Downloading/Installing problems

elress Posts: 2 Arc User
edited May 2013 in Support Desk
Hey Dear Admins and such.

I played on this server (Sanctuary) orsomething,

I stopped for a while. cause some irl problems.

Anyway. i was bout to download and instal PWI RT

Downloading from Torrent no problems.

Opening the rar file and pasting it into the map i applied it goes good until we come to the files
Both Gives me the massage These files are Broken Please ReDownload the files and try again,

Yeah sure after 5 times of downloading Even with diff browsers still same problem.

Then we come at Direct download button .

Ok downloading the installer.Exe works.

But now i get this message when it comes to the same 2 files

A checksum has failed. one couse of this is enebeling the "DMZ" settings on your router.

The DMZ function can sometimes corrupt; it is more likely with very large ones, but any size file could be affected.

You may need to disable the DMZ settings on your router for thise file to download properly!

But Wth? i dont use a Router., never used one. so how can this Error come forward while i dont use one ? Please help.

My system is running on Windows 7 32 bits

Well i tried Direct download. well this time it hasnt gave me an error when downloading files from the Exe.
but at the end when it downloaded all files and the game starts to install. it tells me incorrect file version ?
Post edited by elress on


  • elress
    elress Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    so no one has this issue .. hmm
  • dreamcast0427
    dreamcast0427 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    No i have the same issues... idk i can download on my other comp but not this one... But i put it through shared docs and can play but i get ALOT of bug reports and now i wanna find a way to download and install pwi >.>
  • forlornspirit
    forlornspirit Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    I'm having same problem. I just downloaded data1 3 times with the direct download client. Now im trying torrent and was feeling like this would work until i read your post :(
  • maximatakashi
    maximatakashi Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    I seem to be having a similar problem. Everything seems to download/install fine, but when it comes to verifying, it says that datapack1 is broken and I need to download it again. I've deleted everything and re downloaded everything three times and it is still not working. "Datapack1 is broken..." I don't get it. Any help?
  • tsunare
    tsunare Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    I am having this same [problem. PLEASE HELP i want to play.

    I keep getting verify data1.pck data error and wont complete install
  • Winddagger - Harshlands
    Winddagger - Harshlands Posts: 224 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Quote that Gm, made on Silimar post
    Ozimov wrote: »
    Here are some things that might help you...

    Add the game folder and/or game file to the exceptions list in your firewall or antivirus software.

    Example: C:\Perfect World Entertainment\Perfect World International

    You also might need to temporarily disable your antivirus, MS Security Essentials or Windows Firewall long enough to download, install, patch and login to get into the game, and then turn it back on. Sometimes disabling may not help and you will need to add an exception for the game folder.

    It might be Windows, Windows Firewall, Admin (such as running the game as Administrator), UAC, network, or antivirus settings that you will need to change so that they aren't blocking or throttling the game.

    You can also try changing your proxy settings for Internet Explorer 8, to have them turned off here: Tools > Internet Options > Connections > LAN Settings > and then untick all of the proxy settings.

    If you still need additional help, please Search our Knowledge Base for the terms mentioned above. Let us know what you tried and what errors you got when you reply to us.

    Roar of the dragon, burning with my soul
    Shall hear the tremor and fear in the shadows
    Let my darkness of my heart consume you all
    Your insanity is my sanity, let it eat away at your soul
    The blitz of the firery night ...
  • proconsa
    proconsa Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Hello, yeah I have a problem too. Mine isn't like you guys' actually. I have a new laptop, a Sony VAIO actually, and when I try to download Perfect World, it says that my computer isn't allowing the PMB.exe servers to make changes to the computer, :o even though when when the system asked me to allow pmb to make changes to the computer I accepted it.... I tried deactivating the UAC, setting pmb. exe as an exception, so it could pass through my firewall, I tried running it in ADMIN mode... I have no idea what to do next, seriously, my eyes are bloodshot from looking at the computer screen so long. And I've wanted to play PWI for almost 2 yrs now, and when I buy a laptop, look what happens... *Sigh* anyway, if someone could help me I'd be really grateful.. I've run outta ideas T.T
  • supjayordon
    supjayordon Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    im trying to install the game now on my laptop. it was installed on my desktop. its still in the installation process of the PMB. its basically stalled for the past few hours. so i stopped and tried again and nothing new. How long is this gonna take honestly? im getting tired of waiting.
  • wolvesx6
    wolvesx6 Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    ok, when i tired to download pwi _v580 _installer.rar it was in the winrar format. so i let it download... after the download was done i went to the file and opened it there was no install option... anyone know how to get it out of the .rar format? anyhelp would be great
  • SylenThunder - Twilight Temple
    edited November 2011
    Winrar, ALzip, I think even Winzip opens .rar files. It's a compressed file format.

    What I don't understand is why no one uses Google or some other search engine to find these simple answers out for themselves.
  • macvane
    macvane Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    I have tried downloading and installing several times. Every time it says one of the data.pck files is broken. I have turned off my firewall, antivirus, and DMZ on my router but nothing is working. I starting to get very frustrated. Any ideas on what i can try?
  • kryssiekat
    kryssiekat Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    I'm having download issues too. I read something about there being nine parts, but I only got four:

    I've clicked on all of them, and none of them will allow me to install, so I assume none of these are the installation program. Can I please have the individual parts that I am missing, instead of having to download the whole thing again?
  • SylenThunder - Twilight Temple
    edited November 2011
    there are a total of 18 files in the installer amounting to a little over 4GB of data. Looks like you don't have all of it.

