
HarleyDaviso - Raging Tide
HarleyDaviso - Raging Tide Posts: 87 Arc User
edited August 2012 in Suggestion Box
I'm one of those who actually really enjoy doing trials. Some of us past WoW players enjoy things in a game that are challenging and require many people, to complete, in the PvE world.

There are a few problems that make trials unattractive to way to many people.

1 - Coins: the truth is the odds of getting coins is just way to high so many players don't find any profit for the time and charm investment.

2 - Tedious: Not many factions can go past trial 1 or 2, let alone have the desire to make it through trial 9 or even to trial 9

3 - Value: Even for those who want to recast especially now with T3 nirvana out there, some people just don't see the pro's even if they were saving to recast

So here are a few suggestions

1 - Coins: change up the % a bit to make other items drop slightly more and coins slightly less - maybe even take 2% away from coins and raise all the other items by .5% (shields, whetstones, plat ore, oric ore)

2 - Tedious: Keep trial 1 and 2 always 1 and 2, but then make trials 3-7 random - I know there are many factions out there that can beat trial 7 and even 6 or 5, but just can't get past 4 - or maybe even 3 because of the numbers needed etc. Even for those factions who can get past all 9, they may not do it on a weekly basis, and changing up trails 2-7 (because 8 and 9 are harder and should remain the last two) would allow smaller factions a chance to see more, different fun trials and allow the factions who do trials to also have a change up.

3 - Value: I hear there is a change-up in r8.5 which is good, it really does need some refining to allow it to be worth the trials to get. Trials are not like any of the other instances, you can't just grab 10 people and knock it out like warsong for T3, it requires dedication from the faction, but for this to be worthwhile for anyone, the gear itself needs to be able to stand-up against its counter parts.

Lastly I'd like to just add - the hps of the bosses should be slightly reduced, this truly won't make the difference between a faction being able to complete or not complete the trials, just allow the trial to be done in a shorter period of time, so more people have time to dedicate to them. There are 3 tiers the programmers designed, and I'm hard pressed to believe anyone has completed 1-9 x3 (if so nice going). But just a slight reduction in bosses health can mean the difference between spending 3hrs for a small faction to 2hrs 45mins - and those 15mins can add up for people with busy schedules!

Thank you for taking the time to read this post, I truly hope some effort can go into making trials more enjoyable for everyone
Post edited by HarleyDaviso - Raging Tide on


  • sirrobert
    sirrobert Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Even when you get coins you still get 250k in trials mats, and the drop rate of those mats is ballanced out with the need.
    Increasing the rares drop rate would only create a surplus of them.
    Plus, all the rare trials mats drop from the bosses in trials, or from the chests that spawn when you complete the higher trials (4 and up)

    Trials are meant to be done by big factions. It's not for the small familys with lvl 40+ members, no mather how much they advertise with trials, they can't practicly do them.
    The gear is end game defencive gear (where as G16 weapons are offencive, R8recast can get a crapton of defence lvls, and defencive addons), so why should anyone below lvl 90 even be able to farm those mats?

    Making them random would completly kill the purpose of having a number on them. The trials have a story line, believe it or not, and this progresses from 1 to 9

    Reducing the HP of the bosses would make them way to easy. The long part is not even the bosses, it's the mobs. Our faction kills a 100mil HP boss in about 5 minutes, but the mobs that you need first take 30-40mins (trial 1)

    Trials are ment to be done by big land owning factions, not by small fun factions.
    If you take 3 hours with your faction, you probably have 1 squad max. Why the hell are you even trying an instance that's build for 25+ people?
  • HarleyDaviso - Raging Tide
    HarleyDaviso - Raging Tide Posts: 87 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    sirrobert wrote: »
    Even when you get coins you still get 250k in trials mats, and the drop rate of those mats is ballanced out with the need.
    Increasing the rares drop rate would only create a surplus of them.
    Plus, all the rare trials mats drop from the bosses in trials, or from the chests that spawn when you complete the higher trials (4 and up)

    Trials are meant to be done by big factions. It's not for the small familys with lvl 40+ members, no mather how much they advertise with trials, they can't practicly do them.
    The gear is end game defencive gear (where as G16 weapons are offencive, R8recast can get a crapton of defence lvls, and defencive addons), so why should anyone below lvl 90 even be able to farm those mats?

