DD, support, and heal. Let's compile our techniques.

Sakubatou - Sanctuary
Posts: 4,001 Arc User
I just wrote this in another thread and thought it'd be good to unbury it and get others tips and advice on how to be an effective cleric using all our aspects. This means healing, supporting, and dding.
On my cleric I tend to be healing less and less. That's because the groups of people I run with need less and less healing. But, it's really on a situational basis and obviously switches for harder instances or with nubbier squads. I thought I'd offer a few tips on metal mage healing. Remember, the goal is to keep your squad alive and healthy but contribute more than just being a heal-bot.
-First, number one, and foremost, healing is your job and comes first.
-If the squad has paint then debuffing a mob is usually just as effective as healing and the mob dies quicker. They get stronger paint heals and because the mob dies quicker they'll recieve less damage.
-Heal your tank before they run in. An IH lasts 15 seconds, put one on before they move in and most players will be healed for the next 15 seconds, giving you time to do what you want.
-Sometimes it's easier just to kill a ranged mob yourself than heal a melee or archer as the mob kites them. If you can take aggro that'll hold the mob in place as it range attacks you but you have to be able to survive.
-Two mobs, one tank? Sleep one, heal the tank and help him kill, then move on to the next.
-Seekers out range most melee mobs with their swords. The same with barbs and axe bms. If you freeze and mob before its in melee range your teammates will typically start attacking outside its range and it won't attack back. No need to heal anyone.
-Cleric DD really kind of sucks. That doesn't mean a well refined cleric, pure builds, or higher leveled clerics can't dish out the dd. They just aren't on par dd wise with everything else. Debuff first for others, then dd. If it comes down to you and another caster killing a mob then debuff for the other and then heal them.
-Don't aggro mobs and make melee chase them.
-You don't need to heal full hp on most people. IH once or twice, move on. So many times I'm attacking something, its doing almost no damage to my barb or bm, and the cleric stands and spams IH.
-Get on the far side of the mobs so you are ahead of your squad. Clerics run slow. If you want to heal and dd then you need to be setup before your squad gets there. Running past the mobs towards where they will be going will gives you a few seconds advantage. Heal/attack from there. This also allows you to help your squad kill mobs and then heal them after as they run by, rather than have them run out of your heal range right after a mob is dead.
On my cleric I tend to be healing less and less. That's because the groups of people I run with need less and less healing. But, it's really on a situational basis and obviously switches for harder instances or with nubbier squads. I thought I'd offer a few tips on metal mage healing. Remember, the goal is to keep your squad alive and healthy but contribute more than just being a heal-bot.
-First, number one, and foremost, healing is your job and comes first.
-If the squad has paint then debuffing a mob is usually just as effective as healing and the mob dies quicker. They get stronger paint heals and because the mob dies quicker they'll recieve less damage.
-Heal your tank before they run in. An IH lasts 15 seconds, put one on before they move in and most players will be healed for the next 15 seconds, giving you time to do what you want.
-Sometimes it's easier just to kill a ranged mob yourself than heal a melee or archer as the mob kites them. If you can take aggro that'll hold the mob in place as it range attacks you but you have to be able to survive.
-Two mobs, one tank? Sleep one, heal the tank and help him kill, then move on to the next.
-Seekers out range most melee mobs with their swords. The same with barbs and axe bms. If you freeze and mob before its in melee range your teammates will typically start attacking outside its range and it won't attack back. No need to heal anyone.
-Cleric DD really kind of sucks. That doesn't mean a well refined cleric, pure builds, or higher leveled clerics can't dish out the dd. They just aren't on par dd wise with everything else. Debuff first for others, then dd. If it comes down to you and another caster killing a mob then debuff for the other and then heal them.
-Don't aggro mobs and make melee chase them.
-You don't need to heal full hp on most people. IH once or twice, move on. So many times I'm attacking something, its doing almost no damage to my barb or bm, and the cleric stands and spams IH.
-Get on the far side of the mobs so you are ahead of your squad. Clerics run slow. If you want to heal and dd then you need to be setup before your squad gets there. Running past the mobs towards where they will be going will gives you a few seconds advantage. Heal/attack from there. This also allows you to help your squad kill mobs and then heal them after as they run by, rather than have them run out of your heal range right after a mob is dead.
