next race in perfect world idea :p

serikua Posts: 1 Arc User
edited October 2012 in Suggestion Box
for the next race in perfect world if there is going to be one it should be like a cross between a vampire and a demon with wings that come with the race:p
also there would be two diffrent classes for the race b:shy
1.a dark knight. for the dark night at lvl 30 they would get a black demon horse in armor as a mount
2.a cross between a necromancer/summoner.and they would get a huge black inugami as a mount
and the race should be able to catch monsters as pets:p
also for the starter city it would be in the middle of a waistland:p
as for the look of the city it would be a huge black castle and the city would be inside of the castle:p oh i almost forgot there should be a true form for the race:p

well i hope you guys will like a few ideas i hadb:cute

Post edited by serikua on


  • The_Buzzard - Lost City
    The_Buzzard - Lost City Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    OMgaga Another race idea???b:cry We don't need one...And if the devs want one they will make one...And i know this is a "Suggestion Forum" but really...there are so many of these..,.
  • Silvychar - Sanctuary
    Silvychar - Sanctuary Posts: 3,576 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    PWI meets the Undead, eh? ^^

    As for the classes, they should get flying mounts instead of ground mounts, since that's how the game system goes.

    Anyway you could develop this idea more or join the Cursed race thread...^^
  • Aliciac - Harshlands
    Aliciac - Harshlands Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    A Cyborg race half human half robot type chars with robot arms and legs and human torso.
    Another tank choice would be wonderful cause everyone counts on barbs, so we need something other then a blade master to do the job.

    A Cyborg city could have like all kinds of powerplants/powercores as buildings with power lines as vines through a burgundy dead redwood trees.

    It would be cool to have it fly with boosters on the feet like iron man.
    and have like arms that turn into weapons like hammers or axes.

    i just though it would be cool its a idea to take and run with be creative!!!

    well cya all in pwi !!! TY AND Good bye!!!

  • arkoanindya
    arkoanindya Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    I knw thr is so many post abt dis n all, bt i thnk PWI shud really bring sumthng new as i thnk evry1 has become bored as so many ppl writin post abt the game is dead nd dat they r leavin. So i thnk they need some new events or new endin to the story or continuation of the story or a new race!

    I for 1 love to see a new race. It should b based on the wraiths. Coz in the game we really dnt knw the origin of the Wraiths. I thnk it is better to make em a race n make classes so dat players can play em. And we can cr8 more wraith races so dat we can cr8 a end game event as whr the wraith races battle against the humans, the winged elves, the tideborns n The untamed!!

    The classes for the dark races can b:
    1. Skeleton knights
    2. Necromancers
    3. Nether Oblivions
    4. Shrunchkin Knights
    5. Elemental Mages

  • masterxheadshot
    masterxheadshot Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    I think Stone Dwarf race

    Class 1: Stone Guardian

    a class that can buff allies as well as tanking capabilities and take damage for allies

    Class 2: Rune Master

    Uses powerful runes to protect allies and damage foes (rune master will also have the biggest hp than other spellcasters)
  • Kitkate - Dreamweaver
    Kitkate - Dreamweaver Posts: 869 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    I knw thr is so many post abt dis n all, bt i thnk PWI shud really bring sumthng new as i thnk evry1 has become bored as so many ppl writin post abt the game is dead nd dat they r leavin. So i thnk they need some new events or new endin to the story or continuation of the story or a new race!

    I for 1 love to see a new race. It should b based on the wraiths. Coz in the game we really dnt knw the origin of the Wraiths. I thnk it is better to make em a race n make classes so dat players can play em. And we can cr8 more wraith races so dat we can cr8 a end game event as whr the wraith races battle against the humans, the winged elves, the tideborns n The untamed!!

    The classes for the dark races can b:
    1. Skeleton knights
    2. Necromancers
    3. Nether Oblivions
    4. Shrunchkin Knights
    5. Elemental Mages


    First of all, when you speak proper English and not text talk, I might read your post. It severely burns my eyes.

    Another thing, we don't need anymore races. Even the whole "The Cursed" post bugs me. Vampires? Seriously? I'm getting sick of all the vampire and dark, cursed, zombie, or demon suggestions that keep popping up. Go find one of the already made threads for this, and post in it, so the suggestion box can stop be cluttered with it like it's some new idea.

    Bah, just noticed it was just someone opening a dead thread from forever ago. Next time post in a recent one (cause I know there is one), instead of bringing back **** from the dead.
  • DrunkTankII - Raging Tide
    DrunkTankII - Raging Tide Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    This is my idea, hope u like it, please watch
  • RamArt - Heavens Tear
    RamArt - Heavens Tear Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    A new rece is a good idea, but take care, exist mani other games, and Perfect world no need see similar to other games, in special WoW and **** b:laugh
  • Mahidevran - Archosaur
    Mahidevran - Archosaur Posts: 121 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    i think...we need a 6th and last raceb:surrender
    they are would be insects-based or undead/dark raceb:avoid

  • Lawlass_war - Heavens Tear
    Lawlass_war - Heavens Tear Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    you know, i always try to be nice and mature in forums, but honestly i'm starting to see why some epople flat out flame topics like this. i can't help but wonder if this constant stream of race idea is just some lifeless ****** that has nothing better to do with his time. if youu are the same person, get a life. if not, then do ignore my insult.

    if you really are someone else and you're actually serious about this idea, then don't quit your day job. you bring this idea up with barely any real info about the class. not that it matters, there are enuf classes in the game, as many are starting to call for now, revamp the older classes.
  • Lady_buffer - Heavens Tear
    Lady_buffer - Heavens Tear Posts: 141 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    I knw thr is so many post abt dis n all, bt i thnk PWI shud really bring sumthng new as i thnk evry1 has become bored as so many ppl writin post abt the game is dead nd dat they r leavin. So i thnk they need some new events or new endin to the story or continuation of the story or a new race!

