Requesting PWI to stop giving monetary rewards

TwinDreams - Harshlands
TwinDreams - Harshlands Posts: 90 Arc User
edited May 2012 in General Discussion
This is with reference to the most recent event:

I would sincerely wish PWI would stop giving monetary rewards, because it worsen the economy by adding on to the already bad inflation. There is not enough coin sink in this game, yet PWI still add in more and more coins into the game. BH, TW, Tokens, Best Luck are some examples.

Having one event that adds 350m to the server may not be much. But if this trend continues and every event starts giving monetary rewards, it will worsen.

Simply put, while PWI rewards cashshopper who bought their r9 with more coins, the rest of the server suffers from the devaluing of the coins they are holding.

Please update and make use of the event gold system, its called "event gold" for a reason, but other than giving demon/sage card for charging real gold, I seldom see it being used as reward for events.

[For those who dont understand why it cause inflation: if you imagine everyone in your server is given 1bil for free, do you think prices of things like token of luck will continue to stay at this price?]
Post edited by TwinDreams - Harshlands on


  • Deadalus - Harshlands
    Deadalus - Harshlands Posts: 546 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    i cant remember the last event, where they gave out excitement or ectasy cards?

    Last few events i remember was like.. mount rewards.. flyer or even real life things like a keyboard or a barbarian statue b:pleased

    No? b:bye
  • WnbTank - Archosaur
    WnbTank - Archosaur Posts: 1,472 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    PWE finally puts decent rewards on event and there`s QQ bout it, give me a break. Does these rewards have their own problems? Obviously yes but are the problems as major as you describe? No. I for one am glad reward is something good instead of the usual all class pets/maiden kiss chest bs.

    Ps. kitty needs his 10m.
    Trolling Sid since So Hot :o
  • Sizzer - Raging Tide
    Sizzer - Raging Tide Posts: 2,387 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    This is with reference to the most recent event:

    I would sincerely wish PWI would stop giving monetary rewards, because it worsen the economy by adding on to the already bad inflation. There is not enough coin sink in this game, yet PWI still add in more and more coins into the game. BH, TW, Tokens, Best Luck are some examples.

    Having one event that adds 350m to the server may not be much. But if this trend continues and every event starts giving monetary rewards, it will worsen.

    Simply put, while PWI rewards cashshopper who bought their r9 with more coins, the rest of the server suffers from the devaluing of the coins they are holding.

    Please update and make use of the event gold system, its called "event gold" for a reason, but other than giving demon/sage card for charging real gold, I seldom see it being used as reward for events.

    [For those who dont understand why it cause inflation: if you imagine everyone in your server is given 1bil for free, do you think prices of things like token of luck will continue to stay at this price?]
    After so many ages i found pwi giving one of the best events in game , Don't QQ if u can't make it, btw cube of fate , just depends on ur fate not who Cs'ed more , who didn't thank you .
    Dream a dream of a life so new, One brimming with potential,
    Of starting again, leaving all behind, Only happiness is essential. b:victory
    Thanks Silvy for the siggy, You are the best ! b:kiss
  • Traz - Dreamweaver
    Traz - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,843 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    This is with reference to the most recent event:

    I would sincerely wish PWI would stop giving monetary rewards, because it worsen the economy by adding on to the already bad inflation. There is not enough coin sink in this game, yet PWI still add in more and more coins into the game. BH, TW, Tokens, Best Luck are some examples.

    Having one event that adds 350m to the server may not be much. But if this trend continues and every event starts giving monetary rewards, it will worsen.

    Simply put, while PWI rewards cashshopper who bought their r9 with more coins, the rest of the server suffers from the devaluing of the coins they are holding.

    Please update and make use of the event gold system, its called "event gold" for a reason, but other than giving demon/sage card for charging real gold, I seldom see it being used as reward for events.

    [For those who dont understand why it cause inflation: if you imagine everyone in your server is given 1bil for free, do you think prices of things like token of luck will continue to stay at this price?]

    You must really really hate packs then.
    BladedZero - Sanctuary
    "Also I don't think actually playing through the game helps your skill either."

    -And we wonder why this game has gone to hell b:cute
  • maocchi
    maocchi Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    There is not enough coin sink in this game

    You have obviously never tried to reroll Nirvana weapons or tried ring engraving then.
  • Fail_BM - Raging Tide
    Fail_BM - Raging Tide Posts: 929 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Because 1/5 mill to a few players is enough to inflate economyb:chuckle
  • NirvShopz - Harshlands
    NirvShopz - Harshlands Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    yeah cuz cash shoppers really wait for this event and a 5m bonus would most likely make them clime mountains to get the prize b:laugh . but hey u have thumbs up for a QQ about an event that 99.99% of the non cs appreciates it.
  • Angel_Spawn - Sanctuary
    Angel_Spawn - Sanctuary Posts: 3,034 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    If you put it this way, BH rewards are the biggest problem (Excitement card, Ecstasy card) but I guess prices have already hit the peak and not likely they will go any higher, besides game is already screwed up beyond repair, let`s just watch it sink even deeper.
  • StabbyCakes - Heavens Tear
    StabbyCakes - Heavens Tear Posts: 195 Arc User
    edited May 2012
  • TwinDreams - Harshlands
    TwinDreams - Harshlands Posts: 90 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    maocchi wrote: »
    You have obviously never tried to reroll Nirvana weapons or tried ring engraving then.

