Weaken Snakefist
Joshcja - Sanctuary wrote: »
for random squads of low geared people, get range set BB and let a ranged class tank, his mag aoe is weaksauce
My archer tanks all the time when squads can't find a barb, and I find it very easy. The only problem with letting a ranged DD tank is letting them keep aggro. But I just tell them right off that if they steal aggro and die I'm not holding the boss.0 -
You know...if you people don't have the gear to faceroll, then don't faceroll and actually play. Take a little time to do this quest if your pdef needs a boost.
If you are still dying, have a ranged class tank. Back in the days, an archer with +10 Lunar bow (which today is like +5 R8) and like 10k hp was tanking that thing in BB, with everyone else timing 3 spark and amps together so it dies in a timely manner. Didn't need to be all APS, nobody needed to link weapons...today's random BH squads are so funny.
It's really stupid how people with suck gear try to faceroll then complain when they fail...when you have good gear, you start to skip little steps to save time (like not killing foxes in that Nirvana boss). Obviously this doesn't apply to those who don't have good gear. If you wipe, you lose a lot more time. Take the pill quest and take steps to survive instead of 5apsing away with 5k hp.Elena Costel: I wash my hands of this affair.
Legerity: *drags you back* *stains your hands with said affair*
Elena Costel: Noooo... I don't want to have a dirty affair with Lady Legerity...
Qui: b:dirty0 -
WnbTank - Archosaur wrote: »Last vile boss on Lunar has never killed me, I dont know it it`s lucky or not but I`ve never had problem with the thing. The first vile boss on lunar though, that thing is an *** and makes Snakefist feel like an joke. Actually, the hardest boss I`ve done is the last boss in Warsong - That Frenzy makes you to miss Snake and his cute dmg.
I think that person is talking about the right path 3rd vile boss, that boss is indeed very hard.
Tried it one time and i was very impressed, had a good squad and got wiped.
Hp charmed it was no problem tho.0 -
Zanryu - Lothranis wrote: »Yeah.. it's the first one that sucks. In the second run the sins were both using bows because in the first run it kept buffing, so one of them having an advance purge bow decided to use it instead of DD. Then the second sin decided to to the same with his TT80 gold bow, and when I asked for BP he wouldn't do it until I killed about 100k of my charm because I couldn't get BP heals and the Cleric was dead. It was a real pain.
The second boss only has a nasty poison, other than that it's not even hard. It doesn't even tick me. The Third boss can hit me for like.. I think it was 5k, but BP and BB heals keep my charm from even ticking on it. All in all they're pretty easy, and yeah.. Incarcerator and that Water boss are both much easier in their Vile forms. It's kind of amusing, but if we had to fight Incarcerator twice with his haxness I'd be scared b:sad
I might just be unlucky but I have had the worst luck with that boss. I know there is a long way to glitch him by pulling him to the water but the particular time for some reason nobody wanted to do it... So when boss spawned he squad wiped and pushed everyone into the water which caused the team to break out into laughter over vent.
As for sins... I swear you got some of the worst ones imaginable lol.... Being the sage with sage bp if someone calls for it I cancel everything (almost) and hit the damn skill...
KEEP THE SQUAD ALIVE b:victory[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]Other names include but not limited to LOKl_ _ClRCE_, _AnGeal_0 -
At some point people will realize a rather obvious solution. Like, you know, bring arcane DDs that have triple your mag defense to tank the boss instead of filling the squad with aps chars? b:bye
Had a psy with r8/HH99 tank it with BB while the melee stayed out of AoE range yesterday. Both my cleric/mystic have tanked it solo so try switching up the squad formation.
just...saying0 -
snake is rather easy i never have trouble, but as a barb i know how to keep sins and bm's from dying by resetting agro with timing my skills. its quite easy if people stop power leveling!
so simply as others said, find people who can play there class.
i say make squads like a reality show, after each group vote ****ty pople out. ijs0 -
Mekkhala - Lost City wrote: »At some point people will realize a rather obvious solution. Like, you know, bring arcane DDs that have triple your mag defense to tank the boss instead of filling the squad with aps chars? b:bye
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]Remember: OP may be a duck|OP/GMs/Devs may not deliver|Search function is your friend|Lurk more|Be wary of Mods: they can't be trusted|This place isn't a hugbox|Your tears sustain me|Know what Bait is|"Soon" may never come|Postcount, Dubs, and other GETs are important|Don't revive long dead threads|There is a section for everything|You can be banned for anything|No Fun Allowed outside of OT|Sweetiebot rules OT|"Circlejerks" are inevitable|Threads can be derailed and saved|Those who use"XD" should off themselves at their earliest convenience|0 -
This thread is still alive?
uhgGifs are hard to make work here0 -
Angel_Spawn - Sanctuary wrote: »I`m not usually selective towards people, but damn hypering services have made pathetically - geared people which drag the entire squad down. Sorry about my rant but this is how the game has become, you need to be somewhat picky with whom you squad!
