Suggestions for prize items



  • Posts: 2,390 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    something that isn't character bound....i bought an account stash for a reason and now my archer is loaded with things that she cannot use and can't be account stashed to a character that they would be useful for
    Another +1 to this. Stop making things unstashable that clearly should be stashable. My mind is too burned out to think of an example right now, but I'm sure the other posters here can think of a few. >_>


    Tier 1: Hell, why not just drop the pretense and give small amounts of gold? You're basically doing it anyway with the pack-sourced mounts. It can be event gold if you're that paranoid about people having actual gold (but naturally it'd have to be 3x as much of it).

    Tier 2: Just give small items which reward an effort put into the event. You could even model this after the BH100 / Jungle Ruins 96+ reward if you're lazy. But steer clear of events that favor broken gears, like the Tiger event.

    Tier 3: We need Broken Red Paper back. Seeing those NPCs spawn randomly last night made me miss those good old days. And there is no legitimate way to acquire some of those items anymore (such as Sesame Yuanxiao, which is extremely helpful to lower-leveled casters, especially Mystics!).

    As a side note, if you're gonna load us down with all-class pets, at least give us a choice on how to get one and when, instead of making it random. The Maiden-Kissed chests had you trudge through a million fantasy fruits and still not get that damned purplebuff bird (at least, in my case). Conversely, the Lucidsilver Chests have a ridiculously high rate of giving out the turtle and piggy pets.

    I mean, would it kill you to make something like that tradeable? I can understand making the stuff from DQ rewards non-tradeable, but if I get yet another Inspired Swine egg from Lucidsilver, I'd like to give it away to a newbie who'd appreciate having a pet, rather than letting it rot in my bank or be NPC'd. That's the reason I don't do the Lucid thing anymore.
    Yes, I'm still a stubborn holdout in favor of the old game. Haters gonna hate. ;]

    Other Active Characters:
    LigerKing (Barb), Girasole (BM), Shamsheer (Sin), ArborSoul (Mystic).
  • Posts: 7,881 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    I'll put in my pitch for
    ☆Chaser of Moon - lvl 1 boots with +1.2m/s speed

    Some Morai stuff we can certainly use:

    Universal Principle - From the saturday Morai PQ - gives 80 prestige and 30 influence
    Wraith Slayer Missive - Gives you a quest to kill Atun for 60 prestige
    Command Tokens - These increase the rate at which you can earn prestige (I think we might get these anyway in the next content update)
    Divine Seal of Longevity - Lets you refresh the divine emissary to give you more quests to earn prestige
    Refining Simulator - (don't use IE)
    Genie Calculator - - (don't use IE)
    Socket Calculator -
  • Posts: 2,256 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    1) Rap box, Canny Box, JOSD box (x4,8,12 josd). A g15 Armour/Weapon piece, bound to account i presume, skips the farming part for it.

    2) Vendor shops, i am missing them sorely, hard to find these days. Excitement cardx1~2. Make them non account stashable (tradeable an option, i happy without it being tradeable)

    3) Crab Meat/Herbs x25,50,75,100... based on lvl like the event. Encourage people to buy more tokens later once they get a taste of what good hp/mp food tastes like.
  • Posts: 368 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    Teir 1: rare flyers/mounts, real gold, large amount of in game coin

    Teir 2: demon/sage event card, a full set of demon/sage books for the winners class, things like pages of fate, old book pages, chrono pages, etc., in game coins

    Teir 3: fashion, pigments, all class pets, a small amout of packs (like 5 or 10 and untradeable), timed flyers, or create an item that can reward us with pestiege and influence in our current order.
    TreeHugs - Lv. 101 Demon Rank 8 Mystic
    vixter - Lv. 101 Demon Heavy Rank 8 Venomancer
  • Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    7 days limited vendor shops

    Not pets, not female fash to male chars, not fantasy fruits (or at least make them available in account stash) b:angry
  • Posts: 31 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    Tier 1: maybe a medal of glory, cause lets face it giving out the same mount pretty much everytime is lame, and not to mention that I think most of the prize mounts are ugly.

    Tier 2: I am not really sure on this one as I dont do any of the events, because I cant compete with sins and bms. I did one of the assualt on arch events and got nothing, because I am a cleric and I cant dd at 4-5 aps. maybe you should make these events different, like make it so the top 10-15 of each class get a prize instead of the top 10-15 overall then they would be more fair to the arcane classes.

    Tier 3: I really thought the kissed chest was good, I got some good stuff out of them that I gave to my psy. Maybe also some of the divine order reset things ( yes I am aware they are in the cash shop). maybe also some chi stones, cause lets face it they are very hard to find nowadays, because ppl can do instant crafting with books. On that note I was really upset that we didnt have snowmen last christmas, as I was going to spend a few hours stocking up on chi stones for my genies, but now I running extemely low on genie energy.
  • Posts: 450 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    On that note I was really upset that we didnt have snowmen last christmas, as I was going to spend a few hours stocking up on chi stones for my genies, but now I running extemely low on genie energy.

    b:shocked U rly used Chiukung Stones, Pakua Stones, Chihsing Stone and so on for ur genie?? And u need an xmas event to get enough chi stones for 1 year??? U ever heard about oht daily and perfect stones? Ask some ppl in-game how it works.. Even if the staminas of my genies r full im running out of stamina after 1-2 months at the latest
  • Posts: 1,416 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    1) Server switch stone.

    2) Server merge stone.

    3) TW that doesn't suck for endgame factions.

