I am you're customer, service me

Cimon - Harshlands
Cimon - Harshlands Posts: 279 Arc User
edited February 2012 in General Discussion
i want to know from a gm not a mod not some kid in his moms basement none o that **** bonofied gm person only.
where the hell is this new way to 105. you said it in the news post and all that now i want to know where it is and if you say endless universe so help me god. sure bosses and concept were fun but enough jokes pwe we want our lvls them glitchers got there where the hell are ours. i would pm frankie ol boy but he aint been returnin my pm's. busy fella he is and all that but still i want specifics not a genearlized answear made to placate me but honest fact you owe us that much. look at your forums look at your servers were pissed and where done with all the lying and all the **** ive been playing for almost three years u email me you in game message me you reply here to this post but you do something now. and while i got your undivided attention wich i criticly doubt i actually have a few questions.
1. what pleasure do you people gain from makeing everything in this game wholey unateinable I.E. nirvana R9 d orbs charms even for some things that you guys put in the game and complete screwd lil folks on.

2. why can we never ever get a attiqutte response from you guys do you hate us? do you go home at night and say to yourselvs hey we screwed another person outa enjoyment today rooty toot.

3. why the hell do you guys keep lowering the dmg of bms attacks. dont tell me your not.
ive been soloing frost for quite some time and at 3.33 aps with +4 decides. now i am 4.0 and had +10 lunar nirvana. a gift from a pal and i do 800 dmg with them and can no longer solo frost. so i figured it had to be dmg nerf from aps like in patch. so i switched out my armbands with tt 90 gold for just .05 less aps bringing me back to 3.33 sparked and still unable to do something ive been doing for over a year. this is the second time ive noticed a sizable dip in dmg from my bm first time i noticed it was near the last end of tidborn patch. not it any patchnotes and i have 300 str not OP but still enough to do some dmg.

4. if you guys want our moneys why do you troll us. seems kinda counter productive. telling us your going to do stuff then halfassing it all the time kinda makes people lose faith in our company weve chosen to waste our lives with dontcha think.

5. gold prices and packs you guys boned us bigtime with that ****. our entire econamy relises on tokens and stuff made from them now. no mat farmers no tt farmers nonothing just pack ****.

6. there are people regularly scamming folks every single day dont tell me you guys dont get enough cash to hire some people to watch for this. ill point to every r9 and say theres a weeks pay for sitting in front of a pc makeing sure things are right.

so in conclusion tighten your game up this stuff is fixable you just need to do it and quit with the BS
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]ty mystic man for the sig
Post edited by Cimon - Harshlands on


  • _Ghoul_ - Lost City
    _Ghoul_ - Lost City Posts: 973 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    aww poor bm qq cos his silly fist aint doing it anymore buu huu b:cry

    seriusly get over it this barb quited and so should you

    my gear is 10# more expensive then aps **** and i cant solo stuff was what really really
    made me quite and look for a game who cares maybe you should to

    ps laughing my *** of a aps freak cant solo anymore b:laugh
  • Cimon - Harshlands
    Cimon - Harshlands Posts: 279 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    its all my dmg ax fist sword and pole not just the fists and i even lower my aps below the suposed threashold thats suposed to get a 20% acc reduction and a 5% dmg decrease theese same claws where doing around 4 k dmg before patch this is the second time our dmg was reduced and nothing was said by the company is my point if you quit this game wich i highly doubt why the hell would you be on its forums
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]ty mystic man for the sig
  • RageKill - Lost City
    RageKill - Lost City Posts: 297 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    The forums would be FLOODED with BM QQ if their attack was nerfed anywhere near what you're describing. Please provide proof. And if you have the proof also send in a lil ticket and report this in the appropriate thread.
  • Cimon - Harshlands
    Cimon - Harshlands Posts: 279 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    ragekill wasnt talking to you nor do i intend to entertain you go roll a bm or talk to your bm buddys or something i dont know what it is might be just me but this is the second time its happend if you dont belive me i dont really care of any sort whatsoever i want a gm here to reply not you please read the above statments about the kid in moms basemnet thing
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]ty mystic man for the sig
  • Aduro_Tri - Heavens Tear
    Aduro_Tri - Heavens Tear Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    Heads up for you.
    If you DO NOT REALIZE, the GMs have absolutely nothing to do with the game updates...they just simply do what they're told from the Developers in China. If you have a serious problem you need to take it up with them---although they won't listen.
  • Aquyla - Heavens Tear
    Aquyla - Heavens Tear Posts: 97 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    Heh i was hearing something about FR will get boost in aggro but still didn't happen. And somehow i doubt it's only China's fault. Somehow i think devs have been hiding some secrets from us. But that's just me probably. b:laugh
  • Cimon - Harshlands
    Cimon - Harshlands Posts: 279 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    aduro this is the ave we were given simple as that you dont like it click somewhere else
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]ty mystic man for the sig
  • EmeraldFire - Lost City
    EmeraldFire - Lost City Posts: 91 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    1. Any game is meant to have challenges in them. That is what gives them good replay value. An online game, has to have something in it you have to work towards or you will simply lose interests in it. QQing because they have not nerfed the game enough to your liking so a new player can be "instantly end game powerful", well said it in another thread...I am sick of them molly coddling to players like yourself who QQ about everything because it is not to your liking. If you do not like the game go elsewhere. SO FED UP with them nerfing the game to suit lazy players..........