    Compared to amount of coins being pumped in, the current coin sink options are negligible. And if im not wrong, rerolling nirvana weapon consumes raptures and not coins. Buying items from another player and using that item is not a coin sink.

    Because 1/5 mill to a few players is enough to inflate economy

    Please re-read the post paragraph 2. 350m is nothing if its just one event. But if every events in future uses monetary rewards, it is not "nothing" anymore.
    NirvShopz wrote:
    yeah cuz cash shoppers really wait for this event and a 5m bonus would most likely make them clime mountains to get the prize . but hey u have thumbs up for a QQ about an event that 99.99% of the non cs appreciates it.

    I dont know how u derive 99.99%. Please enlighten me.
    Read the comments in that "Cube of Fate Friday" post. What I've implied is people are QQ-ing about how the better geared pk-ers have advantage in this event etc. This is my source.

    I love the comprehension skill level of people in this forum. I am totally not QQ-ing about this event. I appreciate it in fact. At least we know PWE still care about their players by having more events to spice up the game. What I dont like is the beginning of a trend to give out coins as rewards.
  • TwinDreams - Harshlands
    TwinDreams - Harshlands Posts: 90 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    i cant remember the last event, where they gave out excitement or ectasy cards?

    Last few events i remember was like.. mount rewards.. flyer or even real life things like a keyboard or a barbarian statue b:pleased

    No? b:bye

    Agreed. And I hope they stay like that, giving mount rewards, flyers, real life stuff etc. Or at least use the event gold for events. The last thing i want to see is every event in future (not the past) giving ecstacy cards and excitement cards, or even 10mil big notes, because coins motivate people to participate in events the most.
  • Aquireis - Lost City
    Aquireis - Lost City Posts: 143 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Wow hard to believe someone is QQing that PWI is trying to mix things up with a event for fun. Sure it looks bad but its not like this is going to be daily or something. I like the idea for it. Give's people all a pretty fair chance to win some money.
    All generalizations are false, including this one.
  • J_Voorhees - Heavens Tear
    J_Voorhees - Heavens Tear Posts: 100 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Ehm economy has been stable for cpl months now, how do u come up with the thought we got inflation? infact most stuff gets cheaper and cheaper, since there is more and more of those things around. most skills that have been worth a **** ton
    ( lets take Demon Amplify Damage for venos have been worth about 25-30 mil coins. nowadays you can consider yourself lucky if you can find a buyer at 18 mil coins same for TT goldmats, they costed a fortune now not worth much anymore)

    Goldprices didnt change after the prices went back to normal after that huge blow out sale in December. and a lot more money came into game.

    Only the stuff for really high endgame becomes more expensive ( JosD and those shards ) and thats about it.

    I do not see much Inflation going on lately, tho infact goldprices should raise at some point. i figured they would now at least be at 1.8 mil per gold but i was wrong.

    Those few more million coins is nothing compared to those at least 200 tobl coming into the game every day.
  • PotatoHeadQR - Dreamweaver
    PotatoHeadQR - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,507 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Compared to amount of coins being pumped in, the current coin sink options are negligible. And if im not wrong, rerolling nirvana weapon consumes raptures and not coins. Buying items from another player and using that item is not a coin sink.

    by all means, show us your statistics.
    especially the part that shows that 350mil is a huge amount of money (even on weekly basics or even daily) compared to the rewards of bh1.
    you only purge once #yopo
  • Vyvyan - Dreamweaver
    Vyvyan - Dreamweaver Posts: 323 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    I swear if they gave away free R9 to anyone that could wear it, people would b*tch. The amount of monetary reward they are giving away is insignificant.
  • Hazumi_chan - Sanctuary
    Hazumi_chan - Sanctuary Posts: 1,264 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    I think it's a very nice change tbh. Not to mention it's also a small coin sink already to get there XD a LOT of people will be killed, charms will be completely ***** in pk-enabled rooms, etc xD
  • XxZavxX - Raging Tide
    XxZavxX - Raging Tide Posts: 603 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Its not like you are having to accept austerity measures to compete in this event.
  • MagicEmpress - Lost City
    MagicEmpress - Lost City Posts: 795 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    After so many ages i found pwi giving one of the best events in game , Don't QQ if u can't make it, btw cube of fate , just depends on ur fate not who Cs'ed more , who didn't thank you .

    OP has got to be smoking something.
    This is the best thing to happen to PWI in ages.
    We are already planning 10 man squads for the Friday night cube run.

