clerics are so OP



  • Futurelord - Dreamweaver
    Futurelord - Dreamweaver Posts: 450 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    Cleric's are OP?

    I only one answer to this.... b:sweat

    Like I'm gonna listen to a guy who just broke the fabric of reality by extending his neck.

    You're a traitor to your own kind! The Elvin (Elven?) counsel shall hear of this!

    If I'm not mistaken, the usual consensus when it comes to R9 (people use anything less these days?) Clerics vs Any other mage class is Cleric wins by way of Plumeshot (Or Magic for those who go phy def build.)

    Cleric vs Heavies = Cleric wins.

    Cleric vs Lights = Cleric gets owned by aps via sins or super crits via Archers. Win if using heals or shields to stay alive.

    Cleric vs Cleric = Call me next year when the fight finally ends so we can find out.
    b:scorn...We are one, We are many, We are watching you...b:scorn
  • Michael_Dark - Lost City
    Michael_Dark - Lost City Posts: 9,091 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    So you're saying that clerics can in fact be good at pvp? Don't contradict yourself next time.

    The formula for a good cleric.

    Weapon=They kill you, you kill them.

    Armor= They survive you, you survive them.

    Both= They kill you after surviving your stunlocks and whatnots. Then kill you afterwards.

    I'm just saying... >.>


    PvE noob.

    Kelbin was the best geared EP on the server at that time, before TB expansion and way outgeared me. He wasn't support, he was full metal mage.

    Any typical cleric has to sleep/seal run away... or sleep > triple > debuff > amp > tempest. Hope and pray you get a crit otherwise you're dead meat.

    I post in forums. This one and others. That's why I post.
  • Azzazin - Dreamweaver
    Azzazin - Dreamweaver Posts: 502 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    Just gonna share my 2 cents.

    My cleric has +10 nirv, r8 reforge wep with purify, some nicely refined def ornaments. Gear is far from finished, just immac gems atm. All lvl 11 skills cept' the bloody hard to find razor feathers, and both 100 skills. Good genie.


    In pk, I am the equal of any equally or lesser-geared wizard, mystic, psychic, veno, barb, blademaster, or seeker. Keep plume shell on and the couple of phy skills you might encounter from wiz or psy or mystic are nullified. Barb and bm can be endlessly kited with chromatic seal + seal of the gods + silent seal. Have plume shell in for the seeker ulti and you'll never die. Save plume shell for after veno purge, sleep veno, kill the nix, rebuff, then good to go. Against other clerics... yeah. Lol. Give up now.

    The classes I have trouble with are, as Futurelord stated, assassins and archers. Assassins have ridiculous damage (though I think 85+ defense levels is gonna help a lot with that lol) and r9 archers get that bloody annoying purge, thus removing the advantage of ironheart. I don't think that problem will ever go away, but once my gear is better I'll have enough time to stop my ih after I get purged and put in a shell, before dying cuz of the no buffs thing.

    With seal of the gods, I can disable the threat of any anti-stun or triple spark that comes my way, cept, again, assassins with tidal protection get a bit of protection against it, if the seal doesn't stick.

    Of course, with r8 reforge wep, don't expect to do much KILLING persay. I'm building my cleric to be a rock, indestructable, not an instrument of death. But I imagine a +12 wep is still gonna hurt heavies, particularly since my cleric has the ability to spam metal-only attacks (due to the lvl 100 skill elven boon; use wield thunder, cyclone, elven boon, cyclone, then back to wield).

    Again, I think futurelord is right. People simply don't gear clerics up as well as they do other classes. A full 4 socket g15 nirv in jades, or r9, is gonna be very very very hard to kill, if the player is skilled. Maybe not quite as hard to kill as a psychic, but still difficult.

