It is just a game.

Gaisgeachd - Harshlands
Gaisgeachd - Harshlands Posts: 6 Arc User
edited February 2012 in General Discussion
I know nobody really likes to listen to anyone complain, but this is a game it is not your life. With that being said I do no understand why everyone is using fc to level. In personal opinion I thought the point of a game was to have some fun, and an online game to have some fun and make some friends. Everyone is so concerned with getting 10x that no one really notices everything you can do at lower levels. I myself was guilty of this for a long time I had no idea that so many instances opened up around 40, I knew bh and cube of course, but what about the lower level rebirths. Everyone seems to complain about the game, and how so many people just pay to be 100 yet when I try to find people, and even put together a faction to do some of these instances we seem to have stored in the attic no one has any interest in trying them. I do accept that perhaps you try these different instances with a squad, and they are not to your liking, but at the very least attempt them. People play chess with skilled opponets because they like to challenge themselves, but I ask what challenge is their in just using fc to level yourself. I truly believe, and this is a personal opinion that this game would be even more exciting if we all took a break from r9 and racing each other to 100 and took some time out at 4x, 5x, 6x, 7x, and 8x to try some of these old instances. We may not like them, but at least challenge yourself. I posted a thread on this yesterday looking for anyone interested in a faction that would attempt these feats. Why don't we all remember why we play games? We play them to have fun. I know I may be seen as ranting, but I felt I should just put this out there.
Post edited by Gaisgeachd - Harshlands on


  • _Kayno - Sanctuary
    _Kayno - Sanctuary Posts: 37 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    people these days just want to get to the destination without going through the journey. patience is getting rarer and rarer everyday everyone wants to be "epic" without taking the time and doing whats required to get there.
    plus these day people seem to treat these game like counsel games where most things are done solo and u have everything u need. where as on these you need people to help you out because that apart of the game itself, its made for people to join together n practice team work.
    but in my opinion i think they should put a lvl limit on fc but hey idk its one thing to say it but to get it done could be another(not just talking about the developers....its a business there not the only ppl that run so dnt start)

    well...thats my two rusty pennies
  • Bobobejumbo - Raging Tide
    Bobobejumbo - Raging Tide Posts: 934 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    I know nobody really likes to listen to anyone complain, but this is a game it is not your life. With that being said I do no understand why everyone is using fc to level. In personal opinion I thought the point of a game was to have some fun, and an online game to have some fun and make some friends. Everyone is so concerned with getting 10x that no one really notices everything you can do at lower levels. I myself was guilty of this for a long time I had no idea that so many instances opened up around 40, I knew bh and cube of course, but what about the lower level rebirths. Everyone seems to complain about the game, and how so many people just pay to be 100 yet when I try to find people, and even put together a faction to do some of these instances we seem to have stored in the attic no one has any interest in trying them. I do accept that perhaps you try these different instances with a squad, and they are not to your liking, but at the very least attempt them. People play chess with skilled opponets because they like to challenge themselves, but I ask what challenge is their in just using fc to level yourself. I truly believe, and this is a personal opinion that this game would be even more exciting if we all took a break from r9 and racing each other to 100 and took some time out at 4x, 5x, 6x, 7x, and 8x to try some of these old instances. We may not like them, but at least challenge yourself. I posted a thread on this yesterday looking for anyone interested in a faction that would attempt these feats. Why don't we all remember why we play games? We play them to have fun. I know I may be seen as ranting, but I felt I should just put this out there.

    Says who? b:scorn
  • _Kayno - Sanctuary
    _Kayno - Sanctuary Posts: 37 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    Says who? b:scorn

    lol struck a nerve there huh big boy XD
  • Tsukyini - Raging Tide
    Tsukyini - Raging Tide Posts: 1,766 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    I ask what challenge is their in just using fc to level yourself.

    The challenge is overcoming the sheer boredom from the repetition.
  • Michael_Dark - Lost City
    Michael_Dark - Lost City Posts: 9,091 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    There are two types of players left in the game majority:

    1) Players who have done everything or almost everything. These are the veterans.

    2) Players who come here and want to compete with 1) so they plevel to end-game to compete.

    New, unique players to PW are the minority. There are very few new people coming to this game that don't fit the 2nd category. So, this is really just another hyper-frost-QQ thread.

    BTW, I loved playing the game as it was. As soon as hyper-frost was released I lost all interest in leveling up my alts because all the fun of leveling the old way was pretty much destroyed. By destroyed, I mean that all the lower and mid levels became non-existent.
    I post in forums. This one and others. That's why I post.
  • Euthymius - Heavens Tear
    Euthymius - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,162 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    There are two types of players left in the game majority:

    1) Players who have done everything or almost everything. These are the veterans.

