
XXLetaliaXx - Raging Tide
XXLetaliaXx - Raging Tide Posts: 50 Arc User
edited July 2012 in Mystic
I was in a squad recently with 2 clerics. one was tanking the boss. and the other was lvl 4x. the tanking cleric asked the 4x cleric to heal rather then me (lvl68). b:irritated

(we were taking some nooblets through SP)

So I droped vital when we started and the boss was dead befor anyone droped below 80%.

After that the clerics got mad at me for being a "show off" and kicked me from the squad with one boss still to go, (YAY PvP in SP!) so I GF>NV>Thicket an killed the clerics and all the nooblets.

lucky for me the 'oh so to proud cleric' insisted that they didnt need my res buff before we started. (which was the first time id been in a squad that didnt want it.)

Then the senior cleric said "haha I get it, now res me so I can kick your ***"
I curtly responded with "obviously you know next to nothing about mystics, the res buff dosnt work after your dead. thats what clerics are for......oh wait! both the clerics are dead! if only they had accepted when they had the chance"

This was on a day I was really tired of people telling me mystics where second rate at everything, including PvP. and this situation felt like the perfect opertunity to practice toward my aspired goal to be a great PvP mystic someday.

EDIT: They really need to update those avatars more often.
Post edited by XXLetaliaXx - Raging Tide on


  • EtherbIade - Harshlands
    EtherbIade - Harshlands Posts: 68 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Oh i got people say mystic suck and say they are bad healer and some day people say how much mystic is better healer than cleric. I remember them that some people just fail at play their class, maybe they had bad experience with a mystic.
    I think cleric hate mystic cause mystic can be as good as cleric for keep a squad alive for some stuff.
    As cleric before play mystic i didn't believed that was true, i though people saying mystic heal better was people who never played mystic, but i admit that mystic can do a good job to keep a squad alive.
    They are probably just hater cause i don't see why they get mad that you drop vital herb, i'm probably sure if you didn't drop it and they died they will blame you for not help healing.
    People are just stupid like that and will QQ nvm what the person would do.
  • VoItaire - Harshlands
    VoItaire - Harshlands Posts: 1,033 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    I see a few of these stories on the forums, yet I've never had an encounter like that. I used to say cleric's main advantage were buffs, but then morai skills kinda evened that out. Reliable purify is something they've got going for them, but is only needed in squads with bad gear which is rare at high lvls anyway. They pretty much just have the dmg reduction from BB while mystics add more utility to the squad and have greater self protection along with higher dps that can be applied while healing. Can't tell you how many times in FC the puller would pull too many and die before they were able to get aggro so I would just summon cragg and clear/tank the pull myself and prevent a wipe. The nice thing is our buffs and heals stack.
  • Mekkhala - Lost City
    Mekkhala - Lost City Posts: 303 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Some clerics feel as though they've been replaced by mystics (which is just lol- bp accomplished that ages ago).

    I have both mystic and cleric. I've met haters when playing both chars. Ignore them.

    Edit: At Voltaire. "Reliable purify is something they've got going for them, but is only needed in squads with bad gear which is rare at high lvls anyway."

    Reliable puri is pretty dam valuable, be it from a sage psy or cleric. Reliable, super spammable Puri, IH stack and BB are the reasons I will never attempt to solo heal a full Elite WS, including Incacarate, on my mystic.
  • tweakz
    tweakz Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    The def boost from bb is all i miss when on mystic.
    Be kind: Help the GMs to depopulate the servers.
  • MrMelvin - Heavens Tear
    MrMelvin - Heavens Tear Posts: 388 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    I miss playing Cleric after spending about 4 hours looking for an invite to a BH and being lazy in RB/Lunar/Metal by just BB'ing
  • Brillance - Raging Tide
    Brillance - Raging Tide Posts: 1,643 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    The people that annoy me the most are the ones that want to tell my Mystic every move to make. They take a hit and a little damage but want to start complaining about not getting heals and **** like that. "OMG! Put Sally buff on me!" STOP telling me what to do with MY mana already, lol!

    One guy I actually said, "You feeling dead or something?"

    I want a cleric in my squad, and I want that cleric to heal me too. The clerics that want to stand there and see if I can heal the squad annoy the **** out of me. I CAN do it, but thats not the reason I love my Mystic, and if healing was my main focus, I would have rolled a cleric so I could be the best healer in the game.