    More serious answer; anything that's tradeable and can be profitable for people above lvl 100 since anything below 100 doesn't really matter with hypers+FC around or things that make you get the new skills faster (Asterelle's post for info).
  • Posts: 1,264 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    I think first tier should have a certain array of prizes the winner can choose from. While I don't really care for getting a new mount(I have enough of them, really) others might want one.
    And while some people care more about fashion, others rather have a piece of gear, or something more usefull.

    Tier 2 and 3 could also include fashion, as it isn't something gamebreaking.

    However, please make the prizes at the very least account stashableb:surrender
  • Posts: 4,661 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    1) Server switch stone.

    2) Server merge stone.

    3) TW that doesn't suck for endgame factions.

    More serious answer; anything that's tradeable and can be profitable for people above lvl 100 since anything below 100 doesn't really matter with hypers+FC around or things that make you get the new skills faster (Asterelle's post for info).

    Ooooh, now I KNOW you be trollin! That ain't never gonna happen! *Unamused face*
    101 Sage Sin*/Archer
    100 Demon BM*/Barb
    96 Demon Cleric/Sage Seeker
    95 Demon Wiz/
    94 Sage Veno
    85 Psy/80 Mystic
    And a handful of other alts, all 79 and under.
    *Pre RB level
  • Posts: 60 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    1.- Eye of Darkness

    2.- Warrior Seal

    3.- Scarlet Soul Jade and activate all the posible recipes using this
  • Posts: 1,468 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    1) Server switch stone.

    2) Server merge stone.

    3) TW that doesn't suck for endgame factions.

    More serious answer; anything that's tradeable and can be profitable for people above lvl 100 since anything below 100 doesn't really matter with hypers+FC around or things that make you get the new skills faster (Asterelle's post for info).

    Vindi fan girl
  • Posts: 145 Arc User
    edited March 2012

    yes i know they are from cash shop, but nobody bought packs with intention to get token...
  • Posts: 233 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    How about dragon orders, or badges of dex...ect
  • Posts: 753 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    1.- Eye of Darkness

    2.- Warrior Seal

    3.- Scarlet Soul Jade and activate all the posible recipes using this

    +1 /5char
    I Miss the old days of PWIb:surrender
  • Posts: 308 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    I know I'm about a month late to this, but I don't think it matters much. And while I'm sure some of this was covered already, I'd like to put all my ideas here regardless.

    First off, a lot of the random things from the Maiden chests and Lucid chests are fantastic; however I don't see the point in making EVERYTHING bind to the characters. Those pills and poultices are great for some, but **** for others, so making them tradeable would be lovely. There are already a ton of people that have them, so they wouldn't sell for much, but could at least be sold/traded to people who find them useful.

    Second, why Fantasy Fruit? Why can't you at least give out Scarlet Fruit? Even if you have to make an untradeable version of it for the chests, it would at least be a bit more useful to people.

    Next up is the Lucid turtles, pigs, and similar untradeable worthless items. If you are going to give us things like this, things that we will get countless times over, could you at least make them worth more than 1 coin? Even if you make them worth 5,000 coins, it's not going to give anyone an unfair advantage, because that's only a possible 10k per evening.

    For items you could start giving people... and these are in no particular order or rank:

    Various "pages", ink, or random skill books. It would help players save a little in-game money in the long run, without REALLY giving an unfair advantage. I mean honestly, free hypers and a free trip through frost during double exp is a bit unfair to some, yet you give hypers out like candy.

    Speaking of candy, would it REALLY hurt the game to give out a few pieces of wedding candy or rep badges once in a while? Even if it's a low-chance random item from a chest, it's still a little something helpful. OH! You could even make Darkness Stamps available through the chests, since you guys seem hell bent and determined to have everything untradeable. They don't give a lot of rep, but a little is more than nothing.

    Decent gear molds, or Twilight mats. Let's face it, almost everyone has, had, or is trying to get some kind of twilight gear. But for the love of my heathen gods, don't make it the freakin pieces of skeleton or the mysterious skulls or the stupid easy mats.

    2x drops, exp, and spirit are FANTASTIC, and hypers are great. But, for the in-between times when you aren't doing that, couldn't there be an item that you can use that will give like 15% more exp, spirit, and coin from quests? Maybe a 3-day item that you keep in your inventory (not a blessing because you take away from those of us that need extra attack/defense).

    That's about all I've got for now.
  • Posts: 7,231 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    Tier 1: A chat with a GM.

    People go crazy when they see a GM in game or when they see a GM speak in chat, so why not give as first prize something like a 30 minutes chat with a GM in game, the person will be able ask questions about the game and GM job, and if there's something a inapropriate question GM could just say he cannot answer the question.

    Its something not in the boutique, its special and im sure some people will love it since its not something that everyone will have the chance to have.

    People love GM <3 b:cute

    P.s: When there's a GM coming in game for a event (like valentine's day) there's so many people that make almost impossible for many people to interact with the GM.

    b:dirty "I **** rainbows and love everyone"-Longknife b:cute
  • Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    how about timed items that increse drop rates you know 1 at 50% more drops then 25% then 10% that would not hurt the game to much and make things a bit better for farming ??
  • Posts: 636 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    flawless shards? usefull ish... for low lvl chars

    maybe 50 mirage that's like 500k again for low lvl chars

    special panda or bunie smiles b:thanks (not in cash shop)

    1 week flyers that's 2.5 m/s for low lvl char again

    idk that's all i got
  • Posts: 2,281 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    If this post is still current...
    Could be those pots that increase your awereness level by 31 levels..


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