    Setting of the twilight moon; a late evening rendezvous from atop the
    city's lonely heights. With the dawn the city below springs into bustling
    activity, and I don my morning apparel. From on high, I watch the world.
  • Michael_Dark - Lost City
    Michael_Dark - Lost City Posts: 9,091 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    Again, I think futurelord is right. People simply don't gear clerics up as well as they do other classes. A full 4 socket g15 nirv in jades, or r9, is gonna be very very very hard to kill, if the player is skilled. Maybe not quite as hard to kill as a psychic, but still difficult.



    I've killed equally geared clerics with +0 non-interval G13 fists.

    Clerics are easy.

    Actually I should clarify that a little. Up into the 80's Clerics are indeed difficult to kill and a triple debuffed tempest is pretty deadly. Endgame though, not really that bad at all.
    I post in forums. This one and others. That's why I post.
  • Azzazin - Dreamweaver
    Azzazin - Dreamweaver Posts: 502 Arc User
    edited January 2012

    You haven't faced off MY cleric. I never claimed that the MAJORITY of clerics are skilled lol. Been a very very long time since any bm beat my cleric in any sort of battle, since I got seal of the gods and elven boon. For one, I can most definitely outheal ordinary fist dmg. For two, good luck try to keep me stun locked for more than 6 seconds with r8 reforge wep in, I'll get a purify and be running away at holy path speed with stun resist in. For three, seal of gods nullifies your stun resist; and after that, I can use silent seal to keep you well away from me. For five, a high dext genie ensure that even when expel and ad are consumed, I can use badge of courage to remove stun. For six, equally-geared doesn't mean a thing if you don't say what gear you had in at the time. If you were fighting them with +0 wep, I'm assuming, nooot very good. For seven, as already mentioned, I can have gapless metal damage (no more using plume shot because wield and cyclone on cooldown) which greatly increases my dps against bms.

    I can keep going.

    Sage purify means if you try immobilize with fist skill I'll be purified and gone in under 2 seconds. Sage vanguard means I get 100% more phy def very quickly and can take a whole lot of damage. Sage plume shell + a reckless waste of mana pots = my plume shell absorbs a ton of dmg and doesn't drop easy. Sage chromatic means I can sleep you and spend 30 seconds refilling my chi, then immobilize you after that. Twiddle my thumbs some if I want, stretch my back.

    Sometimes I play with a bm, just do ironheart and nothing else. Without +12 wep they don't kill me with fists. R9 bms can, yes, if I'm not careful about kiting when plume shell is off, and they get the old zerk crit. Still 55 defense levels away from my endgame build, clearly I'm not invincible. But clerics have all the skills they need to endlessly kite bms. Its a fact, not my fault if other clerics aren't smart enough to figure out how.

    And lest we forget: clerics can use vacuity powders too, lol.

    Setting of the twilight moon; a late evening rendezvous from atop the
    city's lonely heights. With the dawn the city below springs into bustling
    activity, and I don my morning apparel. From on high, I watch the world.
  • Aesthor - Heavens Tear
    Aesthor - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,845 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    Fighting bad people and being good at your class are two different things. Not aiming that comment at anyone in particular, but it seems to be a commonly confused concept.
    ಥ_ಥ MOAR.
    SkyKoC - How long is yours?
  • pwiqq
    pwiqq Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    Fighting bad people and being good at your class are two different things. Not aiming that comment at anyone in particular, but it seems to be a commonly confused concept.

    105 goon glitcher

  • Futurelord - Dreamweaver
    Futurelord - Dreamweaver Posts: 450 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    - Giant wall of text-Azzazin

    I agree with him. How he got his hands on a purify version of the R8 weapon I do not know and is slightly jealous... Never the less I agree.

    In my own respect I do not have a genie designed to keep me from being stunned locked. What I do have are 2 separate genies specifically designed to go with my cleric skills so that I can play my class to the best of its ability. That is to say one is designed to turn both my magical and physical damage (I have the choice to choose witch so watch out mages!) by 100% of whatever my current damage is. Thats right! Double Damage!