    Clerics are designed to Main heal, and Mystics are designed to do a little bit of everything. What's wrong with that? *shrugs*b:chuckle

    Haters gonna hate & complainers gonna complain. If they get really obnoxious about it, Im leaving the squad. b:surrender
  • Jeremied - Sanctuary
    Jeremied - Sanctuary Posts: 2,259 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    b:sad I may not play a mystic, but I appreciate the heck out of mystic's extra heals and DD when I can get them. <_< Those clerics were jerks. And jerks deserve to die (and not be res'd).

    I actually wish I knew more mystics. A lot of times they help save my butt if the tank is braindead and doesn't aggro everything. b:thanks Thank you, Mystics.
    ~Demon as of 5/6/12 - On the night where the moon is closer to the earth and brighter than any other night in the past 18 years.~

    Slow and steady stays alive~ I'm in no rush, I'm enjoying the journey to end game just as it was ment to be. b:victory
    "You sir, are why I love clerics <3" < Liba - Heaven's Tear
    b:thanks Well thank you Liba<3
  • XXLetaliaXx - Raging Tide
    XXLetaliaXx - Raging Tide Posts: 50 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    b:sad I may not play a mystic, but I appreciate the heck out of mystic's extra heals and DD when I can get them. <_< Those clerics were jerks. And jerks deserve to die (and not be res'd).

    I actually wish I knew more mystics. A lot of times they help save my butt if the tank is braindead and doesn't aggro everything. b:thanks Thank you, Mystics.

    No thank YOU, it is very gratifying to hear appreciation b:laugh b:cute ^-^
  • tweakz
    tweakz Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2012

    Clerics are designed to Main heal, and Mystics are designed to do a little bit of everything. What's wrong with that? *shrugs*b:chuckle

    Main heal? Pretty sure Mystics are better healers. Cleric's have 100% working purify, better buffs, and BB going for them. -Other than that: Mystic's out heal and out DD them.
    Be kind: Help the GMs to depopulate the servers.
  • Brillance - Raging Tide
    Brillance - Raging Tide Posts: 1,643 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Well I think they do a better job tweakz, we have 3 spells basicly & 1 buff that heals.

    We cant BB, which negates damage. Only our Sally buff negates damage, and the group buff doesnt last very long, as our Vital & Healing herbs (Mystics fake BB) only heal. We dont have a reliable purify.

    When we are main heal we rip through mana spamming break in the clouds, and unless the squad is OP, we really cant do all that much DD cause we are busy spamming break in the clouds.

    Our heals also dont seem to have as much range as a clerics does, which is never more evident than when you are doing Runewulf in FC. We cant preheal either, except for falling petals which does not stack.

    No one has to agree with me if they dont want too, but I still think clerics are the best heals, and allow us to be the best mystics when we have the time, mana, and chi to do what we were designed to do - fully support the squad.

    If Im not using everything while playing my mystic, its just no fun for me. That's just my opinion though. *shrugs*
  • tweakz
    tweakz Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Mystic's are definitely not second rate at everything. People are just ignorant.

    The new BH bosses that get a melee reduction buff also happen to be [?] which means no dmg reduction for our Storm Mistress's range attack. The Nirvana bosses are [?] as well, and with Invigorate; Mystics should be well sought after for Caster Nirvana. We're also one of the most valuable toons to have in Rebirth since we can supplement heal, DD better than a wiz, and tank better than most mages.
    Be kind: Help the GMs to depopulate the servers.
  • EmperiousDX - Archosaur
    EmperiousDX - Archosaur Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Salvation does have two other buffs, use smartly on people that need it. and Aegis Shield cooldown is not all that long to not spam it. Vital and healing herb heal more and faster than BB. The Mock BB mystics have is pretty much as sufficient as cleric's BB once you add in all the factors. Heal rate, dmg reduction etc. In fc even at 85 Aegis took 2 aoes before going away, and was ready when it did go. And that was with me wearing a bunch of **** gear I picked up in various FB's, with only 2.5k hp.

    When healing use petal, ijs does more for healing if you got healing plants out already and allows DD. trying to spam heal everyone with clouds is already a dumb idea. oh and you still have an aoe heal. BTW once you are hit you can put petals back on it stacks after dmg is taken, I've fully healed a full fc just with petals. Well I used aoe heal and clouds a few times.

