mana and hp charms

datks2 Posts: 12 Arc User
edited February 2012 in General Discussion
why do mana charms tick after only 75% and yet hp tick at 50%
shouldn't it be other way around or both at 50%???
Post edited by datks2 on


  • Lolgasmic - Raging Tide
    Lolgasmic - Raging Tide Posts: 1,315 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    datks2 wrote: »
    why do mana charms tick after only 25% and yet hp tick at 50%
    shouldn't it be other way around or both at 50%???


    It's just the way things are, MP is generally cheaper than HP. Yuan and crab herbs for example... a crab is 2k, a yuan is 500. The yuan restores a but load more MP than the crab restores HP and STILL costs less.


    DO YOU WANT TO DIE? b:angryb:bye
    Barbarian 103 - 101 - 101
    Started playing on March 2010
  • datks2
    datks2 Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    my cleric ticks mp after 3 buffs its kind of daft and wasteful
  • Lolgasmic - Raging Tide
    Lolgasmic - Raging Tide Posts: 1,315 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    datks2 wrote: »
    my cleric ticks mp after 3 buffs its kind of daft and wasteful

    Get a higher Max MP. b:bye

    Or quit complaining, you gotta buy MP pots and that's it...

    ... Everyone else, more. b:bye
    Barbarian 103 - 101 - 101
    Started playing on March 2010
  • datks2
    datks2 Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    oh i do buy them hate doing BB without charm just wondered why was 75% tick, reasoning behind it
  • Deadalus - Harshlands
    Deadalus - Harshlands Posts: 546 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    You want a reason?

    Because you cant just buff yourself and give you a heal without any charm ticks, so you can (when charm ticks are at 50% or even better, 25%) just buff you once and deal with your half full mp.
    Charm just ticks and it goes off faster, so you can buy a new one.

    Thats why b:victory
  • Nefierius - Sanctuary
    Nefierius - Sanctuary Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    seriously, hate bb without a charm. fail cleric is fail, fail healer is fail.

    dude you half to hit 1 key ONE KEY every 50 seconds to hold a bb up. and you complaining about that. seriously it's not like you popping them left and right like seekers with high lvl vortex and that's even if they have a mp charm.

    and if your gonna say some sh*t like afking, if you ever afk in a bb in my squad I'll ask for lead and boot you, or just tell them to boot you out of principle for afking on a healer.

    l2p, and if your seriously complaining about mp pots in bb. roll and archer or a seeker and see how many it takes to keep that barrage of arrows/vortex up. oh and don't forget, reroll something other then a cleric, and you'd damn well be sure it's not a mystic cause If your really that damned lazy I don't ever wanna even hear of you trying to heal ANYTHING, cause you just fail at it.
  • Mistbelle - Sanctuary
    Mistbelle - Sanctuary Posts: 127 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    seriously, hate bb without a charm. fail cleric is fail, fail healer is fail.

    dude you half to hit 1 key ONE KEY every 50 seconds to hold a bb up. and you complaining about that. seriously it's not like you popping them left and right like seekers with high lvl vortex and that's even if they have a mp charm.

    and if your gonna say some sh*t like afking, if you ever afk in a bb in my squad I'll ask for lead and boot you, or just tell them to boot you out of principle for afking on a healer.

    l2p, and if your seriously complaining about mp pots in bb. roll and archer or a seeker and see how many it takes to keep that barrage of arrows/vortex up. oh and don't forget, reroll something other then a cleric, and you'd damn well be sure it's not a mystic cause If your really that damned lazy I don't ever wanna even hear of you trying to heal ANYTHING, cause you just fail at it.

    There's this thing called Herb Yunxaos (whatever the spelling is). lern2useit. My cleric can hold BB fine as long as I pop them in. I guess you want to afk while in BB. lolol. b:shutup
  • Vitenka - Dreamweaver
    Vitenka - Dreamweaver Posts: 4,125 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    So that they can sell more of them.
  • Nefierius - Sanctuary
    Nefierius - Sanctuary Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    There's this thing called Herb Yunxaos (whatever the spelling is). lern2useit. My cleric can hold BB fine as long as I pop them in. I guess you want to afk while in BB. lolol. b:shutup

    lol I'm thinkin you quoted the wrong person.