    2. They are gms....It is their job...they are paid to do a certain set of tasks. Responding to every person that QQ's about this game is statistically impossible. They are not your babysitters, they do not OWE you an answer to everything, you are not "owed" a gm to devote their time to catering to your every whim. They read, they are informed, if it is ACTUALLY important it will get a response. GROW UP.

    3. 5aps was broken any way you look at it. A bm should not have ever been able to solo an instance in under 10 minutes. That is just ludicrous.

    4. You make the choice to keep playing. If you do not like the customer service and feel as though they do not wipe your *** enough....uninstall game and find something else to do.

    5. Speak for your own server. Lost City has always had a plethora of farmers and there is plenty of everything on the market. Packs have been in game long enough now QQing about them will do you no good.

    6. Why don't you help them out and report the people scamming. Send them a screenshot of the offense and they can probably do something about it.

    So in conclusion: The GM's are employees of a gaming company not your personal babysitters. Grow up a little and stop the incessant QQing trying to get them to change the game to be easier for you to play. If it is that hard for you to wrap your little brain cells around the game play, maybe it isnt the game for you.

    Thank you for shopping PWI, Have a lovely Day.
  • Geo_Breaker - Heavens Tear
    Geo_Breaker - Heavens Tear Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    here is a post from frankie i found in another thread about the new path to 105 http://pwi-forum.perfectworld.com/showpost.php?p=16206011&postcount=74 and as far as everything else hopefully you find your answers. but i doubt it
  • RageKill - Lost City
    RageKill - Lost City Posts: 297 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    its all my dmg ax fist sword and pole not just the fists and i even lower my aps below the suposed threashold thats suposed to get a 20% acc reduction and a 5% dmg decrease theese same claws where doing around 4 k dmg before patch this is the second time our dmg was reduced and nothing was said by the company is my point if you quit this game wich i highly doubt why the hell would you be on its forums

    Lol I believe you're the one acting like a child in mommy's basement.

    like i said if the mechanics of BMs damage were changed this much you would have noticed a million threads about it already on the forums. I don't care whether you like my response or not. Not here to please you. Just to explain a point.

    Also the APS nerf was barely even a nerf at all.

    Please feel free to rage quit. You won't be missed.

    Have a lovely morning.
  • JSXJoe - Sanctuary
    JSXJoe - Sanctuary Posts: 97 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    aww poor bm qq cos his silly fist aint doing it anymore buu huu b:cry

    seriusly get over it this barb quited and so should you

    my gear is 10# more expensive then aps **** and i cant solo stuff was what really really
    made me quite and look for a game who cares maybe you should to

    ps laughing my *** of a aps freak cant solo anymore b:laugh

    Get lost you miserable piece of Cashshopper, noone cares how expensive your gears were.

    It's not all about gears and stuff you know =? If you got enough skill, pot, genie and APO then you are well capable of doing anything solo possible.

