What partner for seeker?

MagnumMystic - Raging Tide
MagnumMystic - Raging Tide Posts: 26 Arc User
edited April 2012 in Seeker
Title explains everything. My best friends are lvl 95 seeker,101 sin and i got lvl 91 mystic. However i hate mystics since last month, i dont know why but im so bored. And i decided roll a new character. However, i would like to benefit him too. I will make a poll and please vote :P
Some players are out of poll since i dont like them.
Btw i want do fc easily and fast with the seeker,trials (the 101 sin got a faction with base), delta, nirvy and bh100.
I am asking here since my best friends are seeker and sin, However i will solo fc etc with the seeker.
Post edited by MagnumMystic - Raging Tide on


  • Sympathi - Archosaur
    Sympathi - Archosaur Posts: 623 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    In terms of what i think is the best duo partner for a Seeker, its Assassin hands down. There isn't really anything them 2 classes cant do together (assuming both are relatively good geared) they can pretty much tap into any market worth something right now

    From the choices you listed i think Blademaster would be the best duo partner choice. You could easily level and make money from power-leveling in FFC or PV (and the new upcoming PV too) aswell as farm somewhat effectively with Assassin buffs.
    :: Youtube.com/YCEvenix :: Seeker PvP, PvE and TW Videos
  • crameal
    crameal Posts: 86 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    In terms of what i think is the best duo partner for a Seeker, its Assassin hands down. There isn't really anything them 2 classes cant do together (assuming both are relatively good geared) they can pretty much tap into any market worth something right now

    From the choices you listed i think Blademaster would be the best duo partner choice. You could easily level and make money from power-leveling in FFC or PV (and the new upcoming PV too) aswell as farm somewhat effectively with Assassin buffs.

    i know right i had a lvl 23 seeker and i met a lvl 22 sin and we lvled all the way to lvl 32 together and we did the culti
  • breeeezy87
    breeeezy87 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    Wiz or psy, sins are useless with seekers other than giving bp, they're already too much of a solo class to have a partner and no seeker skills benefit sins the way they do other classes. Psy + seeker both have useful debuffs which benefit each other. BM is useless to a seeker.. HF meh and already enough phy def. In TW matchup a caster + seeker and will have far more fun and success than with an aps solo the world char. I'd make a psy to play with the seeker or just stick with the mystic and lvl it to 100 and gear up.
  • Sympathi - Archosaur
    Sympathi - Archosaur Posts: 623 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    breeeezy87 wrote: »
    Wiz or psy, sins are useless with seekers other than giving bp, they're already too much of a solo class to have a partner and no seeker skills benefit sins the way they do other classes. Psy + seeker both have useful debuffs which benefit each other. BM is useless to a seeker.. HF meh and already enough phy def. In TW matchup a caster + seeker and will have far more fun and success than with an aps solo the world char. I'd make a psy to play with the seeker or just stick with the mystic and lvl it to 100 and gear up.

    go duo PV or FCC Seeker and Psychic in under 30 mins and sell the instance for 2m+ please b:chuckle

    Thought so.
    :: Youtube.com/YCEvenix :: Seeker PvP, PvE and TW Videos
  • Maelael - Heavens Tear
    Maelael - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,497 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    breeeezy87 wrote: »
    Wiz or psy, sins are useless with seekers other than giving bp, they're already too much of a solo class to have a partner and no seeker skills benefit sins the way they do other classes. Psy + seeker both have useful debuffs which benefit each other. BM is useless to a seeker.. HF meh and already enough phy def. In TW matchup a caster + seeker and will have far more fun and success than with an aps solo the world char. I'd make a psy to play with the seeker or just stick with the mystic and lvl it to 100 and gear up.

    This one post just cast to your credibility in the trash - Welcome to GallaxTown. You did not even mention the actual instance that the Psy/Seeker duo works well. Since you may have ate paint chips as a kid I'll simplify - You're wrong. kthx.

    To the OP: If you have a steady supply of BP, go with a BM. If you don't, go with Sin.
    pwcalc.com/bb6fc16982637a5c / pwcalc.com/28948ee5778526f5
  • MagnumMystic - Raging Tide
    MagnumMystic - Raging Tide Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    i would like to include that i hate sins. I cant afford them 1st reasons and 2nd i want use skills too and sin skills are just stupid. Only usefull for their stuns on pvp. + I mentioned bm,wiz,psy for their nice aoe. Then i said cleric since i can heal him and it will help on trials. However i dont know how much i will enjoy healing.
  • Maelael - Heavens Tear
    Maelael - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,497 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    Then i said cleric since i can heal him and it will help on trials. However i dont know how much i will enjoy healing.

