Best players of their class

catshop177 Posts: 26 Arc User
edited May 2012 in Etherblade (West)
who r they on this server?
Post edited by catshop177 on


  • Drama - Lothranis
    Drama - Lothranis Posts: 67 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    Barb : Pcity
    Veno : (idk any fail venos)
    Assassin : XxNccxX
    Psy: Hite
    Cleric: (PinkMe's Wife)
    Archer: Soochi (trololo)
    Seeker : PinkME
    Mystic: (4got his/her name , 101 partial r9 )
    BM: Probably a fail bm from BloodDynasty
    Wizard: _Cursed

    (Notice: I am trolling on some of them)
  • Mac_Ceht - Archosaur
    Mac_Ceht - Archosaur Posts: 59 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    Barb: Accident
    Veno: _Mizandry (she pretty much quit tho)
    BM: Shimizau
    Wizard: _CurseD (i never get his name right)
    Assassin: Metridium
    Psychic: Emancipation
    Archer: PulseOfHell
    Cleric: Yasnani
    Mystic: Praxalis
    Seeker: AeonChild

    (most will prolly disagree with me but this is out of personal experience with the lot of them.....sooo yeah lol)
    "Everyone Is entitled to their own opinion, its just that yours is bad"
  • Godzirra - Archosaur
    Godzirra - Archosaur Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    Here's a suggestion - go use the search function and look up the other 100 threads of this subject.
  • XCableX - Archosaur
    XCableX - Archosaur Posts: 1,338 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    Here's a suggestion - go use the search function and look up the other 100 threads of this subject.

    Those threads are old. We need new popularity thread xD : XCableX's TW videos : Current BM Build for TW
  • Godzirra - Archosaur
    Godzirra - Archosaur Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    Not like a whole lot has changed in those lists in the short life of Archosaur. Plus, these are only opinion-oriented. So no one's list will be right - just only to them.
  • XCableX - Archosaur
    XCableX - Archosaur Posts: 1,338 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    Idk, pretty much a year has been through since I've started playing again. Would like an update. ;P : XCableX's TW videos : Current BM Build for TW
  • Azmerah - Archosaur
    Azmerah - Archosaur Posts: 42 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    I remember back when my name was mentioned as one of the best im just a noob Q__Q

    ps marry me?
  • XCableX - Archosaur
    XCableX - Archosaur Posts: 1,338 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    I remember back when my name was mentioned as one of the best im just a noob Q__Q

    ps marry me?

    To my recollection, you weren't up there. b:shocked : XCableX's TW videos : Current BM Build for TW
  • Azmerah - Archosaur
    Azmerah - Archosaur Posts: 42 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    Lies i was mentioned on the old list!!!!!!!!! go look =p
  • XCableX - Archosaur
    XCableX - Archosaur Posts: 1,338 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    Lies i was mentioned on the old list!!!!!!!!! go look =p

    No, find it for me. : XCableX's TW videos : Current BM Build for TW
  • XCableX - Archosaur
    XCableX - Archosaur Posts: 1,338 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    Ah I see.

    Second link I saw your post and I was like... it doesn't count if you vote yourself... then I scroll down, oh der it is! : XCableX's TW videos : Current BM Build for TW
  • _CurseD - Archosaur
    _CurseD - Archosaur Posts: 180 Arc User
    edited March 2012

    Best PK Barb= TEDDY
    Best Cata Barb= lots of great cata barbs ^^
    Best Pve Barb= i dont know ^^


    Best PK Cleric= superheal and king jack
    Best TW Cleric= cleric that buffs and IH me
    Best Pve Cleric= i dont knowww


    Best PK Seeker= Sympathi
    Best TW Seeker= Sympathi he solod a TW ^^
    Best PVE Seeker= Sympathi he solod PVE tw ^^


    Best PK BM= SK_Takeuchi
    Best TW BM= SK_Takeuchi
    Best PVE BM= i dont knowww


    Best PK Wizard= Me
    Best TW Wizard = lots of good tw wizards with different play styles ^^
    Best PVE Wizard = i dont knowwwww


    Best PK Sin= Met diz elecmon. roxas too ^^
    Best TW Sin= met diz elecmon
    Best PVE SIN= all that can 3ple spark


