Ideas on a new race+ poll and post your thoughts.

I_Love_Pets - Heavens Tear
I_Love_Pets - Heavens Tear Posts: 246 Arc User
edited June 2012 in General Discussion
I was thinking that if they added a new race they could be considered the fallen or something there would be a melee class which would be capable of using scythes(actual sythes not the crappy pole blades etc) and a similar class to venomancer but different the necromancer here is the take on these 2 classes

Necromancer would be based off fallen clerics who were banished for experimenting with dark magic using its own hp for powerful curses and debuffs and damaging its targets. While being capable of resurrecting monsters they would be capable of spawning primitive sorts as skeletal beings that they could command not like a venomancer though you have the basic option to auto attack and the basic option to defend you or the basic assist attack that way you can't truely control it but it would allow for a fun new twist on an older style also they can if no dying monster is present for summoning use some of their own health to build a coprse to fight for them.

They would get a res based skill different from clerics or mystics their skill would be resurrection not revive and would
give a hp reduction,attack/mag attack, and def/mag def reduction but no exp loss.

They can summon skeletal towers to range hit their foes similar to the new morai looking monsters. They could summon a blob of poisonous stuff to assail targets as well.
cast pestilant diseases at targets causing various status aliments.

Launch poisonous orbs that infect you with poison status and deal damage among other things.

The Scythe based class would be a experimentation of a battle cleric who saw the use of light armor that archers use as a suitable use for melee and magic combination by weilding a 2 handed scythe they could deal incredible melee damage and while standing still use one hand to chant and invoke the spell while stanidng still this IS key otherwise it will just make the spell type thing to overpowered but it can NOT be hit or instantly disrupts as you are a melee class mainly but can cast dark magic an one of them could for instance be a skill where you summon a dark orb and then slam your scythe blade into it launching it at the enemy they would also create strangle based creeping tenderals similar to tentacles that freeze your foe in place giving time to cast spells things like that any ideas and revisions to this thanks.

I will update new ideas and thoughts on skills for this regularly as well.
Dont be fooled by looks.
Even beauty can kill.

also wish they would fix the dam prob with my "join date" its way off>_>
Post edited by I_Love_Pets - Heavens Tear on


  • _Bloody_Fox_ - Sanctuary
    _Bloody_Fox_ - Sanctuary Posts: 993 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Necromancers should be a Wraith Class yo
  • jmlreaper
    jmlreaper Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    i agree with u i was thinking of a similar idea not to long ago it would be nice and cool if they added a sythe race i love scythes
  • bearishidonteven
    bearishidonteven Posts: 119 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    i was thinking ogre magi and troll warlord i dont even...... b:dirty
  • Aedrian - Lost City
    Aedrian - Lost City Posts: 750 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Already lost count of how many times this has been suggested.

    Nah, they have not yet balanced the current classes, and you want to add 5.0 scythe-meisters? I will pass. (Love the reference to Clive Barker, hope someone gets it)
    <"shameless self-bump :D" Alexenokin - Lost City>
    -102% channeling self buffed wizzie, ready to shoot ^.^ (And -107% on Demon Spark, **** refines, I got turbo)

    *WTB: -12~-18% chan stuff, pm me in here or in game for details*

  • Yuna_Sama - Heavens Tear
    Yuna_Sama - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,541 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    I love this idea... Although Necromancers themselves should be the ones wielding the scythes... They's make perfect close-range magic DD's... I'd be so happy if they would ad that... b:pleased And maybe ad another distance physical DD as counterpart for the archers... Gunners with dark bullets or something like that? b:cute
    Veno, Archer & Psychic on Heaven's Tear...
    Also a big fan of Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts, Star Ocean, "Tales of" games, Ys, Zelda, Pokemon & Anime...
    BigHearts member... f:grin
  • Aedrian - Lost City
    Aedrian - Lost City Posts: 750 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Can a mod please move this to the very forgotten-by-god suggestion thread where it belongs?

    Seriously, been suggested before, and we know that devs do not ever read this forum.

    Also GMs, maybe, but, When was the last time that you saw one in a thread like this? A thread like this being taken into consideration?

