Cleric PK

StarianNight - Dreamweaver
StarianNight - Dreamweaver Posts: 114 Arc User
edited March 2012 in Cleric
I have just started playing around in PVP, a bit difficult for me as i have gotten used to being only support in teams. I find that it has been quite difficult for me to win as a cleric. In the last fac PK session, i was destroyed by the BMs and the Sins b:surrender

The strategy that i usually use for PK is
Phys class: sleep > elemental seal > triple spark > cloud eruption > tempest > cyclone (if still alive after tempest)
mag class: sleep > dimensional seal > triple spark > razor feathers > plume shot

I find that my strategies work about 40% of the time, and the other times i get killed....especially against sins. and the BMs anti stun is annoying as it looks almost exactly like their run skill and i don't know if i should sleep them or run away from them...

Can I get any advice from other clerics regarding strategies in PVP? Am I doing something wrong? Any other way i can increase my chance of winning? Should i ever heal myself in PK or should i just use pots and concentrate on DD? thx b:thanks
Post edited by StarianNight - Dreamweaver on


  • Eoria - Harshlands
    Eoria - Harshlands Posts: 6,118 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    1. Fighting 1v1 vs. a sin as a cleric is pretty much a losing battle.

    2. Invest in getting Seal of the God and, if possible, Elven Boon.

    3. I hope you're demon if you're going to be a metal mage. Sage is really ill-suited to it for a variety of reasons.

    4. Trip sparking should be saved as a last resort to live. It is not a wise use of your chi otherwise.

    5. Do realize that clerics are essentially magic sins without an anti-stun skill in a 1v1.

    6. And I cannot stress this attention to icons. Know what they look like and what each one of them does. Don't waste sleep/freeze when an opponent is anti-stunned (you can, however, seal them with Seal of the God, but be warned that they'll still be able to move).

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  • Yin - Momaganon
    Yin - Momaganon Posts: 177 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    First of all, try to learn what other classes can do. Including how all buff/debuf icons looks like.

    Against physical classes plume shell is your friend. Kite if needed. Sleep opponent when it is sparking. (if they dont have anitstun skill on) Exploit weak points of your enemy. I dont usually have much problems against any other class than sins who know what they are doing.
  • Prophete - Dreamweaver
    Prophete - Dreamweaver Posts: 283 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    1. Use charms, HP and Mana; without them you can't do anything, especially with plume shell.

    2. Learn the special abilities of other classes, including their icons; you need to know when a BM is using an anti movement debuff skill for instance.

    3. Practice with friends in a safe place, that way you / he can pick up dropped items and not be scared of scavengers.

    4. Learn to kite like a ****. Always jump, fly, then drop down, then jump, then fly again, etc. It can mess up telestun from sins, or they can stun you in mid-air and only do half damage to you.

    5. Try to always have full chi before an encounter. That's the way to use cloud eruption.

    6. Don't do that triple spark + cloud eruption + tempest combo. I LOVE that combo, but it only works in PVE. In pk, if the combo doesn't kill the ennemy, you will then be without chi, without stamina in your genie, with sleep / seal in cooldown => dead cleric.

    7. Genie. Get a good genie. With a good genie, you can make the difference. I would recommend to have a high magic genie (100+), to be able to spam some skills.
    Get Holypath and Expel, in my opinion, these two skills are mandatory if you want to pk.
    For instance, my genie has Expel, Absolute Domain, Extreme Poison, Holypath, Tangling Mire, Cloud Eruption and Earthquake. (Earthquake is for pve)

    8. Get your Demon / Sage attack skills to deal more damages and/or decrease negative effects on you.

    Now I've only started to pk recently, so I only know how to deal with Sin, BM, Psy, Cleric and Wiz.
    But I guess what I wrote above should be useful when fighting any classes :)
  • iamcarter
    iamcarter Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    I recommend using shell to start off and also get fortify on your genie. That way you can become immune to stuns. I can kill pretty much anyone my lvl if I use my genie, also stack an ih or 2 to heal up during the fight.
  • Ahira - Lost City
    Ahira - Lost City Posts: 791 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    I think its difficult when you decide one day that now i want to pvp. All the advice listed above is useful but there's no substitute for practice. You might also have to adjust your build/gear too which is another thing which if you've been pvp'ing for a while you maybe would have tailored a bit.

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  • Decus - Dreamweaver
    Decus - Dreamweaver Posts: 5,033 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    I think its difficult when you decide one day that now i want to pvp. All the advice listed above is useful but there's no substitute for practice. You might also have to adjust your build/gear too which is another thing which if you've been pvp'ing for a while you maybe would have tailored a bit.

    ^ This. One hundred percent, this.
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    "Any skills that can be used to kill you will interrupt BB when successful." -truekossy | "...Sage archers are kind of like Mac owners. They are proud of the weirdest and most unnecessary things." -Aesthor | "We ALL know Jesus doesn't play PWI. He may have suffered a lot for humanity, but he'd NEVER punish himself this way." -Abstractive | "I approve of bananas." -SashaGray
  • VoItaire - Harshlands
    VoItaire - Harshlands Posts: 1,033 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    Never use tempest in a 1v1 situation. The dmg isn't good enough to be worth the two sparks compared to WT. If you triple spark save the cloud eruption genie energy for a survival skill.
  • iamcarter
    iamcarter Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    I think its difficult when you decide one day that now i want to pvp. All the advice listed above is useful but there's no substitute for practice. You might also have to adjust your build/gear too which is another thing which if you've been pvp'ing for a while you maybe would have tailored a bit.