    The other one of course is just to make myself immune to damage when im stunned and or to steal chi from my enemies and use it for myself. PvE genie but can be turned into a survival genie since it has both expel and AD to go with IH or Plumeshell cooldowns and chi siphon to follow up a combo after I survive. (Holy path included but thats for keeping up with rushing squads more then kiting, I don't kite often, I rarely kite, I'm like an anti kite.)

    Just because I'm on a pve server does not mean I do not know what pking is, nor does it mean I do not know what pure pk war between several factions are like. I am an old player you see, and have experienced many things.

    P.S. Do not assume I have never been on a pvp server as well. Its rude to assume.

    (Edit) pwiqq. Pointing out said Archer is a goonz glitcher has no relevance in this particular thread. Go away please. You can tell from her join date (that also means she joined before that date since forums only list the day you first posted not joined this game) that she could have actually taken advantage of the month long 2x event or the half month long events that came before it, or the one before that, or the week long ones before that, or the weekend ones before those. Either way a player that old kinda deserved to rush to end levels since they have already played this game to its limits.

    I'm just saying...Think a little before you post.
    b:scorn...We are one, We are many, We are watching you...b:scorn
  • Michael_Dark - Lost City
    Michael_Dark - Lost City Posts: 9,091 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    You haven't faced off MY cleric. I never claimed that the MAJORITY of clerics are skilled lol. Been a very very long time since any bm beat my cleric in any sort of battle, since I got seal of the gods and elven boon.

    So you're basically saying you can keep me locked in sleep and silence... if you're really good, you could probably do it for a minute or two. I'm sure you could probably tick my charm a few times as most with 100 skill seem to be able to hold you down long enough, but alone, 1v1, unless you're +10 R8 and get really lucky or +10 G15/R9 that's about the most that would happen. Once I break the chain, which is inevitable, you have to kite and run away or die. If you're exceptionally good, it's a stalemate at best. If I have barb buffs, just seal me and fly away.

    Not saying you're horrible or that I'm great... just that I've fought quite a few clerics a number of them really good and if they're not equally geared, they stand no chance.

    It's not like I'm I'm 8x or lower where clerics pretty much own bms and I'm not some LA hybrid with horrible mdef. Fully buffed with mmarrow I have nearly 12k mdef. And while that's not amazing, it's certainly respectable.

    On the other hand if you're a psychic or EG, I haven't really pvp'd against them much, they're far more likely to kill me out of my ignorance in fighting them. I pretty much stopped PKing sometime between TB and EG, but I certainly know how to handle the original classes.
    I post in forums. This one and others. That's why I post.
  • Aesthor - Lost City
    Aesthor - Lost City Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    pwiqq wrote: »
    105 goon glitcher

    Actually I'm level one b:laugh
  • Zenorx - Harshlands
    Zenorx - Harshlands Posts: 443 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    Eh, my veno killed two different 10x barbs at 85 a day apart nearly 2 years ago. They weren't R9, but they were both wearing decently refined 90/99 gear. There's no way I should have been able to, but they were pretty horrible. And both of them were furious after. b:pleased

    lol two funny things I remember doing on this char back when I actually played,

    At level75 on this psy, two sparking and two shotting a r8 archer with good refines.

    Also at some low level, casting soulburn on a 5.0 bm with lunar nirvy claws who was attcking a guard outside west for chi. Poor guy kept attacking and absoultly facerolled himself. I seem to recall him getting slightly angry and humiliated and coming back out and oneshotting me...
  • Aubree - Dreamweaver
    Aubree - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,868 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    Like I'm gonna listen to a guy who just broke the fabric of reality by extending his neck.

    You're a traitor to your own kind! The Elvin (Elven?) counsel shall hear of this!

    If I'm not mistaken, the usual consensus when it comes to R9 (people use anything less these days?) Clerics vs Any other mage class is Cleric wins by way of Plumeshot (Or Magic for those who go phy def build.)

    Cleric vs Heavies = Cleric wins.

    Cleric vs Lights = Cleric gets owned by aps via sins or super crits via Archers. Win if using heals or shields to stay alive.

