Should I Try PWI?

fairprices Posts: 0 Arc User
edited July 2012 in General Discussion
I am looking for a change of scenery (with respect to games, that is) - and was considering playing Perfect World. I wanted a break from my current game, and PWI looks pretty nice. However I originate from Jade Dynasty, and anyone who has played it recently will understand the following concerns that I have about PWI:

Does the cash shop make the game unfair? Are the essential items (gear refinery etc.) bought through the cash shop? Basically - is it a pay to win monstrosity like Jade Dynasty?

Is the Gold->Zen rate reasonable? Can a person that plays the game for a reasonable amount of time actually purchase what they need from the cash shop?

How is the playerbase? Is it alive, buzzing with cheerful people? Or is it dead, full of miserable people that wish they weren't so addicted to it?

Is the game still fun approaching max level - does it become an insufferable grindfest?
Post edited by fairprices on


  • AssVioIator - Harshlands
    AssVioIator - Harshlands Posts: 36 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Its free if you're just looking to have fun. Playerbase is Ok-ish. Not a grindfest according to me, its pretty easy to level up and stuff.
  • Euthymius - Heavens Tear
    Euthymius - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,162 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    fairprices wrote: »
    Does the cash shop make the game unfair? Are the essential items (gear refinery etc.) bought through the cash shop? Basically - is it a pay to win monstrosity like Jade Dynasty?

    Depends on how you define "unfair". The boutique does give access to easier refining, reputation (used to get rank gear), and other things. Nothing in it is "essential", but it definitely makes things easier.
    Is the Gold->Zen rate reasonable? Can a person that plays the game for a reasonable amount of time actually purchase what they need from the cash shop?

    Yes, but it wont be easy to get to such a point by only playing. You will likely want to do some merchanting as well on a second account to help yourself along as you play.
    How is the playerbase? Is it alive, buzzing with cheerful people? Or is it dead, full of miserable people that wish they weren't so addicted to it?
    A bit of both, but you're likely to find more of the latter here.
    Is the game still fun approaching max level - does it become an insufferable grindfest?

    Its a vicious cycle of dailies and weekly events, unless you've got friends/faction who enjoy running certain instances or creating in-faction events to break the monotony.
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]Remember: OP may be a duck|OP/GMs/Devs may not deliver|Search function is your friend|Lurk more|Be wary of Mods: they can't be trusted|This place isn't a hugbox|Your tears sustain me|Know what Bait is|"Soon" may never come|Postcount, Dubs, and other GETs are important|Don't revive long dead threads|There is a section for everything|You can be banned for anything|No Fun Allowed outside of OT|Sweetiebot rules OT|"Circlejerks" are inevitable|Threads can be derailed and saved|Those who use"XD" should off themselves at their earliest convenience|
  • Sirrobert - Dreamweaver
    Sirrobert - Dreamweaver Posts: 3,395 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    fairprices wrote: »
    Does the cash shop make the game unfair? Are the essential items (gear refinery etc.) bought through the cash shop? Basically - is it a pay to win monstrosity like Jade Dynasty?

    Depends what you want. If you want to PvP at higher lvls (TW for example), you will have a dis advantage if you don't cashshop. If you just play to have fun, you won't even notice it's there (except that you'll never have the top gear, but the stuf you can get grinding is more than good enough)

    Is the Gold->Zen rate reasonable? Can a person that plays the game for a reasonable amount of time actually purchase what they need from the cash shop?

    With abit of real farming, you can easly buy yourself some fashion, a pritty mount, stuf like that. It'll obviusly have to come out of the funds you could use for gear, but I take it you already knew that part

    How is the playerbase? Is it alive, buzzing with cheerful people? Or is it dead, full of miserable people that wish they weren't so addicted to it?

    There are both. The forums are filled with people that want the cake and also eat it on the end game part, but what I notice in game is that the bigger factions are still awesome fun, everyone is friendly, helps eachother. Stuf like that

    Is the game still fun approaching max level - does it become an insufferable grindfest?