    2) Players who come here and want to compete with 1) so they plevel to end-game to compete.

    New, unique players to PW are the minority. There are very few new people coming to this game that don't fit the 2nd category.


    Generally speaking though, the playerbase has become fixated on how fast and efficiently they can complete things, rather than taking things at a slower pace to enjoy the ride. It can not be helped much though - not when gear is this insane and CSers can effectively purchase absolute power in-game.
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]Remember: OP may be a duck|OP/GMs/Devs may not deliver|Search function is your friend|Lurk more|Be wary of Mods: they can't be trusted|This place isn't a hugbox|Your tears sustain me|Know what Bait is|"Soon" may never come|Postcount, Dubs, and other GETs are important|Don't revive long dead threads|There is a section for everything|You can be banned for anything|No Fun Allowed outside of OT|Sweetiebot rules OT|"Circlejerks" are inevitable|Threads can be derailed and saved|Those who use"XD" should off themselves at their earliest convenience|
  • StormHydra - Sanctuary
    StormHydra - Sanctuary Posts: 2,221 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    It's mostly because PWI has made end-game content much bigger and "fun" than early levels.
    |Active: Coalescence - Lost City, Wizard|
    |Inactive: StormHydra - Sanctuary, Archer|
    |Call of Duty: Black Ops|League of Legends|Forsaken World|Perfect World International|The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim|
  • Pressa - Heavens Tear
    Pressa - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,287 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    b:cute Oh I don't know because spending 2 years casually grinding up to the maximum level doesn't appeal to some people?
  • Troller - Sanctuary
    Troller - Sanctuary Posts: 89 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    Most people rush to max level because they want to play a game. Level 1-100 is not a game, but a glorified skinner box designed to grab as much money from the community as possible. Despite what MMOs have been telling you for years, it does not take 10+ months to learn how to play. The reason it's so long to level is because they realize if they put a carrot on a stick and put it in front of you, you will pay up to get it in the form of hypers, mounts, R9, 5aps, refines. If you really need proof for this, try to remember the last time you leveled up the traditional way and after 6 or so hours of grinding and going "I had so much fun killing mobs for 6 hours!" and not "I can't wait till I get to level x so I can get y!". It's also why dungeon drops are rare, they know the longer you play, the more likely you will pay them. This leads to fake game longevity, they make hundreds of the same "kill x of these mobs", "talk to this person", and "Give me this item" quests so they can say something like "This game has 10,000 hours of content!".

    Of course PWI realized this can bore people, and people will likely be heavier cash shoppers end game. So they introduced hyper stones, with these you can pay to skip the skinner box part of the game to get to endgame. This way they know you will be under equipped and will be more likely to buy gear through cash shopping.

    Now, let's just assume you gone through the game without buying anything. It's going to take you a lot longer to get through the skinner box, then just when you think you are out...They place you in another one for gears. Not only that, but they reward people who pay with a lot of money with Rank 9, these people in Rank 9 pk a lot of people who don't have it. These people get jealous and pay more money to be able to compete in the actual game part, PKing.