    Mp isn't a issue if you know what you are doing. I don't even put on rez buffs for FC. you do that and people want to start acting like "Rambo" I'll keep you alive as long as you don't act mildly retarted.

    Now I've played cleric in PWI for almost four years now. Purify is good for low levels and people with terrible gear but in a day where levels and gears are in high commodity, who really needs purify from a boss? In my 80+ day I've healed for lots of FB/BH69 without a cleric and out healed both pole and nobs attacks with their debuff on tanker using just Clouds and Petals, and salvation's buffs on tanker. If you got someone that steals aggro petals gives you a lot of time to switch heals. Clerics do have buffs, oh but I can buy them in my base now. Clerics are great healers, but they really only do have a solid purify over mystics. And a longer sleep. sure you can say IH heals better, but meh Petals is the same thing. But both classes when in the hands of a capable player can keep just about anyone alive.
  • Jeremied - Sanctuary
    Jeremied - Sanctuary Posts: 2,259 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Summing up the thread, both classes are just about equal when played by not-stupid people. b:victory

    With clerics, Mystics can live up to their full potential, great debuffing, massive DDing, and nice heals. IH the tank and throw falling petals on him. WoP and Aegis shield the puller. Mystic throws down healing plants, Cleric debuffs, Cleric heals, Mystic Debuffs and DDs the **** out of whatever the squad is killing. Squad lives, boss doesn't, win.

    Without a cleric, in some squads you're going to be expected to be the cleric. <_< If you wanted to be the cleric, you'd play a cleric, right? You're not a cleric, you're a mystic and you wanna play as one.

    b:chuckle tl;dr There is no better, both have strengths and weaknesses.
    ~Demon as of 5/6/12 - On the night where the moon is closer to the earth and brighter than any other night in the past 18 years.~

    Slow and steady stays alive~ I'm in no rush, I'm enjoying the journey to end game just as it was ment to be. b:victory
    "You sir, are why I love clerics <3" < Liba - Heaven's Tear
    b:thanks Well thank you Liba<3
  • BriarIce - Raging Tide
    BriarIce - Raging Tide Posts: 276 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    The people that annoy me the most are the ones that want to tell my Mystic every move to make. They take a hit and a little damage but want to start complaining about not getting heals and **** like that. "OMG! Put Sally buff on me!" STOP telling me what to do with MY mana already, lol!

    One guy I actually said, "You feeling dead or something?"

    I want a cleric in my squad, and I want that cleric to heal me too. The clerics that want to stand there and see if I can heal the squad annoy the **** out of me. I CAN do it, but thats not the reason I love my Mystic, and if healing was my main focus, I would have rolled a cleric so I could be the best healer in the game.

    Clerics are designed to Main heal, and Mystics are designed to do a little bit of everything. What's wrong with that? *shrugs*b:chuckle

    Haters gonna hate & complainers gonna complain. If they get really obnoxious about it, Im leaving the squad. b:surrender

    I could not have said it any better myself. I have and know I can heal a squad but as my sig says "Not a cleric" as I am tired of being thought of as one. I will actually avoid squads that see me as such, more times than not. I tend to only go in and be the 'healer' of squads out of friendship more than anything else.
    "Karma is a cruel mistress" - Kelley York, Hushed
    Thank you Silvychar, for the gorgeous sig! b:kiss
  • tweakz
    tweakz Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Mystics that whine about being told what to do: As a cleric who paid to make a squad and invited a Mystic to an RB: I don't want you acting as if I'm an insufficient healer when I'm 2nd tier Nirvana +10 & pure mage + the squad mates I've chose have sufficient defense. If I took you on to DD and you want to play healer: b:bye

    I totally understand about being told what to do; however most Mystics, venos, bms, barbs, clerics, etc anymore have no clue how to play their class. It's as if they didn't read a thing, started at where they are, and could give a **** about their squad. BUT when I'm in BB and it's a decent squad: I don't need you planting vit herb, Aegis sphere, etc.