    Yes, I am bitter, but face it, I speak the truth.
    <"shameless self-bump :D" Alexenokin - Lost City>
    -102% channeling self buffed wizzie, ready to shoot ^.^ (And -107% on Demon Spark, **** refines, I got turbo)

    *WTB: -12~-18% chan stuff, pm me in here or in game for details*

  • mm2000
    mm2000 Posts: 218 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Absolutely not, we have too many classes and too much content with strings attached (bugs and glitches). Most importantly, not another caster please, I already had enough casters on my accounts. If the developers can't balance the game then they should not add any more classes again, no thank you.
  • TJTLegend - Archosaur
    TJTLegend - Archosaur Posts: 102 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    I was thinking that if they added a new race they could be considered the fallen or something there would be a melee class which would be capable of using scythes(actual sythes not the crappy pole blades etc) and a similar class to venomancer but different the necromancer here is the take on these 2 classes

    Necromancer would be based off fallen clerics who were banished for experimenting with dark magic using its own hp for powerful curses and debuffs and damaging its targets. While being capable of resurrecting monsters they would be capable of spawning primitive sorts as skeletal beings that they could command not like a venomancer though you have the basic option to auto attack and the basic option to defend you or the basic assist attack that way you can't truely control it but it would allow for a fun new twist on an older style also they can if no dying monster is present for summoning use some of their own health to build a coprse to fight for them.

    They would get a res based skill different from clerics or mystics their skill would be resurrection not revive and would
    give a hp reduction,attack/mag attack, and def/mag def reduction but no exp loss.

    They can summon skeletal towers to range hit their foes similar to the new morai looking monsters. They could summon a blob of poisonous stuff to assail targets as well.
    cast pestilant diseases at targets causing various status aliments.

    Launch poisonous orbs that infect you with poison status and deal damage among other things.

    The Scythe based class would be a experimentation of a battle cleric who saw the use of light armor that archers use as a suitable use for melee and magic combination by weilding a 2 handed scythe they could deal incredible melee damage and while standing still use one hand to chant and invoke the spell while stanidng still this IS key otherwise it will just make the spell type thing to overpowered but it can NOT be hit or instantly disrupts as you are a melee class mainly but can cast dark magic an one of them could for instance be a skill where you summon a dark orb and then slam your scythe blade into it launching it at the enemy they would also create strangle based creeping tenderals similar to tentacles that freeze your foe in place giving time to cast spells things like that any ideas and revisions to this thanks.

    I will update new ideas and thoughts on skills for this regularly as well.

    This is never going to happen, pwi simply dont care
  • X/GeoProxyX - Harshlands26
    X/GeoProxyX - Harshlands26 Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    A scythe would probably have worse dmg range gap than a poleaxe which would drive me crazy
  • Miugre - Heavens Tear
    Miugre - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,390 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Dude, Pets, you and I both know the last thing they need at this point is new races. Lay off the orange pop, bro. XD (oh and get back on HT)
    Yes, I'm still a stubborn holdout in favor of the old game. Haters gonna hate. ;]

    Other Active Characters:
    LigerKing (Barb), Girasole (BM), Shamsheer (Sin), ArborSoul (Mystic).
  • SerenityCNB - Dreamweaver
    SerenityCNB - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,225 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    They need a healing class that is somewhat tanky, and can get up close and personal...but still do a good job of healing...similiar to paladins in some games and bear shamans in another. This class should be axe wielding, hammer wielding, or sword wielding...or even better have a unique weapon...Not an aps user. It should have good pdef, good healing power that is based off its main attributes...decent evasion, and fairly decent strength. It shouldn't be ultra tanky, but tanky enough to withstand punishment, and healing enough to support a squad.

    Necromancers would be nice, as others have said...but...and to be honest...I feel that PWI will botch necromancers as a pose to how they are in another game that I play. There is also the issue of increased lag, and not clicking on the necromancers minions, and if they do decide to do it, necromancers should be able to summon many minions at once.

    Also, a class that can deal a mixture of ranged and melee attacks would be welcome also. The trees for it should be classified as ranged and melee. (Not quite the range of casters,...but still a good range regardless. Having medium defense would help this class as it has to deal with several different things.

    Just my thoughts on what could be done.

    Oh, and none of these classes should be dependent upon refines either...or aps. They should require skill to maximize their potential.
    "Male Player using female toon. Please don't flirt with me."

    Need to see the cleric guide for questions, comments, or concerns? Just copy and paste the link.