    Cleric vs Cleric = Call me next year when the fight finally ends so we can find out.

    Obviously you PvP with people who suck. Cleric is terrible PvP toon. You can't heal yourself out of being attacked at 5 per second. You have to rely too much on anti stun pots, which limits you from using them for damage reduction. Wizards and Psys will one shot you. Plume shot doesnt do much damage on either psy or wiz, mystic They get more pdef resistance buffs than cleric. Clerics are def not OP and could use some sprucing up.
  • Azzazin - Dreamweaver
    Azzazin - Dreamweaver Posts: 502 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    Fair enough Michael. I don't know your gear, but my cleric is certainly not built for killing. The high refine I plan for the weapon is for healing power, not magic damage. Waiting for a *decent* dragon orb sale before I take it to +12, lol.

    I strongly suspect I would need triple spark to do enough damage. The survival genie I have has no extreme poison or frenzy, so even triple might not be enough. Hard to say, I'll know better once I have the +12 wep. In any case, it would be a question of doing enough damage before your genie can cool off, while keeping you sealed.

    As far as survivability goes, even in my present gear, we are looking at 12.5k hp, 12k phy def, 15k magic, 35 defense levels, and the purify weapon. You are wrong if you think any fight would be a pushover, though of course, anybody can make mistakes. Your best bet is a purge, but unlike an archer, you have to switch to a low damage wep to get the purge, which means I have a better chance of recovering/escaping from it.
    Setting of the twilight moon; a late evening rendezvous from atop the
    city's lonely heights. With the dawn the city below springs into bustling
    activity, and I don my morning apparel. From on high, I watch the world.
  • Azzazin - Dreamweaver
    Azzazin - Dreamweaver Posts: 502 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    Aubree, with good enough gear, a cleric can use rock powder (or dew of star) and outheal dps. In a different manner I do it all the time on my cleric with the purify wep in particular. When soloing big room fc with my cleric, whose wep isn't fully refined, I triple, cloud eruption, get a heal off, wait for the purify to kick on wep, run about 30m away, and let tempest loose. Then I hit a rock powder and heal myself. I take next to no dmg even with the hf debuff, the mobs left alive quickly purify me again, I run back, do razor feathers, then sirens kiss, then another razor feathers. I imagine with enough defense levels, it would take quite a few hits for a dps sin to kill a cleric, in which case the wep will be enormously useful. As of now, I'm still no match for r9 sins, though I can sometimes hold my own against +10 g13s, and even them, if my wep was +12, I think I could outheal them all. I'm an assassin main remember; I know how they think.
    Setting of the twilight moon; a late evening rendezvous from atop the
    city's lonely heights. With the dawn the city below springs into bustling
    activity, and I don my morning apparel. From on high, I watch the world.
  • Aubree - Dreamweaver
    Aubree - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,868 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    Aubree, with good enough gear, a cleric can use rock powder (or dew of star) and outheal dps. In a different manner I do it all the time on my cleric with the purify wep in particular. When soloing big room fc with my cleric, whose wep isn't fully refined, I triple, cloud eruption, get a heal off, wait for the purify to kick on wep, run about 30m away, and let tempest loose. Then I hit a rock powder and heal myself. I take next to no dmg even with the hf debuff, the mobs left alive quickly purify me again, I run back, do razor feathers, then sirens kiss, then another razor feathers. I imagine with enough defense levels, it would take quite a few hits for a dps sin to kill a cleric, in which case the wep will be enormously useful. As of now, I'm still no match for r9 sins, though I can sometimes hold my own against +10 g13s, and even them, if my wep was +12, I think I could outheal them all. I'm an assassin main remember; I know how they think.

    I guess I would wonder what you consider "good enough gear". I am part r9 (legs +10 still need decent shard and wep +11 2 icebourne) Part Nirvy +10 with vit stones, cube neck/warsong belt +10 and I forget what else. But you see the point. You cant use an apoc when you are stunned either. No way Id be using rock powder when I could use something else aka a Iron Guard. And I respect what you can do in FC but PvP is quite different. Being a cata cleric for a long time, I learned how to absorb hits. I still stand that cleric is not for PvP. Cleric is support for PvP or PvE.

