Reflections, new way to gain EXP?



  • Slegtst - Dreamweaver
    Slegtst - Dreamweaver Posts: 595 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Awesome. By "not OP" I'll assume you mean standard g12-13 +5 weapon/armor, without any charm. Go ahead and post a video of yourself soloing Blackhole, with such gear. Maybe drop a piece of aps gear, not everyone is 5.0. And no demon/sage bell, since it should be soloable for any moderate BM.

    Oh and don't spend more than 80k in resources, or it wouldn't be economical for a 4 Tear of Heaven reward.

    I'll be waiting. :)
    Troll detector is putting up red flags here. :P

    I never made a video before, and i dont feel like making one, "sounds like 2 much hassle".

    My gear: G16 +10 fists, with magic. b:dirty

    2 pieces of G15 Nirvana HA: chest and legs.
    2 pieces of TT99 HA: wrists and boots.
    2 pieces of TT99 LA: necklace and belt [yeyeye].
    Got the G14 helmet, Forests Wisdom i think its called.
    2 Lunar rings, Sign of Frost Chaos.
    Pang Gu tome.

    Comes down to little over 9k HP and horrible pdef, not even gonna mention mdef. xD

    All i can do is boot up the game after maint, solo BHD a few times with different buffs, and make alot of screenshots. And since im bored, i will. :P
  • Nenor - Dreamweaver
    Nenor - Dreamweaver Posts: 534 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Easiest way to solo bhd on my bm:
    Get bp (otherwise its tick tick tick)
    Shadowless kick 1st magic attack. Stun or triple spark to resist the 2nd mag attack since SK will be in cooldown. As long as i alternate those on his magic attacks, I find i usually dont tick at all, unless i just have bad timing (which i sometimes do)
    G13 claws +7
    G15 chest +6
    G15 legs+6
    TT 99 LA arms +4
    TT 99 LA boots +4
    TT99 HA neck/belt + 7 and +6
    Forest wisdoms helm G13 +10
    + 35 str tome.
    Rings are rank 8 and band of heaven jail +4
    A bit over 8k hp
  • FenixKiShin - Raging Tide
    FenixKiShin - Raging Tide Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    i'm a 5aps sage bm and i can solo BHD like walk in the park with my fail gears and barely 8k hp
    however on my 5aps +10 sin it's a different story.....

    wait why r we talking about black hole again?b:puzzled
  • Reliea - Sanctuary
    Reliea - Sanctuary Posts: 685 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    If you actually pick up all the coins/items that the mobs drop, usually you will at the very least break even on your repair bill.

    Then again, I did have a person start mocking me for actually flying over to pick up my drops after every buzzard I killed for the buzzard daily, as if the drops didn't matter. Well, no, taken individually, they aren't much, but if you actually pick them all up, it adds up.

    And I was definitely referring to the Morai type of dailies, not the OHT ones.

    Don't listen to mockers b:victory
    I too pick everything up, all the time, as often as I can.

    We have a moderate of dailies yeah, but it's true the rewards on them are pretty darn pitiful.
    The Divine quests, at least the blue and purple ones are pretty good, though they come up so rarely. And also any that require mobs killed within a BH, not just in the world or in heaven or hell, don't count in my opinion because 1) most classes can't get to the mobs in a way that makes them practical to do regularly and 2) few people do bhs unwined or to the point where the mobs are. I refer in this case to most bhs above 79, where the dungeons are chocked full of fairly dangerous mobs, and progressively less and less people even bother with the bh to begin with. A good number of the bh 100+ divine mobs occur farther up than the actual bh boss, and in my experience few people go 'to the end', and even when they do they do it wined, which often eliminates 95% of the mobs the quest calls for.

    Of all the daily quest options I find Morai to be the best to do with any regularity because 1) they're fairly straightforward, 2) you can complete them solo with little trouble, and 3) you can use the influence to purchase useful things like runes and xp/spirit/rep pills. The quests themselves give fairly good xp comparatively for the 95-99 crowd.

    Of course BH itself is a daily, which could take you to 2 different dungeons and tack on 1+ hours of play time. Personally I think if the xp reward for 69-89 was increased there would be a lot more interest in those dungeons again. When I first started playing shouts for them were pretty common, but these days you could go all day without seeing one WC asking or starting a squad.

    Nix Vally too is a daily which I think is a little under-rated. The only problem with it is unless you can finish it fast, if the cleric dies (and clerics do die sometimes! >.>) and has to rez outside, they might not be able to get back in. So a bit frustrating there, but making the respawn inside the dungeon itself would be an easy enough fix.

    Cube too could be considered a daily, but I don't consider it a daily really >.> My definition of a daily is a one time daily refreshed quest that is more or less free to do, and Cube is definitely not free. Unlike Bhs, which are still doable without wine; and no I don't count Lunar as a daily either even though it comes up as a bh. Most people I know call Lunar day NoBH day and finish dailies early therefore b:chuckle

