Marriage Quest NOT FIXED!



  • Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Seeking Tessa at nameless isle...after killing the giant spider...and go to turn into last npc to receive the reward....the npc disappeared on us.

    -We both have 17 or less quests in log
    -both above lvl 87
    -I am suspecting maybe the nix glitch where look thru wings of nix to see chars naked might have something to do with it....idk...nix got there first before I could click the npc and it disappeared for us Both. ...and relogging doesn't make the npc reappear at all.

    EDIT: seems going out of Mini map range, then heading back to npc, solved it for Me. But seconds after I clicked to get the reward before I could head off the island the npc disappeared as I turned around o.o
  • Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    This quest is still bugged. We got the letter in Quest Items but nothing else happens. Twice now, I've logged on in the morning to find the unfinished quest in Repeatable. Here we are over a year down the line and this still isn't fixed? Sheesh
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2012
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