    I'm bashing him for not just using yuanxio's and trying to afk heal lol. but you quote me and said the same thing :(. just a hell of a lot nicer about it.

    and as for them ticking at 75 not 50. do you not also realize they have a lot more mp on them, and at least on sanctuary their 1/2 the price of hp charms.

    1.8m mp for say 1.5m
    1.2m hp *50% less* for 3m.

    your basicly getting 2 mp charms for 1 hp.

    that's 3.6m mp for 3m. which would run hp charms 9m lol, see the trend that goes with it lol. if you wanna complain about charms, go talk to tw cata barbs with high hp and that get focus fired quite often
  • Mistbelle - Sanctuary
    Mistbelle - Sanctuary Posts: 127 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    lol I'm thinkin you quoted the wrong person.

    I'm bashing him for not just using yuanxio's and trying to afk heal lol. but you quote me and said the same thing :(. just a hell of a lot nicer about it.

    and as for them ticking at 75 not 50. do you not also realize they have a lot more mp on them, and at least on sanctuary their 1/2 the price of hp charms.

    1.8m mp for say 1.5m
    1.2m hp *50% less* for 3m.

    your basicly getting 2 mp charms for 1 hp.

    that's 3.6m mp for 3m. which would run hp charms 9m lol, see the trend that goes with it lol. if you wanna complain about charms, go talk to tw cata barbs with high hp and that get focus fired quite often

    The thing is, he may not be able to use it yet. I'm not really bashing anyone, just saying.

    Plus, you hate BB without a charm, lol. If that's meant to the OP, whatevs. b:pleased

    Charms are nice but completely unnecessary unless you're PKing/TWing against people who has it.

    But MP ones are to be eaten by casters anyways. More money for them by setting the charm so high...
  • Karen_Divine - Sanctuary
    Karen_Divine - Sanctuary Posts: 54 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    75% is just fine it makes no difference if it was at 50 or 25, actually it might cost seekers and archers a bit since some bosses and mobs in trials drain MP so can knock out vortex/BoA as for BB without a charm I can ignore it every 50 seconds which gives me plenty of time to chat, play alts, or read forums/books xD and charms and BB are a bad thing because if you get knocked out and you're afk its a squad wipe, especially in full delta.

    Only time I use a mana charm is in TW or full delta and its primarily so I dont lose all my mana to plumeshell \o/
  • krittycat
    krittycat Posts: 4,187 Community Moderator
    edited February 2012
    Lolgasmic, you made him correct his post when it was right all along.b:chuckle

    "After only 25%" is the same as 75%, just a different way of saying it.b:victory
  • Pythe - Dreamweaver
    Pythe - Dreamweaver Posts: 90 Arc User
    edited February 2012

    KrittyCat wrote: »
    Lolgasmic, you made him correct his post when it was right all along.b:chuckle

    "After only 25%" is the same as 75%, just a different way of saying it.b:victory
  • datks2
    datks2 Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    one person says i'm complaining about this and you all start on me
    if you read my first post i'm asking WHY it's set % wise
    then yes i answered someone about my cleric's BB
    thats just one useage of my charm i know what herb, pots, are i do buy them

    what i want to know is why is is set at 75%
    not to complain over, just to know ffs
  • datks2
    datks2 Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    and how it became about cost idk, i dont care about cost of mp
  • datks2
    datks2 Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited February 2012

    and if your gonna say some sh*t like afking, if you ever afk in a bb in my squad I'll ask for lead and boot you, or just tell them to boot you out of principle for afking on a healer.

    you cant go afk in BB it might drop
  • Elvrinthaw - Heavens Tear
    Elvrinthaw - Heavens Tear Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    Why don't people actually READ the 1st post before shooting their mouths off & going off on a tangent. He only asked WHY MP charms tick at 75% - I didn't see any mention of "herbs", "pots" or "afk" etc. Actually I would like to know why it's 75% too!! Good question!!
  • maocchi
    maocchi Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    Because if it was 50%, many good casters that don't faceroll their keyboards wouldn't even tick them and there will be less MP charms being bought...and god forbid if PWI loses even a single penny of sales because of players who actually know how to play.
  • Bosk - Sanctuary
    Bosk - Sanctuary Posts: 160 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    Tangent ... don't read this part if you only care about "Why"

    I do use an MP charm from time to time on my Wiz ... especially the free ones ... but on my Barb I use them all the time.