Seven 100+ characters leveled the hard way. Free to play. Mystic, Psychic, and Wizard left to level. b:victory
Post edited by Sakubatou - Sanctuary on
Good tips, though I have to disagree on the cleric DD. Maybe you know more then me, but max or near max magic clerics hit like trucks from what I've seen.
If I suggest something, it would be to coordinate all healing efforts with other clerics and mystics. I don't see this happening all the time which is a shame, if done properly it frees up a lot of space for clerics to use other support options. If you are struggling with your healing, most wizards, psychics and venos can partially heal themselves with there own techniques and extend that to the squad, though they have much more limited.
Most of all, take advice from your squad and other clerics. You hold the squad together and you need to be playing the best you can, with the best tactics and survival strategies you can manage.0 -
Sakubatou - Sanctuary wrote: »-Don't aggro mobs and make melee chase them.
If you agro mobs, run towards the damn tank, not from him. Had it so much on my bm, people running away from me while I'm wondering how the hell I'm supposed to catch it with smack on cooldown. b:surrender
I think you can also add: CHB/BB are to be used rarely. I see so damn many clerics aoe healing when there's one single person getting hit and IH or wellspring would do just fine. Seems to be the new fail thing to do...[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Truly awesome idea this is! Respect OP, and all the clerys out there hustlin' their way though Perfect world. b:thanks
I concur with everything stated so far, except when it comes to "1 Tank vs. 2 Mobs". I say go straight for Silent Seal if melee mob has not yet been taken care of, because your Chromatic Seal nobody counts with, and there is always (seriously All-Ways) somebody not concentrated who would wake the mob. This scenario happens occasionally even in (get o.O this) PK squads *facepalmius totalis* Now, it's OK when we're crowded by mobs we all can handle, but it's still frustrating, because it leads to yet another situation where they're all waiting for AoE heals.
To think of some creative scenarios you forgot to mention..
If you don't feel like DD-ing, instead of just standing there, lookin' good, or spamming heals when they are pointless, use the advantages of your lev11 buffs that have cool additional effects. For some reason Barbs and BMs just love to see me taking care of their MP as well, and spam some extra defense on your tank, I don't know why I never see that when I'm not clery, makes me sad.
Keep eyes on BM switching to axes while others are bursing sparks around boss. You should be able to squeeze Tempest in HF, just for fun. Spark yourself if you catch an early train, then hit Genie's Cloud Eruption and go AC/DC on boss's buns. Be careful not to wet yourself when that beastie goes criticalb:laugh
When you don't feel like all Thunder almighty, at least be sure to Elemental Seal when you see BM is about to HF, so that caster's nuke counts for more.
In tough situations with "close calls", don't take that second or two it takes to figure who is tanking what, and how will things develop from there. Make it your reflex reaction to start casting CHB, and look for that one target that will need IH asap.
If for some reason your tank is about to die, and you think there's nothing you can do to save that poor bstrd - Forget it! He's a goner! Start spamming whoever you think might be next in line of agro, and plan how to keep your (usually squeeshee) temporary tank alive before you can revive whoever died. Oww, and be ready to apologize. A dead tank goes straight to your record, b:beatenup no mater what!
To expand Sakubatou's last point, always try to anticipate what will happen next. Please make sure you leave your tanks with some IHs before you leave. Also, staying focused to what's going on will help you to decide where to be ready and what for, when the mess starts. The earliest example of how helpful can be to pan your camera around constantly, is in FB/BH51 where walkers often come from behind ranged DD-ers. If you can spot them on time and land IH early on - He-h, another soul saved
Learn what bosses have strong magic attacks they start the fight with. There are plenty of those in TT. Keep in mind that Wings of Protection (sorta) adds 20% to your tank's life pool. I'm thinking of Drummer and Soulbanisher now, in scenario where BM (or Sin) is designated tank. Also, this nifty skill might help you in that "Tank is goner" scenario if you've got fast fingers.
