Getting **** problem

Saintblu - Sanctuary
Saintblu - Sanctuary Posts: 103 Arc User
edited January 2012 in General Discussion
This is really just stupid the way pwi handles the **** problem. They can clearly see who has been on your account from another IP and match that IP to the person main account, and ba that person. When you submit a ticket they send you some bull**** reply. I am a person who spends money on this game, and this is how I am treated? Really I got **** 3 times in 1month and I changed my password each time and this problem continues. I want my ****ing stuff that was took back and the person who did it permanent banned.
Post edited by Saintblu - Sanctuary on


  • MistaBwanden - Sanctuary
    MistaBwanden - Sanctuary Posts: 2,803 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    If you have no done so already, I'd suggest changing your email password.
  • Tsukyini - Raging Tide
    Tsukyini - Raging Tide Posts: 1,766 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    If you have no done so already, I'd suggest changing your email password.

    This, and scan your computer hardcore to see if there's any keyloggers/etc.

    Actually, change your email password on a (clean) computer other than your main one, if possible. If your computer isn't secure then changing your password isn't going to help you.
  • Saintblu - Sanctuary
    Saintblu - Sanctuary Posts: 103 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    MY pc is perfectly clean, and My password has been changed, PWI need to do something about this ban the ****ing person. The GMs on this game SO useless, only thing they good at is milking people for money.
  • SoniMax - Sanctuary
    SoniMax - Sanctuary Posts: 529 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    they told you the items were "legitimately" traded and they can't take your items from the hacker and give them back to you right ?
    They see me trollin`
    They hatin`
    Patrolling they tryin` to catch me writin` dirty
    Tryin to catch me writin` dirty X4
    My music so loud
    I'm flamin`
  • SylenThunder - Twilight Temple
    edited January 2012
    Help! I think someone is using my account! What can I do?
    Contact and a customer service representative will provide assistance. Keep in mind that it's not possible for a user to **** your account unless they were provided with your password or personal information. To avoid this issue, NEVER give your password out to anyone, even your friends.

    I forget where I got that from. Updated the e-mail address to the current one they recently changed it to.

    If you're repeatedly getting "****" your security sucks. Whether it's PC security or personal security, it sucks.

    If you're so sure your system is secure, answer this....
    1. What anti-virus software are you using?
    2. When was it last updated?
    3. When was the last time you ran a deep clean or a boot-time scan for viruses?
    4. Do you have anti-malware software installed?
    5. When was it last updated?
    6. When did you last run a scan?
    7. Do you/did you, use the same password for your e-mail, account login, and/or share the same login information with other accounts? (like your factions website, other games, ect.)
    8. If someone knew you really well, could they eventually guess your login/password?

    And that's just the basics.
  • Eccii - Raging Tide
    Eccii - Raging Tide Posts: 481 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    MY pc is perfectly clean, and My password has been changed, PWI need to do something about this ban the ****ing person. The GMs on this game SO useless, only thing they good at is milking people for money.

    That's the right attitude to expect ppl to fix your shiit.
    Retired on Barb-
    Currently playing mystic-
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