    your 110% right especially since clerics are relativly flexible in their attack styles in pvp find what works for you best and dont just always use that mix it up and try to find the most useful combination of skills
  • StarianNight - Dreamweaver
    StarianNight - Dreamweaver Posts: 114 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    Ok, thanks everyone

    I just built a PVP genie, it has AD, Hpath, cloud eruption, and fortify so far. I will start practicing kiting. Not very experienced in DDing, will practice more and hopefully become a better PVP cleric b:thanks

    *another question, does -chan matter in PVP? or does phys protection comes first as I am very squishy and phys character usually kill my mp when i use shell even with charm and pots >.<
  • apex1predator
    apex1predator Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    A Cleric needs all the pdef it can get. trading pdef for -chan will make you even easier to get 1 shotted by Sins,archers,Bm's and even barbs.
  • Haruzi - Lost City
    Haruzi - Lost City Posts: 62 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    Never use tempest in a 1v1 situation. The dmg isn't good enough to be worth the two sparks compared to WT. If you triple spark save the cloud eruption genie energy for a survival skill.

    Tempest usually does double the damage of WT actually. o.o Only reason I never use it is because it takes so long to cast that people just see it coming and domain.
  • Haruzi - Lost City
    Haruzi - Lost City Posts: 62 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    Ok, thanks everyone

    I just built a PVP genie, it has AD, Hpath, cloud eruption, and fortify so far. I will start practicing kiting. Not very experienced in DDing, will practice more and hopefully become a better PVP cleric b:thanks

    *another question, does -chan matter in PVP? or does phys protection comes first as I am very squishy and phys character usually kill my mp when i use shell even with charm and pots >.<

    APS will almost always kill your plume shell no matter what your phys def. Only exception are those barbs w/ low refined deicides and high vit. Tanking fail barbs like a barb...b:surrender Almost feel sorry for pking them.
  • Spirit_Healr - Sanctuary
    Spirit_Healr - Sanctuary Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    Here are my tips (In my server, using a genie is considered "cheating" so i can't give you any genie hints)

    Sins- Let's just hope the sin your facing is a fail one...

    Archers- spam ih yourself before the duel, sleep then use plume shell, cast some more ih's, use great cyclone so he doesn't keep distance and keep casting some ih's when needed. you will end up taking an arrow to the knee if you try to kite them...

    Barbs- again, spam ih and plume shell. they will stun you and debuff u, so once the stun wears off, purify and heal yourself. will be useless to kite them since they can just use their tiger form to catch up.

    Other Clerics- It's actually pretty tough facing another cleric. they will try your same tactics, so make sure your faster than the opponent in this situation. They will plume shell too, so until it wears off, use magic attcks... or just drain their mp with spam plume shots which i do not reccomend

    Psys- no need to plume shell for psys since they only have magic attacks. They do do a lot of damage tho, so make sure you spam ih. also, watch out for that soulburn. sleep them once they cast it on you, you can't purify it so you will just have to wait for it to wear off. If you can't take any more damage tho, sleep while they're casting. it will give you some time to heal, but if they soulburn you again, and your sleep is still on cooldown, your screwed.

    Mystics- Next to sins, they are the second hardest class to pvp with in my opinion. i would plume shell if they summoned the devil chihyu. if they summoned storm, spam ih. watch out for plants too. their befuddling creeper are sometimes the main reason people lose to them. so make sure you purify if they debuff. Their heal also gets quite annoying, since they will spam heal themselves until they are tired -.- . also, be aware that once they cast natures vengeance on you, you will get a debuff that makes absorb soul hit much harder. absorb soul ignores all buffs that you have casted on you, so if you have lvl10 purify you will be using it a lot when they cast natures vengeance so hey wont 1 hit u -.- .

    Seekers- they can both use physical attcks and magic attcks so be sure to plume shell and spam ih. if they manage to put a mark on you, remember that you can purify it b:victory if they also use vortex, sleep them FAST. the sleep will interrupt the vortex. heal up if you have taken a hit or two from that vortex. its pretty strong b:surrender

    Venos- they're pretty easy if they don't have herc or nix. sleep the pet, spam ih and plume shot 'till shes dead b:victory

    Wizzies- no need to plume shell for them wizzies. you will have to spam ih a lot tho, since you will be taking a lot of dmg b:surrender if your hp goes low, sleep them, heal up, and continue plume shotting b:laugh

    BMs- They are really annoying with all their stuns. plume shell and spam ih before duel, 'cause chances are they are going to stun you first thing. use your magic attacks like cyclone or wield thunder.
  • NinnaXXX - Sanctuary
    NinnaXXX - Sanctuary Posts: 430 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    im not too well with pvp but i do tend to practice a few hrs once ina while to not forget if i ever did decide to on pk.. the classes i find hard (if decent geared) Sin, archer and mystic.

    Sin: what i do here is as soon as one pops i expel right away<100seal(or normal sleep)< toss a few ihs fast<debuff <3 spark

    Archer: the tricky thing is they have 2 anti stun skills -Wings of Grace 15secs/30%dmg reduc.
    and Elven Alacrity 8secs, what i do here is yeh.. 100seal ,but before i had tht at start of fight i would spam IH and pray tht i surive untill anti stun wears off =p< than sleep<debuff<heal up<3 spark
    (yeh i mostly use the same method just changed from spots a bit)

    Mystics: they hate when you go try killing their pets, i usually get rid of those fast since they are rather easy to kill and one down gives me more focus on mystic, cant add much more i don't often pk with them unless training which was a while ago! :p
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