Be aware of your abilities. Test things, talk with people, learn.. And try this:
**CAUTION** dangerous tip ahead - When doing multi-runs in FC, same squad over and over again. While on first run, keep an eye on mob's HP bars before pulls end. In your 90s you'll notice that some squads waste pulls so fast that it feels like BB was useless. Sometimes, that feeling is justified. Be sure how much damage you can dish out with your spells. If you've noticed that mob's HP bar was low enough when BM's stun wore off, don't BB next run! Go Razor Feathers (with Plum shield on + MP herb) as BM is about to stun, and start Tempest to hit with HF.. As you grow stronger, Tempest alone should be enough. Even then, quickly hit "tab" -> R.Feathers as tempest lands.. Just in caseOwh yeah, by all means remember to Smile, giggle and shine! b:victory
*Rule of Thumb* Good tank always has all his taunts on cooldown. Good clery should have all his support skills hot too. There is always someone who can use something from your arsenal of buffs, don't just stand there pretty, or spamming IH, or (omgodforbid) CHB. Happie healing guysb:bye0 -
Saving_Grace - Raging Tide wrote: »**CAUTION** dangerous tip ahead - When doing multi-runs in FC, same squad over and over again. While on first run, keep an eye on mob's HP bars before pulls end. In your 90s you'll notice that some squads waste pulls so fast that it feels like BB was useless. Sometimes, that feeling is justified. Be sure how much damage you can dish out with your spells. If you've noticed that mob's HP bar was low enough when BM's stun wore off, don't BB next! Go Razor Feathers (with Plum shield on + MP herb) as BM is about to stun, and start Tempest to hit with HF.. AS you grow stroner, Tempest alone should be enough. Even then, hit "tab" -> R.Feathers as tempest lands.. Just in case
Owh yeah, by all means remember to Smile, giggle and shine! b:victory
I seriously HATE with passion cleric who don't BB in FC(or DD beside heal), they are the reason i stopped play my wizz, i can't count how many time i die on my wizz on pull (all pull not just exp) in FC cause the cleric wasn't BB and i was asking them before to BB at pull and they ALL answered: ''no need'' and everytime i die, they was DD tempest or razor or IH on barb and every single time i did FC in every single pull i die, cleric who don't BB in FC should reroll wizz or psy.
#1: Even if you can do a good damage, you are a ******* cleric your job is to heal, only heal and keep squad alive specially in FC.
#2: Barb can't hold aggro on a wizz, so BB and save the wizz (and archer by same time) life, on my lvl 8x and 9x i didn't find one barb able keep aggro on me and ALL the clerics refuse to BB.
#3: Even if you feel that your BB is useless do it, it's better a useless BB than don't BB when it's needed.
#4: Pretty much every wizz and archer i know had that same problem to die often cause barb can't hold aggro and clerics are too stupid to BB and heal.
I feel so smart and proud to be a cleric who know that my job is to keep my squad alive and not DD, i made a wizz cause i wanted DD and i was enough intelligent to know that a cleirc is not a main DD, i wish more people was more intelligent and reroll wizz/psy/archer/sin if they want to DD....[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
b:dirty "I **** rainbows and love everyone"-Longknife b:cute0 -
So far I agree with people's comments in this thread. I've followed all the things stated by the thread creator ever since I made my char, and I see people whomever I've squaded with are all happy. (except for some pompous I-dont-need-to-be-healed showing off aps, they act in an impetuous way, but anw, back to topic b:bye)
As long as a cleric is flexible - knowing when to use wellspring/IH/SoR (I rarely use CHB unless in nirvy), and when to debuff as well as DD, then you're successful in PvE. Just DO NOT EVER rely on your members' charm, keep in mind that you are there to replace their charm. I understand that charm is there to tick, but ONLY when you already try your best healing, otherwise, you fail as cleric.
Wish you all have fun with playing cleric. One of the difficult classes to play with. b:cuteInsanity b:thanks0 -
Xx_BeLLa_xX - Harshlands wrote: »I seriously HATE with passion cleric who don't BB in FC(or DD beside heal), they are the reason i stopped play my wizz....
Daaamn girl, you've had some baaaad FC runs there b:chuckle I know I have.. :P
First of all, I think you misunderstood what you've quoted. When pulls end like that, no player gets hit. Not once!!! It's all done in 6 seconds of BM's Roar of the Pride. Actually, when I'm there as Wizard I don't DB, but instead Essential Sutra -> Hailstorm -> MS. When coordinated with others, this really works wonders. Please notice that something like this won't happen before mid 90s. And at 100+ it's the only way.