I agree for most part but is it hypering or fashion addiction or wasting time trying to find some sweaty old fat furry man with a cutie avatar to cyber with? When running Caster Nirvana and seeing the millions I've made only to see people I ran with quite often over a month ago still below 4.5k hp; figure they have to be spending that coin on something other than equips for that toon. (moochbags)
+5 average? - With the DQ point refining stones and free mirages from BH; +5 should be the minimum not average.
It doesn't take a cash shopper to be at the top of the food chain. A lot of the best equipped players are simply great merchants.Originally Posted by Mekkhala - Lost City View Post
At some point people will realize a rather obvious solution. Like, you know, bring arcane DDs that have triple your mag defense to tank the boss instead of filling the squad with aps chars?
Better to just kill the boss w/o them there so they get discouraged and either upgrade or learn or stop being mooches.0 -
Mekkhala - Lost City wrote: »At some point people will realize a rather obvious solution. Like, you know, bring arcane DDs that have triple your mag defense to tank the boss instead of filling the squad with aps chars? b:bye
Had a psy with r8/HH99 tank it with BB while the melee stayed out of AoE range yesterday. Both my cleric/mystic have tanked it solo so try switching up the squad formation.
Where are these Arcanes with 30k Mdef?[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Thanks to the beautiful and talanted Zheii for the sigb:dirty
I read the forums naked.0 -
Zanryu - Lothranis wrote: »Where are these Arcanes with 30k Mdef?
Unfortunately wizzies don't have a metal shield for snake... b:shocked0 -
Zanryu - Lothranis wrote: »Where are these Arcanes with 30k Mdef?
I think he means clerics and mag tanks with 15k hp. 30k mdef doesn't do **** when snake goes berserk since they kill so slow.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
idk but if you're getting hit for 23k by Snake's magic attack then your gear sucks. My Barb has aroud 4-4.5k mdef and I never got 1 hit by him at all. Quite frankly the devs need to keep him like he is, you're no longer supposed to be a noob at lv100+ so no need to nerf bosses cuz you don't know how to properly gear your toon.0
Nael - Dreamweaver wrote: »Tell the BMs to use physical marrow and roll mdef charms. L2P.
This is true, I can usually tank it without too much problem with marrow. Even better when you're demon and don't cut your mdef as much.
However, squishy BM's shouldn't be getting agro in the first place. Controlling agro is basic knowledge that seems to fly out the window once a player hit's 5.0. I'm not even going to mention sins, most are beyond hope. Take off your blessing if you have to or spark a little less, and continue aps all you like. I find there's a certain limit before a barb has serious problems keeping agro, that will still tear down a boss fairly fast.0 -
Massad - Harshlands wrote: »Snake fist is easy... Even the vile version is a pretty easy breeze... Faction runs multiple full warsongs a day and I can survive every boss in there with little to no problem... And I have a sage sin with 8240 something hp when buffed....
You want to talk about over powered and a pain in the ***... Try the lunar vile bosses... 3rd boss spawned, one hit, squad wiped hitting me for 20k through a triple spark, and took out a 40k hp barb in 2 hits.... That **** hurt b:surrender
i did tank that boss on my fail LA bm just yesteday with only cleric and lvl10 bm buff
partially with the cleric failing to heal me.
what are you doing? i ve never seen that.
ticking mad maybe but no real high hits, whats that?
did you forget to kill enough mobs?CapnK - Sanctuary wrote: »This is the best advice given in this thread. Let a frickin wizard tank it if your low hp sins/BMs keep splattering on him.
we did bh snake + vile just yesterday,
only casters,
no aps
no barb
no bm
no problem
i think i(rank8 wizard) am able to solo bh snake boss just fine. it would just be a tickfest sice i cant heal fast.
its really an easy boss unless you stay up close
so then i ask myself... why is OP (a bm) tanking when there is a sin in squad?
what kind of fail **** fish was that?
and then the Barb, OP prolly has sucky damage, if he put the same effort into offense and defense. why cant that barb keep aggro?
to stupid to spam flesh realm?
just back off hide in a corner and let your cleric solo the boss. and be ashamed, be very ashamedi like potato0 -
_DarkSeph_ - Sanctuary wrote: »Controlling agro is basic knowledge that seems to fly out the window once a player hit's 5.0. I'm not even going to mention sins, most are beyond hope. t.