    I only wish they take my advise and make it every Friday (Cube Friday) and 2x every Sunday.

    Pan Gu created the Perfect World in six days and on the seventh day he made 2x! b:laugh
  • MagicEmpress - Lost City
    MagicEmpress - Lost City Posts: 795 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    I swear if they gave away free R9 to anyone that could wear it, people would b*tch. The amount of monetary reward they are giving away is insignificant.

    It's the fun of linking the 5 mil card in world chat and gloating over all those you PKed to get it!
  • Nowitsawn - Heavens Tear
    Nowitsawn - Heavens Tear Posts: 4,864 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    maocchi wrote: »
    You have obviously never tried to reroll Nirvana weapons or tried ring engraving then.

    You obviously don't know what a coin sink is.
  • J_Voorhees - Heavens Tear
    J_Voorhees - Heavens Tear Posts: 100 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    You obviously don't know what a coin sink is.

    i thought about the same lmao

    Coin sink = a way to make coins dissappear and not let it go from 1 person to another.

    - Coin sink would be if teleport costs will be adjusted by lvls f.e. first few lvls it is free, and then they rise with each lvl up by a certain amount.

    - Greater repair bills.

    - Let TT craftings cost some coin and dont charge a little amount for decomposing.

    - Sharding could be more expensive aswell :)

    - Taxes for merchants ( like ah 2% per sold and/or bought item from a catshop)

    - Safety Lock shall cost some coin ( lets say you have to buy it as a buff and it wears off when you die or log off for more than an hour, just like Guardian Scrolls yet different )

    - Entering Cube of Fate should cost some coin and not just a Duty Badge

    - Entering Nirvana should cost some coins ( like lunar )

    - RB could cost some coin

    - FF shall cost 1.5 mil to open it ( would keep people from plvl)

    - Opening TT should cost some coin aswell

    - Any BH / FB should cost something unless you got some1 inside the Squad who got the Call to Duty tabs

    That is about what i can think of right now.
  • DEMHEALSMAN - Dreamweaver
    DEMHEALSMAN - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,396 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    i thought about the same lmao

    Coin sink = a way to make coins dissappear and not let it go from 1 person to another.

    - Coin sink would be if teleport costs will be adjusted by lvls f.e. first few lvls it is free, and then they rise with each lvl up by a certain amount.

    - Greater repair bills.

    - Let TT craftings cost some coin and dont charge a little amount for decomposing.

    - Sharding could be more expensive aswell :)

    - Taxes for merchants ( like ah 2% per sold and/or bought item from a catshop)

    - Safety Lock shall cost some coin ( lets say you have to buy it as a buff and it wears off when you die or log off for more than an hour, just like Guardian Scrolls yet different )

    - Entering Cube of Fate should cost some coin and not just a Duty Badge

    - Entering Nirvana should cost some coins ( like lunar )

    - RB could cost some coin

    - FF shall cost 1.5 mil to open it ( would keep people from plvl)

    - Opening TT should cost some coin aswell

    - Any BH / FB should cost something unless you got some1 inside the Squad who got the Call to Duty tabs

    That is about what i can think of right now.
    So basicly you want every daily thing you can do to cost money?
    No. b:laugh
    Well, maybe later, semi-retired.
  • Nowitsawn - Heavens Tear
    Nowitsawn - Heavens Tear Posts: 4,864 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    So basicly you want every daily thing you can do to cost money?
    No. b:laugh

    I wouldn't like to see that either. I mean, look at what the fee on opening Lunar Glade turned it into...

    Instead of more coin sinks, maybe they should remove things that unnecessarily inject coins into the economy. For example;

    You can trade 2 Tokens of Best Luck for 10mil cash. Why? They could have a use in getting certain other items if they would drop in value, but that's basically hard capped at 5 mil now. Wedding packs for 75 mil each, anyone?

    You can NPC normal tokens of luck for 9999 coins each (trade them for wines and exchange those for triumph money). Tokens only dropped below the 10k mark during the biggest pack sale ever, so they're usually worth more than 10k. So why is this option even there?

    Bounty Hunter quests give out excitement/ecstasy cards. Now I'm all in for good rewards for doing BH, but I don't think it has to be cash money. What about Chrono Pages? Lower grade Dragon Orbs? There are enough items that they could possibly replace the cash reward with.

    Cash reward for holding a territory. Same as above, it's a good thing to have a reward for holding a territory, but it doesn't have to be cash money. Instead of cash they could change it into... I don't know? Mirage Celestones?
    I kid, I kid... but something like General Summer's Tokens would probably work.
  • truekossy
    truekossy Posts: 7,021 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    That last part made me cringe. Don't even joke about that. Dx

    The triumph money bit is because waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay back when it was actually a fairly nice reward from wedding packs. Granted nowadays it's obsolete, but plenty of obsolete things in this game continue to be untouched.