    It only gets more fun if you near max lvl in my opion. The lower lvls are pritty empty from what I hear (haven't raised an alt in ages, so I wouldn't know), but I also hear there are still people that play like that. Lvling up is mostly quests, and near lvl 50 and up you'll have to grind part of your lvls. Most your exp than will come from bounty hunter quests though, daily repeatable where you go in a lower instance and kill some bosses.
    There are also alot of people selling FC big rooms. This is our version of powerlvling.
    If you want to skip a few boring lvls you could save up coins and buy yourself a spot (they are not that expencive), but this does take away part of the experience (I strongly advise from doing this at first, try to learn your class before you race to the top), and ofcourse you'll need new gear way faster (thus less time to farm it/more expencive)

    Lvling normally should take a few months to get to the top I think

    Hope you have fun here. Ignore the forum trolls and stuf
    9 out of 10 voices in my head say I'm not crazy... the 10th is singing the music of tetris
  • fairprices
    fairprices Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    I know this is kind of a difficult question to answer - but how much of a time commitment would it require to play this game properly (top rank gear, be a competitive PvP-er)?

    Would you have to give up your job and live a virtual life? Or could you get away with a couple of hours a night?
  • Sirrobert - Dreamweaver
    Sirrobert - Dreamweaver Posts: 3,395 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    fairprices wrote: »
    I know this is kind of a difficult question to answer - but how much of a time commitment would it require to play this game properly (top rank gear, be a competitive PvP-er)?

    Would you have to give up your job and live a virtual life? Or could you get away with a couple of hours a night?

    Real TOP rank gear would cost you thousands of dollars, or indeed months upon months of farming.
    But very important to note, you don't NEED that gear for ANYTHING, except if you want to be the best of the best in PvP

    Not that good but more than enough for every day tasks gear would take a month or 2 playing normally, and it's not even that much worse than the top gear

    EDIT: with the good enough gear you can still be a very competitive PvPer, you'll just need abit more skill, knowing the timing of your skills, stuf like that
    9 out of 10 voices in my head say I'm not crazy... the 10th is singing the music of tetris
  • fairprices
    fairprices Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Real TOP rank gear would cost you thousands of dollars, or indeed months upon months of farming.
    But very important to note, you don't NEED that gear for ANYTHING, except if you want to be the best of the best in PvP

    Not that good but more than enough for every day tasks gear would take a month or 2 playing normally, and it's not even that much worse than the top gear

    Thankyou, that is very helpful - and quite reassuring to know!
  • seitori
    seitori Posts: 1,328 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    fairprices wrote: »
    I am looking for a change of scenery (with respect to games, that is) - and was considering playing Perfect World. I wanted a break from my current game, and PWI looks pretty nice. However I originate from Jade Dynasty, and anyone who has played it recently will understand the following concerns that I have about PWI:

    Does the cash shop make the game unfair? Are the essential items (gear refinery etc.) bought through the cash shop? Basically - is it a pay to win monstrosity like Jade Dynasty?

    Is the Gold->Zen rate reasonable? Can a person that plays the game for a reasonable amount of time actually purchase what they need from the cash shop?

    How is the playerbase? Is it alive, buzzing with cheerful people? Or is it dead, full of miserable people that wish they weren't so addicted to it?

    Is the game still fun approaching max level - does it become an insufferable grindfest?

    1- you sure can Jump alot higher then we could in {JD} Though the auto pilot modes sucks it big time compared too {JDs} basic gear refinements aren't like they are in {JD} plus no official (Bot mode) Nor (in-town meditation) for Xp like in {JD}

    2-Cashshop is always gonna make it competitively unfair on supposedly FTP games, unfortunately....b:surrender

    3- If your selling gold, you'll make a Killing nowadays..... And if you needing some, its cheaper to Buy a few {Prepaid Zhen cards} or using {PayPal} for it then blowing in game coin on them at the current rates.....b:spit

    4-Player base has been thinning out as of late, so its best to hit the (Oldest servers) like {Heavens Tear} for the 'west coast' servers; too find a fairly consistently active player populace.....

    PS:PK in PWi Is pretty much only (CashShopper) friendly now, though some (Non-CSr's) still have some success in it, though not many......b:lipcurl

    5- sadly, its way to easy nowadays to level "if you got the coin to find people to FC-you while your 'Hyper stoned' " (But in general, its pretty easy to level most ways nowadays, anyways..) So theres no real fear, of going and doing a Grind Hell nowadays, unless you really want too do it.....b:chuckle

    PPS: Also Be aware that {Veno's & Mystics} are the only (Combat Pet) Operating classes in {PWi}....