Player 1 world chat: I need a GM NOW, snake boss is causing squad wipes.
Player 2 world chat: Kick caster, get more 5.0 in squad.
Player 1: Good idea, *Kicks all caster* BH metal lf Sins/BM 5.0, +10 weapons, link weapons please.
Player 3: *Lvl 3 fist, +10* I am 5 aps, take me b:mischievous
Player 1: *seems legit, +10 weapon, 5 aps* ok
Snake boss: Noobs will be noobs *frenzy, one shot da noobs*
*everyone rage quits, hurl accusations at each other, calling everyone fail, post here*
That is how the story of 5.0 helps the game. Maybe if they made all bosses get frenzy and one shot people, maybe the hyper babies only come out in 2x b:victory.
Add frenzy on vana bosses b:cute,
Player 1: ZOMG vana boss squad wiped, i don't know what boss does or how bosses get buffs, game is broke yo.
Joking aside, i remember keeping that boss alive for 5 minutes with 3 people purging, 2bm and 1 sin. Boss got purged quickly, but in the end everyone died, was fun though. Veno is not the only class that can purge, but sadly if people knew that, i wouldn't be here replying.
If you are solo killing the boss, yes the boss is hard. If you have 6 people with tt90 or lower gear, yes boss is hard. My bm is 6.6k unbuffed and lives well, just need to play nice with everyone and learn what others do.
_DarkSeph_: quoted you, because recently i was in a squad, 3 4.0 people, 2 bm, 1 sin. Archer made squad, we failed. Solution, we need 5.0 to tank. Somehow people think 5.0 is the magical solution.0 -
Jaabg - Sanctuary wrote: »_DarkSeph_: quoted you, because recently i was in a squad, 3 4.0 people, 2 bm, 1 sin. Archer made squad, we failed. Solution, we need 5.0 to tank. Somehow people think 5.0 is the magical solution.
Wait.. you mean being 5.0 with +3 gear and shabby garnets ISN'T enough for me to tank things?
****! I quit![SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Thanks to the beautiful and talanted Zheii for the sigb:dirty
I read the forums naked.0 -
Jaabg - Sanctuary wrote: »_DarkSeph_: quoted you, because recently i was in a squad, 3 4.0 people, 2 bm, 1 sin. Archer made squad, we failed. Solution, we need 5.0 to tank. Somehow people think 5.0 is the magical solution.
5.0 not the solution to everything b:shocked
b:cry u just ruined my Perfect World b:cry b:shedtear
b:avoidb:bye0 -
Tiare - Lost City wrote: »5.0 not the solution to everything b:shocked
b:cry u just ruined my Perfect World b:cry b:shedtear
+1 agreed lmao[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Dream a dream of a life so new, One brimming with potential,
Of starting again, leaving all behind, Only happiness is essential. b:victory
Thanks Silvy for the siggy, You are the best ! b:kiss0 -
So what's the solution to the snakefist,Caster squads or Full Aps Squad or Mixed ? b:puzzled0
Snoozin - Raging Tide wrote: »So what's the solution to the snakefist,Caster squads or Full Aps Squad or Mixed ? b:puzzled
my experience: mixed works the best.b:bye0 -
i do find it somewhat commical that the ppl posting that this boss is easy r posting with 102+ toons. some of these suggestions have been helpfull and i thank the ppl who gave them. as for the ppl posting to just spam apoth. that only works in squads were the fight isnt drawn out.0
supertroyman1 wrote: »lol those picks just proved ur not even relavent to what we were talking about
Complaining about Snake being too hard, managed him without issue with only 2 high APS DDs. I've managed it where I was the only high refined DD (one other high APS DD at +6) so yeah... he's not as bad as people make him out to be.