    Edit: When is the last time you heard someone say, "AWWW shizz imma build me a cleric for peekay"
  • BerserkBeast - Sanctuary
    BerserkBeast - Sanctuary Posts: 1,417 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    I think any class can be good as long as the player is good(And as long as is opponent isn't better) course unless he fight a really broken class like uh.....
    The only way to beat a troll troll him back b:angry
  • Michael_Dark - Lost City
    Michael_Dark - Lost City Posts: 9,091 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    Fair enough Michael. I don't know your gear, but my cleric is certainly not built for killing. The high refine I plan for the weapon is for healing power, not magic damage. Waiting for a *decent* dragon orb sale before I take it to +12, lol.

    I strongly suspect I would need triple spark to do enough damage. The survival genie I have has no extreme poison or frenzy, so even triple might not be enough. Hard to say, I'll know better once I have the +12 wep. In any case, it would be a question of doing enough damage before your genie can cool off, while keeping you sealed.

    As far as survivability goes, even in my present gear, we are looking at 12.5k hp, 12k phy def, 15k magic, 35 defense levels, and the purify weapon. You are wrong if you think any fight would be a pushover, though of course, anybody can make mistakes. Your best bet is a purge, but unlike an archer, you have to switch to a low damage wep to get the purge, which means I have a better chance of recovering/escaping from it.

    12.5k hp cleric? That's pretty high end. I have 13k hp on my BM unbuffed. So yes, it sounds like you outgear me by quite a bit. Except for my R9 axes, all of my gear is 2+ years old. I can't compete with +10 full R9 set chars in PvP.

    But I don't see the point of farming it though... there is no PvE content that requires anything near that as I can solo or duo just about anything and I don't it need it to be effective in TW either. I also have no desire to gear up just for epeen battles either.

    So yes, it sounds like you would hand my *** to me on a platter. lol

    I could probably dragon TE you, but I think that's a sissy's way out. I haven't had TE on my genie since I hit 100. There are far better uses of genie energy than that derp move.
    I post in forums. This one and others. That's why I post.
  • Azzazin - Dreamweaver
    Azzazin - Dreamweaver Posts: 502 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    Ah pardon the confusion. That was full buffed, as I invariably am in TW; without barb buff I'm 9.2k hp, and 8k phy def self buffed.

    An hf/true emptiness would probably hurt quite a bit; however if it doesn't manage to kill me, it does leave your genie in complete cooldown. If you had complete r9 you might have enough attack lvls for it to hurt a lot, but I'm not sure; been a long time since I've seen anybody use that skill against me. Usually don't let bms get that close enough to hf me while I'm in the air, though I can see that happening in tw.

    [edit to the edit: With my purify weapon, I think that dew of star is safer to use because even if I get stunned, if I'm taking a lot of hits the stun has a decent chance of being removed]

    Also, maybe I'll take this moment to say that, I never stated that one aught to pick a cleric for pk purposes. There are classes one can pk effectively and more offensively without needing the specific gear/skill which I have obtained/am obtaining for my cleric. Wizards/psy will always hit harder, for example.

    Nonetheless, this does not change the fact that, with my current gear and skill, I can hold my own against many other classes in a 1vs1 or group pk situation. I pk or duel primarily to prepare myself for TW, which is really all my cleric is built for. Whether or not others are able to replicate my achievements, this in itself proves that a cleric can be effective in pk if gear/skill is present. (And while I stated before that sins and archers are the hardest to win against, with clever tactics and fast reaction times, I can still win some fights). Which, really, goes for ANY class.

    (Good example regarding gear and how it changes class play: psychics come into their own with top end gear, changing from weak wizard-wannabes into barb-like tanks. In a lesser way, clerics become much harder to kill too, once gear is good enough to avoid one-shots.)

