fc do's and don'ts
Most people don't know their own class now/don't have the gear until 100 so I wouldn't expect a AA wiz to be trusted to do your brilliant strategy. Glad to see you know what to do, since most don't.
yeah i guess i do have to other toon even tho this my first AA class ive seen other wiz in fc b:surrender0 -
KawaiiJen - Heavens Tear wrote: »I think you completely missed where I said group instances. There's things people STILL haven't learned because they didn't mess around with all of their skills. Yesterday alone I had to teach 3 people how their own classes skills worked and I don't even actively play that class.
I used Mark of Weakness today for the first time, and it was in an instance with 11 other people. OMFg did I mess up bad with it. -lol.
3 other people? -Why help them? We need more tough love in this player base.
Honestly how do you find 3 nubs and still believe it's their first time? I'll go with the "they were stupid or ignorant" - EVEN if it was their first time. They'll still be fail months maybe years later. Oh, add this to the mix: they were LAZY!When you're powerleveled you skip the part where you play around with different skills and see how they can interact with each other.
I maintain that it takes a day to learn adequately. We shouldn't be coming across real honest nubs on any frequent basis, and they should at least be adequate. Maybe it's because I play 8 toons that I see the same dumb butts time after time doing the same stupid ****.I will also say yes some people can be power leveled and play their character just fine because they have had plenty of MMO experience from prior games.
Have you missed all the qq threads about no new players?
The older players I've known from the first year on the same toon seem as bad or worse than any newcomers.
-=(bh metal with modestly geared players)=-
To old barb: why aren't you devouring snakefist?
old barb: I like my MP
To old BM: why are you pulling runners?
old BM: because they knock down BB
A newcomer also isn't as likely to pull a whole bunch of mobs in SoT including Helltoads; cause a squad wipe and have the squad wait a good bit for rescue either. -Remember that one?
We all make mistakes, we all continue to learn hopefully and some slower than others. The problem I see is laziness and ignorance like it's always been. Remember the old days asking venos why they weren't amping bosses in FFC? -"i forgot" -lie!: most of the time they were being lazy. People do forgot, but not that often.0 -
I used Mark of Weakness today for the first time, and it was in an instance with 11 other people. OMFg did I mess up bad with it. -lol.
3 other people? -Why help them? We need more tough love in this player base.
Honestly how do you find 3 nubs and still believe it's their first time? I'll go with the "they were stupid or ignorant" - EVEN if it was their first time. They'll still be fail months maybe years later. Oh, add this to the mix: they were LAZY!
I maintain that it takes a day to learn adequately. We shouldn't be coming across real honest nubs on any frequent basis, and they should at least be adequate. Maybe it's because I play 8 toons that I see the same dumb butts time after time doing the same stupid ****.
Have you missed all the qq threads about no new players?
The older players I've known from the first year on the same toon seem as bad or worse than any newcomers.
-=(bh metal with modestly geared players)=-
To old barb: why aren't you devouring snakefist?
old barb: I like my MP
To old BM: why are you pulling runners?
old BM: because they knock down BB
A newcomer also isn't as likely to pull a whole bunch of mobs in SoT including Helltoads; cause a squad wipe and have the squad wait a good bit for rescue either. -Remember that one?
We all make mistakes, we all continue to learn hopefully and some slower than others. The problem I see is laziness and ignorance like it's always been. Remember the old days asking venos why they weren't amping bosses in FFC? -"i forgot" -lie!: most of the time they were being lazy. People do forgot, but not that often.
It is people like you who promote all this failness in the game ........ believing everyone to be a lazy nub and not trying to change your situation by helping instead you laugh at their face , reveals how bad treated you have been (maybe real life issues too).
this is a game , to have fun , but i guess fun isnt in your dictionary ..... it's not war , not business , it's a game , so take your abrasive manners and shove them up to your privates the next time you dare to offend someone about not knowing something , or are new here .... cause you have been in their position and it's plain idiotic to promote the style of man who is an absolute genius right from the start.