On the other hand, I agree with you that most important tip you can ever give to a clery is: "Heal ppl!! H.E.A.L. - and if you really have to, then do something else when and only if there is time!
And finally, although I do believe that wasn't an attempt to belittle me intellectually, but instead those clerys refuse to heal, or in your case BB, I must tell you to chill a bit b:pleased and use the intelligence you went flashing here at us, to work in your favour. If killing the entire group still lasts up to 30 sec or even more, take off your weapon as you start DB, and equip it again as others build aggroThe reason you die as Wizard at FC pulls does not lie solely in absence of BB.
I am occasionally a Wizard in there, and I survive thanks to Genie's Expel. Barbs rarely keep aggro on time. Crabs help there too. BMs sometimes stun a bit too late, or their skill is left at low level so chance to stun is weak. Barbs at those levels still don't rely on Genies to build more some aggro before Zhen even starts...
So at the end, my *Dangerous Tip* still stands. But not to be attempted by those who do not know their damage output, as well as their squad's damage.
Peeps are supposed to test things. Like, when with friends, ask them to pull one mob for ya, and hit it with all you want, try everything you can before it dies, and repeat. But that tip goes for all players with any classes - Play - Test - Try stuff - Learn - Have fun!! What else is there? And as clery never-ever refuse to heal!! That's just dumb b:beatup
BTW: Nicely put Sxe!! This is the msg of the day! b:byeSxeChik - Archosaur wrote: »Wish you all have fun with playing cleric. One of the difficult classes to play with. b:cute0 -
Xx_BeLLa_xX - Harshlands wrote: »I seriously HATE with passion cleric who don't BB in FC(or DD beside heal),
#1: Even if you can do a good damage, you are a ******* cleric your job is to heal, only heal and keep squad alive specially in FC.
#2: Barb can't hold aggro on a wizz, so BB and save the wizz (and archer by same time) life, on my lvl 8x and 9x i didn't find one barb able keep aggro on me and ALL the clerics refuse to BB.Saving_Grace - Raging Tide wrote: »Daaamn girl, you've had some baaaad FC runs there b:chuckle I know I have.. :P
So at the end, my *Dangerous Tip* still stands. But not to be attempted by those who do not know their damage output, as well as their squad's damage.
Peeps are supposed to test things. Like, when with friends, ask them to pull one mob for ya, and hit it with all you want, try everything you can before it dies, and repeat. But that tip goes for all players with any classes - Play - Test - Try stuff - Learn - Have fun!! What else is there? And as clery never-ever refuse to heal!! That's just dumb b:beatup
The FCC mobs have 40-100k hp. There is a tiny bit of damage reduction when your below level 85 but a tempest does a buttload of damage, and combined with BIDS and other squad mate damage there should be no mobs left to attack you. At least thats the theory. Honestly, you post tells me you're jumping the gun on attacking or not letting the barb set aggro or standing to close, or not waiting for the mobs to be grouped around the barb more than it seems like a cleric problem but I don't want to say there is only one way to do things.
I've done Delta 5 with Saving_Graces technique on my barb. Had the cleric drop bb, rounded up the mobs, brought them back for zhenning and BM HF'd and we blew the mobs up in 5 seconds before I ever had a chance to lose aggro and before my barbs invoke wore off. I then had my hp healed after they dropped tempest. It's an excellent technique and works in FCC, too. As grace said, drop bombs instead of DB because you don't want to just damage mobs and get aggro, you want to kill them. Stand back. And most importantly know your damage. You said its happened with every barb so that makes it sound like you see the problem and don't try to fix it by waiting for the barb to get an extra attack in or build aggro with bramble. If you know your hailstorm does 38k damage then wait till the mobs are 38k away from death to use it. Also, request the BM use Fissure to slow the mobs running at you down.