    I find that I really enjoy playing cleric, so I think of ways to improve my playing. The little details like the # of vit/magic points to have on my genie, to the exact skill placement on my skill bar for maximum efficiency, and thinking through which genie skills to use in which hypothetical situations, etc, etc, etc. If you do not truly believe your character is CAPABLE of being a pk force, you will probably never even try to think of ways to overcome your weaknesses, believing them to be insurmountable/impossible to overcome.


    Setting of the twilight moon; a late evening rendezvous from atop the
    city's lonely heights. With the dawn the city below springs into bustling
    activity, and I don my morning apparel. From on high, I watch the world.
  • Futurelord - Dreamweaver
    Futurelord - Dreamweaver Posts: 450 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    -Another wall of text- Azzazin

    Unlike him I plan on going the sell out way and getting a pure R9 set. Unlike him in another aspect I am not sharding myself with any def level shards/orbs/jades? but instead going pure citrine gems. Since it is in fact a R9 set I will still get a set def level bonus from the gear as well as another boost from omalley blessing that I choose to wear when fighting against aps.

    That means near the exact same amount of def levels but with a bigger boost to attack power and overall hp, going at a whopping 15k hp (Without barb buff!). I do not know exactly what the saying is about hp vs def levels but I can say this, I am a cleric, I can heal, I can tick charms, and I can shield to slow down hp lost. So no matter what the saying is, paying 80% less on hp rather then half or more the price of the R9 set itself on jades of steady defense seems ok to me, A CLERIC.

    What Azzazin has failed to mention however is that a cleric's survivability can rely on magic attack power as well. Because for every boost to magic attack we get, a bigger percentage of hp can be healed by all heals. (Its estimated that a R9+12 weapon has the healing power of 2k hp per tick/ however many ticks in 15 seconds there is/ with just one IH) That mean casting IH just twice without sparking, will recover 4k hp every 2 seconds. Tripple spark that and it turns into 3.5k-4k with 1 IH meaning 7k-8k hp gained every 2 seconds. Think about THEM apples! muahahahahah. Aps will rue the day! RUE IT!!!!!
    b:scorn...We are one, We are many, We are watching you...b:scorn
  • Michael_Dark - Lost City
    Michael_Dark - Lost City Posts: 9,091 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    Anyway, it's kinda pointless to debate who would win a PK fight on the forum. Clerics are definitely OP in PK vs BMs in that lvl 60-80ish range but once you get to 10x it pretty much reverses. Kinda like how a nix is way OP vs a BM until you're 9x, and at 10x it's a minor annoyance and you can basically just ignore it.
    I post in forums. This one and others. That's why I post.
  • Azzazin - Dreamweaver
    Azzazin - Dreamweaver Posts: 502 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    Hm. Attack levels don't affect healing power, only magic attack. I'll have same healing power as you with r8 reforge +12, or near-same.

    Second, jades is greater survivability than citrines for two reasons. You have more hp, I take less damage... but I also have LESS THAT I need to heal. That means its easier to keep my hp topped up than yours.

    Obviously you will have much greater offensive ability, 60 attack lvls more than I will. No question about that.

    Setting of the twilight moon; a late evening rendezvous from atop the
    city's lonely heights. With the dawn the city below springs into bustling
    activity, and I don my morning apparel. From on high, I watch the world.
  • DailyStone - Sanctuary
    DailyStone - Sanctuary Posts: 33 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    b:sad good armor+good skills doesnt help at all if u have lag b:cry or screen freeze when u about to hit
  • Futurelord - Dreamweaver
    Futurelord - Dreamweaver Posts: 450 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    Hm. Attack levels don't affect healing power, only magic attack. I'll have same healing power as you with r8 reforge +12, or near-same.

    Second, jades is greater survivability than citrines for two reasons. You have more hp, I take less damage... but I also have LESS THAT I need to heal. That means its easier to keep my hp topped up than yours.