    Making them random would completly kill the purpose of having a number on them. The trials have a story line, believe it or not, and this progresses from 1 to 9

    Reducing the HP of the bosses would make them way to easy. The long part is not even the bosses, it's the mobs. Our faction kills a 100mil HP boss in about 5 minutes, but the mobs that you need first take 30-40mins (trial 1)

    Trials are ment to be done by big land owning factions, not by small fun factions.
    If you take 3 hours with your faction, you probably have 1 squad max. Why the hell are you even trying an instance that's build for 25+ people?

    That's not fair, everyone should have a chance to experience things in this game, not just the Overly Powered and not just those in big factions.

    I realize their is a story line, doesn't really matter.

    And the fact that you can kill the boss in 5 minutes is great, for you and your faction, but as you said, the hard part is not the boss, the boss is just the final step, lowering its hps really won't make a huge impact on the outcome of the trial, just free up peoples time so they can do other things the game or the real world has to offer

    as for mats, I'm sorry I've easily done 30 trials in a month, counting all my toons in all their factions and have gone an entire month with nothing but coins. I don't know what you pay for spirit or hp charms, but 250k doesn't cut it, not if you do that for a month. Besides, I'm not sure .5 % change would make the impact you seem to think it would make, it would just add a little nicer chance is all.
  • Sirrobert - Dreamweaver
    Sirrobert - Dreamweaver Posts: 3,395 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    That's not fair, everyone should have a chance to experience things in this game, not just the Overly Powered and not just those in big factions.

    It's END GAME content
    Do you feel left out for not being able to do full advanced Warsong on a lvl 90 toon also?

    as for mats, I'm sorry I've easily done 30 trials in a month, counting all my toons in all their factions and have gone an entire month with nothing but coins. I don't know what you pay for spirit or hp charms, but 250k doesn't cut it, not if you do that for a month. Besides, I'm not sure .5 % change would make the impact you seem to think it would make, it would just add a little nicer chance is all.

    Please explain what spirit charm has to do with any of this?
    You get a buf that gives you more mana than you'll ever use (also doubles your skill dmg), unless you vortex the entire time. And you have clerics instead of HP charms, who happen to also have the blessing of the gods
    And ,5% chance may not impact the amount of coins, but it DOUBLES the amount of oricalcum ores you get.
    How does that not effect the mats?
    9 out of 10 voices in my head say I'm not crazy... the 10th is singing the music of tetris
  • OMGSoooBored - Lost City
    OMGSoooBored - Lost City Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    It's END GAME content
    Do you feel left out for not being able to do full advanced Warsong on a lvl 90 toon also?

    It is a step toward end game content - r8 is not really end game content any more, getting 8.5 is the step required to get to the end game - requiring end game gear to obtain end game gear seems pretty silly don't you think?

    Please explain what spirit charm has to do with any of this?
    You get a buf that gives you more mana than you'll ever use (also doubles your skill dmg), unless you vortex the entire time. And you have clerics instead of HP charms, who happen to also have the blessing of the gods
    And ,5% chance may not impact the amount of coins, but it DOUBLES the amount of oricalcum ores you get.
    How does that not effect the mats?

    have you ever played a seeker? if not then please, by all means do so and then you can question me more about this.

    Then that is good to double the chance to get orica ore - that still is only .1% omg soooo op...

    I stand by my suggestion, sorry
  • Sirrobert - Dreamweaver
    Sirrobert - Dreamweaver Posts: 3,395 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    It is a step toward end game content - r8 is not really end game content any more, getting 8.5 is the step required to get to the end game - requiring end game gear to obtain end game gear seems pretty silly don't you think?

    R8 recast is a viable end game piece of gear for defencive classes, or for more budget players.
    And you don't need awesome gear for trials, you just need a good faction with enough people in it

    have you ever played a seeker? if not then please, by all means do so and then you can question me more about this.

    I repeat, unles you sit an hour in vortex. Apart from the obvius "why the hell would you sit an hour in vortex?", token MP food is still cheaper, so why are you talking about mana charms?
    9 out of 10 voices in my head say I'm not crazy... the 10th is singing the music of tetris
  • Brillance - Raging Tide
    Brillance - Raging Tide Posts: 1,643 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    R8 recast is a viable end game piece of gear for defencive classes, or for more budget players.

    Isnt Niryv Recast End Game gear now (that allegedly anyone can attempt to farm and obtain), or R9 recast (which budget players cant afford)? R8 is is the 'end of the road' for budget players like myself - but it doesnt have to be. Trials is an annoying grind after your first couple runs, imho. Just as bad as FC, and walking away with 12 Memorial coins for your time and trouble is just - UGH!