    Though everyone, is able to get Genies for their characters, and they can be quite a help during combat, if you skill them up properly....
  • Sirrobert - Dreamweaver
    Sirrobert - Dreamweaver Posts: 3,395 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    fairprices wrote: »
    Thankyou, that is very helpful - and quite reassuring to know!

    Glad I could help.
    Hope you have fun
    9 out of 10 voices in my head say I'm not crazy... the 10th is singing the music of tetris
  • fairprices
    fairprices Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    seitori wrote: »
    1- you sure can Jump alot higher then we could in {JD} Though the auto pilot modes sucks it big time compared too {JDs} basic gear refinements aren't like they are in {JD} plus no official (Bot mode) Nor (in-town meditation) for Xp like in {JD}

    2-Cashshop is always gonna make it competitively unfair on supposedly FTP games, unfortunately....b:surrender

    3- If your selling gold, you'll make a Killing nowadays..... And if you needing some, its cheaper to Buy a few {Prepaid Zhen cards} or using {PayPal} for it then blowing in game coin on them at the current rates.....b:spit

    4-Player base has been thinning out as of late, so its best to hit the (Oldest servers) like {Heavens Tear} for the 'west coast' servers; too find a fairly consistently active player populace.....

    PS:PK in PWi Is pretty much only (CashShopper) friendly now, though some (Non-CSr's) still have some success in it, though not many......b:lipcurl

    5- sadly, its way to easy nowadays to level "if you got the coin to find people to FC-you while your 'Hyper stoned' " (But in general, its pretty easy to level most ways nowadays, anyways..) So theres no real fear, of going and doing a Grind Hell nowadays, unless you really want too do it.....b:chuckle

    This conflicts with what other people have said - actually makes it sound like the game isn't worth playing at all. Normally I play sub fee games to avoid this kind of problem - what you get in game is directly proportional to the amount of effort you put in.

    I guess I'm just looking for a bit of fun really - but knowing that you can't really achieve much kind of takes that away.
  • TempleSlave - Lost City
    TempleSlave - Lost City Posts: 324 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Pay to stay competitive. Full set of endgame gear for pvp, refines and shards will cost you well over $10k after all is said and done. Sure you can suppliment or replace using cash with lots of in-game effort and merchanting. Unless you have a really well geared character, you will not have an easy time finding squads. And you will need to have a cat shop or two open all day and night. Or you could grind, but you earn less than $1US for an hour of work.

    The 'casual cash shopper' spends anywhere from $2k-5k a year. You really need to spend $10-20k here to be considered a 'massive cash shopper'.
    I love puppies.... and sharp objects. b:pleased
  • Sirrobert - Dreamweaver
    Sirrobert - Dreamweaver Posts: 3,395 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Pay to stay competitive. Full set of endgame gear for pvp, refines and shards will cost you well over $10k after all is said and done. Sure you can suppliment or replace using cash with lots of in-game effort and merchanting. Unless you have a really well geared character, you will not have an easy time finding squads. And you will need to have a cat shop or two open all day and night. Or you could grind, but you earn less than $1US for an hour of work.

    The 'casual cash shopper' spends anywhere from $2k-5k a year. You really need to spend $10-20k here to be considered a 'massive cash shopper'.

    Unles your talking about nirvana or warsong (end game gear instance. Makes sense you need good stuf to get in there), I have yet to find a SINGLE person that wants top geared people for normal stuf.
    Seriusly, apart from a few to stupid to tie theyr own shoes, they don't exist.

    And in nirvana, simple TT99 gear is just fine. It's good gear, but still nothing you need to put a peny in the game for
    9 out of 10 voices in my head say I'm not crazy... the 10th is singing the music of tetris
  • TempleSlave - Lost City
    TempleSlave - Lost City Posts: 324 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Unles your talking about nirvana or warsong (end game gear instance. Makes sense you need good stuf to get in there), I have yet to find a SINGLE person that wants top geared people for normal stuf.
    Seriusly, apart from a few to stupid to tie theyr own shoes, they don't exist.