    And that is why people power level. b:cute

    Despite the name, only a part time troll. b:victory
  • Shawnward - Lost City
    Shawnward - Lost City Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    I know nobody really likes to listen to anyone complain, but this is a game it is not your life. With that being said I do no understand why everyone is using fc to level. In personal opinion I thought the point of a game was to have some fun, and an online game to have some fun and make some friends. Everyone is so concerned with getting 10x that no one really notices everything you can do at lower levels. I myself was guilty of this for a long time I had no idea that so many instances opened up around 40, I knew bh and cube of course, but what about the lower level rebirths. Everyone seems to complain about the game, and how so many people just pay to be 100 yet when I try to find people, and even put together a faction to do some of these instances we seem to have stored in the attic no one has any interest in trying them. I do accept that perhaps you try these different instances with a squad, and they are not to your liking, but at the very least attempt them. People play chess with skilled opponets because they like to challenge themselves, but I ask what challenge is their in just using fc to level yourself. I truly believe, and this is a personal opinion that this game would be even more exciting if we all took a break from r9 and racing each other to 100 and took some time out at 4x, 5x, 6x, 7x, and 8x to try some of these old instances. We may not like them, but at least challenge yourself. I posted a thread on this yesterday looking for anyone interested in a faction that would attempt these feats. Why don't we all remember why we play games? We play them to have fun. I know I may be seen as ranting, but I felt I should just put this out there.
    well for some people such as myself i dont have to much in my life i have a gf yes but we work we sleep not much else to do so we game. i use pw as an fun escape into a new life. ive been playing over 3 years now . i leveled my main normaly a 101 wiz i frosted and paid for a few levels liek 85-90 but other wise i grinded i cashshop too much but alas my gear is not top i have spent $ to buy 4-5 ppl full r9 but i only have 1 piece i waste my money to have fun. when sins came i didnt play one immediatly now i do have one lvl 95. people pay to level cause the pvp tw is what they seek they dont seek low level grinding or instances. they seek top gear top dmg top everything so people dont wanna waste there time leveling over years.
  • StormHydra - Sanctuary
    StormHydra - Sanctuary Posts: 2,221 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    Most people rush to max level because they want to play a game. Level 1-100 is not a game, but a glorified skinner box designed to grab as much money from the community as possible. Despite what MMOs have been telling you for years, it does not take 10+ months to learn how to play. The reason it's so long to level is because they realize if they put a carrot on a stick and put it in front of you, you will pay up to get it in the form of hypers, mounts, R9, 5aps, refines. If you really need proof for this, try to remember the last time you leveled up the traditional way and after 6 or so hours of grinding and going "I had so much fun killing mobs for 6 hours!" and not "I can't wait till I get to level x so I can get y!". It's also why dungeon drops are rare, they know the longer you play, the more likely you will pay them. This leads to fake game longevity, they make hundreds of the same "kill x of these mobs", "talk to this person", and "Give me this item" quests so they can say something like "This game has 10,000 hours of content!".

    Of course PWI realized this can bore people, and people will likely be heavier cash shoppers end game. So they introduced hyper stones, with these you can pay to skip the skinner box part of the game to get to endgame. This way they know you will be under equipped and will be more likely to buy gear through cash shopping.

    Now, let's just assume you gone through the game without buying anything. It's going to take you a lot longer to get through the skinner box, then just when you think you are out...They place you in another one for gears. Not only that, but they reward people who pay with a lot of money with Rank 9, these people in Rank 9 pk a lot of people who don't have it. These people get jealous and pay more money to be able to compete in the actual game part, PKing.

    And that is why people power level. b:cute

    Pretty much this
    |Active: Coalescence - Lost City, Wizard|
    |Inactive: StormHydra - Sanctuary, Archer|
    |Call of Duty: Black Ops|League of Legends|Forsaken World|Perfect World International|The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim|
  • Reikara - Heavens Tear
    Reikara - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,321 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    I know nobody really likes to listen to anyone complain, but this is a game it is not your life.

    I reject your reality and substitute my own! b:cry
  • Reikara - Heavens Tear
    Reikara - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,321 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    There are two types of players left in the game majority:

    1) Players who have done everything or almost everything. These are the veterans.

    2) Players who come here and want to compete with 1) so they plevel to end-game to compete.

    New, unique players to PW are the minority. There are very few new people coming to this game that don't fit the 2nd category. So, this is really just another hyper-frost-QQ thread.

    BTW, I loved playing the game as it was. As soon as hyper-frost was released I lost all interest in leveling up my alts because all the fun of leveling the old way was pretty much destroyed. By destroyed, I mean that all the lower and mid levels became non-existent.

    Aw now that aint fair. FCC was/is a genuinely fun instance when it's run as a team within a level range and not just an exp room market. I remember trying it when the highest players were 70-80s. We got wiped hard before the first boss even. :d

    I think it's really the hypers that degraded it. But the biggest killer was placing rare gears in the cash shop, that's what stopped everyone from running TTs and such.
  • Reikara - Heavens Tear
    Reikara - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,321 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    b:cute Oh I don't know because spending 2 years casually grinding up to the maximum level doesn't appeal to some people?

    This as well. It took me 2 years of solid grinding/ CS/ WQ just to reach 94 on my venomancer. I quit her at that level because the exp requirement was becoming sheer insanity and I wanted a life outside of pwi. Man, grinding and enjoying the ride is good and all, but it needs to not take what feels like a millennium to get any real sense of achievement out of it.
  • ShadowsFlame - Raging Tide
    ShadowsFlame - Raging Tide Posts: 152 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    I reject your reality and substitute my own! b:cry

    u watched way too many mythbusters episodes b:laugh
  • LyuKang - Sanctuary
    LyuKang - Sanctuary Posts: 216 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    I like the part when people pvl their a**** to lvl 100, cash shop their OP gear, and then spam the wc with "ZOMG, I'm so bored, there is nothing to do!" then later they rage-quit and blame the game for the lack of content b:pleasedb:laugh
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] <--- One of the devs trying to fix the game. b:pleased

    lvl 100 unbiased all path sage bm.