    I'm confused about why it's so hard to download and install the game.
  • kryssiekat
    kryssiekat Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    Sometimes, my computer likes to cut off downloads before they're done. This isn't the first time it's happened, but I just need the individual parts that I'm missing.
  • SylenThunder - Twilight Temple
    edited November 2011
    you're missing about 3/4 of it, so download it again because you haven't really downloaded it yet.

    Fix your computer.

    Or, use the torrent method.

    Whatever you do, stop posting in this thread that got necroed and start your own.
  • wfswffq
    wfswffq Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    guys how do u allow PMB.exe plss help i wanna play perfect world i checked everything on youtube... nothing
  • ballstothewalls
    ballstothewalls Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    Use Winrar to extract all .rar and most other types of zipped files
  • ballstothewalls
    ballstothewalls Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    Blah Blah Blah
  • loaf22
    loaf22 Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    Everytime I tryto download Pw it comes up about 10 seconds in and says The ordinal 459 could not be located in thedynamic link library ulrmon.dll, What do I do!?
  • bravery456
    bravery456 Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Excuse me but I have a problem downloading the game the same thing keeps appearing even though my security setting is diabled this appears
    Your system is currently not allowing acess to our servers.
    Check your Firewall and/or security software settings to allow
    PMB.exe to run.
    Visit the Help page or contact us at for further assistance
    Would you like to retry the connection
  • SylenThunder - Twilight Temple
    edited October 2012
    1. Don't Necro Threads.

    2. The Pando installer basically sucks major donkey balls. Use the Torrent method.
    1. Download and install torrent software. (I recommend utorrent.)
    2. Click on the "Download Torrent" link on the Downloads page.
    3. Once the download is finished, go to the directory your completed downloads are in and you will see a file named "PWI_v658_Installer.rar".
    This is a compressed file. you will need something to unpack it. (I use ALZip)
    If you right-click on the file, there should be an option to "Extract to 'PWI_v658_Installer\'". Click that and it will unpack the file into a directory with the same name as the file.
    4. Temporarily disable the active scan for your antivirus software.
    5. Once the file is done unpacking, navigate to that folder. (Hint: It should be "Downloads\PWI_v658_Installer".
    6. In this folder there is a file called "install.exe". Run it. (If you have Vista or newer, right-click and choose "Run as Administrator.)
    7. Follow the directions to install the client.
    8. After the client is done installing, add the directory where it installed to the exceptions list for your antivirus software. (The default folder location is "C:\Perfect World Entertainment\Perfect World International")
    9. Launch the client using the icon that was placed on your desktop during the install and let it update.
    8b. Launch the client and then close it before it updates, and then download the manual patches and install them. (Manual method is about 80% faster than automatic.)
    10. Play
  • dizzygem23
    dizzygem23 Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    hey so downloaded the perfect world too and it all comes up as does the launcher i click start and this mad thing comes up in a different language i cant read so i dont even know what the problem is :( heeeeelllp!!!
  • Sizzer - Raging Tide
    Sizzer - Raging Tide Posts: 2,387 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Search the forum find your solution, or send a ticket .

    Next time don't necro threads.
    Dream a dream of a life so new, One brimming with potential,
    Of starting again, leaving all behind, Only happiness is essential. b:victory
    Thanks Silvy for the siggy, You are the best ! b:kiss
  • Cuppymfcakes - Sanctuary
    Cuppymfcakes - Sanctuary Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Winrar, ALzip, I think even Winzip opens .rar files. It's a compressed file format.

    What I don't understand is why no one uses Google or some other search engine to find these simple answers out for themselves.

    1. Because that is what the forum is for. and 2. Obviously we have or else we wouldn't be asking. I tried to figure it out myself for the first 2 days and i am having the EXACT problem that they are. and when i google it wanna know what comes up? PWI FORUMS!
  • SweetieBot - Lothranis
    SweetieBot - Lothranis Posts: 18,978 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    1. Because that is what the forum is for. and 2. Obviously we have or else we wouldn't be asking. I tried to figure it out myself for the first 2 days and i am having the EXACT problem that they are. and when i google it wanna know what comes up? PWI FORUMS!

    Cuppymfcakes - Sanctuary replied to a message that was 4 months 9 days 1 hour 10 minutes old.
    I only respond if you begin a line with "SweetieBot", read the link below for commands
    SweetieBot FAQ / Usage:

    Status: ONLINE
  • Cuppymfcakes - Sanctuary
    Cuppymfcakes - Sanctuary Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    dizzygem23 wrote: »
    hey so downloaded the perfect world too and it all comes up as does the launcher i click start and this mad thing comes up in a different language i cant read so i dont even know what the problem is :( heeeeelllp!!!

    I am having this same problem but i am also getting a pop up error during installation saying that i needed to verify Data Pack 1, 2, etc. I have downloaded Direct x 9 i have torrented it from 3 different sites including this one and also direct downloaded it a bunch of times. I keep getting the same problem.
  • ilikefable52
    ilikefable52 Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    im actually really wanting help ok so i download it then i get a zipped folder i go in the folder and i just really dont know what to do at that point
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