    I for 1 love to see a new race. It should b based on the wraiths. Coz in the game we really dnt knw the origin of the Wraiths. I thnk it is better to make em a race n make classes so dat players can play em. And we can cr8 more wraith races so dat we can cr8 a end game event as whr the wraith races battle against the humans, the winged elves, the tideborns n The untamed!!

    The classes for the dark races can b:
    1. Skeleton knights
    2. Necromancers
    3. Nether Oblivions
    4. Shrunchkin Knights
    5. Elemental Mages


    actually it's been stated quite clearly where the wraiths came from
  • mastercoby661
    mastercoby661 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    The next pwi race shorld be a more advance humen: classes: Gunner, and Medic

    Gunners, weapons: pistals, shotgun and rifle-Gunners are VERY great to have in a squad good buffs
    1. Shotgun Spray-increace shotgun power by 5% per level for 30 minates, cast time 2 seconds
    2. perfect shot-increace hitting power by 5% per level, casting time 10 seconds, mana 35
    3. strong defence-each level increase defence by 10%, casting time 2 seconds, mana 26
    4. health stealer-(info coming soon)
    Medic's weapons: unarmed or fists-Medics can heal other player
    Skills:(coming soon)

    Main Cities:
    (coming soon)
  • Sanguinor - Lost City
    Sanguinor - Lost City Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    First revamp the original classes then think about adding a new race and classes.
  • mkl0011
    mkl0011 Posts: 56 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    OMG if they really listened to all the "NEW" race threads and considered it,..there would be like 30 RACES!!!!Use up the Earth guards and tideborns first....then make new races
  • Outlaw_Arch - Heavens Tear
    Outlaw_Arch - Heavens Tear Posts: 406 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    seriouly, people don't even bother to think about the the current state of the game before posting things like this. to add to this, i wouldn't even call this an idea. in all my years of reading race idea, only 2 or 3 people actully sat down and thoght out their idea properly. how will the race tie into the story? what weapons they use, what are their skills? these and many other things need to be addressed.

    but that aside, there is no need for any new races. the new races already knocked some of the older classes out of the game. gone are the days when you would see wizzies, and archers every day. REVAMP older classes first. i understand this would be hard due to the original team no longer working at PWE, but this, along with bug fixes, is something that MUST be done at any cost, even if it means rounding up the old dev team to do a little work. people are gunning for the newer classes due to them being more interesting (and in some cases OP) than the old classes. what MMO do you know of where entire classes just up and vanish when a new one is added? but here it's like, why play a wiz or archer when there is a physic? or why play a BM when we have seekers? why play any other class when we can roll a sin and kill anything that stands in our way? this mindset should NEVER be allowed to exist in an mmo in my opinion
  • Wearwolfify - Archosaur
    Wearwolfify - Archosaur Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    We should get the ghost race that is able to fly and do more damage in the air rather than on the ground (which is really interesting).
    I liked the idea about the robotic and dwarf-tankers race; the necromancers is good too but there are so many of them even not in the MMORPG games that is quite annoying.
    I was thinking about another race that might seem a bit interesting:

    People, but they are burning with fire, or some other color of the element. (if you played Heroes Might and Magic 3, then you know what kind of elementalists I am talking about; like the ones in the castle that has phoenix). We can also make the orcs race, or the centaurs race that can't use mounts or running animals due to thier horse legs.

    Thats basically what I was thinking, but I kind of also agree with people that PWI is already filled with different races.
    "It's hard to make good friends while it is easy to make enemies."

    "Smiles plays the main role in your life."
  • pahws
    pahws Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    First of all, when you speak proper English and not text talk, I might read your post. It severely burns my eyes.

    Another thing, we don't need anymore races. Even the whole "The Cursed" post bugs me. Vampires? Seriously? I'm getting sick of all the vampire and dark, cursed, zombie, or demon suggestions that keep popping up. Go find one of the already made threads for this, and post in it, so the suggestion box can stop be cluttered with it like it's some new idea.

    Bah, just noticed it was just someone opening a dead thread from forever ago. Next time post in a recent one (cause I know there is one), instead of bringing back **** from the dead.

    Amazing, we have another **** within our midst. It is a "Suggestion Forum". If this bothers you, get over it. Ideas are ideas, whether or not they sprout from another persons mouth, then another person adds to it. Grow up, it's not a big deal. Don't belittle someone because they decide to spell differently, it's 2012, NO ONE CARES. Thank you, have a nice day.
  • Eeyes - Harshlands
    Eeyes - Harshlands Posts: 46 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    I want a turtle race.
    Leave no one behind

  • ammieee
    ammieee Posts: 191 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    I want a race of only male
  • Disan - Raging Tide
    Disan - Raging Tide Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    ammieee wrote: »
    I want a race of only male

  • EarthRAWR - Harshlands
    EarthRAWR - Harshlands Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    It is about time they release a new race, after all they did say they wont be releasing a new race for 2 years after earthguard. A new Caster non support will do the job with another dps close range class
  • Altairego - Heavens Tear
    Altairego - Heavens Tear Posts: 58 Arc User
    edited October 2012
  • EarthRAWR - Harshlands
    EarthRAWR - Harshlands Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited October 2012

    Lol didn't even notice it. Well i wouldn't necro anyway.
  • krisnda
    krisnda Posts: 4,655 Community Moderator
    edited October 2012
This discussion has been closed.