    And in nirvana, simple TT99 gear is just fine. It's good gear, but still nothing you need to put a peny in the game for

    If you want to pretend to be bright, try harder.

    This game boils down to Frost and Nirvana. For normal squads? Good luck even finding people to do 1-90 quests/bosses.

    And in Nirvana, a mostly 90 set is all that's really needed. Nobody will take you, but that doesn't reflect actual requirements (there are none), only that people want you to have at least a decently refined R8 or R9 weapon. You should have at least a +5 R8 weapon and 5k hp. Lots of people don't.
    I love puppies.... and sharp objects. b:pleased
  • Narcillatrix - Dreamweaver
    Narcillatrix - Dreamweaver Posts: 461 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Unles your talking about nirvana or warsong (end game gear instance. Makes sense you need good stuf to get in there), I have yet to find a SINGLE person that wants top geared people for normal stuf.
    Seriusly, apart from a few to stupid to tie theyr own shoes, they don't exist.

    And in nirvana, simple TT99 gear is just fine. It's good gear, but still nothing you need to put a peny in the game for

    ^I agree with this.
    I don't know how things are on other servers, but I know my main chara can get into those higher instances without have had spending money and sitting on TT99, having that is plenty good enough for most. Of course there are always people who are impatient and picky and will only take the OP geared (like for Nirvana etc.), but it' not like it's a requirement to even go into the instance. Finding a friendly guild and making some nice friends that you can do things with can help.
  • RandomDent - Dreamweaver
    RandomDent - Dreamweaver Posts: 70 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    fairprices wrote: »
    I know this is kind of a difficult question to answer - but how much of a time commitment would it require to play this game properly (top rank gear, be a competitive PvP-er)?

    Would you have to give up your job and live a virtual life? Or could you get away with a couple of hours a night?

    Top rank gear can easily cost over $10k, or the equivalent in game money/time. As others have said, grinding will get you around $1 per hour if you are efficient. Merchanting using a dedicated catshop account might bring in about $5-$10 per day worth of coin unless you are lucky/skilled. By the time you could farm/merch a full set of refined, sharded, rank 9 gear (from scratch, without spending at least a couple hundred bucks to get started) another 2 years or so will have passed and no doubt more powerful gear will be available.

    The new 3rd stage nirvana gear is comparable to rank 9 in power, and can be entirely farmed. From scratch, with helpful friends, it would still take several months of playing all day.

    Refinements above +7 are basically impossible without spending a lot of money. It goes up to +12, and +10 is pretty much considered standard these days. Getting from +7 to +10 on one gear piece costs $75 during an orb sale. From +10 to +12 is several hundred more (I forget exactly and not feeling like looking it up). That is per piece of gear, and there are 11 pieces to refine per character. You could probably focus on weapon and a few armor pieces and do ok.

    As a point of reference, my psychic is rocking about $800 worth of gear that I've managed to farm over a couple years. I do alright in territory wars, mostly providing crowd control and support, but I regularly get hit for around double my HP by players with +12 rank 9 weapons. When I hit those same players I average 10-20% of their HP per hit. In a 1v1 situation they could basically ignore my damage and allow their hp charms to keep them alive without any real danger.

    The answer to your questions depends on your definition of competitive.
    See, I can hyper a nub up like the rest of yas!
  • Cotillion - Dreamweaver
    Cotillion - Dreamweaver Posts: 671 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Judging from TempleSlave's posts....don't join Lost City server...sounds like a terrible place.
    I cant speak for the other servers, but Dreamweaver is not like that. Sure you have your few elitists, but its nowhere near as bad as it sounds on Lost City.

    Yeah, things are a tad cashshop heavy....but what you can depends on what you mean by a reasonable amount of time. With some work for can be a successful merchant in a few weeks/months (depending on your skill as one and the server youre on) and do quite well.
    It is an MMO with cashshop...nothing will happen overnight, but you can do well if you want to.
  • gyroki
    gyroki Posts: 450 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    fairprices wrote: »
    I am looking for a change of scenery (with respect to games, that is) - and was considering playing Perfect World. I wanted a break from my current game, and PWI looks pretty nice.
    PWI is a perfect F2P game for casual rpg gamers without "ambitions". The world is large and beatiful, the environment-dependent diverse music creates a proper atmosphere (turn soud effects off, they are boring/crappy) and there are tons of mobs and bosses (you normally get help quickly from bored highbies for boss kills). Most parts of lowbie gears and weapons are easy to aquire and even have a very nice and shiny look, especially for female characters. You can get very good health/mana pots and legendary weapons pots by doing special quests, so you can play independet from CS market.

