Faction for RB Alpha, Beta, Gamma, and Delta in Harshlands

Gaisgeachd - Harshlands
Gaisgeachd - Harshlands Posts: 6 Arc User
edited February 2012 in Dawnglory (EU)
I am kinda new at the blademaster (currently lvl 30), but I have played this game for awhile on different classes. I did fc for awhile and its was fun, but looking back I realize that in the end of all things it did not help me. I had a high lvl solo fc for me, and all I had to do was just attack some heads. I learned nothing about my class, and how to more effectively use it, which is probably why I sucked so badly with my assassin for a long time. I was thinking of putting together a starter faction for RB Alpha, Beta, Gamma (note this one may be optional due to the expense of hp charms), and Delta not only to have some fun and try new instances, but also kinda get better at teamwork in a squad, and maybe make some new friends and get a pretty strong faction going. I have the coins to start a faction, and I currently play in Harshlands (if a high enough population from another server is willing I would move there). I was looking for anyone interested in joining in, and really playing the game to have fun not just power lvl ourselves so we can be the best, but actually do it ourselves. If anyone would like to join, or just a few new players willing to try it out please post a reply, also I would really like to do rainbow squad but that is not to say I would not do it with tideborn or earthguard classes. (note you may see another in the lc forum my computer is being weird today sorry about that)
Post edited by Gaisgeachd - Harshlands on


  • _SugaBaby_ - Harshlands
    _SugaBaby_ - Harshlands Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    First do not buy fc you are killing the game...
    Second go do some quests and kill mobs
    Third lvl up and do bh
    Fourth catshop like a madman
    Fifth see that you wasted half of one year to make to lvl 100 and with good gear and some skills...
    Six enjoy getting trolled by other people...
  • Gaisgeachd - Harshlands
    Gaisgeachd - Harshlands Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    Everyone buys fc, and I understand everyone wants to be top level and stuff, but this is just a game in the end of all things. Yes it may take longer to get to 100 without fc, but it might be fun to do things with some friends in squads, and wast half a year this is just a game to play and enjoy. I do wanna be higher lvl, but I also dont see the point in playing if your just gonna power level up. It is a lot like cheat codes yeah they can be fun to use to make things easier, but in the end its fun to play the game without using them to. I may not be 100 in two weeks, but if I could find some cool people to hang out with and play the game with I would not mind taking longer to get to 100. Everyone seems to think that all the instances and things to do with a squad are near endgame there is plenty to do at lower lvls to just no one takes the time to see it and instead they buy their way to 100. I also feel that this does not help later in the game, as I could at this moment make a cleric and buy fc till I am 80, but I am gonna be a fail cleric because I have no idea on how to operate it.
  • Player_two - Harshlands
    Player_two - Harshlands Posts: 135 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    I heard Valhalla is a good guild to help with that
    b:shocked oh noes was walking and forgot to breath