    Well I assume you havn't got that and rage quited about it, eh?
    I am really honered, ty b:victory

    My Chars:
    101 Demon Blademaster. 101 Demon Barbarian,
    100 Sage Seeker, 100 Sage Cleric, 100 Demon Assassin,
    101 Demon Cleric, 93 Demon Archer, 101 Sage Venomancer,
    89 Demon Psychic, 100 Sage Mystic, 100 Demon Wizard
  • MeaMoeYao - Lost City
    MeaMoeYao - Lost City Posts: 54 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    aww poor bm qq cos his silly fist aint doing it anymore buu huu b:cry

    seriusly get over it this barb quited and so should you

    my gear is 10# more expensive then aps **** and i cant solo stuff was what really really
    made me quite and look for a game who cares maybe you should to

    ps laughing my *** of a aps freak cant solo anymore b:laugh

    Ghoul you're a bigger fail on Lost City than levii or TwiztedWolf, you quit the game because you suck at it, please come back so this poopy NV BM can keep killing you.

    You merched your super expensive yet unable to stop you from sucking gear directly from PWE, I doubt you've ever farmed anything and probably suck just as much at PVE as PVP, your opinion here is worth less than the pixels that display it, go back to being retired and silent.

    P.S I've been playing BM for over 2 years, certainly have noticed the drop in DPS since tideborn, the reason few speak up about it is because its near the bottom of the pile of **** ups on PWE's part and like most injustices, never to be fixed.

    //\\Futa\\// 101 BM - Chinatown
  • ZodiarkE - Dreamweaver
    ZodiarkE - Dreamweaver Posts: 266 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    its all my dmg ax fist sword and pole not just the fists and i even lower my aps below the suposed threashold thats suposed to get a 20% acc reduction and a 5% dmg decrease theese same claws where doing around 4 k dmg before patch this is the second time our dmg was reduced and nothing was said by the company is my point if you quit this game wich i highly doubt why the hell would you be on its forums

    Don't bother with these losers, this is what they do if they see you on here on which they themselfs aren't making things nay better on how it is right now.

    may I suggest most play are sticking up to the gm's or devs just because of some amusing entertainment to make them sleep better at night.

    which is why people left mostly and if most all of the people seem to be pretty obnoxious all rich all high and almighty thinking they are god, but you know let them do this attention starved, they are nothing but little brats with money, talking up to their own mothers asking for them, which seemingly they only do so because they are rich.

    honesty like I stated to Kotaku, If I do something wrong and get a warning so what? you think I really care? and I don't because according to what I've been through and same from here to another place, all I see is abunch of stuck ups, who seems to kiss " *** " for the GM's or Admins just to do what? making sure they are god and afraid to get ban?

    honesty ban is more of a word that should not be even allowed to be used at all, if a person says it then hell let him get shot for it, if a person is banned completely so what? XDDDDDD its nothing more just a sick joke to me every day I hear this **** from you people, Its like " I am banned why? " its not going to give you a freaken heart attack, a ban is just a ban so what if you do get ban not going to kill anyone.

    It just seems really epically stupid people get threads put in depth for no reason without even explaining, however they keep on telling me look at the rules, lol **** neck show me the forum link and I will, if not then oh well, all of this is just funny to me, the way you treat people and me is how i will do it more times back.

    But you know I'm not going to bother because last time i made an *** of myself, this time I just don't give a **** about the system or how it works on here, this is exactly why people did leave the game, because all you people do who are friends with the GM's Mods, Staff members, Admins ,ect,ect all you people do is kiss their own *** to get somethings good.

    so as in shorter version, I wish you guys luck, if you wanna make a big deal out of what I said by making your own entertainment that is fine, do as you please, I really don't care.

    My suggestion is.....lock the thread.

