TW Max number of lands

bikefire Posts: 13 Arc User
edited July 2012 in Suggestion Box
Create a maximum number of lands a faction can have, for example 10 or 15.

This would avoid big factions have like 20 lands ( receiving more than 200M coins per week) and this would give the chance for small faction have their own land (and money income to use on Guild Base upgrade...).

Ty for reading.
Obviously, I'm open to improvements/other suggestions.
Post edited by bikefire on


  • truekossy
    truekossy Posts: 7,021 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Your suggestion has already occurred thanks to the map resetting every 6 months. Assuming a faction successfully bids on land every week, always wins their attacks, and never loses a defense (and this is incredibly unrealistic to assume, by the way), they'll max out at 24 lands at the reset.... which isn't enough for half the map and makes the old TW fun of attempting to conquer the map impossible. On top of that, a hard cap below the (again unrealistic) 24 we can get now is just going to make things worse for everyone that actually enjoys TWs while making PWI's little "guild at the end of the reset with most lands gets a prize" become even more of a mess since it makes ties a lot more likely. After all, why bid on anyone once you max out on lands?

    Your reasoning shows a lack of knowledge. Assuming what I said above, it would still take 10-15 weeks to acquire that many lands. The coin intake the factions get would be massively reduced by the actual costs of TW itself (building towers, buying cat scrolls, etc), plus paying the members, plus the costs related to prepare for TW (charms, apoth, foods, etc). So it's not as if these big factions are making some huge profit off of it. Plus they'd actually be LOSING coin while working their way towards that many lands. Especially if there's more than one capable TW faction on the server and they have actual competition... though your suggestion would make TW factions avoid each other due to a land cap so all the little factions you want to get land would be instantly knocked off the map by bigger factions going straight for the cap.

    Smaller factions already have a chance for land a few weeks after map resets where they can sit on lands and get free coins due to not dealing with most of the TW costs. Plus the faction base is designed to be a group effort. If a faction is too small to work on a base without external help then they really shouldn't be focusing on one. If a faction is capable of a base but can't TW for some reason then making TW even LESS appealing to those who are capable of it just so the small factions can get a freebie isn't helpful at all.
  • Cola_Ris - Lost City
    Cola_Ris - Lost City Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    for me TW is for rich plp since they all are R9

    those who are not R9 have no chance in TW
  • Xx_BeLLa_xX - Harshlands
    Xx_BeLLa_xX - Harshlands Posts: 7,231 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    bikefire wrote: »
    Create a maximum number of lands a faction can have, for example 10 or 15.

    This would avoid big factions have like 20 lands ( receiving more than 200M coins per week) and this would give the chance for small faction have their own land (and money income to use on Guild Base upgrade...).

    Ty for reading.
    Obviously, I'm open to improvements/other suggestions.

    2 words: Alts Factions. b:bye

    b:dirty "I **** rainbows and love everyone"-Longknife b:cute