    If you don't want to be told what to do; then don't tell Assassins, aps BMs, etc to not auto attack the new BH bosses. -and have fun with that! Personally if they're too stupid and ignorant by now; I'd kick or abandon. My favorite class atm is Mystic, but people gotta learn.
    Be kind: Help the GMs to depopulate the servers.
  • HardTimes - Lost City
    HardTimes - Lost City Posts: 52 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    I was in a squad recently with 2 clerics. one was tanking the boss. and the other was lvl 4x. the tanking cleric asked the 4x cleric to heal rather then me (lvl68). b:irritated

    (we were taking some nooblets through SP)

    So I droped vital when we started and the boss was dead befor anyone droped below 80%.

    After that the clerics got mad at me for being a "show off" and kicked me from the squad with one boss still to go, (YAY PvP in SP!) so I GF>NV>Thicket an killed the clerics and all the nooblets.

    lucky for me the 'oh so to proud cleric' insisted that they didnt need my res buff before we started. (which was the first time id been in a squad that didnt want it.)

    Then the senior cleric said "haha I get it, now res me so I can kick your ***"
    I curtly responded with "obviously you know next to nothing about mystics, the res buff dosnt work after your dead. thats what clerics are for......oh wait! both the clerics are dead! if only they had accepted when they had the chance"

    This was on a day I was really tired of people telling me mystics where second rate at everything, including PvP. and this situation felt like the perfect opertunity to practice toward my aspired goal to be a great PvP mystic someday.

    EDIT: They really need to update those avatars more often.

    got to love the jack *****. a mystic is not second rate at anything, its the best at what it dose. just like every other class, you cant just replace anyone class. that's why we pick our class we wish to play after all right? b:laugh

    ppl on LC learn having a mystic + cleric squad combo has to be the best things you can have in squad. BB+Vital Herb=<3 its safer, lot less ppl raging over dieing. if ppl want to be stupid and act that way to you thats their problem, they are just making things harder for them self's. i honestly have had more ppl happy that my mystic was in squad then not. like when your in a full gv and the cleric dc, or in nv. for both of those your wanted there bc of your DD power and buffs. but when something bad happens like when cleric die or dc or some one health drop and cleric cant give them that extra heal to save them for what ever reason. THOSE are the kind of moments when ppl will truly love that they have your mystic around. or else the squad would have died and had to start all over, or not even at all. and no one likes that.b:embarrass

    lets face it, being a cleric is stressful job, and i got mad respect those who play one for that. ive been told by my 2 cleric friends they like me in squad with them bc it makes then feel less stressed, even when i dont heal.

    as long as YOU as a player are good with your class, you will always be wanted in any squad b:victory
  • Xx_BeLLa_xX - Harshlands
    Xx_BeLLa_xX - Harshlands Posts: 7,231 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    I don't know why clerics complain about mystic, on my server i personally never see a cleric rage cause a mystic drop vital herb. Vital herb don't make mystic unable to DD, we can call a other plant of our choice and DD, that just make it safer.

    I consider myself as a good cleric, people rarely die in my squad, but of course that can happen, that can be just a moment of lag when my screen froze, i don't have it often but that can happen, sometime some people in squad have very low hp and defense, as cleric i personally wish that more mystic drop vital herb, i don't feel like my job is taken, i just feel more safe.

    As wizard, oh i wish that mystic drop both healing herb same time constantly, the clerics are so bad on my servers, i can die 15 times in one caster due to the lack of heal from the clerics.

    So its the resume i choose to play mystic, i played cleric for 4 years and kinda tired of it and i wanted something new, i loved play wizard, but unfortunately due to the frustration of many unskilled people (clerics) i stopped and i choose mystic, so i'm able to DD while i can save my life if the cleric is bad.

    b:dirty "I **** rainbows and love everyone"-Longknife b:cute
  • theheck0
    theheck0 Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    They created their cleric to heal...THEY ARE the ones that should feel insulted not you...If I have 2 clerics in my squad I focus on DD and mystics are pretty good on that plus healing is boring. #NOTOTHECLERICCOMPLAININGONMYSTICFORUM. And the OP's story is too fake for my taste its clear that the clerics didn't say all that and if they did they were trolls and you were feeding them...In fact I dont even think that squad ever existed.That's just another story to feed the "clerics dont let us heal" thingie. Get over it. You are not a cleric.
  • /eren - Dreamweaver409
    /eren - Dreamweaver409 Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    yay for necro threads :3
  • chaoticshelly
    chaoticshelly Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2012
This discussion has been closed.