    Some negative aspects of the game are e.g. that the open world has no dynamic (in comparision to very new mmos or old offline rpgs). The landscape/villages/cities never change, they are static. Neither you nor the community has any influence on it. NPCs don't travel arround and you have to read the text with small fonts if you are interested in the background story. None of the NPCs has a voice and there is no in-game voice chat.
    There is also no situational background music. The world is lage and beatiful imo, but the graphic is even not as good as 6-8 year old offline RPGs (positive aspect of this: the game works on poorly equipped notebooks, even on netbooks).

    If you have "ambitions" and if you want to have gear like people which play the game for years, then you have to spent alot of rl money. The game becomes abit expensive at level 90. And can become very expensive at level 100/101, especially if you are impatient.
    The good thing is, even on a pvp server you wont get disturbed that much on map anymore by highbies which 1-shoot you, pvp is mainly at a view hot spots (there was never that much pvp e.g. on lc server as ppl want to "remember". I'm playing this game since beta and never power leveld with oracles or spent money. That's why my gear was always behind the extreme CSers. I have done almost all quests (= killed millions of mobs) on three characters and got rpked maybe ~1x every two weeks years ago, mainly by venos with a CS pet which was op/bugged at this time.

    The 'casual cash shopper' spends anywhere from $2k-5k a year. You really need to spend $10-20k here to be considered a 'massive cash shopper'.
    lol that's a massive exaggeration. I would say that casual CSers spent ~20-30 euros per month on lc server. And yes, there are still noobs which spent thousands of dollars per year. But the big time of the CSers is over.
    And there are tons of ppl on lc server with decent gear which don't spent a single dime anymore - or never did.
  • V_m_ - Harshlands
    V_m_ - Harshlands Posts: 543 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    A bit of both, but you're likely to find more of the latter here.

    youll have to forgive Euthymius, she hasnt had her meds thismorning

    anywho, you ask if pwi is a great game for PVP, depends on which server, seems like PVP is dying on some where PVE is growing (possible conversion? GM's ANSWER THIS!) youll have to do some comparisons to servers (likely by playing all) to see how things are operating. each server has a different attitude towards PVP. while 7 are PVE (with PVP option), there are 2 PVP servers (Harshlands (east) and Lost City (west)), that really have different looks on pvp. as for gears, most go full recast R8/R9 with a mix of TT90/99, lunar glade/wraithgate/hallucinatory trench interval/channel cape, and other items. things like those will cost you a lot of money or will take you months or even years to farm to get.

    "perfect world isnt perfect, but its better than this so called "reality""
  • Euthymius - Heavens Tear
    Euthymius - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,162 Arc User
    edited July 2012

    Its not the only thing I haven't had...
    Its still true that you'll usually find more negativity on the forum than in-game though.
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]Remember: OP may be a duck|OP/GMs/Devs may not deliver|Search function is your friend|Lurk more|Be wary of Mods: they can't be trusted|This place isn't a hugbox|Your tears sustain me|Know what Bait is|"Soon" may never come|Postcount, Dubs, and other GETs are important|Don't revive long dead threads|There is a section for everything|You can be banned for anything|No Fun Allowed outside of OT|Sweetiebot rules OT|"Circlejerks" are inevitable|Threads can be derailed and saved|Those who use"XD" should off themselves at their earliest convenience|
  • gyroki
    gyroki Posts: 450 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    youll have to forgive Euthymius, she hasnt had her meds thismorning

    anywho, you ask if pwi is a great game for PVP, depends on which server, seems like PVP is dying on some where PVE is growing (possible conversion? GM's ANSWER THIS!) youll have to do some comparisons to servers (likely by playing all) to see how things are operating. each server has a different attitude towards PVP. while 7 are PVE (with PVP option), there are 2 PVP servers (Harshlands (east) and Lost City (west)), that really have different looks on pvp. as for gears, most go full recast R8/R9 with a mix of TT90/99, lunar glade/wraithgate/hallucinatory trench interval/channel cape, and other items. things like those will cost you a lot of money or will take you months or even years to farm to get.

