
  • Abstractive - Archosaur
    Abstractive - Archosaur Posts: 1,232 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    I have to admit, RionHale;
    dmoncmaori (this is highly subjective, since I was in Waiheke back then);

    These are in no particular order.
    Bodyguard for Secret Passage at your service, now accepting daily installments of just 2.5m for your leisure.
  • Gralkon - Archosaur
    Gralkon - Archosaur Posts: 49 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    RioNHale #1 in my book forever missing you bro

    Geogaddi #2 Even though I was never in a faction under you I have to respect how you could lead a TW. Miss the fun TW's against you even if I don't miss the repeated troll attemptsb:chuckle

    None others really stand out to me very much except for Taxi who seems to be really nice the couple of times I have talked to her and anyone that can make a server changing faction that has lasted as long as Rouge has is worthy of respect.
  • Metalogue - Archosaur
    Metalogue - Archosaur Posts: 320 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    RioN, Kattanyia, Taxi, Proski. yeye

    in no particular order other than who I wrote down first
  • tehpeach
    tehpeach Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    So best leaders huh. Well lets mix it up a bit.

    Current Large TW Faction:

    My vote for current best faction leader is :Taxidermi/Esplynn of RogueXXX. She started Rogue on Esplynn when no one had even hit 100 on the server and when TT90 was a big deal when you got it. and went through lots of ups and downs there and hopes and dreams for all to become a great TW faction. Then the move came to RogueXXX. Then the possible merge with Arson which failed. In the end though all the greats always go home to Rogue at some point. She gives until it hurts. And for all she has given over the years she gives more everyday. And all the hopes of all the little people came true with being a great TW faction. Great TW faction doesn't happen without great leadership. So apparently she is doing something right.

    Current Smaller Non-TW Faction:

    DianaMystics of smaller but growing faction *Mystics*. *Mystics has been a growing faction open to all levels no matter what. Each member is cared for like a family member. FB no problem. BH no problem. Dead in the middle of nowhere no problem. Diana goes out of the way to make everyone feel special and let's them know they are heard and cared about no matter how small or big the problem. Kudos and may they grow stronger everyday.

    Past Midsize Faction:

    Joe_ leader of now gone, but not forgotten COBRA. Same thing applies here. Joe_ cared for everyone made sure things got done and it didn't matter what level you hit they all cheered and pushed for more. If you needed gear he helped you farm for it. If he got a mold drop he looked to faction first to see who needed what. Quest help was always there when called for because at the time being lvl 80 was HUGE. Until real life caught up with him in the form of school got in the way COBRA thrived and even hit the TW map in a few places. Great fun was had by all and lots of learning and in game family building happened there.

    Those are my votes for faction leaders. As a side note like I said all great TW factions need great leadership. So my hat goes off to all the current faction leaders in Arch server. Great TW's happened this whole map reset season. Lots of up's and down's but no matter we all seem to come through stronger for what we've done. b:victory *Hugls* from PeachyKisses
  • BLOODMYSTIC - Archosaur
    BLOODMYSTIC - Archosaur Posts: 1,842 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    I'll let others choose which is better/ranked higher than the other, and recognize that the best faction leaders are not just best TW leaders, etc., and I am sorry, but there are many that deserve mention throughout the history of our server:

    Kattanyia - hands down, love her or hate her, she is absolutely one of the best faction leaders. Period

    Mango/Geo - again, say what you want about the guy's ego, etc., had the drive to lead like noone on the server, which also can be a bad thing.

    Nahktuul - the OG of faction leaders, taking a little sleepy faction of undergeared lvl 9xs to topple Impulse and its unstoppable cata barbs.

    Yansani - leader of arson-again, say what you want, always has the energy and drive to lead and help faction members and make a TW faction a "family" faction too. All the others eventually fall victim to admitting and tolerating destructive behavior from "factors", but in my time in Arson (and limited time in treason), yas never has.

    Proski - Proski and Elusive did to Narla what Nahktuul/Mango did to Impulse - accomplishing the impossible.

    RioN - got people to hang in TW faction that was land locked and never did TW. To this day I marvel at it.

    I am sure there are others that do a great job for their factions. And in this election year, let me do some blatent but heart felt pandering to all of the faction leaders and officers out there that work hard at a game to give all the rest of us something to do with our free time. You make this game worth logging into, and we would all be significantly less entertained by this perfect world were it not for your efforts.

    Thank you.
    "And as for bragging, I don't need to brag. I am famous, yo. My accomplishments are legendary. I am BLOODMYSTIC, speaker of truth, bane of the Barbarians of Impulse, slayer of the **** of Narla, liberator of all the free peoples of the Archosaur server, former master propagandist for our leader in freedom, Proski, and Archtroll of the PWI Forums. And now? Amiable pve wizard, beloved by all, aka BLUEMYSTIC. Pleased to make your acquaintance."
  • XCableX - Archosaur
    XCableX - Archosaur Posts: 1,338 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Oh man. What a nice thread coming from Blood. Most of his saying is straight up troll message to people. Like me b:surrender
    youtube.com/xArsonist18 : XCableX's TW videos

    pwcalc.com/56b00d33a8c63c7d : Current BM Build for TW