    Best PK Psychic= DAi
    Best TW Psychic= Dai Eman Niss lots of good in TWs
    Best PVE Psychic= i dont knowwww


    Best PK Mystic= what is mystic?
    Best TW Mystic= the one who heals the crystal
    Best PVE Mystic= i dont knowwww


    Best PK Archer= PULSE
    Best PK Archer = PULSE
    Best PVE Archer= i dont knowwwww


    Best PK Venomancer = i dont knowwww
    Best TW Venomancer = venos that purgeeeee ^^
    Best PVE Venomancer = i dont knowwwww

    i just copy paste from different post lol b:victory
  • Guilewulf - Archosaur
    Guilewulf - Archosaur Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    not to sharp shoot you all but the best by stat are on the web main web site updated every 24 hrs.

    Unless you mean your asking for oppions taking in to account things out side stat facts?
  • XCableX - Archosaur
    XCableX - Archosaur Posts: 1,338 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    not to sharp shoot you all but the best by stat are on the web main web site updated every 24 hrs.

    Unless you mean your asking for oppions taking in to account things out side stat facts?

    If you're talking about kill stats... then that's a whole different matter.

    Like every other thread, it's based on people's own views or opinions on how they see certain people and how they play. Heck, it's even sometimes played on favoritism. I would gladly add to this thread if I PK'd more or TW'd a bit more to see whose good and all. Fortunately, now I get to see the Ascend members in action to finally give an opinion about their players listed by some people.

    P.S. LawyerMystic, I'm waiting for you to put me up there as Blademaster. I remember that conversation we had before map reset. b:cute : XCableX's TW videos : Current BM Build for TW
  • Fissile - Archosaur
    Fissile - Archosaur Posts: 607 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    Anyone but me, I'm a total noob.
  • XCableX - Archosaur
    XCableX - Archosaur Posts: 1,338 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    Anyone but me, I'm a total noob.

    No way b:cute : XCableX's TW videos : Current BM Build for TW
  • BLOODMYSTIC - Archosaur
    BLOODMYSTIC - Archosaur Posts: 1,842 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    Those threads are old. We need new popularity thread xD

    We clearly define "need" differently, ijs . . . .
    P.S. LawyerMystic, I'm waiting for you to put me up there as Blademaster. I remember that conversation we had before map reset. b:cute

    I am not sure what that conversation entailed, but in terms of "putting you up" anywhere, I'd have to actually notice you in TW.

    Oh, snap - that's right, I said it.

    Come at meh, bro!
    "And as for bragging, I don't need to brag. I am famous, yo. My accomplishments are legendary. I am BLOODMYSTIC, speaker of truth, bane of the Barbarians of Impulse, slayer of the **** of Narla, liberator of all the free peoples of the Archosaur server, former master propagandist for our leader in freedom, Proski, and Archtroll of the PWI Forums. And now? Amiable pve wizard, beloved by all, aka BLUEMYSTIC. Pleased to make your acquaintance."
  • Harlyu - Archosaur
    Harlyu - Archosaur Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    I love how us Venos are so rare these days that noone even knows one to put forward for this lol
  • IICupCakeII - Archosaur
    IICupCakeII - Archosaur Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited May 2012


    Best PK BM= SK_Takeuchi < sobrang adik
    Best TW BM= SK_Takeuchi
    Best PVE BM= i dont knowww


    Best PK Wizard= <Edited>Me <<MAS sobrang adik
    Best TW Wizard = lots of good tw wizards with different play styles ^^
    Best PVE Wizard = i dont knowwwww


    Best PK Psychic= <Edited> MeXyCan , Dai and so On.
    Best TW Psychic= MeXyCan Dai Eman Niss lots of good in TWs b:laugh
    Best PVE Psychic= i dont knowwww


    Best PK Venomancer = i dont knowwww
    Best TW Venomancer = venos that purgeeeee ^^ < i know alot of
    venos that purge *with no name*
    Best PVE Venomancer = i dont knowwwww

    i just copy paste from different post lol b:victory

    nyahahah b:shutup bite me.
  • Pingfu - Archosaur
    Pingfu - Archosaur Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    I'm not on the list anymoreb:cry