    I can't see a big difference in activity on LC server or heavents tear. I made lowbies on HT just to check if the rumor propaganda here in forum is true. It definitely isn't. I see e.g. less shops (with extremely overpriced mats) on HT. WC activity and activity on bh platform seems to to be almost the same. PK spots are mainly empty on HT (only a view blue names running arround, waiting for some action. There seems to be a difference between the cash shopper bahavior. I suppose there are more extreme CSers on LC, but also alot more F2Per. And on HT there seems to be more "average" CSers and almost no F2Per. PVP (mainly rPK) leads to a aggressivity which makes some ppl to CS irrational like mad to be prepared for revenge next time.
  • Kinjeto - Raging Tide
    Kinjeto - Raging Tide Posts: 564 Arc User
    edited July 2012

    I say lets just quote the PWI Wiki and be canon about these days. b:laugh

    300,000 Reputation (12,000 Wraith Officer's Badges * 0.009 Gold)
    108 Gold

    300,000 Reputation (108 Gold)
    19 Medals of Glory (380 Gold)
    205 General Summer's Tokens (1025 Gold)
    1513 Gold

    That isn't including the refining, sharding cost; as well as the charm costs, hyper costs and getting to 101.

    Time won't wake/make you wiser, but it will definitely wound you.
    b i t . l y /
    I was a man of ideas and action, but at the same time a gentleman. -- S a Z T u R
    Subtly is never my strong point, but I like to find the gaps in walls and the cracks in bricks.
    Are you kind of seeing what I'm saying. b:bye
  • VenusArmani - Dreamweaver
    VenusArmani - Dreamweaver Posts: 6,009 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    If you want to pretend to be bright, try harder.

    This game boils down to Frost and Nirvana. For normal squads? Good luck even finding people to do 1-90 quests/bosses.

    And in Nirvana, a mostly 90 set is all that's really needed. Nobody will take you, but that doesn't reflect actual requirements (there are none), only that people want you to have at least a decently refined R8 or R9 weapon. You should have at least a +5 R8 weapon and 5k hp. Lots of people don't.

    Rank 8 gear doesn't cost 3,000 dollars. Frost isn't the end all be all, and it's done by average gear people all the time. As for nirvana, if you form your own nirvana squads its not hard to get people to do it with you during 2x. I formed my own squads and got people to do it with me during 2x. I wish I hadn't waited to do so because of the link weapon people and the sourpusses in the forums, because I had no problem getting people to run with me. And my sin's gear is the typical 5aps Rank 8/tt99/nirvy set up with no refine above 6. No where near a 3000 dollar build. A few hundred dollars maybe but it was all farm-able and was mostly farmed.
    Thanks Silvy for the superb sig <3

    VenusArmani's word of the moment: Expand your Vocabulary, Expand your horizons!
    1) lacking courage or resolution; cowardly; faint-hearted
    2) Proceeding from or indicating a cowardly spirit
  • TempleSlave - Lost City
    TempleSlave - Lost City Posts: 324 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    gyroki wrote: »
    lol that's a massive exaggeration. I would say that casual CSers spent ~20-30 euros per month on lc server. And yes, there are still noobs which spent thousands of dollars per year. But the big time of the CSers is over.
    And there are tons of ppl on lc server with decent gear which don't spent a single dime anymore - or never did.

    Not an exaggeration at all. I can name at least 30 people that have spent over $15 grand, and I haven't paid attention to all the newer people who have full +12 2nd/3rd cast full JOSD. There are many people who have spent that kind of money that don't even play anymore... Ehee and Elayne alone must have spent at least $20k each. Then talk about people like PC or Shinzoko who have spent at least $50k each on the game, well Shinzoko over the whole time he played probably passed the $100k mark... he has at least 4 +12 weapons from back before they sold cheap 10 star orbs, back at the old pricing. Seriously, you don't know **** about LC apparently.