    My reasoning:
    Bosk has 1500 MP. Buffing the party requires over 1/2 of that. Replacing it means a pot or cake, but both of these provide way more MP than I need (unless I use a very low level pot, which means buying it rather than using the ones that drop). Pot cool-down time is also 30 seconds, which means I would be out of MP again very quickly, often before the pot cool-down time is over.

    MP Charms on the other hand tick every 5 seconds and fill EXACTLY the amount of MP that I have used. Nothing is wasted.

    Plat MP Charm:
    Restores 1,800,000 MP using exactly the amount of MP needed each time
    Restore Time: Instant
    Cool-down: 5 seconds
    Fires automatically when MP falls below 75% (around 1125 for Bosk or after 375 MP are used).
    - 2 Gold via Boutique during sale (currently about 3m coins)
    - About 2m coins via Catshops
    - Free when won in events

    Herb Yuanxiao
    Restores 5000 MP
    Restore Time: 10 seconds (500 MP per second)
    Cool-down: 10 seconds
    Must be initiated via mouse click or hot key when MP is required
    - 3 Perfect Tokens of Luck for 50 (currently this is about 3 x 15k / 50 = 900 each)
    - 1000 - 1500 in Catshops

    So, if I am absolutely perfect in my application of Herb Yuanxiao cakes, I should be able to get about 2K MP out of each one. More than that is unlikely. So the return is about 2 MP per coin. Perfection, however, means that I hit the hotkey at exactly the point my MP reaches 0 but before I need to use another skill and that I burn up 500 more MP over the next 10 seconds while the Harb continues to restore MP. It is annoying to have to do this, but it is actually not impossible. It is just very unlikely that I can get more than 2000 MP use out of a cake.

    For a MP Charm, there is no need to be perfect. The Charm never wastes even a single MP. The 5 second cool-down is much faster than I ever need it to be, so I never have to worry about running out of MP.

    Cost: Herb Yuanxiao: 1 MP = .5 coins (best case)
    Cost: MP Charm: 1 MP = 1.1 coins

    There is definitely a premium for using MP charms, but there is also an advantage. The question is, "are you willing to pay the premium?"

    As for the OP question as to WHY the MP and HP charms are set to 75% and 50% respectively, I have to agree that it is rather annoying. In other games I have played, the thresholds for automatic activation of restoration of MP and/or HP has been a slider: you could set it to whatever % you wanted. For Bosk for example, having an HP charm is hugely expensive, because it ticks every time I use Armageddon. Yet if I could set the % to 40% instead of 50%, I could use Armageddon and an HP charm at the same time without this ridiculous expense. Furthermore, at least one of Bosk's skills only can be used when his HP are below 50%. With an HP charm, this NEVER happens.

    So, why then are these thresholds used? They seems so arbitrary, but I think it is because PWI knows that charms offer such an advantage over non-charmed play, that they want to make sure the advantage has a cost. People who can keep themselves alive using just Pots and other non-charm healing deserve to be granted a reward for that kind of skill, and that reward is not having to pay a huge charm cost.

    It is fair, but I would still like to set the percentages myself. b:victory

    Good Luck!
    Dante: "Cute is a relative term."
  • DreamDrops - Dreamweaver
    DreamDrops - Dreamweaver Posts: 95 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    It was deicided by PWI to set the MP tick at 75%.

    Reason - most players would be too busy to accurately time the - hit pot, before tick lol. How else could the using of charms be kept at a steady demand for replacements.

    After much research modelling, with tweeking of skill demands of MP needed use v's probable amounts of skill usage, cast times v's cool times. 75% must have been the optimal tick % for maximum usage lol = Maximum sales demand with nice flow of cash used, either in game coin or gold sales.

    Not in anyway an expert but logic points to a constant flow of cash to the company or the item would not be available in cash shop, or much in demand during sales.

    lol just a thought
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