    Ooooh and Fuzzy....You and I need to have a chit chat asap, I am sick of your **** typo, and your stupidity, you should be replaced by someone else more professional, what are you from high school? freshmen? whatever it is, you need to go back to school to learn, instead of causing typos, or making things that aren't making sense at all, and before you do anything to my own account a piece of advice....when you have more balls speak to me privately, instead of putting things in-depth, and resolve issues, otherwise you're not being very professional at all, but if so, that will only show you're more of a mama's little boy in the basement, who is crying wolf for the help of others, I'd had my fair share of fun, you want yours, then message me immediately
  • Agorey - Harshlands
    Agorey - Harshlands Posts: 124 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    so much effing txt. new chain quest gives like 11m exp? give or take... its the same thing solo FC "fastest" way to 105 GL.
    3. why the hell do you guys keep lowering the dmg of bms attacks. dont tell me your not.
    ive been soloing frost for quite some time and at 3.33 aps with +4 decides. now i am 4.0 and had +10 lunar nirvana. a gift from a pal and i do 800 dmg with them and can no longer solo frost. so i figured it had to be dmg nerf from aps like in patch. so i switched out my armbands with tt 90 gold for just .05 less aps bringing me back to 3.33 sparked and still unable to do something ive been doing for over a year. this is the second time ive noticed a sizable dip in dmg from my bm first time i noticed it was near the last end of tidborn patch. not it any patchnotes and i have 300 str not OP but still enough to do some dmg.

    BMs are a support class. Ya it sux. Get use to it, get better axes.
  • Michael_Dark - Lost City
    Michael_Dark - Lost City Posts: 9,091 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    This whole thread makes me feel like I'm 500 years in the future, like in the movie Idiocracy.
    I post in forums. This one and others. That's why I post.
  • MeaMoeYao - Lost City
    MeaMoeYao - Lost City Posts: 54 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    This whole thread makes me feel like I'm 500 years in the future, like in the movie Idiocracy.

    And you are Not Sure, Secratary Not Sure? XD

    //\\Futa\\// 101 BM - Chinatown
  • Michael_Dark - Lost City
    Michael_Dark - Lost City Posts: 9,091 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    And you are Not Sure, Secratary Not Sure? XD


    That movie was so horrible it was charming. Here, it's just horrible... not charming at all.
    I post in forums. This one and others. That's why I post.
  • RageKill - Lost City
    RageKill - Lost City Posts: 297 Arc User
    edited February 2012

    That movie was so horrible it was charming. Here, it's just horrible... not charming at all.

    Don't judge me for enjoying it then. Was just so stupid you gotta smile.
  • Angel_Spawn - Sanctuary
    Angel_Spawn - Sanctuary Posts: 3,034 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    This whole thread makes me feel like I'm 500 years in the future, like in the movie Idiocracy.

    World is slowly leaning towards it! b:surrender
  • MeaMoeYao - Lost City
    MeaMoeYao - Lost City Posts: 54 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    Perfect Worldo, The Savings Mutilator, It's got what nubs crave.

    //\\Futa\\// 101 BM - Chinatown
  • FatherTed - Dreamweaver
    FatherTed - Dreamweaver Posts: 3,723 Arc User
    edited February 2012

    That movie was so horrible it was charming. Here, it's just horrible... not charming at all.

    More like it was so stupid it was genius.
    Thanks for the sig Ophida :3
  • dannyj147
    dannyj147 Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    I don't really see what the big deal with reaching 105 is anyway. If there was new gear to get and instances to do I could understand. Im happy at 101 don't really see myself getting any higher.
  • Xainou - Sanctuary
    Xainou - Sanctuary Posts: 5,369 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    I read the title and facepalmed. Not like it can be worth reading on after that. b:surrender

    Licensed tail brusher of ƙɑƙʊɱɑʊ ~ only the fluffiest
    Outrunning centaurs since 2012~
  • Salari - Raging Tide
    Salari - Raging Tide Posts: 2,102 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    do you go home at night and say to yourselvs hey we screwed another person outa enjoyment today rooty toot.

    b:beatenup rooty toot boot, boot rooty tooty, tooty rooty, booty tooty
    Marine - Marshall - Raging Tides - Retired
    DEMHEALSMAN - Dreamweaver
    Yes, because people really need 900+ dex or 1000+ magic just for the lulz
  • Tidestrike - Lost City
    Tidestrike - Lost City Posts: 72 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    aww poor bm qq cos his silly fist aint doing it anymore buu huu b:cry

    my gear is 10# more expensive then aps **** and i cant solo stuff was what really really
    made me quite and look for a game who cares maybe you should to

    ps laughing my *** of a aps freak cant solo anymore b:laugh

    You're a full rank 9 Barbarian and you can't solo instances. This might have something to do with the fact that you had 300 dexterity on him, and when I tried to tell you that you should have nowhere near that much, you called me an 'aps noob'. You can't even equip your ****** r9 axes. I'm not surprised you quit, you're the laughing-stock of the entire server.
  • Pyrostormz - Raging Tide
    Pyrostormz - Raging Tide Posts: 956 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    You're a full rank 9 Barbarian and you can't solo instances. This might have something to do with the fact that you had 300 dexterity on him, and when I tried to tell you that you should have nowhere near that much, you called me an 'aps noob'. You can't even equip your ****** r9 axes. I'm not surprised you quit, you're the laughing-stock of the entire server.