    The amount of people who spent $10k+ on the game has to be in the hundreds...

    So if you think a casual cash shopper is someone who spends $20-$30 in a month means you've never been in a real tw faction on LC.

    Rank 8 gear doesn't cost 3,000 dollars. Frost isn't the end all be all, and it's done by average gear people all the time. As for nirvana, if you form your own nirvana squads its not hard to get people to do it with you during 2x. I formed my own squads and got people to do it with me during 2x. I wish I hadn't waited to do so because of the link weapon people and the sourpusses in the forums, because I had no problem getting people to run with me. And my sin's gear is the typical 5aps Rank 8/tt99/nirvy set up with no refine above 6. No where near a 3000 dollar build. A few hundred dollars maybe but it was all farm-able and was mostly farmed.

    How come you're so stupid all the time? Please show me where I said R8 cost $3k.

    So you're telling me someone with 3k hp and a +5 99 glave would get a lot of nirvana invites?

    I love puppies.... and sharp objects. b:pleased
  • gyroki
    gyroki Posts: 450 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Not an exaggeration at all. I can name at least 30 people that have spent over $15 grand, and I haven't paid attention to all the newer people who have full +12 2nd/3rd cast full JOSD. There are many people who have spent that kind of money that don't even play anymore... Ehee and Elayne alone must have spent at least $20k each. Then talk about people like PC or Shinzoko who have spent at least $50k each on the game, well Shinzoko over the whole time he played probably passed the $100k mark... he has at least 4 +12 weapons from back before they sold cheap 10 star orbs, back at the old pricing. Seriously, you don't know **** about LC apparently.

    The amount of people who spent $10k+ on the game has to be in the hundreds...

    So if you think a casual cash shopper is someone who spends $20-$30 in a month means you've never been in a real tw faction on LC.

    People in major TW factions on lc server ARE NOT casual gamers and also not casual CSers lolz. The ppl you named are heavy extreme CSers without any self control. There are ofc many ppl which spent 2-5k $ for the game over the years. But the huge majority on lc server hasn't.
    Everyone who is playing 2-3 days per week for 2h and less is just a casual gamer. Many of them just spent a view bugs per month, if they even can afford it. I know e.g. many in-game ppl of southern or eastern european countries which have big financial problems in real life and can't afford spending rl money.

    Someone who spends more than 5h every day in game and more than 100$ per month is not a CASUAL gamer or CASUAL CSer. Check the definition of CASUAL in a dictionary please so you know what you are talking about lol. Btw, I have armor sets which are better than the equipment of elayne when he quitted - and I got the for fee, im just patient xD
  • Nalcetla - Archosaur
    Nalcetla - Archosaur Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    I'm a bit new to the game, but I like it to a degree.
    Absolute favorite part of the game is character customization, it's amazing. I don't know how Jade Dynasty was with that, if it's the same or not.
    I occasionally buy things from the boutique, just buy things you absolutely need. Unless you have bookoos of money that is.
    The people, I don't generally talk to anyone b:shy, are relatively nice.
    I say try it for a bit, and if you don't like it, uninstall it.
    On what TempleSlave says with it being hard to find someone to help you with quests and bosses, yes I agree. What I do with that, I wait until someone comes along to the site of the quest/boss.
    Hope you find what you're looking for! b:victory
  • VenusArmani - Dreamweaver
    VenusArmani - Dreamweaver Posts: 6,009 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Unless you have a really well geared character, you will not have an easy time finding squads. And you will need to have a cat shop or two open all day and night. The 'casual cash shopper' spends anywhere from $2k-5k a year.
    Unles your talking about nirvana or warsong (end game gear instance. Makes sense you need good stuf to get in there), I have yet to find a SINGLE person that wants top geared people for normal stuf.
    Seriusly, apart from a few to stupid to tie theyr own shoes, they don't exist.

    And in nirvana, simple TT99 gear is just fine. It's good gar, but still nothing you need to put a peny in the game for
    If you want to pretend to be bright, try harder.

    This game boils down to Frost and Nirvana. For normal squads? Good luck even finding people to do 1-90 quests/bosses.