    (Ignore the quotation marks. URL isn't allowed, so I had to do it that way.)
  • zionwarrior
    zionwarrior Posts: 123 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    these classes would not be aps reliant and would actually require skill to do. their dmg would be based off multiple factors for instance the necro would have the dmg from its pets + the dmg it deals + the debuffs+ combination based attacks and such the scythe class would be slow but hit hard and I do mean hard per say enough to stack up to a high end DD not a sin or fist bm granted but they would have more then just that thier scythes would be used more then just for dealing dmg they would cause bleed effect and more things depending on what they did and what skills were used in combination. so a mixture of both melee and mid range DD including their magic for midrange unless you think adding the scythe class into the necromancer class is better then creating a ranged class for combating archers as suggested. mayb snipers (I know thats cliche but what else will you call a ranged evil class) maybe they can do slower attacks but hit harder? and maybe have slightly farther range and no ability to use melee weps this way there will be no use of aps involment this means you need to know how to play your class to survive.

    Oh btw I am the OP this is just my normal nickname since I am bored of using my veno atm.
    Check my older posts by profile I am far older than 2010 I was from beta just got on forums in 2008 otc for the first time.
  • Nana_PL - Raging Tide
    Nana_PL - Raging Tide Posts: 208 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    venos, mystic, seekers with their new morai skill to summon pets now those Necromancers of yours.. way too much. But I like the other idea of using scythes, though I think u should describe the other class in more details cuz u concentrated mainly on the first class which for me is a mare copy of a veno, same as mystic was. But as someone said already.. it will never happen so better give it up. Nice imagination though :D

    "You know, they say when you fall, it's best to fall straight to the bottom. And the further you have to crawl back up, the stronger and greater you will become as a result."
  • Lolgasmic - Raging Tide
    Lolgasmic - Raging Tide Posts: 1,315 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Well I was going to make a Diablo 3 reference.... You know, like be all mean and tempt more players on-the-fence to finally ditch this game.

    But then I thought.... Hell. Literally hell.

    Angel and Demon. A race called Celestials, or maybe (Fallen) Angels. Angel could be a new type of healer, or a melee based class, not sure where to go with it from there. Demon can be like the Necromancer from Diablo 2, basically.

    ...... or maybe i should just go and buy diablo 2 again... cause my brother lost the CDs and key for the original diablo 2 we had... b:surrender

    P.S. i made the post before even reading the OP, i thought the title said to suggest a new race Lol i need to go to sleep...
    Barbarian 103 - 101 - 101
    Started playing on March 2010
  • _Kiyomi_ - Raging Tide
    _Kiyomi_ - Raging Tide Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Nah, they have not yet balanced the current classes, and you want to add 5.0 scythe-meisters?

    I agree here 100%
    Before adding any more new classes they need to fix the balance in the old ones first.

    Siggy by Bellefleurs <3 Ty dear I love it!
  • MrBeBo - Heavens Tear
    MrBeBo - Heavens Tear Posts: 99 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    I'm sorry but this sounds like the Earthguards already... the necromancer uses "pets" and has a res. (which mystics do)

    and the "scythe class" uses magic and melee... which seekers do. this is just a copy of the earthguard expansion in my opinion
  • zionwarrior
    zionwarrior Posts: 123 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    The question was more along the lines of whether or not to create a class that was LA or HA and make it similar to a necromancer but the pets are more DD oriented not tank based so you use them as a supplement rather then as a primary source of tanking and DD you yourself would be the tank and your pets would be a source of DD along with your dmg mystics are not a tanking class they never will be their pets are not as strong as a venos but they serve a similar role the pets for this class would be entirely just for DD purposes but be with minimal hp so they die if they get aggro or you would sacrifice them for DD in an explosion or something. As for the scythe class I don't have to many concrete idea's on what we would do with that yet still trying to flesh it out.
    as to the claim that its like a veno nothing is like a veno that class is its own as for a mystic the class uses a supplemental tank style but not ever a primary solo based tank class and their res is b4 you die this type would be a res based for after you die but has a fast cast and is ment more like a only if you really need it type since its a dark art type of resurrection. It isnt a "nice" form of res like a cleric or mystic and only clerics get a 100% exp restoration an thats at sage or demon this would be a lvl 1 skill with 100% rather a lot of differences.
    Check my older posts by profile I am far older than 2010 I was from beta just got on forums in 2008 otc for the first time.
  • seitori
    seitori Posts: 1,328 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    I was thinking that if they added a new race they could be considered the fallen or something

    b:chuckle__I was thinking that if they were to bring in another race, that they should make a {Evil Wraithbourne Playable Race} and that they should make (Realistic classes) for it, that would be believable in their (effective status) on the game; SO I think that the (two class types) for it would best be:

