Urgent help

charlotter Posts: 2 Arc User
edited April 2012 in Support Desk
Hi I am trying to download the game, but I keep getting a notepad pop up saying

It is fine on the installer until i click accept then it crashes and pops up the notepad, please can somebody help me with this?

I have done all the troubleshooting turned anitvirus off, turned UAC control off, open as admin everything im just lost at the moment and would really like to play.
Post edited by charlotter on


  • Ariella_ - Lost City
    Ariella_ - Lost City Posts: 245 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    charlotter wrote: »
    Hi I am trying to download the game, but I keep getting a notepad pop up saying

    It is fine on the installer until i click accept then it crashes and pops up the notepad, please can somebody help me with this?

    I have done all the troubleshooting turned anitvirus off, turned UAC control off, open as admin everything im just lost at the moment and would really like to play.

    There's another thread about this on the first page. Search around a bit before asking for special attention.
    <3 b:cute
  • SylenThunder - Twilight Temple
    edited March 2012
    There's another thread about this on the first page. Search around a bit before asking for special attention.
    Exactly. Here's a sample, just because I was bored.

    On the first page (If you even halfway looked you would have found that before posting.)

    That I have personally responded to in the past two weeks. (Easily discovered using a simple search that takes about 20 seconds.)
  • charlotter
    charlotter Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    There is no need to be rude about it, I have searched this forum for answers and none of it has helped hence I am asking the question again.

    Not sure I want to get it sorted now if there are people like you playing the game.
  • SylenThunder - Twilight Temple
    edited April 2012
    charlotter wrote: »
    There is no need to be rude about it, I have searched this forum for answers and none of it has helped hence I am asking the question again.

    Not sure I want to get it sorted now if there are people like you playing the game.

    Ok, look at it this way....

    I spent my valuable time sitting here helping people. Yes, it's a choice, but it's my choice. Unfortunately, there are quite a lot of people who A. don't bother to look for answers to their issues, B. expect to be given answers without providing any actual information that we can use to help them, or C. Completely ignore the tips and solutions given simply because they are both stubborn and ignorant and refuse to believe that we could be right.

    You happen to fall under section A.
    If you had looked at the active threads, (by active I mean just the first page of threads), you would have seen a thread titled "When it finishes installing it opens up notepad".
    Now let's review, in your original post you said....
    charlotter wrote: »
    Hi I am trying to download the game, but I keep getting a notepad pop up saying

    It is fine on the installer until i click accept then it crashes and pops up the notepad, please can somebody help me with this?

    I have done all the troubleshooting turned anitvirus off, turned UAC control off, open as admin everything im just lost at the moment and would really like to play.
    Ok, well if I had been you, and I had actually been looking for an answer before I posted, that particular thread would have stood out, and I would have looked at it.
    Now If you read that thread, you would have seen the solution posted in post #6, verified in post #7, and even further explained in post #8.
    However, instead of catching that, you missed it and posted practically the same post as the OP. I skipped right over it because the solution was already provided in the thread, and if you couldn't figure it out before parroting the OP, then I am not going to waste my time as I am right now.
    But, that wasn't enough for you, so a mere 4 hours later, you start a new thread posting the exact same question, which was answered just the day before, and is still blatantly obvious on the first page of the forum. Not only that, but if you used the search feature, and typed in "notepad", and even bothered to glance at the first 6 threads, you would have seen the same answer to your issue. Each thread has an answer.
    If you truly searched the forum for your answer, you wouldn't have posted. Unless, of course, your comprehension is low enough that you can't grasp simple instructions. I know English as a second/third language is a barrier sometimes, but you should know your own limits.

    Now I don't really expect you to read or comprehend this post based on previous experience. This is mostly me just explaining to the other people that can read why we posted the way we did in response to yours. And sadly, wasting more of my time doing it.
    charlotter wrote: »
    There is no need to be rude about it, I have searched this forum for answers and none of it has helped hence I am asking the question again.

    Not sure I want to get it sorted now if there are people like you playing the game.
    On the same note, I definitely don't want to run into people like you in-game that are inept at helping themselves. They are just a drain on everyone around them.
    If you truly tried the suggestions in those threads and it didn't work, then you would state, "I have this problem, I tried these solutions, (actually list what you've tried), these are the specs of my system. (in your case we would need OS version, and a list of your security software), and it's not working I am still getting XYZ."
    Then we would know that you actually researched and attempted to fix it, but the posted fixes aren't working for you for some reason. (Which in this particular case would be really weird because the fix is so simple.) I would then take a look into the details you provided and try to find where your case differs from the norm.
  • charlotter
    charlotter Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    As of my previous response, I have searched the posts and none of the answers have helped me, if you were not such a trumped up pompous *** you would have actually paid attention to what I was saying.

    Instead you try to be the big I AM when infact you are nothing of the sort perhaps as obnoxious in real life as you try to be on the forums. It's people like you that make the gaming world a nasty place to be.

    The fact that I am perfectly capable of following instruction, I have no need to give operating system, anti virus etc, I have tried all of the advice found in that post.

    On a final note you are a troll and I hold you in full contempt, instead of the nasty and rude comments a little advice would have been far suitable!!
  • Allisandre - Sanctuary
    Allisandre - Sanctuary Posts: 1,452 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    charlotter wrote: »
    As of my previous response, I have searched the posts and none of the answers have helped me, if you were not such a trumped up pompous *** you would have actually paid attention to what I was saying.

    Instead you try to be the big I AM when infact you are nothing of the sort perhaps as obnoxious in real life as you try to be on the forums. It's people like you that make the gaming world a nasty place to be.

    The fact that I am perfectly capable of following instruction, I have no need to give operating system, anti virus etc, I have tried all of the advice found in that post.

    On a final note you are a troll and I hold you in full contempt, instead of the nasty and rude comments a little advice would have been far suitable!!
    I'm curious about what kind of help it is you think you will be able to get.
    Without any information on your system, the software you have running, or what precicely you have tried to get it to work, how can you expect for anyone to offer any assistance?

    I mean, as Ariella_ and SylenThunder pointed out, the solution for this issue has been posted several times.

    If that solution is not working for you, what about it is not working?
    Are you getting an error? If so, what is it?

    Also, I would note that the file you downloaded via "Direct Download" is not actually the installer. It is the Pando Media Booster, which acts similar to bit torrent software to download the installer to your computer. You get the problem you described in your first post because of a problem with the Pando interface when it tries to launch the installer that it downloaded. I'm pretty sure this has all been stated already in the other threads, but hey.
    Take the time to look for your answer before you post like an idiot.

    There are two kinds of people in this world...
    There are those who panic,
    And then there is us.
    ~ Sarah Jane Smith
  • Thundernikk - Heavens Tear
    Thundernikk - Heavens Tear Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    charlotter wrote: »
    The fact that I am perfectly capable of following instruction, I have no need to give operating system, anti virus etc, I have tried all of the advice found in that post.

    The posts that you were linked to state that the auto run is not working properly.

    Find where you downloaded the installer files to. (download location)

    Find Install.exe and double click it.

    Should work.

    If it does not you will need to state what happened when you followed these instructions.
  • odellfoster
    odellfoster Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    i ave a problem avent been on pw for a year now an d wen i update to d new version i dont find my chars i had! can u help me
  • SylenThunder - Twilight Temple
    edited April 2012
    i ave a problem avent been on pw for a year now an d wen i update to d new version i dont find my chars i had! can u help me

    Now you need to select the proper server. Although after a year of inactivity, there is also a chance your toons got deleted from the database.