How has your Mystic experience been?

zyndrix Posts: 0 Arc User
edited March 2012 in Mystic
I really enjoy the mystic class (kick A summons, heals,dd) but i rarely ever see people asking for them in squads like fc, delta, or other high level places. I really like mystic but i also like cleric too. I wanna keep playin mystic but i dont wanna spend time on a class thats not gonna be wanted in the future. Should i stick to mystic or would it be better (party wise) to roll a cleric?
Post edited by zyndrix on


  • HardTimes - Lost City
    HardTimes - Lost City Posts: 52 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    Well i'm just going to put this out there, if you enjoy playing a mystic then you should keep doing so. Or you can play a cleric if you like it more. It honesty comes down to what class you enjoy the most.

    I love my mystic and i really don't have a problem finding a squad for anything. even tho I don't see anyone looking for a mystic in world chat. I still pm anyone looking for a healer or DD. its more rare to be turned down from squad then not. Just know your class well and what you can do and cant do.

    The same goes if you chose to play a cleric.
  • ArenaSkies - Sanctuary
    ArenaSkies - Sanctuary Posts: 86 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    People don't ask for mystics because we all play so differently. They sometimes have a hard time knowing what we're really good at lol

    It's like the person above me stated, if people don't ask for mystics, I still pm them 9/10 times and I still get picked.
    Dumbledore: Lily... after all this time?

    Snape: Always.
  • /eren - Dreamweaver227
    /eren - Dreamweaver227 Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    usually if i really need something i just party with factionmates bc we are all within 10 levels of each other. but in random squads i have no problem cuz i fit the role of DD so well and most people know that if they have a cleric already a mystic is a good DD who can keep that cleric standing. we boost overall squad performance so we are generally accepted just not specifically asked for. i just advertise myself as LF ____ and people pick me up. if i say Mystic LF ____ its sometimes faster and sometimes slower
  • CrusherJam - Dreamweaver
    CrusherJam - Dreamweaver Posts: 550 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    Mystic Rules. my real fast story is as follows. I came in slightly after

    Mystic/Seekers were added. I made a Cleric because i dig the healer role and

    A Barb because i thought tanking would rock. Basically the Cleric got boring fast at about

    lvl 44 from strictly questing and at the time on Dreamwever Venos were all the rage.

    it was about farming and how good you can farm blah blah blah. Well i rolled a Mystic

    thinking that there similar and yes you can be a male. I hated it for the first week and

    retired it until the very first flyer sale, lets say from then i actively used my Mystic

    when i got bored or irritated on my barb. You are a good healer, you can heal Veno Pets.

    And you can DD. Now. that my mystic is almost 95 i regularly duel

    (haven't pked much) @ north Arch and can beat some of the best of them higher level or

    not :-)Sadly i can admit that a Mystic is a Barb killer, i get a sick joy on destroying barbs

    up to level 100.

    On DW there is a Healer shortage, i mean no Clerics or Mystics around for BH's and Fc's

    since the new expansion was put in. i NEVER have a problem getting a random squad but

    sadly i am usually the Healer role if i go. Still fun though
    19k Hp and rising my goal is 20k unbuffed (would love 25k )
  • Nine_Lives - Raging Tide
    Nine_Lives - Raging Tide Posts: 182 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    what did i like about my experience as a myst...

    can still solo some minibosses like my veno.

    heals faster than a cleric.

    look ma, no pet cages!

    pets with free stunb:victory (sorry i'm talking at a veno's standpoint...should be summons ik)

    pets with aoe...take that hercboy!

    has both mdef and pdef debuff on the same spell at a safer range and with higher accuracy ( myriad rainbow of venos is godly only IF it procs).

    pets don't get stuck on weird places ( aw did your nix get stuck on a rock? buhbye foxyb:laugh)
  • MrMelvin - Heavens Tear
    MrMelvin - Heavens Tear Posts: 388 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    Learn to support effectively on your Mystic and people will love you, I have had people say to me "you are x10 better than a cleric" many times. As you get higher and the squads become better geared you can DD quite a lot more and just use the plants to heal so you get the best of both worlds.