    But with all that taken into consideration we DO have a lot of dailies to do, with a variety of rewards that come from them... just depends what people actually want -to do-. No amount of new quests will get people playing who don't really enjoy questing in the first place :S In my opinion it would be better first to improve the methods of gaining xp we already have (e.g bh, divines etc) rather than adding a new system that doesn't even require playing the game.
  • Nenor - Dreamweaver
    Nenor - Dreamweaver Posts: 534 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Idk... derailed.b:chuckle
  • daryskin
    daryskin Posts: 33 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    As to the person saying can not sell fc to low levels---- I think it was the best thing pwi did since these ppl take advantage of the low levels in fc by charging sooooo much just to take them thru to the heads at an enormous cost which is abusive and ranking in the money that low lvls do not have or can not afford just to keep up with the jones,, this is totally wrong and i am GLAD the PWI has taken this STEp it make the games for new and old ppl alike to enjoy WAY TO GO PWIb:pleased
  • J_Voorhees - Heavens Tear
    J_Voorhees - Heavens Tear Posts: 100 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    I actually like that idea. gonna send a lowlvl shop there lmao. prolly a cleric. yay getting a high lvl buffer without doin something :)
  • Kastus - Raging Tide
    Kastus - Raging Tide Posts: 558 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    And of course it will also stack with hyper EXP b:avoid

    u owe me a signature b:angry b:victory

    Schooling QQme in The Art of PK since 2012
  • Tsukyini - Raging Tide
    Tsukyini - Raging Tide Posts: 1,766 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    The main problem I have with a "new way to gain exp", is that they usually mean by that "all other ways to gain exp will be obsolete after".

    The impression I got from having a "new mechanic" for exp gain is that it will be a supplement to current methods of exp gain, not a replacement.

    As it is for me now, my usual playtime goes like this:

    1. Pick up guild base quests.
    2. Go to Morai. Flag crazy stone/divine emissary quests/timed quest. Do these, turn in.
    3. Teleport back to Perfect World.
    4. Hop on my flying mount, raise myself to max elevation, and autopath to the mobs for base quests.
    5. Kill mobs for base quests.
    6. Teleport to 1k, enter cube. Complete cube. Leave cube.
    7. Turn in base quests.
    8. Log off.

    Doing all of this usually takes an hour to an hour and a half, depending on my luck in the cube. I'd absolutely love it if there more (worthwhile) things do to to gain exp, that would require actually playing the game. And, being that my main is level 103 and not a sin, I no longer consider FC to be a fun/worthwhile method of exp gain.
  • laloner
    laloner Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    I have 500 free hypers bound to my character from the Heroic Chests fiasco. PW doesn't time these things well.
    AKA PermaSpark, Heartshatter
  • Bobobejumbo - Raging Tide
    Bobobejumbo - Raging Tide Posts: 934 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    I support AFK leveling...and Chick-Fil-A
  • M_ - Dreamweaver
    M_ - Dreamweaver Posts: 81 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    i dont care for afk leveling...

    its usless because pwi servers need more PEOPLE that will actualy play and not more of ALTS

    but oh well better that then 8hours farming timer thing....that totally ruin everything ingame
  • AlysonRose - Heavens Tear
    AlysonRose - Heavens Tear Posts: 624 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    *puts on grey wig*

    In MY day afk leveling was called autopathing on world quest, and we had to click our next destination every 10 min or so between youtube vids and pron. You young turks today and your fancy afk instance!

    *shakes fist*
  • KingCrash - Dreamweaver
    KingCrash - Dreamweaver Posts: 702 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    *puts on grey wig*

    In MY day afk leveling was called autopathing on world quest, and we had to click our next destination every 10 min or so between youtube vids and pron. You young turks today and your fancy afk instance!

    *shakes fist*

    Back in my day we didn't even have autopath. >.> *waves cane*

    Now get of mai lawn!
  • _Ghoul_ - Lost City
    _Ghoul_ - Lost City Posts: 973 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    the only reason i would supprt afk leaving is cos we alredy have frost and hipper xp mode.

    ooh and scammer and ppl making money out of it

    and a few friend sick of doing nothing but frost day in and out

    afk lving

    frost and hipper mode

    same thing in my book
  • OmniX - Heavens Tear
    OmniX - Heavens Tear Posts: 185 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Took me 1.5 months to go from 7% > now 83% into 103 and i should be hitting 104 by the end of next week. I did this by Soloing Phoenix Valley 100+ twice a day and FF once a Crazy Stone, BQ and Morai every day... When i hit 104 I honestly wouldn't mind getting some exp while im not there on my way to 105. Since its not easy to get to 104 and 105 doing these things every day. It takes so long! but to me its worth it :P I like doing these things every day because its fun and im trying to reach a goal, but a little exp when im not there doesnt seem to bad... =/ Who knows it might cut my way to 105 down by a week or 2? =/
  • OmniX - Heavens Tear
    OmniX - Heavens Tear Posts: 185 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    *puts on grey wig*

    In MY day afk leveling was called autopathing on world quest, and we had to click our next destination every 10 min or so between youtube vids and pron. You young turks today and your fancy afk instance!

    *shakes fist*

    Yeah world quest was a must! lol... dont forget zhenning! I zhenned from lvl70-89 on my wizard back in the dayb:cold......those were the days.

    *sorry for the double post*
  • Bobobejumbo - Raging Tide
    Bobobejumbo - Raging Tide Posts: 934 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Yeah world quest was a must! lol... dont forget zhenning! I zhenned from lvl70-89 on my wizard back in the dayb:cold......those were the days.

    *sorry for the double post*

    I cash shopped to 101 in 3 days. It was really hard typing in my credit card number so many times!
  • Aowenn - Archosaur
    Aowenn - Archosaur Posts: 161 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    I disagree with afk levelling

    What's the point of having all them quests when all you will do is just throw your alt in & get it lvl'd
  • laloner
    laloner Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    I cash shopped to 101 in 3 days. It was really hard typing in my credit card number so many times!

    My iPhone types it for me while looking for the nearest 4star restaurant in my price range.
    AKA PermaSpark, Heartshatter
  • Bobobejumbo - Raging Tide
    Bobobejumbo - Raging Tide Posts: 934 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    laloner wrote: »
    My iPhone types it for me while looking for the nearest 4star restaurant in my price range.

    This is an example of a winner.