    Trials for clerics:

    Trial 1: BB the whole time, move 5-6 times.
    Trial 2: AFK and/or BB the whole time, move twice.
    Trial 3: BB the whole time, move 4 times.
    Trial 4: Lane: BB the whole time, move 2-3 times. Center: BB the whole time, never move.
    Trial 5: BB the whole time. Move about 6-10 times.
    Trial 6: Go do something else while the suckers do this annoying quest. Heal from afar or BB the whole time on the boss.
    Trial 7: Run around a kill stuff on the carnival ride, BB the whole time for boss.
    Trial 8: Move 9 times, BB in the rooms, BB or aoe heal on the way out.
    Trial 9: BB the whole time, move twice.

    Recommendation: If you make a cleric, have a second character you can play while BBing. I know plenty of people who dual box their clerics and do something more interesting than watch people play. I also know some clerics who enjoy the BB and watch role as well - usually they entertain us through harassment while were killin stuff.

    Go try a BM if you dislike sins. You get APS and Skills. Really the only thing you're gonna successfully "Duo" with a Seeker and Psy/Wizzie is WGTM.
    pwcalc.com/bb6fc16982637a5c / pwcalc.com/28948ee5778526f5
  • breeeezy87
    breeeezy87 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    go duo PV or FCC Seeker and Psychic in under 30 mins and sell the instance for 2m+ please b:chuckle

    Thought so.

    PV is easy to solo let a alone duo, 3-4 pulls and aoe.. like anyone does it anyway. Why would i want to duo FCC to sell? (could easily duo with psy in under 30mins only takes 45mins to solo as it is lol) Some people see the big picture and realize there's no or very little money to make doing this and impossible to sell the instance at 2m+ seeing that they only go for 1.2-1.5m now. If you want to make coins as seeker + psy pair go duo caster nirvy all day long. BM's want to nirvy with sins and sins with BM's NOT seekers. Didn't you write the seeker guide? perhaps you should come watch me if you'd like to see a seeker's full potential.
  • Maelael - Heavens Tear
    Maelael - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,497 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    breeeezy87 wrote: »
    If you want to make coins as seeker + psy pair go duo caster nirvy all day long. BM's want to nirvy with sins and sins with BM's NOT seekers.

    If the Psy is powerful enough to do Caster Nirvvy 2x a day with a seeker (Cant do it all day long, no glitch anymore) - there is good chances they can solo it.

    I do most of my "Normal" nirvvys with Sins or Sins and BMs. I gladly bring a Seeker with for QPQ transfer - it makes the run about 1-3 minutes faster. Add in the crit angels and its godly for a Sin who has the Mob GSed, HFed, Crit Angeled, Mired, and Subsead.

    The only reason BMs DONT bring Seekers with is because they don't know how to do the QPQ trick - or haven't tried it and seen rare bosses die in 1/4th or less of the time due to the QPQ transfer.
    pwcalc.com/bb6fc16982637a5c / pwcalc.com/28948ee5778526f5
  • breeeezy87
    breeeezy87 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    If the Psy is powerful enough to do Caster Nirvvy 2x a day with a seeker (Cant do it all day long, no glitch anymore) - there is good chances they can solo it.

    You can buy openers same as people have been doing since forever in normal nirvy, the runs u can do are only limited to the number of openers u can find, which are a lot. The psy is powerful enough to solo caster with a seeker? I solo casters on my seeker lol.
  • lizrau
    lizrau Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2012

    Sig credits to Myra :D
  • Hazumi_chan - Sanctuary
    Hazumi_chan - Sanctuary Posts: 1,264 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    I'd say assassin. The bp is awesome, and while sins can solo bosses, you can solo mobs.
    Especially in fcc this is nice, since the sin won't have to waste time on killing mobs :)

    Otherwise I'd say BM or psy.
    My hubby is a bm, and we can duo fcc just fine together, besides that aoe-grinding is great fun xD