    Mystics are really nice to use in all BH100 squads, sometimes it takes time to get into a squad, other times its a breeze but don't give up, I don't :)

    The best advice though is play the class you enjoy most, if its your Mystic then play your Mystic but learn the class instead of just Power leveling. This will help you make friends, get into a decent faction and make it even easier to get into end game squads.

    Player skill is greater than cash shopped levels.
  • Xainou - Sanctuary
    Xainou - Sanctuary Posts: 5,369 Arc User
    edited March 2012


    No seriously, I'm loving the class. Kicking butts with nice damage while being able to cast a lightning fast heal? What's not to love? :3

    Only downside is that people give you **** sometimes because they don't know what mystics can do. But hey, the fun outweighs it :D

    Licensed tail brusher of ƙɑƙʊɱɑʊ ~ only the fluffiest
    Outrunning centaurs since 2012~
  • Vixter - Harshlands
    Vixter - Harshlands Posts: 1,275 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    as for wanted in high lvl places ...

    well fc, when i was in my 90s, i was wanted as a healer. if people just take the time to see a good mystic at work, you dont need a cleric for this instance

    delta - um, cragglord deals 20k AOE dmg with his skills, why not? xD i get in BH deltas very easily.

    we get in caster nirvana easily

    i dont really see a mystic having a problem getting into squads
    vixter (101 Heavy Veno) ~ TT farmer
    Peachie (102 Mystic) ~ Main character
  • Brillance - Raging Tide
    Brillance - Raging Tide Posts: 1,643 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    Best char of ANY MMO I have played. If you like being active and constantly switching your game play up you will love a Mystic.

    Its a double edged sword for getting squads.

    1. Its basicly a new character, and people are not used to working with it. A mystic will not be the first choice in anyone's mind until you are ready to do Caster's and higher level FC runs. Mindsets keep the barb, BM & Cleric as their top three squad choices as always has been in this game. New chars have to show everyone else what they are capable of. You can look at that as paying your dues for having made a 'new skool' character in the first place.

    2. Some people play their Mystic very well, while others are basicly content to play a second-string healer.

    I think as far as healing alone goes - nothing beats a cleric. But a Mystic will look 10x better than the cleric when a cleric is there to be a primary healer. We look good because the responsibility of keeping our eyes glued to health bars is off our shoulders, and we can have the full joy of combining heal support and DD support in the squad.

    I dont think the Mystic character can play any single role better than the original. To me, best tank is HP barb and always will be. Best healer is cleric. Etc.

    But as a stand alone character, with access to almost every role in the game but at a slightly lesser degree - Mystics rock! b:victory
  • Mekkhala - Lost City
    Mekkhala - Lost City Posts: 303 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    My experience has been frustrating and good at the same time. Not because of the class, but because of the people's attitudes towards the class.

    Usually when I'm in a squad I become a healer, even if there is an ep in squad. As my main is a cleric, I understand wanting to relax and DD a bit, but it's a bit rude to switch to VD without asking the mystic if they mind taking over the healer role.

    Other than that pet peeve it's ok. GV squads will love you, and Caster squads will always let a mystic in.

    Will it ever become my main? No. But it's a fun class to play and explore.
  • XaanhaaI - Momaganon
    XaanhaaI - Momaganon Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    Like some others might say.. Frustrating when hitting lvl 70.
    But now when i have reached lvl 100 as mystic b:surrender

    Bring it on monsters b:victory
    Solo TT, Most bh's, bosses.. It just eat a lot mana!!

    In the start when mystic was introduced.. There was almost Mystic witchhunt on server..

    People refused to take mystics with them in squad.. I even got blamed for not being able to keep cragglord alive for more than 20 secs.
    But now people can't survive without us. We don't need cleric in bh SoT and no cleric in fc squads if barb trust mystic.

    I'm happy to be playing on my R8 Mystic 100% farmed b:pleased