    Currently waiting for them to take their sweet time to fix my avatar...
  • Reikara - Heavens Tear
    Reikara - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,321 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    I like the part when people pvl their ***** to lvl 100, cash shop their OP gear, and then spam the wc with "ZOMG, I'm so bored, there is nothing to do!" then later they rage-quit and blame the game for the lack of content b:pleasedb:laugh

    I like the part where they get all that then think pk means spamming random skills. :p
  • LyuKang - Sanctuary
    LyuKang - Sanctuary Posts: 216 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    I like the part where they get all that then think pk means spamming random skills. :p

    That too lol b:laugh
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] <--- One of the devs trying to fix the game. b:pleased

    lvl 100 unbiased all path sage bm.

    Currently waiting for them to take their sweet time to fix my avatar...
  • Michael_Dark - Lost City
    Michael_Dark - Lost City Posts: 9,091 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    Most people rush to max level because they want to play a game. Level 1-100 is not a game, but a glorified skinner box designed to grab as much money from the community as possible. Despite what MMOs have been telling you for years, it does not take 10+ months to learn how to play. The reason it's so long to level is because they realize if they put a carrot on a stick and put it in front of you, you will pay up to get it in the form of hypers, mounts, R9, 5aps, refines. If you really need proof for this, try to remember the last time you leveled up the traditional way and after 6 or so hours of grinding and going "I had so much fun killing mobs for 6 hours!" and not "I can't wait till I get to level x so I can get y!". It's also why dungeon drops are rare, they know the longer you play, the more likely you will pay them. This leads to fake game longevity, they make hundreds of the same "kill x of these mobs", "talk to this person", and "Give me this item" quests so they can say something like "This game has 10,000 hours of content!".

    Grinding and doing quests are where I met most of my friends. Too many people have insecurity issues regarding level and many people don't appreciate something unless it's handed to them on a silver platter. I guess you're one of the 'entitlement generation'. Kinda sad... grinding and zhenning with friends was a lot of fun back in the day.

    Aw now that aint fair. FCC was/is a genuinely fun instance when it's run as a team within a level range and not just an exp room market. I remember trying it when the highest players were 70-80s. We got wiped hard before the first boss even. :d

    New FC was fun the first couple of times when it was new and nobody knew what the bosses did. After running it 3-4 times, it got boring.

    Old Frost was much more fun. I spent at least 100 hours in there in both solo and squad mode. New frost? I can't even bother soloing it, it's so boring. I usually quit after 10-15 minutes because there is no challenge to even soloing it.
    I post in forums. This one and others. That's why I post.
  • Belzeber - Raging Tide
    Belzeber - Raging Tide Posts: 117 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    Aw now that aint fair. FCC was/is a genuinely fun instance when it's run as a team within a level range and not just an exp room market. I remember trying it when the highest players were 70-80s. We got wiped hard before the first boss even. :d

    I think it's really the hypers that degraded it. But the biggest killer was placing rare gears in the cash shop, that's what stopped everyone from running TTs and such.

    This. I cant make cash for squat! My objective is to get my bm to 100 to solo FCs and sell them because THAT there is the only way I see to make money nowadays without cash shopping. My TT items are all gathering dust in the bank. b:surrender
    Awesome signature by Bellefleurs <3
    "Any tree can drop an apple. I'll drop the freakin' moon!"
    "Any voice can shake the air. My voice shakes the heart!"

    Bring Toonami back to Cartoon Network! Show your support!
  • Michael_Dark - Lost City
    Michael_Dark - Lost City Posts: 9,091 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    This. I cant make cash for squat! My objective is to get my bm to 100 to solo FCs and sell them because THAT there is the only way I see to make money nowadays without cash shopping. My TT items are all gathering dust in the bank. b:surrender

    People still pay for that? On LC I often see people advertising for 150-200k for a heads run, and sometimes see people giving away free spots as well.

    If I actually bothered to play mundane content here, I'd give away frost runs just to **** people off.
    I post in forums. This one and others. That's why I post.
  • Belzeber - Raging Tide
    Belzeber - Raging Tide Posts: 117 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    On RT, people are selling em 200k-500k still.
    Awesome signature by Bellefleurs <3
    "Any tree can drop an apple. I'll drop the freakin' moon!"
    "Any voice can shake the air. My voice shakes the heart!"