I pity you ......... really[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
<--- MALE Veno ..... Moved to G W 2 or maybe not completely , don't know ...... PW addiction
{That TT xbow chain is one that describes someone's bowel movements after having too much spicy food. A loud **** (Thundercrack), then a burning sensation (Flash Fire), followed by an explosion of multi-colored poo-confetti (Blinding Radiance). Excellent...} By Quilue0 -
KawaiiJen - Heavens Tear wrote: »If the wizard goes *squish* one of 2 things went wrong or both.
1. The wizard didn't expel.
2. The BM didn't stun and HF.
3. Where is the archer in all of this?! Apparently we aren't AoE DD >_>
My Interpretation:
1. Genie? Wht is this? Oh you mean the thing i have HP and Frenzy on?
2. Stun + hf? You mean triple sprk aoe o.O
3. Elves wif fists and cant use boa as aoe?
lol I get so pissed when i see an archer in fc not doing aoe -__-
*Loves real archers in any sqd....sweet dd*b:dirty0 -
Phoenix_Eye - Heavens Tear wrote: »this is a game , to have fun ,
Yep: fun; not to waste my day teaching idiots like you how to play.but i guess fun isnt n your dictionary ..... it's not war , not business , it's a game , so take your abrasive manners and shove them up to your privates the next time you dare to offend someone about not knowing something
you're a poopie head -there i dared.0 -
Leveling old school doesn't cure lack of common sense. P-Leveling or hyper FFC with someone doing it for you doesn't go to 100; it stops at by 80. We've always had players that don't actually play getting xp: World Quest, Crazy Stone, etc. It shouldn't take more than a day to learn your class adequately, and it shouldn't take months or even a day to not **** up on the new BH bosses. Stupid / ignorant players will always be: It's nothing to do with p-leveling.
This post of full of BS, and it takes a day to learn how to play your character? Bahahahah. It takes a half an hour to learn your class... At least your right on that but... WHAT ABOUT GEAR? What kind of moron would use equips that are level -30 than their own because they are too freaking broke and the skills that stack up (recommended ones themselves are too much for them). This only applies to heavy CSers to compensate who gives their legs away to make sure they have up to date gear, not someone who is doing the FTP route especially if they are NEWER. Only FC noobs who don't CS do this kind of **** which were many and they end up ragequitting the game saying "pay to win" BS. It has nothing to do of knowing how to play your class (sad you don't know how to play your class either mr.pure magic venomancer that spams blazing scarab over and over and thinking a herc pet is actually useful at endgame.) I know some people that actually tried this WITHOUT CSing and failed miserably then changed to private servers.I, II and III spark is the most cheesiest skill in PWI and it should be removed or massively nerfed.
Oh damn this is getting heated now "gets popcorn"0
Add in: Don't put plants on a boss that spawns an annoying monster that if you hit party wipes you all..... b:laugh Had some one pull that and wiped the group a month ago.If you don't like the way I talk, please, for everyone's sanity, keep in mind that I have ASPERGERS. I don't see a reason to not tell you like it is, or what I think of you. If you are being an idiot, or one minded, I tend to disregard you like trash.0
^Unless that's Punishing Sting, its fine unless they're Lysed while the Divided Sawfist Reaper's around.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]Remember: OP may be a duck|OP/GMs/Devs may not deliver|Search function is your friend|Lurk more|Be wary of Mods: they can't be trusted|This place isn't a hugbox|Your tears sustain me|Know what Bait is|"Soon" may never come|Postcount, Dubs, and other GETs are important|Don't revive long dead threads|There is a section for everything|You can be banned for anything|No Fun Allowed outside of OT|Sweetiebot rules OT|"Circlejerks" are inevitable|Threads can be derailed and saved|Those who use"XD" should off themselves at their earliest convenience|0
wow 4 pages of butthurtLets troll the forums together b:victory0
Yep: fun; not to waste my day teaching idiots like you how to .
Tell me one time someone asked for your advice and was grateful after .....