Some other people have brought up excellent points, the best one being know your squadmates damage and skills. Also, learn to recognize culti from a players genie. For instance if there is a demon veno in squad I watch really carefully for ironwood procs (100% pdef debuff) and them to use their myriads. If it fails I use mine. If there is a sage veno in squad I will rarely use my own pdef debuff because theirs is either the same or may be a myriad at 100% and theirs happens often and is reliable and easy where mine weakens my own defenses to use. Don't overwrite barb devours 50% debuff.
As I run I perv on my squad mates gear. Evasion ornies mean they lose hp quicker, even if they have alot. Knowing their gear helps me guess as to how quickly they'll drop and how quickly mobs will drop. I see +10 weapon sins with 5k hp... That is a different technique than healing a +2 weapon with 9k hp sin.
Learn what Ion Spike looks like *devil eyes*. It is your friend.
If a BM cloud erupts, HF is coming. Make sure the boss is debuffed with what you can and start channeling tempest.
Good ideas guys, keep them coming.Seven 100+ characters leveled the hard way. Free to play. Mystic, Psychic, and Wizard left to level. b:victory0 -
Saving_Grace - Raging Tide wrote: »Daaamn girl, you've had some baaaad FC runs there b:chuckle I know I have.. :P
I am occasionally a Wizard in there, and I survive thanks to Genie's Expel. Barbs rarely keep aggro on time. Crabs help there too. BMs sometimes stun a bit too late, or their skill is left at low level so chance to stun is weak. Barbs at those levels still don't rely on Genies to build more some aggro before Zhen even starts...
Well all the runs i've done on wizz was like that, i've asked some of the best wizz of my server if that was like that when they lvled and what to do, they all told me they had problems in FC at pull, the only advice i got that work is to stand there and to not skill, do nothing, that work pretty well, but i can tell you the squad rage cause no AOE.
I try use expel, AD, crab, charms, apo pots and base pots like pan gu's essence and still die.
I try every AOE skills with every kind of weapon.
The fact that a cleric don't BB and don't heal is the reason for why people die.
That not just heal that cut the damage by half ijs. (some clerics 8x-9x sometime don't even have the skill)
Trust me i tried everything.
Some runs i was loosing more exp than i was getting.
On Harsland our clerics have a serious problem with DD, at 95% they all act as metal mage in every situation. I miss the good old school clerics.
I guess i just have bad luck and get the unskilled cleric.
As cleric myself its maybe why i know when i have a good cleric or a bad one in squad, i know recognize when its a mess cause bad timing on stun or when barb don't roar but i also know recognize when everyone die in the squad cause the cleric DD.
@SxeChik: i wish you was on my server, on wizz i spend a plat hp charm in less than a week just in caster.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
b:dirty "I **** rainbows and love everyone"-Longknife b:cute0 -
Sakubatou - Sanctuary wrote: »The FCC mobs have 40-100k hp. There is a tiny bit of damage reduction when your below level 85 but a tempest does a buttload of damage, and combined with BIDS and other squad mate damage there should be no mobs left to attack you. At least thats the theory. Honestly, you post tells me you're jumping the gun on attacking or not letting the barb set aggro or standing to close, or not waiting for the mobs to be grouped around the barb more than it seems like a cleric problem but I don't want to say there is only one way to do things.
I've done Delta 5 with Saving_Graces technique on my barb. Had the cleric drop bb, rounded up the mobs, brought them back for zhenning and BM HF'd and we blew the mobs up in 5 seconds before I ever had a chance to lose aggro and before my barbs invoke wore off. I then had my hp healed after they dropped tempest. It's an excellent technique and works in FCC, too. As grace said, drop bombs instead of DB because you don't want to just damage mobs and get aggro, you want to kill them. Stand back. And most importantly know your damage. You said its happened with every barb so that makes it sound like you see the problem and don't try to fix it by waiting for the barb to get an extra attack in or build aggro with bramble. If you know your hailstorm does 38k damage then wait till the mobs are 38k away from death to use it. Also, request the BM use Fissure to slow the mobs running at you down.
Some other people have brought up excellent points, the best one being know your squadmates damage and skills. Also, learn to recognize culti from a players genie. For instance if there is a demon veno in squad I watch really carefully for ironwood procs (100% pdef debuff) and them to use their myriads. If it fails I use mine. If there is a sage veno in squad I will rarely use my own pdef debuff because theirs is either the same or may be a myriad at 100% and theirs happens often and is reliable and easy where mine weakens my own defenses to use. Don't overwrite barb devours 50% debuff.