    posts like this make the whole QQ thread worth reading b:victory
  • Angel_Spawn - Sanctuary
    Angel_Spawn - Sanctuary Posts: 3,034 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    posts like this make the whole QQ thread worth reading b:victory

    Makes you all warm and fuzzy inside. b:cute
  • U_Sasuke - Sanctuary
    U_Sasuke - Sanctuary Posts: 643 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    so in conclusion tighten your game up this stuff is fixable you just need to do it and quit with the BS

    BMs are OP! you just suck!
  • hopeitworks
    hopeitworks Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    i want to know from a gm not a mod not some kid in his moms basement none o that **** bonofied gm person only.
    where the hell is this new way to 105. you said it in the news post and all that now i want to know where it is and if you say endless universe so help me god. sure bosses and concept were fun but enough jokes pwe we want our lvls them glitchers got there where the hell are ours. i would pm frankie ol boy but he aint been returnin my pm's. busy fella he is and all that but still i want specifics not a genearlized answear made to placate me but honest fact you owe us that much. look at your forums look at your servers were pissed and where done with all the lying and all the **** ive been playing for almost three years u email me you in game message me you reply here to this post but you do something now. and while i got your undivided attention wich i criticly doubt i actually have a few questions.
    1. what pleasure do you people gain from makeing everything in this game wholey unateinable I.E. nirvana R9 d orbs charms even for some things that you guys put in the game and complete screwd lil folks on.

    2. why can we never ever get a attiqutte response from you guys do you hate us? do you go home at night and say to yourselvs hey we screwed another person outa enjoyment today rooty toot.

    3. why the hell do you guys keep lowering the dmg of bms attacks. dont tell me your not.
    ive been soloing frost for quite some time and at 3.33 aps with +4 decides. now i am 4.0 and had +10 lunar nirvana. a gift from a pal and i do 800 dmg with them and can no longer solo frost. so i figured it had to be dmg nerf from aps like in patch. so i switched out my armbands with tt 90 gold for just .05 less aps bringing me back to 3.33 sparked and still unable to do something ive been doing for over a year. this is the second time ive noticed a sizable dip in dmg from my bm first time i noticed it was near the last end of tidborn patch. not it any patchnotes and i have 300 str not OP but still enough to do some dmg.

    4. if you guys want our moneys why do you troll us. seems kinda counter productive. telling us your going to do stuff then halfassing it all the time kinda makes people lose faith in our company weve chosen to waste our lives with dontcha think.

    5. gold prices and packs you guys boned us bigtime with that ****. our entire econamy relises on tokens and stuff made from them now. no mat farmers no tt farmers nonothing just pack ****.

    6. there are people regularly scamming folks every single day dont tell me you guys dont get enough cash to hire some people to watch for this. ill point to every r9 and say theres a weeks pay for sitting in front of a pc makeing sure things are right.

    so in conclusion tighten your game up this stuff is fixable you just need to do it and quit with the BS

    Why don't you learn a thing or two about punctuation, run-on sentences, and spelling before you spew all over the forums? You should also work on your people skills if you want anyone to take you seriously. If you write an open letter to a GM like a 7 year old with rabies, you're not gonna get the response you want. Nerfing is just part of the gaming industry. You won't find a game that is free of it so I suggest you find a new hobby.
  • Kerona - Sanctuary
    Kerona - Sanctuary Posts: 1,771 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    Did you, oh, perchance, not have Barb buff or Ohhhhhhhh idk not have jones blessing on? Forget bloodpaint? Charm? HP food? Was it perhaps attack charms? Did you lose a lot of +str on your gear?
This discussion has been closed.