    Obviously you will have much greater offensive ability, 60 attack lvls more than I will. No question about that.


    Is it me or am I having to log in every few hours instead of staying logged in like in the past?

    You're right about the attack levels but I wasn't including those. R9 weapon has a magic point bonus as well as a magic attack bonus so in effect its slightly more powerful then the R8 weapon from the start. Add in the extra magic attack you gain over time with refines and it adds up to near 1k more healing power. If not then add in the extra magic points from shirt+sleeves+Ring+Belt. If it don't have a healing power of 2k by then, then i'm gonna scream until I turn purple!

    If i'm not mistaken you will be reducing damage by say...40-60% right? So a person has to hit me for near 6k damage to negate the benefit I get from the extra 2.5k hp since extra 2.5k hp = 2.5k more damage survived from a hit vs 50% damage reduction = 6k turns 3k = ... God I suck at math and all things related to numbers. 15k hp - 6k = 9k hp left. 12.5k hp - 3k = 9.5k (I know this only apply to the rule of only getting hit once) But like I said its not a complete lost since I will still get 24? defense levels from just having R9, then there is the extra 15 from omalley. I'm sacrificing 44 def levels and 15 attack levels for...2.5k hp (And alot of money)...ok I'm done talkin about this.
    b:scorn...We are one, We are many, We are watching you...b:scorn
  • Azzazin - Dreamweaver
    Azzazin - Dreamweaver Posts: 502 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    Oh, yes, definitely right about saving a lot of $ too. In fact, given, say, 500mil, using that coin to outfit the armor with citrine gems would catapult your character to a greater surviveability than if the 500mil were put into jades. However, it is equally true that jades are superior if your gear is fully socketed with them, albeit far more expensive. On that same line, you could use your $ you save on refines, from +10 to, say, 11 or 12. However, when both characters are said and down, a full jade def lvl +2 socketed cleric should be noticeably harder to kill, given equal refines. Of course, when comparing r9 to nirv, defensively I'll be the equal of a r9, but offensively nowhere close. As a cleric though, I'm ok with that. In tw I'm not attacking stuff anyways, just healing. Leave the damage to classes that excel at it.

    (I mean really, the damage of a cleric can be almost completely nullified with one genie skill that has a relatively low energy cost. This class was never meant to do exceptional damage. Doesn't mean they can't survive fine in pk, but they'll always work better in a combo with other classes than solo.)
    Setting of the twilight moon; a late evening rendezvous from atop the
    city's lonely heights. With the dawn the city below springs into bustling
    activity, and I don my morning apparel. From on high, I watch the world.
  • Futurelord - Dreamweaver
    Futurelord - Dreamweaver Posts: 450 Arc User
    edited January 2012

    I'm a cleric that tends to tank stuff every chance I get sense I love trying to out DD other people, even if that means i'm demon sparking and using my genie twice as much just to keep aggro. Its what I love to do, DD the hell out of stuff and excel with the class I chosen to dedicate most of my time to.

    I agree Jades may be the way to go in terms of survivability but Its just simply outside of my money range. When I eventually figure out how to stay at 15k hp without the citrine gems then I can focus on transferring to jades but in the meantime...

    Yes I do plan on using the money I save to get my gear to +12 first since I want to complete at least one aspect of my gear, assuming recast every become affordable, refines will be transferred for free so yay for that.

    4 gems per gear, 6 socketable gear, 20 mil per gem = 480 mil. However! hehe. I already have my cape fully gemmed up as well 1 gem already in my helm (I've had them both for awhile now, 1 gem every other month since im a lazy farmer) so that saves me 100 mil.