As I run I perv on my squad mates gear. Evasion ornies mean they lose hp quicker, even if they have alot. Knowing their gear helps me guess as to how quickly they'll drop and how quickly mobs will drop. I see +10 weapon sins with 5k hp... That is a different technique than healing a +2 weapon with 9k hp sin.
Learn what Ion Spike looks like *devil eyes*. It is your friend.
If a BM cloud erupts, HF is coming. Make sure the boss is debuffed with what you can and start channeling tempest.
Good ideas guys, keep them coming.
I agree with your first post, but in FC people are 8x-9x, majority of time no good gears and not many experience, cleric should learn first how to keep his squad alive before DD, at lvl 100+ if the cleric want try thing go ahead they have more experience and suppose to have decent gears.
I'm not stupid i wasnt jump DB before the barb aggro, sometime even for ''fun'' i was waiting before AOE, and even than i was getting aggro on everything, i do not blame barb their aggro skill are ****, not their fault, but a cleric who don't want heal have choosen the wrong class to play its all i say, yes cleric have a good damage, we can hit like a truck, but its not our primary job to DD.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
b:dirty "I **** rainbows and love everyone"-Longknife b:cute0 -
i would like to emphasize the fact that, if you are healing, ANTICIPATE when heals are necessary.
the tank/squad dies more often due to heals not being in fast enough than due to heals not being strong enough. aside from faster channeling (which is compromised by having phys def), anticipation is the best way to prevent this.
if a boss does a really hard hit every 30 seconds or so, start stacking IHs or throw a WoP on the highest risk squadmate beforehand.the loser fail nab cleric from dreamweaver who quit pwi, but still wanders the forums.0 -
b:chuckle Is that it?! Noboby with new ideas?! Maaan, and I've expected this to go on for days b:pleased
Kinda says why clerys who never leave an instance without at least one friendship request are rare. b:cool0 -
wooty! i really love this one
and yeah, already got so many peps in friendslist and it gets longer and longer. I just can't help myself b:laugh
As for more tips... Well, I already made some experiences on my previous runs too, maybe they help yas
As cler it can happen to get aggro... b:surrender we all now that. Most of the time when barbs, sins or bms rush into a group of mobs and don't AOE
You see their HP drop and, of course, want to heal. Sometimes I wasn't even sure IF they already AOEed right at the beginning.
So it's always nice to tell your squad that, if they run into a group of mobs, they should aoe in the first place, so you can heal them
If they don't do that, even if you have already asked them, well, then it's for me like they don't want heals. It already happened very often to me that i couldn't stand seeing the tank (or whomever) get close to 0 HP, so i healed 'em and got all the mobs on me....
And yeah, here comes my second 'advise'...
IF you got some mobs on you... if possible and you have the 79 skill Guardian Light USE THAT! it's actually really nice, some damage reduction and increased speed. USE THAT SPEED AND RUN TO YOUR GROUP OR TANK!!
Last time i exactly did that, but no one helped/noticed me. So then i casted plume shell (lovely life-saver b:dirty BUT BE SURE TO HAVE MP POT READY!!);
still no one here so i sparked.
MY ADVISE: if you are in a real life-threatening situation and your buffs are on cd --> use a sparkeven if it's the one-spark spark^^
BUT you should do that in middle of you squad. cuz first of all you will get some spare time, where you can't get hit AND it gets you attention b:victory
so... those are two things which occurred to me and which may can be a help for the clers out there!
and thanks for all the previous posts, i so LOVE your tips b:kiss0 -
b:laugh no offense but i think clerics spend way too much time in bb and give us time to write way too long posts0
wampirewoman wrote: »b:laugh no offense but i think clerics spend way too much time in bb and give us time to write way too long posts
Speaking of which...
You can do more then BB. If you situation doesn't require you to BB, don't. If you can throw a few IHs to the tank and/or DD and keep him stable, start using your Debuffs or other abilities.0 -
wampirewoman wrote: »b:laugh no offense but i think clerics spend way too much time in bb and give us time to write way too long posts
Hey, I was just kinda... inspired to write smth too b:victory
And yeah, who knows. Maybe someone can use it0 -
* I usually only go into instances with the core people that I always farm/do other **** with, and we've all just developed our basic teamwork.