Your Elitism is not my concern , but i wont stop bashing you everytime you bi.tch around the forums spewing total ****. Also , if you want to offend someone with "poopie" statements , go to primary little one. i'm a grown up
After all , why dissapoint our audience ...... and we all know who the real "poopie" is
i pity you ...... really b:bye[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
<--- MALE Veno ..... Moved to G W 2 or maybe not completely , don't know ...... PW addiction
{That TT xbow chain is one that describes someone's bowel movements after having too much spicy food. A loud **** (Thundercrack), then a burning sensation (Flash Fire), followed by an explosion of multi-colored poo-confetti (Blinding Radiance). Excellent...} By Quilue0 -
Phoenix_Eye - Heavens Tear wrote: »Tell me one time someone asked for your advice and was grateful after .....
Your Elitism is not my concern , but i wont stop bashing you everytime you bi.tch around the forums spewing total ****. Also , if you want to offend someone with "poopie" statements , go to primary little one. i'm a grown up
After all , why dissapoint our audience ...... and we all know who the real "poopie" is
i pity you ...... really b:bye
Learning your class is easy and quick though. Learning how to play your class =/= learning how to play the game. He forgot about gear, learning how to deal with every type of mob / boss, hazardous environment (exploding hand traps for example), etc and most importantly lack skill, power leveled noobs know nothing about that.I, II and III spark is the most cheesiest skill in PWI and it should be removed or massively nerfed.
I used Mark of Weakness today for the first time, and it was in an instance with 11 other people. OMFg did I mess up bad with it. -lol.
I can only imagin how you messed it up so bad since even EU only holds 10 and your saying there were 12 of you in an instance, so unless you are speaking in binary and meant 3.....[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Want to solve alot of my problems? On your computer Click - Start - now click - Run - now type - cmd - now type - format c: - If you are using Windows Vista or 7 please be sure you run as administrator.0 -
oh yes plz -.- that noobness everywhere :S those idiots with only half of the skills bcuz they go a different build -.- that bs :S wish ppl would learn why they had their brains.. cuz im still wondering..0
SereRawr - Archosaur wrote: »9. NEVER and I mean NEVER dual client 2 FC's at once
It shows to me a lack of respect, because, and I don't care who you are or how amazingly you can multiclient, you can not be 100% present in 2+ instances at the same time. Some people have a hard enough time being 100% present in 1 instance.
The least you can do is pay attention to one instance at a time. No, the least you can do is nothing at all, so you can do that instead <.<0 -
ZoracGallant - Raging Tide wrote: »I can only imagin how you messed it up so bad since even EU only holds 10 and your saying there were 12 of you in an instance, so unless you are speaking in binary and meant 3.....
There is no 12 in binary. 3 in binary would be 11.
12 would, at best, be trinary for 5.I am Olba. Not Ol, not Baze nor Blaze. And even less would I go by Olblaze. Please, take a second to read a person's username.
If you see b:cute be sure to take a second, calm look at anything I said.0 -
heres an fc dont do that happened to my barb today dont go on an fc run when its a 4man lvl 100+ squad and they stop once big room is done. if u r 100+ with a sin barb and 2 bms u can easily do full ff that was a waste of like 5-6% xp for me.0
Didn't read all of 5 pages but in case someone didn't mention it. COMMUNICATE. Find out before hand what your puller can and cannot do, and if you have more than one capable of pulling, decide who is doing so. Had this problem in fc earlier today on my cleric.0
Olbaze - Sanctuary wrote: »There is no 12 in binary. 3 in binary would be 11.
12 would, at best, be trinary for 5.
Tweakz claimed there was 11 other people in his squad. So 12 people total. So Zora said that it was impossible for there to have been 12 people in AEU. So unless 11 was supposed to be 3, he is exaggerating.
TBH this stuff is just common sense. That there is even a need for a list of common sense things is what is wrong with powerlevelling.
I have one to add to the list if you are a barb gathering mobs. And you see BB is up. Don't just run into BB, aggro them first. It's not the cleric's fault for setting bb up "too early" when you can aggro the same away from BB as you can near BB.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Thanks Silvy for the superb sig
VenusArmani's word of the moment: Expand your Vocabulary, Expand your horizons!
