How fast do seekers make chi?

Posts: 0 Arc User
edited August 2012 in Seeker
It's already becoming my biggest irk on that class. From fac trials to bh to some seekers in PK asking for a spark from me (I play veno). And behold they have cloud eruption on their genies most of the time. As most of the classes become self sufficient chi wise, seekers are prolly the most chi hungry class I encounter nowadays. I just want to know is your chi production really that bad or slow that you still beg for it most of the time or am I just at the wrong place at the wrong time most of the time this happens? b:angry

I got so fed up at one time I told one "There are pots for chi, you can make em'' just so he stops begging from meb:surrender
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  • Posts: 62 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    we unfortunately are relied upon to vortex often which in turn burns 2 sparks and doesnt gain chi during vortex.

    sounds like youve come across some whiners tho who dont know how to manage without chi even with cloud eruption. i do not have eruption on my genie and i do just fine in the chi gaining department.

    tell them to spam adrenal numbness and northern sky while running if in FC theyll have their sparks by the next pull.
  • Posts: 61 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    clouderuption/ chi pots. or ask veno give give u spark or cleric to give u chi the best options.b:victory
  • Posts: 32 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    we unfortunately are relied upon to vortex often which in turn burns 2 sparks and doesnt gain chi during vortex.

    sounds like youve come across some whiners tho who dont know how to manage without chi even with cloud eruption. i do not have eruption on my genie and i do just fine in the chi gaining department.

    tell them to spam adrenal numbness and northern sky while running if in FC theyll have their sparks by the next pull.

    just pointing out that last time i checked northern sky (and the other stances) does not generate any chi.

    numbness is a great to spam tho, as is master li's when you get that. cloud eruption i've been using constantly since i found out about it. never cared with the pots, too expensive/time consuming to farm them for not enough gain compared to how much chi is needed, also prefer having the pots free from cooldown in case something craps up.

    the past month or so not really cared about vortex that much. apart from the rare fc or pq2. for most things i commonly do ion spike/pet feels like a better use of chi
  • Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Vortex takes 2 sparks. Stances don't give chi. Even the atk/def lvl buffs don't. Master li's technique, unfetter, edged blur, and blade affinity are the only chi skills and all have long CD, and then of course cloud eruption. I do full deltas often enough, with vortex starting and stopping all the time. It's very possible to keep chi in check on our own. It's annoying in FC when you don't have sage yet (assuming you go sage even). There are a lot of things a seeker can do in FC to manage chi. Don't vortex on small pulls where normal aoes should be sufficient. Making sure you finish bosses with full chi helps. But it's tough when you are under lvl 89. Having a veno around can be really helpful.b:bye
  • Posts: 1,998 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Through the use of various narcotics and other illegal substances Seekers can do it quite fast.

    Thanks to the beautiful and talanted Zheii for the sigb:dirty

    I read the forums naked.
  • Posts: 248 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    I do not have vortex on my seeker yet, but I build chi/spark a bit quick, 5 chi per hit with 1.11 APS on single swords. 10 or more from skills I think. It is not hard to gain 4 sparks total for both edge blur and vortex.
    WTB PWI 2008 where people were thinking more about doing good rather than pretending to be.
  • Posts: 62 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    my bad on the northern sky thing. i have it in a macro with numbness so assumed that was generating chi aswell. think im going to have to look into cloud eruption tho.
  • Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    edged blur takes 2 sparks.... isnt it kinda counter productive you use it, if your tying to make chi >.>
  • Posts: 107 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Well i assume u've encountered quite a few nooby seekers then. While i have felt occasionally annoyed at not being able to get chi faster, there are many ways to keep ur chi up as a seeker.
    1.) spam master li's technique, adrenal, unfetter, and BA like a boss. tht combo gives u 80 chi, with unfetter and BA having 60 seconds cds. adrenal shud b the one skill u spam most often, since u need it for def lvl buff anyway dont b shy. also including battousai and rock splitting cleave in ur combos is a gud option since they giv 10 chi each

    2.) get cloud eruption on ur genie, blyv me it is worth it. never having to beg venos is a plus. I wud include chi pots in this part, but seeing how they r expensive to use regularly, i wud suggest otherwise.

    3.) the third and final way (talking about in fcc here) pull one of those rogue things using zeal and just attk it without wepon for a while if thts wat u need to build chi. Ya this option is less preferable but ya wen times get rough...
    I crack myself up!! b:laugh b:chuckle b:pleased
    Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the first one.
    - Albert Einstein (1879-1955)
    This be the reason why this guy is so smart!! b:surrender
  • Posts: 1,052 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    havea genie with over 2.00 recharge rate,and cloud erruption,use spark ball if you are sage,i have no prob getting sparks,i always have spark ready for next vortex if it happens to go out.b:bye
    This game is like washing hair with shampoo... Rinse and repeat if desired.
    Proud owner of many mains.101 bm,101 seeker,101 demon sin,100 sage sin,101 archer,101 barb,100 cleric,100 wiz( first toon since sept 08 finally made it in 2013)newly added mystic 100 HA,72 psy.
  • Posts: 1,020 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Chi siphon is better suited for a seeker than cloud eruption.

    lvl 10 chi siphon gives 200+ chi, cost 166 energy: it cost 0.83 energy per chi gain
    lvl 1 cloud eruption gives 100+ chi, cost 130 energy: it cost 1.3 energy per chi gain

    From this, you can see that chi siphon is more energy efficient and requires less time waiting for genie to recharge to get the 2 sparks you need for vortex.

    The only down side to chi siphon is that it requires a target to use on, but you only have to use it once to get 2 full spark to use vortex right away. Or if you have 2 sparks in reserve and then use vortex, you can use chi siphon to regain all the chi you have lost. This makes it more convenient than wasting time for your genie to recharge 2 times to use cloud eruption twice.

    I have both chi siphon and cloud eruption on the same genie and still have all the essential genie skills like AD, holy path, frenzy and some debuffs skills. This is perhaps the best solution as you can get chi any time you wish. Make sure that your genie has a magic build with close to a 3.0 recharge rate for max efficiency.
  • Posts: 107 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Chi siphon is better suited for a seeker than cloud eruption.

    lvl 10 chi siphon gives 200+ chi, cost 166 energy: it cost 0.83 energy per chi gain
    lvl 1 cloud eruption gives 100+ chi, cost 130 energy: it cost 1.3 energy per chi gain

    From this, you can see that chi siphon is more energy efficient and requires less time waiting for genie to recharge to get the 2 sparks you need for vortex.

    I think the main reason peepl use cloud eruption instead of chi siphon is because of the opportunity to use sage spark vortex, which is pretty epic and especially useful in places like 100+ PV where time is of the essence. b:cute
    I crack myself up!! b:laugh b:chuckle b:pleased
    Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the first one.
    - Albert Einstein (1879-1955)
    This be the reason why this guy is so smart!! b:surrender
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    I'm a little late to this thread but I think I know why the seeker the OP was talking about was asking for sparks. I think he was MP charmed and didn't want to see the charm tick from hitting the chi building skills like unfetter and adrenal numbness.

    I have this problem and what I do is wear an arcane helmet with +4MP regen and a few extra hundred MP so its harder to hit the percentage point where the charm is ticked. Whatever I'm losing in defense is made up for by not having to see the MP charm tick when I'm not in combat and just buffing because that annoys me so much.
    AKA PermaSpark, Heartshatter


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