Rib Strike on Bishop boss

Geshwur - Raging Tide
Geshwur - Raging Tide Posts: 570 Arc User
edited May 2012 in Assassin
So... I've noticed a lot of people saying they use rib strike on him, and that his purge timing can get screwy, but they don't put the two together...

Rib strike throws the timing of his purge off, however I have heard that if you time it off of when he says something about "let it fade" or something like that, instead of when bishop spawns, it works better.

Anyone can confirm?
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  • Salari - Raging Tide
    Salari - Raging Tide Posts: 2,102 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    When I got to the point I could solo Bishop boss I would always rib striked him out of habbit. Slowing down bosses helped with tanking/solo different bosses. Well who doesnt know that hehe or learn that. But anyway I came to find out it was just wasted time using rib strike on him. Purge is not the problem, the bishops are. Even with around 5k hp he can be tanked with just crabs. Apo and evasion skills are more important on evading the stun from bishops. If you can 3 spark him or less bishops and purge is not an issue, as when you hit your 3rd sparked the first bishop should spawn. Your spark should cover being stunned if you are out of initial spark just hit maze steps or a apo then finish off the boss.

    Maybe will help someone b:bye
    Marine - Marshall - Raging Tides - Retired
    DEMHEALSMAN - Dreamweaver
    Yes, because people really need 900+ dex or 1000+ magic just for the lulz
  • SSCaster - Lost City
    SSCaster - Lost City Posts: 51 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Don't get why you need to rib strike him..

    at 4.0 +7, my sin can solo all of frost (including clearing mobs to big room) in about 45 mins to an hour.
  • Empu - Sanctuary
    Empu - Sanctuary Posts: 1,154 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Anyone can confirm?

    Confirms that rib strike delais casting time of the purge. If you look it up, there is a thread somewhere about "tips on soloing Deindra" where Skai and some others also confirm this.

    When you don't use rib strike, you will resist the purge if you spark as soon as you see the bishop spawn. If you do use rib strike, your immune will be over when he does.

    I always timed my spark on the "let it all fade away" and never had problems. But that doesn't mean that much, when I got a 66% chance to evade it anyway. Plus that I didn't use rib strike on fcc bosses for ages, since I'm sage and don't want the max hp debuff (and kill Deindra before purge anyway now).
  • _Skai_ - Raging Tide
    _Skai_ - Raging Tide Posts: 3,407 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    As Empu said, I can confirm it, as others can as well. It really does make his purge timing off, because even if you do base it on the "let it fade", there's the timing of his sleep that you have to worry about as well, and with his attack rate altered, his sleep timings are off as well. So unless you're completely used to both 50% attack rate reduction and 65% attack rate reduction, I wouldn't suggest rib striking the boss.

    It's even worse when you're a sage sin with sage rib because the max hp decrease will take away from the boss's total exp (this is also confirmed as I've tested it with a sage sin before, and we have Empu here to confirm).

    Another easy to to avoid it is when he says let it fade away, just have a genie with Faith on it, and use Faith when you see that. It will purify all debuffs and make you immune to them (purge included) for 5 seconds.
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  • Geshwur - Raging Tide
    Geshwur - Raging Tide Posts: 570 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    I know how to time without rib, and i know it messes with the timing, the part that I needed confirmation on was "I have heard that if you time it off of when he says something about "let it fade" or something like that, instead of when bishop spawns, it works better." xD

    Ty for that Skai.

    And I was just hoping some others would see this cause I see a lot of questions coming up on forums about him xD. Someone should make a guide to soloing Dread and get it stickied xD. Rofl.

    But yeah x.x I kill him in one spark before purge too most of the time. xD
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