    Last thing I wanna say. In regards to survivability its good to note that a cleric who has the capabilities to quickly and efficiently kill its attacker probably stand on equal terms to a cleric who can just straight up take all the hits but can't kill the attacker, only kite. (Realistically no one in their right mind would get anti metal shield on their genie for TW, even in pk its to be a very rare thing. And as I've tested out plenty of times, when you use the combination of phy def debuff/Frenzy/Extreme poison/tanging mire (with or without str on genie to make the debuff % greater) you will end up hitting near twice the damage then normal. Pop on a demon spark and you can take out any uncharmed heavy armored person with that increased channeling. Destroy light armored people and hopefully get lucky they don't use expel on mages. I know I won't survive as long as you but at the same time I dont need to.

    ... Hey what if I get those 20 vit stones? Would that outdo Jades then? Wait are those even available? I demand for the expansion to come out now so I can increase my chance to crit stuff by 15%!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (I shall aim to have a base of 20% crit using that 40 dex +2% crit level 5 tome...what? I can do what I want!) so that will be fun.
    b:scorn...We are one, We are many, We are watching you...b:scorn
  • LeroyJinkens - Heavens Tear
    LeroyJinkens - Heavens Tear Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    clerics are good in pve, and ok in pvp most times

    a decent cleric = dies pvp
    a good cleric = does ok pvp
    a great cleric = does amazing in pvp

    but ya, the options you gave just don't even work. if you were going to IG a cleric with anti stun, i mean dude why. are you an idiot

    using anti stun and they fly *ofc their gonna fly their ****** WINGED elves (hint:hint)* and ya bta can't fly without wings. and even if they don't got em on when you check them, they can put em on mid combat, any char can change gear mid combat so long as it's in their inventory.

    2nd l2play, if a cleric 3 sparks you just invoke *if they sleep > debuff > 3spark > cloud erruption > tempest. and that actually 1 shots you. then either your a really bad geared barb, or their in a +10 wep or higher.

    besides no 1/2 intelligent cleric would both 3 spark and temp in a row against a barb. the chi is much better used with silent seal, chromatic seal, plume shell, guardian light, wings of protection, and seal of the god. *to lower the dmg of bestial onslaught since a 1/2 decent cleric will only ever let you hit them with onslaught, since the'd just expell/AD arma* and the others arent worth mentioning in dmg since shell absorbs them with a mana charm.

    so ya, fail troll is fail. a good cleric is hard to kill, but you went about the entirely the wrong way in the 1st place.

    a decent cleric (puts 20$ in the game a month)= dies pvp
    a good cleric (puts 100$ in game a month)= does ok pvp
    a great cleric (is so poor now that their ceadit card is maxxed that they think the last supper meant no more food stamps) = does amazing in pvp

    P.S. clerics > every other class, simply because >.> elmo is not ****ing dieing
  • Futurelord - Dreamweaver
    Futurelord - Dreamweaver Posts: 450 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    a decent cleric (puts 20$ in the game a month)= dies pvp
    a good cleric (puts 100$ in game a month)= does ok pvp
    a great cleric (is so poor now that their ceadit card is maxxed that they think the last supper meant no more food stamps) = does amazing in pvp

    P.S. clerics > every other class, simply because >.> elmo is not ****ing dieing

    This is only true because of the introduction of cheap Rank gear. Otherwise no.
    b:scorn...We are one, We are many, We are watching you...b:scorn
  • LadyofReal - Heavens Tear
    LadyofReal - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,993 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    Not motivated enough to make another PWI siggy
  • Futurelord - Dreamweaver
    Futurelord - Dreamweaver Posts: 450 Arc User
    edited January 2012

    Don't make me come over there!
    b:scorn...We are one, We are many, We are watching you...b:scorn
  • NinnaXXX - Sanctuary
    NinnaXXX - Sanctuary Posts: 430 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    b:sad good armor+good skills doesnt help at all if u have lag b:cry or screen freeze when u about to hit

    haha if you just knew how my screen looks during tw xDD -slow motion- gray screens- whole screen blacks-screen shows up again- dead cleric. xDD somewhat like tht , i need a new comp badly ;/ b:surrender
    The greatest danger for most of us
    is not that our aim is too high
    and we miss it
    but that it's too low and
    we reach it.