    Bring Toonami back to Cartoon Network! Show your support!
  • BerserkBeast - Sanctuary
    BerserkBeast - Sanctuary Posts: 1,417 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    I don't understand why people complain so much about CSer and Power-Leveller

    There are those people who farm/merchant/do stuff in game to get their gear(And takes hell a lot)
    There are those people who invest money(Real life money),to get the stuff done faster,and with equal or even superior gear than those who have invested a lot of time.

    What's the problem?

    Since its a free-to-play game,you don't have to spend(And most people aren't CSer),yet you complain to those who spend...uh what?,this game needs funds to keep going,server's cost electricity, maintenance, etc, nothing its free,if some people decide to spend their own damn money on a game its all good for you, or else Servers would have been shut down long ago.

    Why those people who invested money(Instead of time & effort) can't get the benefits you got from hard work?, everything looks balanced to me : Work for it or pay.

    Look it this way:CS'er are "Premium" users
    The only way to beat a troll troll him back b:angry
  • Mr_Punkster - Dreamweaver
    Mr_Punkster - Dreamweaver Posts: 272 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    I don't understand why people complain so much about CSer and Power-Leveller

    What's the problem?

    The problems with this are as follows:

    A) Noobs don't learn how to use their skills properly. I've run into quite a few clerics who didn't know how to heal correctly (no IH...just spam chromatic/wellspring) BM/barb/sin/etc etc etc.

    B) Most new players coming into the game see nobody else questing and end up quitting, effectively speeding up the end of this game. Furthermore, this also the reason TT mats (mainly 70/80) aren't used enough to keep the cycle of supply and demand going, which leads to my final point.

    C) TT mats aren't used as much until lvl90/99 so the market prices are much lower...then aps gets blamed for this. b:angry

    I, myself, would have no problem if PWE would impose a level requirement of 75 to enter FC. I quested with most of my alts get the feel for their skills, and to save on hypers a bit as well. It's not hard to do a couple quests each day, or BH after level 40. I had plenty else I could do on my main.

    Yes PWE does make money from the power levelers, but they should start thinking about the longevity of profits. Lacking newcomers to this game will result in it's premature demise.

    just another $.02 from Mr Owl
    lvl101 Legit archer...not 1 hyper used or multi-FC
  • Atonements - Raging Tide
    Atonements - Raging Tide Posts: 48 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    FC to me is for 80+ ...all quest is ****..u cant lvl..not enough dailies either..CS is sht! bh..prty much so!
    FC makes it easier....beter thn wastin hrs grinding for 5% -.- ...thn u DIE

    good thing expansion..a person would need to play to get skills..and tht will hopefully help against plvlers...i think

    Bored. b:lipcurl
  • Bad_//itch - Dreamweaver4
    Bad_//itch - Dreamweaver4 Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited February 2012

    The problems with this are as follows:

    A) Noobs don't learn how to use their skills properly. I've run into quite a few clerics who didn't know how to heal correctly (no IH...just spam chromatic/wellspring) BM/barb/sin/etc etc etc.

    B) Most new players coming into the game see nobody else questing and end up quitting, effectively speeding up the end of this game. Furthermore, this also the reason TT mats (mainly 70/80) aren't used enough to keep the cycle of supply and demand going, which leads to my final point.

    C) TT mats aren't used as much until lvl90/99 so the market prices are much lower...then aps gets blamed for this. b:angry

    I, myself, would have no problem if PWE would impose a level requirement of 75 to enter FC. I quested with most of my alts get the feel for their skills, and to save on hypers a bit as well. It's not hard to do a couple quests each day, or BH after level 40. I had plenty else I could do on my main.

    Yes PWE does make money from the power levelers, but they should start thinking about the longevity of profits. Lacking newcomers to this game will result in it's premature demise.

    just another $.02 from Mr Owl

    I fit into catagory B. I was thinking the game is dead because the fields are bare of players. Now I see why.
  • Icehart - Lost City
    Icehart - Lost City Posts: 71 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    I don't understand why people complain so much about CSer and Power-Leveller

    There are those people who farm/merchant/do stuff in game to get their gear(And takes hell a lot)
    There are those people who invest money(Real life money),to get the stuff done faster,and with equal or even superior gear than those who have invested a lot of time.

    What's the problem?

    Since its a free-to-play game,you don't have to spend(And most people aren't CSer),yet you complain to those who spend...uh what?,this game needs funds to keep going,server's cost electricity, maintenance, etc, nothing its free,if some people decide to spend their own damn money on a game its all good for you, or else Servers would have been shut down long ago.

    Why those people who invested money(Instead of time & effort) can't get the benefits you got from hard work?, everything looks balanced to me : Work for it or pay.

    Look it this way:CS'er are "Premium" users

    I love you