    I never said you were specifically claiming that Rank 8 gear had that exact cost. I picked that number actually because of your whole casual spenders spending 2k-5k remark. You're making it sound like you can't even do the pve stuff without being really well geared. When really casual spends are more likely to be spending it on something like rank 8 (which is nowhere near that 2k-5k you mentioned) as opposed to rank 9. IF you're spending over 2,000 grand a year on a video game, you aren't being casual. Rank 8 can also be obtained through farming and saving. Don't even need to merchant really to get it. You're acting as though people aren't going to get into squads for things unless they are big spenders. Which is just not true.

    I'm saying a person with a +5 weapon should form their own squads. Its not hard to get people to run with you if you form yourself.
    Thanks Silvy for the superb sig <3

    VenusArmani's word of the moment: Expand your Vocabulary, Expand your horizons!
    1) lacking courage or resolution; cowardly; faint-hearted
    2) Proceeding from or indicating a cowardly spirit
  • Kristina_t - Heavens Tear
    Kristina_t - Heavens Tear Posts: 131 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    fairprices wrote: »
    This conflicts with what other people have said - actually makes it sound like the game isn't worth playing at all. Normally I play sub fee games to avoid this kind of problem - what you get in game is directly proportional to the amount of effort you put in.

    I guess I'm just looking for a bit of fun really - but knowing that you can't really achieve much kind of takes that away.

    It may conflict but is the most correct view of the game at the moment.
  • banyubiru
    banyubiru Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    If you play JD and u think cash shop there is crazy with all that pack etc, here is 100 times worse b:cry b:laugh b:chuckle
  • Sirrobert - Dreamweaver
    Sirrobert - Dreamweaver Posts: 3,395 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    So if you think a casual cash shopper is someone who spends $20-$30 in a month means you've never been in a real tw faction on LC.

    I've been in plenty of real TW's on dreamweaver though, and I can't imagine it to be very different.
    There's a couple of high OP people who I know already play for years, and farmed most of it themselves. Than there are a few overclocked uber overcashshoped chars that 1shot everyone, but don't stand a chance when people with even half theyr gear but skill go against them.

    Judging by your avatar you have never been anywhere near a TW though, so why don't you show us who you actually are before you start talking as if you know what your talking about?
    9 out of 10 voices in my head say I'm not crazy... the 10th is singing the music of tetris
  • karmelia
    karmelia Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    fairprices wrote: »
    Does the cash shop make the game unfair? Are the essential items (gear refinery etc.) bought through the cash shop? Basically - is it a pay to win monstrosity like Jade Dynasty?

    If you play PvE, then no the CS is not essential. You can buy the most required items like inventory expension, and have fun playing the game. You will not be the most performing char around, but that's not essential to enjoy the game.

    If you play PvP, then yes, the cash shop is essential to be competitive.

    Is the Gold->Zen rate reasonable? Can a person that plays the game for a reasonable amount of time actually purchase what they need from the cash shop?

    Under level 100, money can be a problem. After that you should be ok. It would probably be best to invest some money into the game to buy the essentials at the beginning.

    How is the playerbase? Is it alive, buzzing with cheerful people? Or is it dead, full of miserable people that wish they weren't so addicted to it?

    The player base is slowly moving away from the game, with very few new players coming in. So, as time passes, there is less and less players online. But there are still enough players around on most servers to still be able to play with others. The key to success here is to find a good faction to be in.
    Is the game still fun approaching max level - does it become an insufferable grindfest?

    PVE : It mostly become a repetitive game, you always end up doing the same thing over and over again ; BH, Morai quests, etc.

    PVP : unless you put a lot of money in the game, you will have difficulties competing with the best geared players. This is where the Pay to Win really make a difference.

    Overall, the game is still enjoyable if you don't spend too much time in it, but it's far from what it was in the first year.
    Frankieraye said : "we can promise that we will work to improve all facets of community, engineering, and customer service to ensure that something like this doesn't happen again."

    (We are still waiting to see any improvements or changes beign implemented. More empty promises from PWI?)
  • Sagek - Sanctuary
    Sagek - Sanctuary Posts: 1,156 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    How come you're so stupid all the time?

    You don't have to be an *** just because what was said was misunderstood. She is not saying anything stupid.