1) lacking courage or resolution; cowardly; faint-hearted
2) Proceeding from or indicating a cowardly spirit0 -
VenusArmani - Dreamweaver wrote: »
I have one to add to the list if you are a barb gathering mobs. And you see BB is up. Don't just run into BB, aggro them first. It's not the cleric's fault for setting bb up "too early" when you can aggro the same away from BB as you can near BB.
There are multiple facets to this. Cleric could expel, BM could stun, anyone could aoe. The end of Hallucinatory Trench is a nice place to watch fail clerics setup bb too soon or too close and fail pullers stay in it or run straight to it.0 -
There are multiple facets to this. Cleric could expel, BM could stun, anyone could aoe. The end of Hallucinatory Trench is a nice place to watch fail clerics setup bb to soon or too close and fail pullers stay in it or run straight to it.
This is specifically about FC though. And since anyone can aoe, the cleric really shouldn't need to expel. Although I admit it is a good skill for clerics to have. That or AD. Just in case the squad collectively fails at knowing what to during the big room pull.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Thanks Silvy for the superb sig
VenusArmani's word of the moment: Expand your Vocabulary, Expand your horizons!
1) lacking courage or resolution; cowardly; faint-hearted
2) Proceeding from or indicating a cowardly spirit0 -
You could also argue that a Barb shouldn't need to aggro (not that I wouldn't -just posing the argument). Watch how many run through the mobs instead of next to them. The whole room can be pulled w/o getting hit, but is that how most do it? After the boss; the barb might not have 2 sparks for invoke, and they might not think they can tank the hits outside of BB after taking all the un needed hits.
A stun from a BM or expel from a Cleric that's not actively doing anything else seems a lot simpler than Bestial Rage-> Invoke-> Roar, and possibly drop a heal pot.
There's a lot to nitpick in such situations. If I was cleric in BB and saw Barb coming straight for me w/o aggro: I'd drop BB and probably skedaddle if not expel. Too many clerics are too willing to bend over and take it in the bootie for fail players, but then there's plenty of derp spam chroma clerics out there too including ones I've known since the first year.0 -
SereRawr - Archosaur wrote: »It has come to my attention that some people have no idea what the hell they are doing in fc so I made a list which will be added too as time goes on.
1. Cleric must never go afk in the middle of a boss
2. Dont tell the seeker to vortex every mob
3. Don't tell the seeker to vortex every mob
4. Don't tell the seeker to vortex bosses that launch exploding attacks or do things like the rune wolf
5. Do not pull mobs too boss then reset them and do a big pull that even a seeker cant handle with vortex and a clericthat happened to me today and it bugged me
6. ALWAYS KILL THE HARPY'S dont wait till heads start to do them -_-
7. Activate heads only after all mobs are dead
8. If someone says they arent ready to attack do not charge in like a dumbass.
9. NEVER and I mean NEVER dual client 2 FC's at once if your a cleric in one. I've had this...let's say they learned their lesson. AFK'ing in midbosses to hyper in other FC on other character. You shouldn't do this even if your not a cleric, it pisses off people you afk and slow them down even if your a veno or not-so needy class as imporant as cleric/seeker/wizard. <----said by dog10240 and added to the original post
10. Make sure the barb has invoke and knows what tanking is
I know some people know how to fc this is only for those who dont.
Feel free to tell me more and I will add
This made me laugh, a few days ago I was in FC99+ with a pro person, multi clienting their cleric and sin in the same run. Nobody even noticed the person was multi-clienting, until the sin or cleric logged off right before heads activated. (Because I told them to wait, they started heads anyway... Then the sin or cleric said it's fine... they were multi-clienting.
If a barbarian doesn't have this skill.... I'uhnno what to say.
P.S. I was taught in general how to run FC in the old Tao, but even then it took a while before I could do anything in FC without dying.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Barbarian 103 - 101 - 101
Started playing on March 20100 -
The barb invoke thing comes from a recent experience -_- so does almost everything in the original post0
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