Pics related.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Thanks to the beautiful and talanted Zheii for the sigb:dirty
I read the forums naked.0 -
Zanryu - Lothranis wrote: »Complaining about Snake being too hard, managed him without issue with only 2 high APS DDs. I've managed it where I was the only high refined DD (one other high APS DD at +6) so yeah... he's not as bad as people make him out to be.
Pics related.
Ehh, +6 is still over the average, least on archo that is... It`s a funny server, either you are R9 or you are quite poorly geared. The toons like my sin with R8+10 daggers, 4 aps & +7 armors are quite rare. More often than not my sin is the only "refined DD" in squad.Trolling Sid since So Hot0 -
I do warsong on my BM with 7.5k HP all the time, so ***-off with this 7k HP for a bm is pathetic shyyt.
As far as snake being to hard, if you arent geared for warsong, dont do warsong, and get better gear in the mean time.What kind of fool pays for a free game.0 -
Zanryu - Lothranis wrote: »Complaining about Snake being too hard, managed him without issue with only 2 high APS DDs. I've managed it where I was the only high refined DD (one other high APS DD at +6) so yeah... he's not as bad as people make him out to be.
Pics related.
ur still missing the entire point on what this thread was about. if u have a 13k charmed bm then obviously u can tank it. thats obviously very well geared.now take away abit of ur dd from refines, abit of ur hp down to say a standerd 9k buffed and take off that charm, then what u say will be relavent to me.0 -
Tanked him w/ roughly 5.2k HP for much of the battle. There were a few close calls, but even while frenzied I didnt get 1-hit from him. True, he's a bit tougher than the other BH bosses, but I dont see anything wrong with a challenge.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]Remember: OP may be a duck|OP/GMs/Devs may not deliver|Search function is your friend|Lurk more|Be wary of Mods: they can't be trusted|This place isn't a hugbox|Your tears sustain me|Know what Bait is|"Soon" may never come|Postcount, Dubs, and other GETs are important|Don't revive long dead threads|There is a section for everything|You can be banned for anything|No Fun Allowed outside of OT|Sweetiebot rules OT|"Circlejerks" are inevitable|Threads can be derailed and saved|Those who use"XD" should off themselves at their earliest convenience|0
WnbTank - Archosaur wrote: »Ehh, +6 is still over the average, least on archo that is... It`s a funny server, either you are R9 or you are quite poorly geared. The toons like my sin with R8+10 daggers, 4 aps & +7 armors are quite rare. More often than not my sin is the only "refined DD" in squad.
Wow... that's a little awkward. I know most other servers have people with decent refines at the average, when I left DW average refines were +5 and that was over a year ago. On Lothranis the average seems to be around that, with CSers at full +10 R9, cashed sins with R9+10-12 4APS, and the others at either horrible gear or aorund +5 refines on things.supertroyman1 wrote: »ur still missing the entire point on what this thread was about. if u have a 13k charmed bm then obviously u can tank it. thats obviously very well geared.now take away abit of ur dd from refines, abit of ur hp down to say a standerd 9k buffed and take off that charm, then what u say will be relavent to me.
Apparently you missed the part where I said I tanked it at 8k HP. When I had 8k HP I was using Deicide at ~+6 (on Lothranis, on DW they were +10) and in each scenario I could tank it fine as long as we had a Cleric BBing. Admittedly getting hit for 3k-4k in BB would hurt pretty badly, as long as you have a Cleric doing their job and DDs all hitting it you can kill it relatively easily even without extremely good gear.
I can't exactly go back in time and screenshot myself tanking it with lower gear, and for the record.. the sin was the one doing the tanking. He only had 9.8k HP buffed and far less defense than I have. Less HP, less Defense, still managed to tank it. Which reminds me, I was able to tank it on my 6.5k HP sin on DW (+10 G13s).
Snake doesn't take an OP squad, OP gear, or even a full APS team. People should stop complaining how hard it is. I've never failed a Snake BH because he started one shotting people, even with lowly refined people in squad. Your point is that he is too hard at low refines and if you fail to do enough damage he'll wipe you, but as long as your people know what you're doing it's more than possible. As has been said before, you could always do the quest to get a pill before you do the BH if you're doubtful of your squad's ability to handle his attacks.
Stop complaining about a boss being too hard, go fight Incarcerator. He really does take a great squad, because otherwise you'll more than likely get wiped.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Thanks to the beautiful and talanted Zheii for the sigb:dirty
I read the forums naked.0
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