    My best friend ingame plays a psy together with my seeker... we pretty much kill anything before it gets close... be sure to have alpha male on your genie though... They pull agro easily and sometimes won't be able to take the damage XD
    /saves her friend's *** all the time with that skill x'D
  • MagnumMystic - Raging Tide
    MagnumMystic - Raging Tide Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    i told you i HATE sins.
  • breeeezy87
    breeeezy87 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    BM + seeker is a bad mix due to the simple fact that both deal mainly physical damage. I know seekers have some magic add skills but they lack real magic damage that psy/wiz provide. For example you come a across another BM he can simply use phy marrow if both of you are phy damage. The mix of mag and phy damage, range and melee make psy and seeker perfect. Also debuffs such as mind shatter and soul shatter really benefit psy's, while heart shatter does nothing to benefit an aps char. Sage SoV on a seeker is also deadly while the seeker can play melee and tank style while the psy stays back and heavy DD's.
  • crameal
    crameal Posts: 86 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    breeeezy87 wrote: »
    BM + seeker is a bad mix due to the simple fact that both deal mainly physical damage. I know seekers have some magic add skills but they lack real magic damage that psy/wiz provide. For example you come a across another BM he can simply use phy marrow if both of you are phy damage. The mix of mag and phy damage, range and melee make psy and seeker perfect. Also debuffs such as mind shatter and soul shatter really benefit psy's, while heart shatter does nothing to benefit an aps char. Sage SoV on a seeker is also deadly while the seeker can play melee and tank style while the psy stays back and heavy DD's.

    U suck
  • Sympathi - Archosaur
    Sympathi - Archosaur Posts: 623 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    breeeezy87 wrote: »
    PV is easy to solo let a alone duo, 3-4 pulls and aoe.. like anyone does it anyway. Why would i want to duo FCC to sell? (could easily duo with psy in under 30mins only takes 45mins to solo as it is lol) Some people see the big picture and realize there's no or very little money to make doing this and impossible to sell the instance at 2m+ seeing that they only go for 1.2-1.5m now. If you want to make coins as seeker + psy pair go duo caster nirvy all day long. BM's want to nirvy with sins and sins with BM's NOT seekers. Didn't you write the seeker guide? perhaps you should come watch me if you'd like to see a seeker's full potential.

    Duo Caster Nirvana all day long... once aday? b:surrender

    People sell heads about 400k each, thats 5 people a slot, 2m. b:thanks

    Phoenix Valley is a huge amount if exp in a short amount of time ESPECIALLY with the new version coming out. Seekers can do it solo aswell as partner with anyone so that dosnt matter (Stealth Subsea would be much better then anything a psychic can pull off though)

    There is no combo better then Assassin and Seeker when cleaning a FC instance. Whilst the Assassin is stealthing past the mobs to kill the bosses the Seeker is AoE clearing the hallways, no other 2 class combos can do it that quickly pure and simple. I challange you to record you doing a Seeker + Psychic FC run and i will beat the time with Seeker + Assassin anyday.

    I 4-man Nirvana run with a Demon HF, and 2 Assassin in about 6 mins a run. Nirvana groups don't want Seekers who don't know how to play there class to the "full potential" which is probably why you don't get Nirvana runs with Blademasters and Assassins (P.S. Heres a free-be lesson from the master)
    :: Youtube.com/YCEvenix :: Seeker PvP, PvE and TW Videos
  • breeeezy87
    breeeezy87 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    Duo Caster Nirvana all day long... once aday? b:surrender

    People sell heads about 400k each, thats 5 people a slot, 2m. b:thanks

    Phoenix Valley is a huge amount if exp in a short amount of time ESPECIALLY with the new version coming out. Seekers can do it solo aswell as partner with anyone so that dosnt matter (Stealth Subsea would be much better then anything a psychic can pull off though)

    There is no combo better then Assassin and Seeker when cleaning a FC instance. Whilst the Assassin is stealthing past the mobs to kill the bosses the Seeker is AoE clearing the hallways, no other 2 class combos can do it that quickly pure and simple. I challange you to record you doing a Seeker + Psychic FC run and i will beat the time with Seeker + Assassin anyday.

    I 4-man Nirvana run with a Demon HF, and 2 Assassin in about 6 mins a run. Nirvana groups don't want Seekers who don't know how to play there class to the "full potential" which is probably why you don't get Nirvana runs with Blademasters and Assassins (P.S. Heres a free-be lesson from the master)

    Once again you can buy openers for casters... bigroom spots are 250k-300k on DW, Sins weren't even on the poll, ofcourse sin + anything will do FC faster than no sin in squad lol this doesnt make them the best pair. Basically you're only saying sin+seeker is good for FC, FC get's boring quick and aren't the only part of game. Cool nirvy's but thought we talking about duoing, not 6 man aps squads lolz. Give any seeker 4 r9+12 / g15+12 sins and a 5aps +12 bm and the runs are going to be super quick.