    1=The Greedy (Corrupt) Administrator Class:

    Who's Combat skills, would be a 'Plethora' of (Anti-Effect) 'Everything' Attack Skills!~
    Since Everything that this known type of (Real Life) Character has Already Shown to us, have already always been Countered by their Own Mighty Powers, Too this Date. As Even their own (Promises & Assurances) have Proven to Always Fall Victim Too, aswell as the 'Hopes & Beliefs' of others..... Ov^'......"

    And the Dual Skills of 'Nigh-Omnipotent' {Disconnect & Obliviousness} Defense Powers~
    As a Type of battery of Invulnerability (Defense Skills) Against which Effectively ~ (All the other skills) of all other {Players, NPCs & Mobs} are Void!! Including the Almighty Ability to 'Ignore Reality' & even 'Negate (Reasonability & Responsibility!) "That can be (Cast & Used) while Sacrificing Varying Amounts of 'Other Peoples Monies' (just like how Potions are used.. ^v^') To Activate these incredible (defensive skills) for varying lengths of time "Always Depending on the Varying Amounts of (Coin & Cash) Sacrificed in the game though" (Or just for the greater good of the Bottom Line & the All Mighty Dollar!) As they've already Used in Reality (To the likes of which, that they've already used to such levels as too Leave Us All Breathless & in Eternal Awe of!) With their 'Divine like ~ Gifts & Powers' of (Greed & Corruption)..........

    And the.......b:pleased

    2=The Rhabid 'CSing' (Snot-Nosed & Simpering!) GOLD Glitcher Class (Aka.~Useless Egotistical PLEEBs Class):

    Whose {Adrenalized Tantrums & Insepid Arrogance!} Come in only 2nd! Too their Most Legendary of Abilities! The ability of Getting Caught '(MULTI-Count-Breaking!?) all Rules & Laws' of the
    {ToS}; and yet still somehow being able to escape all 'Damage and Punishment' UnToUcHeD??!!! By Their Own use of MaGiCaL COINing Powers? ?_?' (and Whining of course!) To Smooth Over?! just about anything thats ever come their Way?! (Skill levels & Effects: should be dependent on the amount of Money used & infused into This Game, in real life for this class..)


    A Repulsion skill, which they can use too drive away all other 'Mobs and Other Players' permanently! From the Fields of Glory & Battle!! Too prevent themselves from ever having had to prove that they have Ever Earned Themselves a Place at the Top! Unlike all those other Players who proved their worth in Hard fought Questing Combat & Grinding, through all the Sweat & Tears (In-game) to gain the real skills in the fields.....

    Annoyance of Ineptness~ A Skill which to put it quite simply, is the real life 'Comic relief skill' of showing everyone else, Exactly how much They Suck! When it comes to actually 'Not Knowing' How too play their characters (at all) when it comes to Debuff skills!!! (Who knows, maybe if they {Critstrike that skill} the Mobs of any levels including 'World Bosses' will be able to Fall over & DiE LAUGHING!!!! At Them....^o^' HEHEHEeheee

    And last but not least the skills of:

    Sensational SquadWipe!~
    So that they can choose! When to Kill the Rest of Their Squadmates "In which they squad with" at any time that they wish!! (So they can save the Rest of Us from having too Wait For their 'Failing & ineptness' To get us at a important time in conlict against Bosses; "Might as well do it fast! Cause we all got Better things to do with our Times, rather then waste it with them....)

    And Finally the last skill:

    Absolute (Overkill & Extinction) Skill~
    A skill so terrifying!! That Everyone but them and the Admins, will be afraid of!! For when they continue too Use this attack skill (Continuously!) too Make This Game Completely EXTINCT!!!! Leaving only {THEM} and the {ADMINs} still 'Online On the Game' and Alive & Kicking, to prove their Self Worth's Quirks! "Atleast to Themselves, So they can go on feeling like they were worth something.."........b:laugh