- I rarely use BB unless it's a hard boss or there are too many mobs to keep everyone's HP up.
- I always IH the person right before they run into a group of mobs. If I'm in a squad where I don't know the people, sometimes this ****s up and I end up getting aggro, but 99% of the time I can tank it anyways.
- I'm sage and I always cast Vanguard along with IH on the person running into mobs, and I constantly keep it up during bosses. (gives 100% physical defense for 10 seconds)
- I rarely ever use Chromatic unless I know my squad isn't taking a lot of damage and I feel like being lazy.
- I'm constantly IHing anyone in the squad that usually takes aggro of a mob; I admit this does leave some people out and sometimes they get aggro and have their charm tick, but they don't get aggro often enough for me to bother keeping up with them.
- I never use RB
- I rarely use Rejuvenation either, it takes to long to cast and I'd rather use Wellspring + IH, UNLESS the person has a lot of HP and I know I have time to cast it before their charm ticks.
- I don't really DD unless there's 1-2 mobs left or they're struggling with a def resistant/immune mob.
- I never use plume shell unless it's in TW
and now I'm bored of writing this b:surrender0 -
Elanxu - Dreamweaver wrote: »i would like to emphasize the fact that, if you are healing, ANTICIPATE when heals are necessary.
+1. being able to read the mobs based on what your squad is doing will save not only them (charging idiots or not) but ALSO you, and prevent a squad wipe.
a cleric's main job is to heal. no matter where you are, unless you are in an all-cleric squad, your job is to heal others. and if there are multiple clerics in your squad talk to the other cleric(s) and designate who will heal and who will dd.
i can't say much for frost since i havent been in there in a long time, but even at lvl 100 (unless asked not to) i will bb as a safety measure. ppl tend to whine if they die and miss out on the exp so i dont take the chance.
if you can, get the lvl79 wings of protection skill, its super useful. use on yourself if you cant IH in time and a mob is hitting you, put it on pullers in frost to help them survive, stick it on tanks when they charge into a bh boss, put it on someone who's in danger of dying and you cant heal fast enough. the skill is instant cast. its awesome. the only drawback is the 3min cooldown.
do what you think is the best move based on your own judgment. a pro cleric isnt one that does the same thing in the same instance every single time, but one that can adapt to crazy situations and do their job keeping everyone alive.
and for the ppl making frost baby clerics, please PLEASE listen to what another cleric is telling you to do. most ppl who play clerics as their main are nice ppl who will give advice if they see you doing something wrong or weird. swallow your damned pride and listen to the person who has played that class more than you and don't pretend you didnt frost that char to 9x. we can tell.0 -
Anyone got any tips for cleric pk?
And I mean support wise not MMM wise.0 -
Anyone got any tips for cleric pk?
And I mean support wise not MMM wise.
Keep in the air (most the time). Spam Plume Shell (eyes should watch for its cooldown) while keeping Guardian Light in reserve. Whirlwind is an alright genie skill to help you kite as it slows and will stop an opponent for 1 second in the air.
IMO buffs come first priority most the time, then I try to keep an IH or two on any party members actively in combat. I constantly tab to opponents around to watch for archers/psy/wiz kiting and seal them so the melee can pick them off. Also, look for half dead opponents and create a 2v1 situation. Put a heal on your teammate then go straight for the kill on the opponent. Alot of cleric's get stuck either 1v1ing a person or spam healing a person and with charms and decent hp those fights never end. Sometimes its better to just create that 2v1, let your teammates charm take a little of the healing job, and finish off your opponent. Another way to set this up is sleeping a person and calling for backup.Seven 100+ characters leveled the hard way. Free to play. Mystic, Psychic, and Wizard left to level. b:victory0 -
Anyone got any tips for cleric pk?
And I mean support wise not MMM wise.