    And you don't need awesome gear for trials, you just need a good faction with enough people in it

    And if your server doesnt have that for everyone, they should just forget about it & try to find something else to do you are saying? That's what you would do, right?

    I repeat, unles you sit an hour in vortex. Apart from the obvius "why the hell would you sit an hour in vortex?", token MP food is still cheaper, so why are you talking about mana charms?

    Im a MP burning mage character. Trials ticks my charm as bad as a 3 hour TW does. Most TWers only use Platinum charms. Budgeted charmed TWers are definately going to be looking at that as a big loss.

    @ OP

    Its a good suggestion. Especially for including smaller factions in the complete experience.
  • Xainou - Sanctuary
    Xainou - Sanctuary Posts: 5,369 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    It's END GAME content

    Gotta second this. I been in smaller factions and a big one. Yes, small factions with little activity won't get far. But trials were meant as something to do for the big factions. Like bases altogether. You won't get anywhere with the casual, all level faction with casual activity.

    I disagree with trials getting random. Simply because it would **** people over. Especially the ones who barely got the attendance for certain trials. Imagine if they keep getting the ones they can't deal with... Sucks.

    As for mp costs: Sure, I see seekers and archers probably have them if they keep up their aoes. I don't have any first hand experience yet though. But for any other class the blessing works wonders. You should have it anyway for the skill damage buff. I don't understand how a mystic can QQ about their charm getting ***** that much. I play a mystic too and I just don't see it happening unless you completely the base blessing...

    I don't run trials for money. I run trials to have fun with my faction. The chance to get an extra bonus from reward is a bonus for me.

    Licensed tail brusher of ƙɑƙʊɱɑʊ ~ only the fluffiest
    Outrunning centaurs since 2012~
  • Brillance - Raging Tide
    Brillance - Raging Tide Posts: 1,643 Arc User
    edited July 2012

    Gotta second this. I been in smaller factions and a big one. Yes, small factions with little activity won't get far. But trials were meant as something to do for the big factions. Like bases altogether. You won't get anywhere with the casual, all level faction with casual activity.

    I disagree with trials getting random. Simply because it would **** people over. Especially the ones who barely got the attendance for certain trials. Imagine if they keep getting the ones they can't deal with... Sucks.

    As for mp costs: Sure, I see seekers and archers probably have them if they keep up their aoes. I don't have any first hand experience yet though. But for any other class the blessing works wonders. You should have it anyway for the skill damage buff. I don't understand how a mystic can QQ about their charm getting ***** that much. I play a mystic too and I just don't see it happening unless you completely the base blessing...

    I don't run trials for money. I run trials to have fun with my faction. The chance to get an extra bonus from reward is a bonus for me.

    Well,if Trials was meant as something for only big factions to do, that's pretty dayum sad.

    Yes, I QQ over my charm ticking - but some Mystics may not be as active of players, especially when they are in large crowds. There are other ways to save mana, like simply only healing for example, but Im not a lazy player. b:pleased

    If anyone would like to set up an account to purchase my charms for me, then you would no longer see me QQ.

    But, ofc, they wouldn't, lol. b:chuckle

    Maybe people should reserve judging others for when and if they ever walk in their shoes. b:victory

    On Topic:

    It would seem only logical that Trials Mats merchants would be the ONLY ones adamant about not seeing even such a slight change, as suggested.
  • HarleyDaviso - Raging Tide
    HarleyDaviso - Raging Tide Posts: 87 Arc User
    edited August 2012

    I disagree with trials getting random. Simply because it would **** people over. Especially the ones who barely got the attendance for certain trials. Imagine if they keep getting the ones they can't deal with... Sucks.

    that's why I said only past trial 3-7 Trial 4 is actually one of the harder trials for smaller factions, where they could easily manage 5, 6 and 7 - any faction who can complete trial 4 can easily complete those next 3 - so by having trials random, even if they did it 4-7 it would be fine, but the only time someone would get screwed over is if they are able to complete trial 3 and trial 4 comes up before the others.

    blame slow maint on late reply lol
  • laloner
    laloner Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    I liked the OP's ideas don't see why everyone is so against them.

    Yes you need something thats just for big factions. TW fills that, let the facs underneath the landholding stage have something to brag about and Trials fits the bill.
    AKA PermaSpark, Heartshatter