Quoting myself from a post I made for a guild on a private server:Know which skills you can use to help you survive. Plume shell should always be up. Demon Stream and Sage Vanguard are your respective pdef buffs. As for the two 79 skills, I typically don't pop these until I get purged or if it'd be better than blowing a pot or something or if pots/genie/whatever is in cooldown and I have to because of their rather long CD . I can also not stress enough to get the 100 culti done because SoG will basically take one person totally out of the fight for 15 seconds and it can't be completely blocked by anti-stun like sleep (do not use on anyone with Will Surge up though as it will block the seal while giving them the bless effect still).
As for genie skills, some use of either Absolute Domain/Fortify/Faith is pretty much needed (I don't particularly like Faith, but that's just me). Holy Path is also a must. And I still do like Expel on this server simply due to the amount of barbs/sins (using it when a barb is about to arma you just pisses them off so much).
For pots, I typically use either IGs, Sutras, Vacuities, and very rarely Shadow Binders and Dews. Don't burn pots as soon as you get hit. Use them when you need to and know which pot to use. If you're just getting straight up stun-locked and not much else, use a vacuity. If you're getting hammered with no CC, you can use a dew instead of an IG/sutra. If you're getting hammered and CC'd though, pop an IG/Sutra depending on if you can anti-stun or not beforehand and hope that your squad can get the opponents off of you or that you can clear enough distance between you and them before it runs out. Shadow Binders when you just need to GTFO (assuming you're on the ground).
Defense charms. Make them and use them.
One last thing...probably the most important thing, really, but communicate with your squad. Tell them exactly who's on you and if you can get a target, have them assist. Likewise, assist them and sleep/SoG targets as they need you to and keep your squad alive so they can keep you alive.
Some things I'd like to bring up specifically for PWI/clarify though:
1. Always use an O'Malley's Blessing for the def levels.
2. You NEED Expel on your genie here due to the sheer amount of APSing sins/BMs.
3. Sleep should be used on opponents that you want out of your hair and aren't being hit. Freeze for opponents you want to either keep away from you while they're being hit or are trying to escape. And obviously, don't use either when they have anti-stun up.
4. My favorite is to use SoG on people right after they trip spark. gg, they have no chi now and SoG will last for the duration of their trip spark. So your squad can probably take them out rather easily after that.
5. I do recommend against burning sleep/freeze/SoG on sins with Tidal Protection up unless they're the only ones left and you know they're going to try to stealth.
6. Learn status icons.
7. Depending on your gear and the gear of your opponent, you'll probably end up using more sutras/IGs than you will vacuities until you have gear to the point where you can stand a few hits from an r9.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
"subtraction has the butt of an angel" - Paulrogers
/blatant sig copy is blatant
105/105/105 obtained! b:cute0 -
I will be honest, I am playing a private server - I never mention it because people usually flame and tell me to GTFO even though I played PWI when it 1st came out and quit just after the Age of Spirits expansion and went on to pservers since.
I haven't played a cleric in over a year, I do enjoy the class and I do like healing, I just don't like it when you haven't got a good team that doesn't like to protect their cleric or you just don't get recognised at all. Guess these are drawbacks, or I just suck badly!
Though because of this I'm rusty in the new way of things. xD
I usually am in the air unless I have a good squad then I'm on the ground.
I do spam Vanguard Spirit like a ****, also Spirits Gift on casters and I IH everyone, throw in wellsprings when someones been nuked. If the damage doesn't seem to be focused on one or two people but kinda spread out I do use CHB, though not very often.
I know I should make more use of SoG and the 79 feathers buff thing but I usually forget about them, I spam my para and sleep like a **** - usually I have barbs fly up to me trying le old arma, though it's far too predictable, if they're clever and use their antistun I'll just air kite them.
My main problem I suppose is my genie, I'm trying to make a good one for both my Cleric and Mystic, my first and current one is an epic fail, lol.
So is there anything else I can do? Anything I should be doing or any pro pro tips? xD
I am open to any suggestions/crit as long as it's constructive.0 -
Anyone got any tips for cleric pk?
And I mean support wise not MMM wise.
id say the most important thing as a cleric pker (and many other classes) is learning status icons. against clerics, every class will likely use some kind of unique buff either to reflect magic damage or immune to damage or immune to movement debuffs or watever.the loser fail nab cleric from dreamweaver who quit pwi, but still wanders the forums.0
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